The Dink Network

Cocomonkey's Profile

Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
I'm called Tim. I've been playing Dink since it came out, when I was a young, dumb kid.

Private Message

2015-01-02 03:35:19
Bard He/Him United States
Please Cindy, say the whole name each time. 
312: Grasp of Darkness Author: Quiztis Release Date: April 18, 2010
"There's something amiss on Freg Island."

Fun fact: Swedish Dinker Quiztis is neither a Quiz nor a Tis. I was surprised when I found out, too.

"Grasp of Darkness" has been updated a bunch. It's been updated three times since I started this project - once just a couple of days after the very first COTPATD post, once back in May, and again several days ago.

The description, readme and intro all warn the player that this is a difficult D-Mod, so I was wary. I was afraid that it was going to be another mod full of next-to-impossible battles that was going to make my life a stressful time. In fact, it wasn't too bad at all. There were a few parts I briefly thought were impossible, but it turned out that I was just approaching them in the wrong way. Actually, I thought "Grasp of Darkness" was a lot of fun. Heck, it might be my favorite D-Mod of 2010 so far due to sheer fun factor. For what it's worth, it won D-Mod of the Year back when the community used to vote on such things. On the other hand, it won with a grand total of 4 votes. Hmmm.

"Grasp of Darkness" (I wonder if Quiztis gave it that title just so people would call it GOD) identifies itself as a "collect-em-all D-Mod" in the rarely-edited Help section of the escape menu. If you manage to collect all the weapons, stat potions, elixirs, gold hearts and gold in the D-Mod, you receive a Reward. Now there's an incentive to hunt down secrets. They're not terribly hard to find, but I still ended up missing just one of them (argh) on my way to the end. However, I was able to load my save from before the point of no return and go back to get it. I couldn't have lost more than ten minutes' progress. It was a bit annoying, but far from the end of the world. This is a good way to handle this sort of requirement - it DOES matter if you've missed something, but you don't have to re-do the whole game.

Dink is bestowed with a Reward.

You're given an option to receive a stat boost at the start, but it only makes you start with 2 strength instead of 1 and doesn't effect your other stats. Hey, I took it - why not? You also get a chance to cheaply buy some herb boots early on, but you're warned that you can't get the Reward if you use them, so as much as I love herb boots, I passed.

Incidentally, you shouldn't mess with Easy Mode Herb Boots guy.

The story is pretty typical stuff. The Island of Freg is beset by an unknown menace, which turns out to be an Evil Wizard of the Week by the name of Darius the Cruel. Darius's evil wizardry seems to involve turning people, lands and houses into darkness - literally, into shadows and such. Half of what makes this D-Mod so enjoyable is that the story and dialogue have that sharp sort of silliness that is common to most of the funniest D-Mods. The text is very clever and had me laughing regularly. In a twist on the usual fourth-wall-breaking jokes, everybody seems to have some awareness of the fact they're in a video game EXCEPT Dink. Every time somebody mentions the game, D-Mods or something like a strength statistic, Dink doesn't know what the Hell they're talking about. He becomes increasingly agitated as people keep bringing this sort of thing up, which makes for a fun running gag. The Epic Collect-em-all Reward includes a sword called the SLASHMASTER 3000, which has a price tag that reads, "2.99." Dink meets some loony characters like the paranoid and mildly crazy King Charlie, whose enduring respect Dink earns by cleaning out his basement. Maybe I'm easily amused, but this exchange between Charlie and one of his guards after Dink is sent off on the final leg of his quest cracked me up:

Frank: Do you think he'll make it?
Charlie: He cleaned my basement, Frank.
Frank: D'oh! That's right. How silly of me.

And then there's these two guys who swap yo mama jokes. Some are funny, others are just plain bizarre.

What impressed me the most about Quiztis's D-Mod is that, rather than just cranking up enemy stats to be a "hard D-Mod," it finds a variety of interesting and involving ways to present a challenge. The game plays like a series of compact, efficient challenges, each under a slightly different set of circumstances and often requiring the player to figure out how best to proceed before they'll be able to win. A timed challenge where you have to kill pillbugs to proceed doesn't give you enough time to win unless you get the pillbugs to group together and take out several at once. There's a boss who lies about its weak point and tells you to do pretty much the opposite of what you should actually do, which makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Another section has Dink carrying a series of increasingly cumbersome objects that restrict his access to his backpack, culminating in a section where you have to fight three tough slayers in a row, one at a time, using only your fists. To beat them, I had to get close enough for them to take a swipe at me, dodge, and come back in to hit them once, retreating again before they felt like taking another swipe. Strategy!

Well, of course it does.

There are two endings (well, three, but two of them are earned the same way) to "Grasp of Darkness." You can head right for Darius, or you can step through a perplexing warp to an especially dreary version of the Darklands, where you fight the dread secret boss named Farmer Bob. Bob is a tough one. In addition to shooting Hellfire at you, he has a "Perish Aura" that makes Dink constantly take damage and, worse yet, a time limit. I doubt it's possible to beat him without using elixirs. If you got the Reward, you have the chance to fight a harder version of Bob. I gave it a shot and won on my first try with just two seconds to spare... whereupon the game crashed. I am not making this up, it crashed to Windows the moment I defeated him. I wrote "WTF WTF WTF" in my notes. In the next several attempts I could not replicate this performance, so I beat the non-hard Bob. Whatever, *I* still know I'm Captain Awesome. I can't say what caused the crash, but it wasn't the only one I experienced. I had another crash during the Darius boss fight, while fighting his shadow pets. I also ran into a bug where, if you press talk too quickly when the text "Show yourself!" displays in between phases of the Darius fight, a "talking to nothing" response comes up and the cutscene never continues, leaving you trapped.

This warp effect looks really smooth and cool in motion.

Darius hangs out in a gray forest. Watch out for those electrified walls, they will kill you in a hurry.

Quiztis is working on a prequel, but it will be very different and take the form of some kind of turn-based puzzler. Whatever it is, I'd be interested to play it.

313: Dink Z Trivia Author: Zeddexx Release Date: May 12, 2010
"*Blush* Heyeahhhh....i AM alowed a LITTLE vanity!"

Does anybody remember "Dink X Trivia," JVeenhof's quiz D-Mod from 2000 that was made to promote a not-terribly-long-lived Dink website? Cocomonkey Farms remembers. I played it when it came out, and noted that I was mentioned in it. I don't remember it setting the community on fire at the time, though, and there's even less reason to play it now, so I was surprised that Zeddexx felt a further installment was warranted. But hey, here we go: more Dink community trivia. This one has more questions than "Dink X," at least.

This D-Mod received an update in 2011. I mention this because it has the funniest release notes I've seen so far: "Now with reduced vanity!" I'm tempted to download the old version to see what he's talking about. Heck, I did. There's just an additional question or two about Zeddexx himself.

There are three question categories: "The DN," People and D-Mods. The first category's button graphic is missing, so there only appear to be only two categories, but I correctly guessed that there was a third button in the empty space. The DN category features some specific questions about events on the forum at the time, so I didn't do as well on it as I did on the other categories.

On top of the missing button, the title screen uses "you're" in place of "your."

I can see why people wouldn't find this to be too interesting, and you certainly wouldn't want to play it more than once, but for what it's worth, I liked it more than "Dink X Trivia." There are more questions, and more special responses to certain answers. A few of the questions are kind of funny, and one of them made me laugh out loud. Some questions are confusing or opinion-based, and at least one of the "right" answers is wrong, but it doesn't really matter that much. I guess it's a bit worse as a trivia game than "Dink X," but it is more recent and I'd argue more entertaining, not that anybody is demanding games of Dink trivia at any rate.

Bahahahaha! ...Uh, sorry MsDinky... >_>

I keep looking for WC, but he doesn't seem to be there.

Some concepts don't seem to have a lot of potential and a Dink trivia game is one of them. Still, I wonder if you could make a game along these lines that would really draw people in. Maybe go full You Don't Know Jack with it, with high-quality presentation and three player games where you have to buzz in. That would be an awful lot of effort, though, for something that would still probably elicit a response of "Why?" from many. Actually, the best Dink Quiz I've seen is easily the one in "Quest for Not Quite as Lame." You could at least have done as well as that, people who made entirely-quiz-based D-Mods.

Cocomonkey has released 11 files

Crazy Old Tim Plays All The D-Mods Volume 2: 2005-2015 (PDF)MiscellaneousExceptional 9.7June 16th, 2018
Crazy Old Tim Plays All The D-Mods Volume 1: 1998-2004 (PDF)MiscellaneousExceptional 9.9June 16th, 2018
Dink Smallwood: Achievement Unlocked EditionD-Mod, Add-OnExceptional 9.5February 17th, 2015
Dinkgon WarriorD-Mod, QuestGood 8.0February 2nd, 2015
Malachi the JerkD-Mod, QuestGood 8.9October 6th, 2014
Crazy Old Tim Plays the DMODs of 1998MiscellaneousN/ASeptember 8th, 2014
Crazy Old Tim Plays the DMODs of 1999MiscellaneousN/ASeptember 8th, 2014
Crazy Old Tim Plays the DMODs of 2000MiscellaneousN/ASeptember 8th, 2014
Tragic Death of Zink Smallwood (The)D-Mod, RompFair 6.1May 13th, 2006
CrossroadsD-Mod, UnfinishedTolerable 3.6July 27th, 2001
End of the World (The)D-Mod, QuestTolerable 4.8March 29th, 1999

Cocomonkey has written 5 reviews

The best way to play Dink Smallwood GNU FreeDinkNormalExceptional 9.7March 15th, 2014
Probably the best joke DMOD Goblin TroubleNormalFair 6.9September 15th, 2013
Utterly without value Mike Dingwell's First D-ModNormalHorrible 0.2September 6th, 2013
I Really Liked the Concept For This Dmod World of DinkCFeaturedFair 6.0May 9th, 2006
This Was a Very Good Dmod Green Voice in my Head (The) - Part 1 - Hangover & AgonyFeaturedExceptional 9.0May 9th, 2006

Cocomonkey has taken 165 screenshots

Preview Shadows of DeathFebruary 1st, 2015
Preview Pokemon: Bible VersionFebruary 1st, 2015
Preview Dink and the ChinsFebruary 1st, 2015
Preview Cast Awakening Part 5: RevolutionJanuary 31st, 2015
Preview Dinkgon WarriorJanuary 30th, 2015
Preview SilenceJanuary 30th, 2015
Preview Woods (The)January 29th, 2015
Preview Epochs & Aeons: Part OneJanuary 29th, 2015
Preview Bored of the RingsJanuary 26th, 2015
Preview Quest for Dorinthia III - Nymera's QuestJanuary 25th, 2015
Preview Dink and the 4 TowersJanuary 21st, 2015
Preview Dink Gets BoredJanuary 21st, 2015
Preview QuelJanuary 21st, 2015
Preview Lost Forest RompJanuary 21st, 2015
Preview Quest for Dorinthia: Special EditionJanuary 17th, 2015
Preview Trials of a Boy - Enter The IcelandJanuary 16th, 2015
Preview Karel ende ElegastJanuary 16th, 2015
Preview Goblin Wars - Breaking PointJanuary 15th, 2015
Preview ValhallaJanuary 15th, 2015
Preview Enter the Dead Dragon CarcassJanuary 11th, 2015
Preview Dink Wars (Demo)January 10th, 2015
Preview End of Snoresville (The)January 10th, 2015
Preview Fate of Destiny - DemoJanuary 9th, 2015
Preview A False HeroJanuary 9th, 2015
Preview Corporate ManagerialismJanuary 4th, 2015
Preview Dink Z TriviaJanuary 2nd, 2015
Preview Higgledy PiggledyDecember 28th, 2014
Preview Forest of DoomDecember 28th, 2014
Preview Three AmuletsDecember 28th, 2014
Preview Dink's Quest in the IcelandsDecember 27th, 2014
Preview Grasp of DarknessDecember 27th, 2014
Preview Day of the CarcassDecember 26th, 2014
Preview Defeat of the Terrorists (The)December 24th, 2014
Preview Quest for Not Quite as Lame (The)December 21st, 2014
Preview Dink and the BoncaDecember 20th, 2014
Preview A Day in the Life of Dink SmallwoodDecember 20th, 2014
Preview Legend of the Ancients: The CaptureDecember 20th, 2014
Preview An Aeophian Adventure: Dink goes to AeophiaDecember 19th, 2014
Preview InfinidinkDecember 18th, 2014
Preview Kingdom of Chaos ( The )December 17th, 2014
Preview Hero of the Time (The)December 15th, 2014
Preview Hide-n-SeekDecember 15th, 2014
Preview Attack of the Goblins (The)December 15th, 2014
Preview Of Life - Black GuildDecember 14th, 2014
Preview One Screen D-Mod CompilationDecember 14th, 2014
Preview One Screen D-Mod CompilationDecember 14th, 2014
Preview One Screen D-Mod CompilationDecember 14th, 2014
Preview Red ShieldDecember 14th, 2014
Preview Dink's Extremely Short AdventureDecember 12th, 2014
Preview Fall of DarknessDecember 12th, 2014
Preview Rise of the Goblins (The)December 12th, 2014
Preview TrappedDecember 12th, 2014
Preview Legend of the Dink III (The) - The Fall of Imperial SethDecember 10th, 2014
Preview Marco PoloDecember 10th, 2014
Preview Bill & Kill 3: The Terrible EndDecember 10th, 2014
Preview Attack of the Mutant VeggiesDecember 9th, 2014
Preview Legend of the Dink Special Edition (The) - Rand's Quest for AxeDecember 9th, 2014
Preview Bill & Kill 2: The Unknown BoyDecember 8th, 2014
Preview Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 2: The Song of an Ancient WindDecember 8th, 2014
Preview Bill & Kill 1: *SIGH*December 8th, 2014
Preview Legend of the Dink (The) - The BeginningDecember 8th, 2014
Preview Honor of the Cast: The March of ArmyDecember 6th, 2014
Preview Crystal of the GuDecember 5th, 2014
Preview Honor of the Cast: SlimesDecember 5th, 2014
Preview Picnic PerilsDecember 5th, 2014
Preview I, Kara GuDecember 3rd, 2014
Preview Dink Goes BeachcombingDecember 3rd, 2014
Preview Call to GreatnessDecember 1st, 2014
Preview Island of HellDecember 1st, 2014
Preview Scary Beast (The)December 1st, 2014
Preview Gold Knight Agency (The)November 30th, 2014
Preview Kill Murdoock! 2 DemoNovember 30th, 2014
Preview If Ducks Ruled the WorldNovember 28th, 2014
Preview PreludeNovember 28th, 2014
Preview Return to RathorNovember 26th, 2014
Preview Ex-PeppermintNovember 25th, 2014
Preview Attack of the Evil Wizard (The)November 25th, 2014
Preview Dink Vs. Milder 2November 22nd, 2014
Preview Very Dink Christmas (A)November 22nd, 2014
Preview Once a HeroNovember 20th, 2014
Preview Quest (The)November 20th, 2014
Preview Scourger (The)November 19th, 2014
Preview Land of Transforming DucksNovember 16th, 2014
Preview Red Jacket MurdersNovember 16th, 2014
Preview Treasure Battles (The)November 16th, 2014
Preview An Age Of DarknessNovember 12th, 2014
Preview Tile PuzzleNovember 12th, 2014
Preview Dink's WorldNovember 10th, 2014
Preview Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of RakunaNovember 6th, 2014
Preview Dink Learns MusicNovember 6th, 2014
Preview Dink vs. MilderNovember 6th, 2014
Preview OutlanderNovember 3rd, 2014
Preview Quest for the GemsNovember 1st, 2014
Preview Zach the Marine ExtrasOctober 23rd, 2014
Preview ApexOctober 15th, 2014
Preview ApexOctober 15th, 2014
Preview Impossible ScenariosOctober 7th, 2014
Preview Search for MotherOctober 2nd, 2014
Preview ChaosSeptember 25th, 2014
Preview Slimes VS DinkSeptember 23rd, 2014
Preview MatoyaSeptember 23rd, 2014
Preview Castle KillersSeptember 23rd, 2014
Preview Revenge of the PillbugsSeptember 21st, 2014
Preview Kill Murdoock!!!September 20th, 2014
Preview Hide-and-seekSeptember 20th, 2014
Preview DinkaventureSeptember 20th, 2014
Preview Knight's Tale Trois (A)September 20th, 2014
Preview Goblinoma ZSeptember 19th, 2014
Preview Fountain of Life (The)September 19th, 2014
Preview Triangle MoverSeptember 18th, 2014
Preview Dink's Father 3September 18th, 2014
Preview Unfinished BusinessSeptember 16th, 2014
Preview Dink Nukem - Darkland F**d Up!September 15th, 2014
Preview Bane of the MagiSeptember 11th, 2014
Preview Bane of the MagiSeptember 11th, 2014
Preview Attack of the Army (The)September 9th, 2014
Preview Dink Smallwood: Achievement Unlocked EditionSeptember 5th, 2014
Preview Ghosts of the Cast (The)September 5th, 2014
Preview Ghosts of the Cast : Seth's Revenge (The)September 5th, 2014
Preview RascalAugust 28th, 2014
Preview Beginning of EvilAugust 27th, 2014
Preview Dinkablo II: Shadow and FlameAugust 16th, 2014
Preview Glenn's First D-ModAugust 15th, 2014
Preview Castle of LoreJuly 28th, 2014
Preview DinkersJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Isle of Croth (The)July 28th, 2014
Preview Friends Beyond 1July 28th, 2014
Preview Crystal of PowerJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Vagabond's Quest: Dungeon of DespairJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Friends Beyond 3: Legend of TenjinJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Beginning of SorrowsJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Rise of the RebelsJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Emerald Hunt (The)July 28th, 2014
Preview Goblin Trouble 2July 28th, 2014
Preview Town Over (A)July 28th, 2014
Preview Moneyspell (The)July 28th, 2014
Preview DWTDJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Okaly-D DinkJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Legend of the DuckJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dink V. ZagorJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Secret of ParizayaJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Spy Number 13 (The)July 28th, 2014
Preview Dinky Dimensions 2: End of TimeJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Monster House (The)July 28th, 2014
Preview Kill the HippiesJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Quest of GlandorJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Baywatch IsleJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Legend of the Pillbug (The)July 28th, 2014
Preview Knight's Tale (A)July 28th, 2014
Preview Quest for the Golden NutJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dink RacerJuly 28th, 2014
Preview Dink's DopplegangerJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Sword of Paranor: Forgotten RealmsJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Moorack and the PillbugsJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Lost in DinkJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Dink Smallwood Goes Trick-Or-TreatingJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Richard's AttackJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Mike the MagicianJuly 27th, 2014
Preview ZoltronJuly 27th, 2014
Preview Goblin TroubleJuly 27th, 2014