Crazy Old Tim Plays all the DMODs of 2001
--Crazy Old Tim Plays All the DMODs--
1998 | HTML version
1999 | HTML version
2000 | HTML version
2001 Article version
2002 | Article version
Look over there, it's some more DMODs! Brought to you by the author of this cool new DMOD that you should go play if you haven't already. Plug plug plug.
On January 1, 2001, I cut whatever remaining ties I had to the Dink Smallwood community. I asked for my DMODs from 1998 (The Dink Forever trilogy, 2001: A Dink Oddyssey, and All Out Brawl) to be removed from the website, which people weren't happy about at the time, but honestly, I think I did everybody a favor. We're getting into really unexplored territory for me now. There are a couple more DMODs this year that I played when they came out, but FIAT was the last one before I stopped even lurking occasionally.
By my count there are 22 DMODs that were released in 2001. Coming as it does in the middle of Dink's prime (37 in 2000, 36 in both 2002 and 2003) that represents a bit of a down year, but it's still a healthy output that exceeds 1999's.
In January 2001, WinDinkEdit was released. All DMODs up to this point had been made using the original DinkEdit. Maybe some of you out there still use DinkEdit, but I sure don't miss it. No option to quit without saving, no way to view another map screen without going back to the minimap every single time... yikes. I don't miss it.
I'm happy to make this topic because finally, at long last, there's something for which "2001: A Dink Odyssey" is actually kind of an appropriate title.
087: Dink Goes Wandering Author: Colin "Duck" Wyatt Release Date: January 4, 2001
This is the first of four mods titled "Dink Goes [Blank]ing." It's not as bad as "Quest for [Blank]."
According to the author, he made this because he "thought there should be more 10 minute Dink adventures." That sounds reasonable, but this isn't close to fulfilling that goal; the only reason it took me three minutes to put this down is the time I spent wandering around going, "Seriously? That's it?" I had this reaction not only because of how short the mod is, but also because there isn't really a clear ending.
You enter a house. A wizard there tells you to kill some pillbugs - okay. You go outside and do this, then return and tell him you've done it. He says "Good Job!" and you get 1,000 experience points. At this point, you've accomplished everything you can.
There isn't an awful lot on the few screens in this DMOD, and that combined with the lack of music really makes it feel more like a stub than anything finished. I did find something aesthetically appealing about the way everything was so boxed in like a series of rooms, but only because I was imagining how that concept could be used in a better mod than this one. The feeling of confinement was really the only thing that stood out, which is ironic giving the title - there's no room to wander here.
At least all the objects here are scripted, for a total of 24 scripts. Most things have a hit response, which I'm always for, and a decent job is done of running the fourth wall humor through its paces, particularly a scene in which Dink, a bookshelf, and a shelf of bottles converse about the author's utter control over their actions.
And now it's time for everybody's favorite plotless DMOD pasttime... Let's Pretend There's A Point!
[theme music plays]
After the player selected "Quit," Dink and the inanimate objects he had befriended found a way to throw off the yoke of the hated author's oppressive scripts. Sadly, the joke was on them, as the author had created such a tiny world for them that they had nothing to do with their newfound freedom. To this day, they pass the time by continuing to set the multiverse's eternal record for longest rendition of "X bottles of beer on the wall."
088: Explorations: Redink1's Basement Author: Dan Walma Release Date: January 5, 2001
"Oh dear! redink1 has a cruddy digital camera, and he kinda knows how to use it!"
I remember "playing" this one back when it came out. It's not so much a game as it is a simple demonstration of how a Myst-style point and click adventure game could be implemented in Dink using the mouse mode normally used for the title screen. There isn't anything to do except look at the blurry, grainy photos and see lines of description for a small number of objects. There are some cool things to see, like an old Pepsi machine.
Although it isn't immediately obvious, there's an interface here where you can switch between three modes: the default "move mode," where you click to change your view, the "describe mode," where certain objects will produce descriptions, and "action mode." Action mode only seems to do two things: it can make Warcraft III music come out of the speakers, and it can turn off the computer monitor on the desk... sorta.
I found the interface to be kind of frustrating. You hear the "can't click there" sound more often than not when trying to click around. To really make this concept work for a game, I think you'd have to make the cursor change based on where the pointer is using buttonon and buttonoff. I'd make it into an arrow when the cursor is in a spot where you can click to move, and I'd go ahead and make the move function something that's always active so you only have a button that toggles between action and examine. I think with those changes, you could make a pretty serviceable adventure game, which would be neat. This is a cool little tech demo, but you can't spend much time with it.
I know that isn't much of a first post, but it's what I felt like doing right now. Hey, I've got to get through all of these somehow, every bit helps, right?
1998 | HTML version
1999 | HTML version
2000 | HTML version
2001 Article version
2002 | Article version
Look over there, it's some more DMODs! Brought to you by the author of this cool new DMOD that you should go play if you haven't already. Plug plug plug.
On January 1, 2001, I cut whatever remaining ties I had to the Dink Smallwood community. I asked for my DMODs from 1998 (The Dink Forever trilogy, 2001: A Dink Oddyssey, and All Out Brawl) to be removed from the website, which people weren't happy about at the time, but honestly, I think I did everybody a favor. We're getting into really unexplored territory for me now. There are a couple more DMODs this year that I played when they came out, but FIAT was the last one before I stopped even lurking occasionally.
By my count there are 22 DMODs that were released in 2001. Coming as it does in the middle of Dink's prime (37 in 2000, 36 in both 2002 and 2003) that represents a bit of a down year, but it's still a healthy output that exceeds 1999's.
In January 2001, WinDinkEdit was released. All DMODs up to this point had been made using the original DinkEdit. Maybe some of you out there still use DinkEdit, but I sure don't miss it. No option to quit without saving, no way to view another map screen without going back to the minimap every single time... yikes. I don't miss it.
I'm happy to make this topic because finally, at long last, there's something for which "2001: A Dink Odyssey" is actually kind of an appropriate title.
087: Dink Goes Wandering Author: Colin "Duck" Wyatt Release Date: January 4, 2001
This is the first of four mods titled "Dink Goes [Blank]ing." It's not as bad as "Quest for [Blank]."
According to the author, he made this because he "thought there should be more 10 minute Dink adventures." That sounds reasonable, but this isn't close to fulfilling that goal; the only reason it took me three minutes to put this down is the time I spent wandering around going, "Seriously? That's it?" I had this reaction not only because of how short the mod is, but also because there isn't really a clear ending.
You enter a house. A wizard there tells you to kill some pillbugs - okay. You go outside and do this, then return and tell him you've done it. He says "Good Job!" and you get 1,000 experience points. At this point, you've accomplished everything you can.
There isn't an awful lot on the few screens in this DMOD, and that combined with the lack of music really makes it feel more like a stub than anything finished. I did find something aesthetically appealing about the way everything was so boxed in like a series of rooms, but only because I was imagining how that concept could be used in a better mod than this one. The feeling of confinement was really the only thing that stood out, which is ironic giving the title - there's no room to wander here.
At least all the objects here are scripted, for a total of 24 scripts. Most things have a hit response, which I'm always for, and a decent job is done of running the fourth wall humor through its paces, particularly a scene in which Dink, a bookshelf, and a shelf of bottles converse about the author's utter control over their actions.
And now it's time for everybody's favorite plotless DMOD pasttime... Let's Pretend There's A Point!
[theme music plays]
After the player selected "Quit," Dink and the inanimate objects he had befriended found a way to throw off the yoke of the hated author's oppressive scripts. Sadly, the joke was on them, as the author had created such a tiny world for them that they had nothing to do with their newfound freedom. To this day, they pass the time by continuing to set the multiverse's eternal record for longest rendition of "X bottles of beer on the wall."
088: Explorations: Redink1's Basement Author: Dan Walma Release Date: January 5, 2001
"Oh dear! redink1 has a cruddy digital camera, and he kinda knows how to use it!"
I remember "playing" this one back when it came out. It's not so much a game as it is a simple demonstration of how a Myst-style point and click adventure game could be implemented in Dink using the mouse mode normally used for the title screen. There isn't anything to do except look at the blurry, grainy photos and see lines of description for a small number of objects. There are some cool things to see, like an old Pepsi machine.
Although it isn't immediately obvious, there's an interface here where you can switch between three modes: the default "move mode," where you click to change your view, the "describe mode," where certain objects will produce descriptions, and "action mode." Action mode only seems to do two things: it can make Warcraft III music come out of the speakers, and it can turn off the computer monitor on the desk... sorta.
I found the interface to be kind of frustrating. You hear the "can't click there" sound more often than not when trying to click around. To really make this concept work for a game, I think you'd have to make the cursor change based on where the pointer is using buttonon and buttonoff. I'd make it into an arrow when the cursor is in a spot where you can click to move, and I'd go ahead and make the move function something that's always active so you only have a button that toggles between action and examine. I think with those changes, you could make a pretty serviceable adventure game, which would be neat. This is a cool little tech demo, but you can't spend much time with it.
I know that isn't much of a first post, but it's what I felt like doing right now. Hey, I've got to get through all of these somehow, every bit helps, right?
Ah this is going to be good.
By good, very good and great, I hope you mean EVIL EMPIRE!
These threads are orgasmic.
This thread is going to be so predictably epic by proportions that Malachi will pay it a visit to laugh at the predictability of it all, and demand (while disguised) Tim Maurer to post three Dmods in his next batch by offering him a jar of conveniently empty Robj-stolen cookies with a banana sticker on the lid.
EDIT: I'd like to offer a suggestion while I'm here, however; We have the Dink Forever Award for Badness, why not invent a couple more?
"Malachi predicted everything that would take place" - reward for straightforwardness in the plot
"Talporn Award for Adulterated Content" - As labled
"Stolen Cookies award for missing decorations" - For extremely empty screens or lack of content
EDIT: I'd like to offer a suggestion while I'm here, however; We have the Dink Forever Award for Badness, why not invent a couple more?
"Malachi predicted everything that would take place" - reward for straightforwardness in the plot
"Talporn Award for Adulterated Content" - As labled
"Stolen Cookies award for missing decorations" - For extremely empty screens or lack of content
"Worst new graphics award"? *glares at "the bomb" and "three amulets"*

Nice to see this still going strong!
This is the first of four mods titled "Dink Goes [Blank]ing." It's not as bad as "Quest for [Blank]."
You're forgetting this wonderful DMOD! Also, I made multiple "Quest for [Blank]" DMODs...
Luckily only one of them was ever released.
the only reason it took me three minutes to put this down is the time I spent wandering around going, "Seriously? That's it?"
Beginning authors do tend to overestimate how long their DMOD is. It's quite disappointing to see someone finish your hour-long quest in just 20 minutes... I guess that's the Dunning-Kruger effect at work.
Oh, and if you want to introduce additional awards, it's probably better to do it in a 'year in review' recap. That would be fun.
This is the first of four mods titled "Dink Goes [Blank]ing." It's not as bad as "Quest for [Blank]."
You're forgetting this wonderful DMOD! Also, I made multiple "Quest for [Blank]" DMODs...

the only reason it took me three minutes to put this down is the time I spent wandering around going, "Seriously? That's it?"
Beginning authors do tend to overestimate how long their DMOD is. It's quite disappointing to see someone finish your hour-long quest in just 20 minutes... I guess that's the Dunning-Kruger effect at work.
Oh, and if you want to introduce additional awards, it's probably better to do it in a 'year in review' recap. That would be fun.
"Beginning authors do tend to overestimate how long their DMOD is."
Hahaha that is so true!
Hahaha that is so true!
Yeah.. The file description for the bomb says playtime "60-120" minutes... You could beat it in 15 minutes!

I guess that's the Dunning-Kruger effect at work.
Ironically, it looks like Dunning and Kruger were affected by this more severely than anyone, considering they went and named a phenomenon that's been common knowledge for a long time after themselves.
Ironically, it looks like Dunning and Kruger were affected by this more severely than anyone, considering they went and named a phenomenon that's been common knowledge for a long time after themselves.

i liked redink's mod specially when i played it recently , dat nostalgia of using a microsoft mouse lol
089: Goblin Trouble II Authors: Killerbee, WC Release Date: January 29, 2001
WC is listed as a co-author here, but I don't think there was any actual collaboration judging from the text "Remade By WC (Without permission)" in the readme file. Still, maybe that means I can actually finish this one. As an aside, it's too bad WC doesn't hang around here anymore, he was actually pretty cool.
I'll admit it, I was pretty excited to discover that there actually was a Goblin Trouble 2. The 1999 original promised a part two "in two months," but it's nice to discover a promised followup existing at all. Those of you who have been reading along may recall my enthusiasm for Goblin Trouble despite (actually in part because of) its brokenness and lack of a plot. The level of absurdity on display, the density of the jokes and the complete failure to take anything seriously combined to make it something special to me despite all expectations.
I wasn't as enamored of this part, although there were some flashes of the accidental "brilliance" from the original. The major problem is that there just isn't much to this one. It consists of a rather long cutscene, a few brief conversations and two screens of basic fighting. On the other hand, this time there are, without a doubt, goblins.
It is amusing while it lasts. The mod's short length is packed with wacky stuff like Dink stopping to take a rest because cutscenes are hard work and the author apologizing for "killing endangered species" when Dink attacks a goblin in the cutscene. Practically every object is scripted and has silly text for your enjoyment. New, absurd text is packed in everywhere, from the savebot script to the help blurb nobody reads in the escape menu. There is a new spell, the rotten fish magic. This is just a fireball, but the MSPaint graphics are a fitting change of pace.
Unfortunately, the mod stops short just as it gets going. According to the ending text, it wasn't finished due to "rude flaming from certain members of the Dink Community," and WC took it upon himself to get the DMOD into a playable state and release it in honor of KillerBee's effort.
While still buggy, this is less of a wreck than Goblin Trouble 1, but there's a lot less to do here. It's still worth a look for Goblin Trouble fans, of which I am quite probably the only one. Oh well!
090: Dink 007 Author: Nick Vervaeke Release Date: February 24, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the incredibly select group to have a score below 1.0 on the Dink Network (0.5).
Let me try to see how many nice things I can say about this DMOD.
It has a MIDI of Bohemian Rhapsody! I mean, it really should have been a James Bond theme, and it's not the best conversion, but that's still pretty cool!
...Um... Well, there's... Hm.
Oh! There's a savebot in it. It works and everything.
...Yeah, I got nothing.
"Dink 007" is the worst DMOD I have ever played. It makes "Dink Smallwood Forever," "Mike Dingwell's First D-MOD," and "Richrad's Attack" look almost good by comparison. It makes something like "Milderr!!" look like a friggin' epic masterpiece. I'm not trying to be silly here, these are facts.
What do I even say? It looks like this.
The only text relevant to the title is in the short intro, which you can make overlap itself by pressing the talk button. It says, "Before James Bond... Before James West... There was Dink 007." It's nonsense. If this DMOD worked (it doesn't), its "plot" wouldn't have anything to do with spies or secret agents. Then again, I once named a DMOD "2001: A Dink Oddyssey" for no good reason, so I guess this comes from a similar place.
If you had a bad DMOD Bingo card, you might be able to fill it all up with this one.
*Objects that should be hard simply are not.
*The edges of the map have no indication you can't walk in a certain direction.
*Objects that should be scripted (NPCs!) are not.
*Depth que is never set correctly.
*Enemies are placed nonsensically and you are at no point required to fight them.
*Enemies are too difficult.
*Spelling is poor.
*Tiling is often bad.
*Impossible to complete.
I want to pay special attention to that last one. NOTHING works. Most NPCs in this mod simply have no script, but those few that are supposed to talk to you simply cause the game to freeze instead. Using WinDinkEdit to look at the .d files (!), I determined that this bug was causing me to miss out on such thrilling dialogue as "I will learn you magic" and "Ask further directions at te chief."
I don't think it gets worse than this. I really don't.
091: Revenge of the Ducks 2 Author: Jveenhof Release Date: February 25, 2001
Make a series out of that little DMOD about being a duck? Sure, why not.
There's a duck walking back and forth on the title screen; I thought I'd mention this, since I don't remember any DMOD ever using moving sprites for the title before.
RotD2 is a step up from its predecessor; there's more to do, more map to explore, and a more involved story. This time we find Ronan the warrior duck attempting to rescue a bonca from an evil (sure) hunter. Man, look at that duck lay down the law! This duck is a bad ass. I'm lovin' it.
Having driven off the hunter, Ronan sees to the bonca, but as you could probably tell from that screenshot, it's too late for her. (Hmm, a sad scene with a dying female bonca... that seems familiar to me for some reason...) She tells Ronan to take care of her son. This is how we come to have a duck riding a bonca named Billy. It's a hilarious sight. The sprites could be better - Ronan moves around all over the place. Then again, it would be a bumpy ride.
Ronan and Billy are best pals. It warms my heart. Both of them participate in everything you do. Billy isn't too smart, so he's always asking Ronan to explain things to him, which the duck does with patience and grace. There's such an air of cynicism around DMODs that you'd expect him to crack wise at his friend's expense, but this is actually nice to see. Anyway, this is a good vehicle for exposition while simultaneously demonstrating to the player how much the two depend on one another. Even when you attack, if you use "punch" (bonca tail), Ronan will shout, "Billy, hit them!" If you use the fireball, it's Billy who says, "Ronan, blast them!" It's adorable. Unfortunately, you're paused for about a second after using fireball, which is annoying.
The screens look pretty good, although there are some depth que problems (Jveenhof's old "bridge that constantly clips in front of you" problem from 9 gems returns), and some badly tiled screens toward the bottom of the first area.
Other problems with the mod include bad English (it's not so hard to get somebody to look over it, is it?) and no savebots at all, which got on my nerves when I died near the end (easy to do on your first try, when you don't know how to solve the puzzle yet) and had to start over. The mod also ends rather abruptly, when you really think you're just about to go to the next area. Still, this one won my moderate approval on the charm of its concept alone. I mean, if a duck and a bonca can be friends, given the animosity we've seen in the past between those species, maybe there's hope for us all.
There - three DMODs. I await my cookies.
WC is listed as a co-author here, but I don't think there was any actual collaboration judging from the text "Remade By WC (Without permission)" in the readme file. Still, maybe that means I can actually finish this one. As an aside, it's too bad WC doesn't hang around here anymore, he was actually pretty cool.
I'll admit it, I was pretty excited to discover that there actually was a Goblin Trouble 2. The 1999 original promised a part two "in two months," but it's nice to discover a promised followup existing at all. Those of you who have been reading along may recall my enthusiasm for Goblin Trouble despite (actually in part because of) its brokenness and lack of a plot. The level of absurdity on display, the density of the jokes and the complete failure to take anything seriously combined to make it something special to me despite all expectations.
I wasn't as enamored of this part, although there were some flashes of the accidental "brilliance" from the original. The major problem is that there just isn't much to this one. It consists of a rather long cutscene, a few brief conversations and two screens of basic fighting. On the other hand, this time there are, without a doubt, goblins.
It is amusing while it lasts. The mod's short length is packed with wacky stuff like Dink stopping to take a rest because cutscenes are hard work and the author apologizing for "killing endangered species" when Dink attacks a goblin in the cutscene. Practically every object is scripted and has silly text for your enjoyment. New, absurd text is packed in everywhere, from the savebot script to the help blurb nobody reads in the escape menu. There is a new spell, the rotten fish magic. This is just a fireball, but the MSPaint graphics are a fitting change of pace.
Unfortunately, the mod stops short just as it gets going. According to the ending text, it wasn't finished due to "rude flaming from certain members of the Dink Community," and WC took it upon himself to get the DMOD into a playable state and release it in honor of KillerBee's effort.
While still buggy, this is less of a wreck than Goblin Trouble 1, but there's a lot less to do here. It's still worth a look for Goblin Trouble fans, of which I am quite probably the only one. Oh well!
090: Dink 007 Author: Nick Vervaeke Release Date: February 24, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the incredibly select group to have a score below 1.0 on the Dink Network (0.5).
Let me try to see how many nice things I can say about this DMOD.
It has a MIDI of Bohemian Rhapsody! I mean, it really should have been a James Bond theme, and it's not the best conversion, but that's still pretty cool!
...Um... Well, there's... Hm.
Oh! There's a savebot in it. It works and everything.
...Yeah, I got nothing.
**************This DMOD, "Dink 007,"*************** ********Has been awarded the prestigious********* ****DINK FOREVER MEMORIAL AWARD OF BADNESS***** ********On this day February 7, 2014********
"Dink 007" is the worst DMOD I have ever played. It makes "Dink Smallwood Forever," "Mike Dingwell's First D-MOD," and "Richrad's Attack" look almost good by comparison. It makes something like "Milderr!!" look like a friggin' epic masterpiece. I'm not trying to be silly here, these are facts.
What do I even say? It looks like this.
The only text relevant to the title is in the short intro, which you can make overlap itself by pressing the talk button. It says, "Before James Bond... Before James West... There was Dink 007." It's nonsense. If this DMOD worked (it doesn't), its "plot" wouldn't have anything to do with spies or secret agents. Then again, I once named a DMOD "2001: A Dink Oddyssey" for no good reason, so I guess this comes from a similar place.
If you had a bad DMOD Bingo card, you might be able to fill it all up with this one.
*Objects that should be hard simply are not.
*The edges of the map have no indication you can't walk in a certain direction.
*Objects that should be scripted (NPCs!) are not.
*Depth que is never set correctly.
*Enemies are placed nonsensically and you are at no point required to fight them.
*Enemies are too difficult.
*Spelling is poor.
*Tiling is often bad.
*Impossible to complete.
I want to pay special attention to that last one. NOTHING works. Most NPCs in this mod simply have no script, but those few that are supposed to talk to you simply cause the game to freeze instead. Using WinDinkEdit to look at the .d files (!), I determined that this bug was causing me to miss out on such thrilling dialogue as "I will learn you magic" and "Ask further directions at te chief."
I don't think it gets worse than this. I really don't.
091: Revenge of the Ducks 2 Author: Jveenhof Release Date: February 25, 2001
Make a series out of that little DMOD about being a duck? Sure, why not.
There's a duck walking back and forth on the title screen; I thought I'd mention this, since I don't remember any DMOD ever using moving sprites for the title before.
RotD2 is a step up from its predecessor; there's more to do, more map to explore, and a more involved story. This time we find Ronan the warrior duck attempting to rescue a bonca from an evil (sure) hunter. Man, look at that duck lay down the law! This duck is a bad ass. I'm lovin' it.
Having driven off the hunter, Ronan sees to the bonca, but as you could probably tell from that screenshot, it's too late for her. (Hmm, a sad scene with a dying female bonca... that seems familiar to me for some reason...) She tells Ronan to take care of her son. This is how we come to have a duck riding a bonca named Billy. It's a hilarious sight. The sprites could be better - Ronan moves around all over the place. Then again, it would be a bumpy ride.
Ronan and Billy are best pals. It warms my heart. Both of them participate in everything you do. Billy isn't too smart, so he's always asking Ronan to explain things to him, which the duck does with patience and grace. There's such an air of cynicism around DMODs that you'd expect him to crack wise at his friend's expense, but this is actually nice to see. Anyway, this is a good vehicle for exposition while simultaneously demonstrating to the player how much the two depend on one another. Even when you attack, if you use "punch" (bonca tail), Ronan will shout, "Billy, hit them!" If you use the fireball, it's Billy who says, "Ronan, blast them!" It's adorable. Unfortunately, you're paused for about a second after using fireball, which is annoying.
The screens look pretty good, although there are some depth que problems (Jveenhof's old "bridge that constantly clips in front of you" problem from 9 gems returns), and some badly tiled screens toward the bottom of the first area.
Other problems with the mod include bad English (it's not so hard to get somebody to look over it, is it?) and no savebots at all, which got on my nerves when I died near the end (easy to do on your first try, when you don't know how to solve the puzzle yet) and had to start over. The mod also ends rather abruptly, when you really think you're just about to go to the next area. Still, this one won my moderate approval on the charm of its concept alone. I mean, if a duck and a bonca can be friends, given the animosity we've seen in the past between those species, maybe there's hope for us all.
There - three DMODs. I await my cookies.
I hereby bestow upon thee a jar of-
An empty jar of cookies. *looks at Robj*
Another great read as always, keep up the good work!
An empty jar of cookies. *looks at Robj*
Another great read as always, keep up the good work!
Sad times in DMODland in early 2001.
092: A Town Over (Intro) Author: Anton Frolov Release Date: February 27, 2001
I owe "The Orion" an apology. "Goblin Trouble 2" as well. Every mod I criticized for being released in such an unfinished state that it didn't even amount to a credible teaser or demo did not prepare me for "A Town Over."
There are two screens. One of them has essentially nothing on it, but is blocked off on every side but one - Dink wonders how trying to wander to the next town could have teleported him here. On the next screen, a knight makes a fairy explode with his mind (no sound effect, though). Dink objects, and for this he is cursed with weakness and 'poordom'. He disappears, and then there's nothing. Nothing at all but these two empty screens and your gold taking an awful long time to go down to 5 for some reason.
I think it's the DMOD that really got cursed with weakness and poordom, because it was definitely weak and poor. Hey-oooo! Next!
093: The Moneyspell (Demo) Author: Nick Vervaeke Release Date: March 8, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the incredibly select group to have a score lower than 1.0 (0.9) on the Dink Network!
Oh no, it's the "Dink 007" guy again. Like me, he didn't learn the lesson to quit after one abysmal DMOD. How'd he do this time? C'mon, you already know the answer to that.
This is at least better than "Dink 007." I mean, it contains some things that actually work, including a plot concept that is at least kind of original. Dink must retrieve a spell for a wizard - a spell that makes money. The moneyspell. The wizard promises Dink that when he brings back the spell, the wizard will give him "half off" the money, which is a funny typo and a funny promise. Does the spell produce a specific amount of money, then? Half of what, exactly?
You're warped to a huge, empty, square map. There are four houses, each containing one person, but only one of them is at all relevant - it contains another wizard (he looks the same as the one at the start, which really makes you think he's the same one at first). He'll warp you to another screen where Dink faces a tedious fight against a giant bonca. Winning warps you back, and talking to the wizard again produces the same response as before. When you teleport to the bonca area this time (because you'll get sent there regardless of whether you agree to go or refuse), you're stuck, as there's no longer a bonca to fight. If the wizard script worked correctly, when you got back he'd tell you that the demo was over and the game would end.
Some of the terrible screens here look kind of interesting, in a way. There's a variety of bad tile placement that I haven't seen before - and look at those boncas, stamped all over without a single thought.
I get a weird feeling when I'm wandering through one of these really bad DMODs. It's not exactly the feeling I get when playing a really bad original game. I mean, the basic trappings of Dink Smallwood are here - the engine and the graphics that the original team worked hard on. More than that, as a player of Dink I have a certain emotional attachment to these things. I have a character and a vague outline of a world in my head. When I jump in, I'm ready to fill in certain details that may not exist. But there's a certain moment where it all falls away. I realize that I'm all alone in here, in this desolate thing without a purpose. It's like the bones and some of the skin of a familiar thing have been stood up. From far away, I might think that I recognize it, but as I get closer, the unease becomes deeper. Without that spark of wit or creativity that makes me feel a human connection, it is like a dead thing masquerading as alive.
"Moneyspell" is bad. Don't play it.
092: A Town Over (Intro) Author: Anton Frolov Release Date: February 27, 2001
************This DMOD, "A Town Over,"************** ********Has been awarded the prestigious********* ****DINK FOREVER MEMORIAL AWARD OF BADNESS***** ********On this day February 8, 2014********
I owe "The Orion" an apology. "Goblin Trouble 2" as well. Every mod I criticized for being released in such an unfinished state that it didn't even amount to a credible teaser or demo did not prepare me for "A Town Over."
There are two screens. One of them has essentially nothing on it, but is blocked off on every side but one - Dink wonders how trying to wander to the next town could have teleported him here. On the next screen, a knight makes a fairy explode with his mind (no sound effect, though). Dink objects, and for this he is cursed with weakness and 'poordom'. He disappears, and then there's nothing. Nothing at all but these two empty screens and your gold taking an awful long time to go down to 5 for some reason.
I think it's the DMOD that really got cursed with weakness and poordom, because it was definitely weak and poor. Hey-oooo! Next!
093: The Moneyspell (Demo) Author: Nick Vervaeke Release Date: March 8, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the incredibly select group to have a score lower than 1.0 (0.9) on the Dink Network!
Oh no, it's the "Dink 007" guy again. Like me, he didn't learn the lesson to quit after one abysmal DMOD. How'd he do this time? C'mon, you already know the answer to that.
***********This DMOD, "The Moneyspell,"************ ********Has been awarded the prestigious********* ****DINK FOREVER MEMORIAL AWARD OF BADNESS***** ********On this day February 8, 2014********
This is at least better than "Dink 007." I mean, it contains some things that actually work, including a plot concept that is at least kind of original. Dink must retrieve a spell for a wizard - a spell that makes money. The moneyspell. The wizard promises Dink that when he brings back the spell, the wizard will give him "half off" the money, which is a funny typo and a funny promise. Does the spell produce a specific amount of money, then? Half of what, exactly?
You're warped to a huge, empty, square map. There are four houses, each containing one person, but only one of them is at all relevant - it contains another wizard (he looks the same as the one at the start, which really makes you think he's the same one at first). He'll warp you to another screen where Dink faces a tedious fight against a giant bonca. Winning warps you back, and talking to the wizard again produces the same response as before. When you teleport to the bonca area this time (because you'll get sent there regardless of whether you agree to go or refuse), you're stuck, as there's no longer a bonca to fight. If the wizard script worked correctly, when you got back he'd tell you that the demo was over and the game would end.
Some of the terrible screens here look kind of interesting, in a way. There's a variety of bad tile placement that I haven't seen before - and look at those boncas, stamped all over without a single thought.
I get a weird feeling when I'm wandering through one of these really bad DMODs. It's not exactly the feeling I get when playing a really bad original game. I mean, the basic trappings of Dink Smallwood are here - the engine and the graphics that the original team worked hard on. More than that, as a player of Dink I have a certain emotional attachment to these things. I have a character and a vague outline of a world in my head. When I jump in, I'm ready to fill in certain details that may not exist. But there's a certain moment where it all falls away. I realize that I'm all alone in here, in this desolate thing without a purpose. It's like the bones and some of the skin of a familiar thing have been stood up. From far away, I might think that I recognize it, but as I get closer, the unease becomes deeper. Without that spark of wit or creativity that makes me feel a human connection, it is like a dead thing masquerading as alive.
"Moneyspell" is bad. Don't play it.
Haha.. I hadn't heard of any of those mods... Looks like I didn't miss much!
Great read as always!

Great read as always!

I haven't had a moment of rest to read these without being stressed, but boy I have some catching up to do!
I spoiled myself and noticed some awards being given out at least

I spoiled myself and noticed some awards being given out at least

I haven't had a moment of rest to read these without being stressed
Let me attempt to save your life.
I don't believe everything she says, but it's certainly interesting.
But to get back on topic: great to see how you can write interesting things about such bad D-Mods, Cocomonkey.
Let me attempt to save your life.
I don't believe everything she says, but it's certainly interesting.
But to get back on topic: great to see how you can write interesting things about such bad D-Mods, Cocomonkey.

Shevek, I literally just watched that today as a homework assignment for my psych class.
Let me attempt to save your life.
I hadn't seen that yet, thanks
I hadn't seen that yet, thanks

I'd rather be playing Phantasy Star IV right now. I do this for you guys. >_> Hope you enjoy.
094: The Rings of Destiny (Demo) Author: Micheal Tolland Release Date: March 12, 2001
If I were to judge this mod by its intro, I'd be fairly impressed. The introduction cutscene is surprisingly long and features some neat graphic effects. You can't tell from this screenshot (which I admit I picked to show the unfortunate clipping of the text), but the water is scrolling underneath the dragon in a fairly convincing simulation of movement - an effect I'm not sure I've seen in a DMOD, and certainly haven't seen much. There are also some new graphics like this MS Paint black blob that expands and moves to swallow up the foolish wizards who summoned it to this plane. I was entertained.
Once the actual mod starts, however, it's a bit disappointing. I mean, the first segment works well enough, apart from some nasty tiling. There's a rather unresponsive little village that wants you to kill a "monster," which turns out to be a rather tedious fight with a giant bonca (tedious because you can't do more than 1 damage with your punch). After you do this, there's a cutscene with Dink leaving the village. It's set up fairly well, but it fizzles due to poor use of text.
I'm not just nitpicking or being pedantic when I complain about a mod's use of language - it really takes me out of the story. A couple of the characters here say things that might have been somewhat interesting, but because there was no punctuation and hardly any capitalization, I can't even remember the story at all. It's impossible to take seriously.
Anyway, after the cutscene, you come to a section mapped rather oddly with dull ground and rocks all over the place. There's a man in a bar there who has you do a few chores for him, but on one of them, I found myself unable to continue.
First, I should note that I ran into a major bug on my first run through this mod where the game stopped updating my stats. I couldn't take damage, gain experience, gain stats, or anything like that. I ended up restarting. When I got back to the area in question, I found that the next part features many screens full of slimes that took me down to 1 HP in one hit (and obviously killed me with a second). One of these screens would, for some reason, teleport you right into a rock any time you entered it, regardless of your entry point. The only lead I could find was a screen with a guy shouting for help. It seemed unreasonable, but nonetheless, after a few tries I managed to kill all the slimes without getting hit twice - nothing happens. I gave up at this point. I couldn't find any evidence in the scripts of a real ending, but maybe I just missed it.
I'm kind of tempted to say there was potential with this one, but it's so messed up that realizing that potential would take so much effort you might as well start from the intro again.
095: DWTD (Demo) Author: Hyper B Release Date: March 12, 2001
2001: Year of the Demo. I swear.
This demo doesn't feature a new title screen. It has this splash screen, but as it only shows during the loading of the title screen, on today's computers you hardly have time to see it. This does result in an unusual effect if you try restarting.
I wonder what that title stands for. Down with the Dink? Dink Wets Trousers Day? Don't Wake the Dalmatians? Damnation Was Tiresome, Dude? Given the content, I think the last one is completely spot on, and I am declaring it the official title.
This... thing begins with an odd little scene in which Dink is just taking a walk (you're told this twice) when he gets sent to Hell for... some... reason. I dunno. It's sort of explained that Dink was sent by mistake instead of some evil guy, but if you ask me, Dink has done plenty to earn it. The explosion that sends him there is silent, and there's no music. In fact, there isn't even a sound folder included with the DMOD. The effect is kind of eerie.
Hell is a superlatively strange place. It mostly consists of a series of small areas where not a lot happens, and then Dink is sent to the next one by way of silent explosion. To be honest, I kind of liked it. There's something I find appealing about a DMOD that's just a series of single rooms. I've seen it a few times, but none of the mods in question have been especially high quality, including this one... I wonder if anything exists to really show the potential in this concept?
One thing worth noting is that there's only one savebot in this mod, and it's in Dink's backpack. I don't doubt Dink would do this if he could fit one in there.
At first, Hell just seems boring, and Dink is helpless. In one area, you wander around the same four empty screens until the game decides you've done it for long enough; in another, you do the same on just one screen. I... could see this as a kind of dangation. Actually, I love a change of pace, so it did entertain me somewhat. Dink offers up bemused comments in slightly broken English as you encounter several things, like a tough fight against a non-casting dragon, old acquaintances, and nonsensical riddles. At the end, you have to fight a lot of monsters in order to get to level 4 (this was tightly controlled - you must kill every monster their is to get exactly enough experience). Instead of opening the next area, however, this reveals the end of the demo. However, the knight who blocks you off actually invites you to cheat to get past him and fight a dragon! I did, and cheated again to beat the dragon, but aside from the dragon turning into a girl for some reason, there's nothing else.
I might have enjoyed this sort of silliness going on for a while longer. Ah well, it's not a huge loss. After all, Damnation Was Tiresome, Dude. But poor Dink, he really is stuck in Hell forever instead of Random Evil Guy. It goes to show, kids: virtue is for chumps.
094: The Rings of Destiny (Demo) Author: Micheal Tolland Release Date: March 12, 2001
If I were to judge this mod by its intro, I'd be fairly impressed. The introduction cutscene is surprisingly long and features some neat graphic effects. You can't tell from this screenshot (which I admit I picked to show the unfortunate clipping of the text), but the water is scrolling underneath the dragon in a fairly convincing simulation of movement - an effect I'm not sure I've seen in a DMOD, and certainly haven't seen much. There are also some new graphics like this MS Paint black blob that expands and moves to swallow up the foolish wizards who summoned it to this plane. I was entertained.
Once the actual mod starts, however, it's a bit disappointing. I mean, the first segment works well enough, apart from some nasty tiling. There's a rather unresponsive little village that wants you to kill a "monster," which turns out to be a rather tedious fight with a giant bonca (tedious because you can't do more than 1 damage with your punch). After you do this, there's a cutscene with Dink leaving the village. It's set up fairly well, but it fizzles due to poor use of text.
I'm not just nitpicking or being pedantic when I complain about a mod's use of language - it really takes me out of the story. A couple of the characters here say things that might have been somewhat interesting, but because there was no punctuation and hardly any capitalization, I can't even remember the story at all. It's impossible to take seriously.
Anyway, after the cutscene, you come to a section mapped rather oddly with dull ground and rocks all over the place. There's a man in a bar there who has you do a few chores for him, but on one of them, I found myself unable to continue.
First, I should note that I ran into a major bug on my first run through this mod where the game stopped updating my stats. I couldn't take damage, gain experience, gain stats, or anything like that. I ended up restarting. When I got back to the area in question, I found that the next part features many screens full of slimes that took me down to 1 HP in one hit (and obviously killed me with a second). One of these screens would, for some reason, teleport you right into a rock any time you entered it, regardless of your entry point. The only lead I could find was a screen with a guy shouting for help. It seemed unreasonable, but nonetheless, after a few tries I managed to kill all the slimes without getting hit twice - nothing happens. I gave up at this point. I couldn't find any evidence in the scripts of a real ending, but maybe I just missed it.
I'm kind of tempted to say there was potential with this one, but it's so messed up that realizing that potential would take so much effort you might as well start from the intro again.
095: DWTD (Demo) Author: Hyper B Release Date: March 12, 2001
2001: Year of the Demo. I swear.
This demo doesn't feature a new title screen. It has this splash screen, but as it only shows during the loading of the title screen, on today's computers you hardly have time to see it. This does result in an unusual effect if you try restarting.
I wonder what that title stands for. Down with the Dink? Dink Wets Trousers Day? Don't Wake the Dalmatians? Damnation Was Tiresome, Dude? Given the content, I think the last one is completely spot on, and I am declaring it the official title.
This... thing begins with an odd little scene in which Dink is just taking a walk (you're told this twice) when he gets sent to Hell for... some... reason. I dunno. It's sort of explained that Dink was sent by mistake instead of some evil guy, but if you ask me, Dink has done plenty to earn it. The explosion that sends him there is silent, and there's no music. In fact, there isn't even a sound folder included with the DMOD. The effect is kind of eerie.
Hell is a superlatively strange place. It mostly consists of a series of small areas where not a lot happens, and then Dink is sent to the next one by way of silent explosion. To be honest, I kind of liked it. There's something I find appealing about a DMOD that's just a series of single rooms. I've seen it a few times, but none of the mods in question have been especially high quality, including this one... I wonder if anything exists to really show the potential in this concept?
One thing worth noting is that there's only one savebot in this mod, and it's in Dink's backpack. I don't doubt Dink would do this if he could fit one in there.
At first, Hell just seems boring, and Dink is helpless. In one area, you wander around the same four empty screens until the game decides you've done it for long enough; in another, you do the same on just one screen. I... could see this as a kind of dangation. Actually, I love a change of pace, so it did entertain me somewhat. Dink offers up bemused comments in slightly broken English as you encounter several things, like a tough fight against a non-casting dragon, old acquaintances, and nonsensical riddles. At the end, you have to fight a lot of monsters in order to get to level 4 (this was tightly controlled - you must kill every monster their is to get exactly enough experience). Instead of opening the next area, however, this reveals the end of the demo. However, the knight who blocks you off actually invites you to cheat to get past him and fight a dragon! I did, and cheated again to beat the dragon, but aside from the dragon turning into a girl for some reason, there's nothing else.
I might have enjoyed this sort of silliness going on for a while longer. Ah well, it's not a huge loss. After all, Damnation Was Tiresome, Dude. But poor Dink, he really is stuck in Hell forever instead of Random Evil Guy. It goes to show, kids: virtue is for chumps.
I'd rather just see Da-Mn removed from the filter than the filter itself disabled.
I'd rather be playing Dink Smallwood than Phantasy Star IV, but then again I've never played a Phantasy Star game.
I think I remember playing DWTD myself, always thought of it as Don't Want to Die. Seems to make a little bit of sense considering the plot. Never tried the Rings of Destiny though, and after that post I doubt I will.
Thanks again for another great read, looking forward to the next!
I'd rather be playing Dink Smallwood than Phantasy Star IV, but then again I've never played a Phantasy Star game.
I think I remember playing DWTD myself, always thought of it as Don't Want to Die. Seems to make a little bit of sense considering the plot. Never tried the Rings of Destiny though, and after that post I doubt I will.
Thanks again for another great read, looking forward to the next!
I haven't played DWTD, but It does sound interesting! Too bad it was never finished! :/
096: Milderr!! 2: The Adventure in Finland Author: Sharp Release Date: March 21, 2001
As promised, Milder FlatStomp travels to Finland, home of the evil Sharp. This is the first time a DMOD has been set in a real-world location, unless you count End of Time's apparent assertion that Windermere is located in Asia. That map is a nice touch.
Milderr!! 2 is much better than the original in that it's not so broken you can barely do anything. Indeed, apart from some hardness errors and a LOT of depth que problems, everything seems to work as intended, which is nice. It has the same weird drawbridge building exits, but this time you can't simply walk around them and mess up the game.
Although the game doesn't present this clearly to the player, the gameplay here consists of a series of tiny objectives you have to complete before the way to fight Sharp will reveal itself. Some of these are as simple as talking to a person, but they're all independent of one another. It's an interesting format for a small RPG/adventure game, actually, although not much is done with it here, and it's kind of disappointing that there's no way to really know that's what's going on without consulting a walkthrough. Examples of things you have to do include fetching some wine for a person with a drinking problem, helping somebody remember what their name is, perform a funeral, and fetch a "bokkomon" (pokémon) for a kid.
I was surprised by the relatively large amount of content in this DMOD, at least in terms of text. The Finnish cities and regions represented each have several buildings to enter (except Lapland, which seems to have an unfortunate problem with trees growing right in front of doors - I'd heard there was a lot of forest in Finland, but this is ridiculous), and there's almost always someone to talk to inside, even if they don't have too much to say.
Unlike last time, there's some combat here. You'll obtain the fireball spell and use it to fight Sharp. There are some boncas wandering around, and for the Hell of it, I fought enough of them to get to level 4. You can use the gold to purchase this this incredibly helpful (not really) guide to disguise.
The biggest problem with "Milderr!! 2" is that in order to shape the map roughly like Finland (very roughly - the country's many large lakes are not represented, which is fine), there's a lot of empty space. There are screens that are completely empty - no sprites, not even a non-grass tile. What's worse, some objectives will require you to trek back and forth across the wide expanse, which is a drag. Another downside is that there are so many long pauses - waits of several seconds are common, as are sprites that stop everything to move at a speed of 1 and come in from way off screen. Many times I thought the game had frozen up, but actually I was just being made to wait ten seconds or more. Also, it's possible to get into a failure state, and I doubt I'd have finished without the walkthrough, as at one point you must talk to a tree without any indication this is so.
Still, I found this one interesting enough that I wouldn't call it a total waste of time. It's not well-made, but there's a savage cynicism to it that is bolder and more shocking than any DMOD so far. Slaves are casually sold without anybody understanding what your problem with this might be. A girl at a bar offers Milder drinks until he falls asleep, and then apparently rapes him. You find a man claiming his daughter has psychological problems, and it turns out her problem is that she's a serial murderer. It's bizarre and oddly, kind of witty, although I didn't really laugh out loud. It makes me think that Sharp would be an interesting person to know.
Oh, speaking of Sharp, she escapes. A bunch of other characters join Milder and talk about how they'll have to have another part. They all turn to face the player (well, sorta), and say, "I think that big face is watching us. It looks disappointed." Maybe if I hadn't played the original that'd be true, but as it is, this wasn't so bad.
As promised, Milder FlatStomp travels to Finland, home of the evil Sharp. This is the first time a DMOD has been set in a real-world location, unless you count End of Time's apparent assertion that Windermere is located in Asia. That map is a nice touch.
Milderr!! 2 is much better than the original in that it's not so broken you can barely do anything. Indeed, apart from some hardness errors and a LOT of depth que problems, everything seems to work as intended, which is nice. It has the same weird drawbridge building exits, but this time you can't simply walk around them and mess up the game.
Although the game doesn't present this clearly to the player, the gameplay here consists of a series of tiny objectives you have to complete before the way to fight Sharp will reveal itself. Some of these are as simple as talking to a person, but they're all independent of one another. It's an interesting format for a small RPG/adventure game, actually, although not much is done with it here, and it's kind of disappointing that there's no way to really know that's what's going on without consulting a walkthrough. Examples of things you have to do include fetching some wine for a person with a drinking problem, helping somebody remember what their name is, perform a funeral, and fetch a "bokkomon" (pokémon) for a kid.
I was surprised by the relatively large amount of content in this DMOD, at least in terms of text. The Finnish cities and regions represented each have several buildings to enter (except Lapland, which seems to have an unfortunate problem with trees growing right in front of doors - I'd heard there was a lot of forest in Finland, but this is ridiculous), and there's almost always someone to talk to inside, even if they don't have too much to say.
Unlike last time, there's some combat here. You'll obtain the fireball spell and use it to fight Sharp. There are some boncas wandering around, and for the Hell of it, I fought enough of them to get to level 4. You can use the gold to purchase this this incredibly helpful (not really) guide to disguise.
The biggest problem with "Milderr!! 2" is that in order to shape the map roughly like Finland (very roughly - the country's many large lakes are not represented, which is fine), there's a lot of empty space. There are screens that are completely empty - no sprites, not even a non-grass tile. What's worse, some objectives will require you to trek back and forth across the wide expanse, which is a drag. Another downside is that there are so many long pauses - waits of several seconds are common, as are sprites that stop everything to move at a speed of 1 and come in from way off screen. Many times I thought the game had frozen up, but actually I was just being made to wait ten seconds or more. Also, it's possible to get into a failure state, and I doubt I'd have finished without the walkthrough, as at one point you must talk to a tree without any indication this is so.
Still, I found this one interesting enough that I wouldn't call it a total waste of time. It's not well-made, but there's a savage cynicism to it that is bolder and more shocking than any DMOD so far. Slaves are casually sold without anybody understanding what your problem with this might be. A girl at a bar offers Milder drinks until he falls asleep, and then apparently rapes him. You find a man claiming his daughter has psychological problems, and it turns out her problem is that she's a serial murderer. It's bizarre and oddly, kind of witty, although I didn't really laugh out loud. It makes me think that Sharp would be an interesting person to know.
Oh, speaking of Sharp, she escapes. A bunch of other characters join Milder and talk about how they'll have to have another part. They all turn to face the player (well, sorta), and say, "I think that big face is watching us. It looks disappointed." Maybe if I hadn't played the original that'd be true, but as it is, this wasn't so bad.
Reading through all these playthroughs makes me realize just how few DMODs I've actually played. Makes it all the more fun if you get to a DMOD which I did play, for example the Milderr!! 2 one. I remember that I loved the concept, but found it confusing. Not using the walkthrough meant I never finished the thing.
The problem with the concept of many loose objectives is that when you play you keep on finishing the tasks you know how to do and skip those that you don't. By the end you're stuck in 4 different places, which is much worse than being stuck at one place only. I think if you make a DMOD this way you should have a system where something like 8 out of 10 tasks completed means you can go ahead.
Overall a nice read so far. No big gun DMODs yet in 2001, perhaps 2001 suffered from being between 2000 and 2002 too much.
The problem with the concept of many loose objectives is that when you play you keep on finishing the tasks you know how to do and skip those that you don't. By the end you're stuck in 4 different places, which is much worse than being stuck at one place only. I think if you make a DMOD this way you should have a system where something like 8 out of 10 tasks completed means you can go ahead.
Overall a nice read so far. No big gun DMODs yet in 2001, perhaps 2001 suffered from being between 2000 and 2002 too much.

I wouldn't say any of the Milderr!! D-Mods were very good, with the first one being barely tolerable, but those games still always had some weird appeal to me. Don't know why.
I think Milderr!! 2 is rather underrated. It was the first (and only D-Mod to-date I think) to try to make a map based on an actual country. Furthermore, you get to play as Milder, do some fun quests and nothing in the D-Mod is really that terrible, to be honest. It's also quite hilarious, but unfortunately I think a lot of the references and humour is missed and not quite understood by those who don't live in Finland.
As for the year 2001, I agree with Metatarasal. I think D-Mod -wise it was sort of the quiet/tiresome gap within the 4-5 prime years of Dink.
Keep 'em coming, Tim! Really enjoy these.
I think Milderr!! 2 is rather underrated. It was the first (and only D-Mod to-date I think) to try to make a map based on an actual country. Furthermore, you get to play as Milder, do some fun quests and nothing in the D-Mod is really that terrible, to be honest. It's also quite hilarious, but unfortunately I think a lot of the references and humour is missed and not quite understood by those who don't live in Finland.
As for the year 2001, I agree with Metatarasal. I think D-Mod -wise it was sort of the quiet/tiresome gap within the 4-5 prime years of Dink.
Keep 'em coming, Tim! Really enjoy these.

I wonder how many pillbugs have met their untimely end at Tim's hands so far? Milder 2 was a favorite of mine too... I only played through it once when it came out (so long time ago, now!) but I still remember those times having a blast walking... and walking... walking all over Finland frantically searching for something. Yeah, nostalgia glasses are sweet.
Milder 2 was quite fun, but it's Milder 3 that's stuck to my mind the most of this series. There was a period of time back when my parents were too cheap to have internet access in the house for quite a lengthy period of time, and I was limited to only what games I had luckily downloaded before the honey stream was shut off. What does a kid do when he's bored and has no internet? Play the crap out of the 3 or 4 dmods he has installed of course! Those were Milder 3, Cloud Castle 1 and Cycles of Evil, maybe some others. So I have my parents to thank for the fact that through countless playthrus these 3 mods are so deeply engraved into my brain I still get nightmares about faeries and goblins. And Monkeynuts.
Milder 2 was quite fun, but it's Milder 3 that's stuck to my mind the most of this series. There was a period of time back when my parents were too cheap to have internet access in the house for quite a lengthy period of time, and I was limited to only what games I had luckily downloaded before the honey stream was shut off. What does a kid do when he's bored and has no internet? Play the crap out of the 3 or 4 dmods he has installed of course! Those were Milder 3, Cloud Castle 1 and Cycles of Evil, maybe some others. So I have my parents to thank for the fact that through countless playthrus these 3 mods are so deeply engraved into my brain I still get nightmares about faeries and goblins. And Monkeynuts.
Yeah, Milderr!! 3 was pretty good. Not anything excellent, but still definitely the best out of the series. It improved so much from the second one. Actually made me feel playing the previous ones was very much worth putting my time and interest into, and that's saying something.
"Okaly-D Dink" burned me out. I couldn't finish it and I'm having a dang hard time making myself write about it.
...I mean, there were some cool things in it. If I just plain hated it, that'd be easy to write about. I just found it so frustrating.
...I mean, there were some cool things in it. If I just plain hated it, that'd be easy to write about. I just found it so frustrating.
Push through Cocomonkey
PUSH THRU!! You can dooo eett
Love these and if 'okaly d dink' needs to feel your smiting stick SO BE IT hehee

Love these and if 'okaly d dink' needs to feel your smiting stick SO BE IT hehee
This is where introducing alternative awards would come in handy

I vaguely remember having the same problem with that d-mod. Wasn't the worst I'd ever played, but I never did finish it or ever had the desire to.
Ugh. Just... ugh.
097: Okaly-D Dink (Demo) Author: Okaly-D Dude Release Date: April 6, 2001
"This game keeps the tradition of all Okaly-D games. It is fun, humurous, and pointless."
I can't find any evidence of other Okaly-D games, let alone a tradition thereof. The only thing that name makes me think of is the way Ned Flanders says "Okaly-Dokaly" on The Simpsons.
It's hard for me to explain, but this DMOD bummed me out. It's the closest I've come to giving up on the whole project so far. "Is it that bad?" you might ask - no, actually, it isn't. In fact, it's probably one of the better releases in 2001 so far (yikes). It just felt, to me, like a wall I couldn't climb.
Let me start by giving credit where it's due - I think this DMOD might have the most impressive intro of any so far. I mean, not a lot actually happens in it - Dink plays with dolls, an evil axe collects those ever-present chaos emeralds. Visually, though, it's a smash by DMOD standards. Things MOVE! I don't mean move as in "move_stop()" either, although that's scarce enough (yes, I've been buried in complaints about the lack of movement in the Malachi the Jerk intro). They animate, they look like they're moving. I'm probably overselling it, but for a few brief moments, it looked like a cutscene from a game with proper animated cutscenes.
Anyway, that's your plot - that evil axe wants to take over the world or something. Horrors! Dink must stop having tea parties with his stuffed pals (actually, they were jerks anyway) in order to put a stop to this madness.
There's a lot of silliness going on here, and some of it is quite entertaining. For example, if you ring an unusually specific warning bell, you'll get sent to jail - but all you have to do to escape is punch the 'bars' (pillars) in front of you. Although the guard is standing nearby, he only offers up an unenthusiastic, "Don't do that." If you talk to him, he'll say, "Don't run away." I guess it's the honor system.
Everyone you meet in this DMOD is seriously odd, but not all the jokes worked for me. There's a house with two fabulous guys who are an excuse to make jokes at the expense of fabulous guys. That CAN be funny, but here the joke just seems to be, "ew, fabulouss, they're the worst, let's get away from these deviant queermos." I found it aggressively unfunny and a bit offensive. I mean, their names are "Fudge" and "Pack," to give you an idea.
There was a neat item in this mod, a town portal scroll. It works like the one in Diablo. Using it takes you back to the town square, leaving a portal that can take you back where you just came from, at which point the portal vanishes. The portal back stays in place until you use it, even if you leave the screen, so it's quite nicely executed.
Time to get to the point. This was pointless, and at times humorous (honorable mention: a whorehouse called the "Little House of Whorers," HA), but it sure as hell wasn't any fun. First of all, there's the MIDI. There's just one that plays the entire time, and it sucks. It's an incredibly grating tune with a very short loop, and you CANNOT ESCAPE it. This is the 97th DMOD I have played, and the FIRST time I have resorted to muting the sound. Maybe this sounds like a minor point to you, but it wasn't to me. Playing Dink with the sound off isn't fun. I don't feel like I'm really hitting that pillbug, y'know?
Second, this feels really unfinished. While it is a demo, I think that a demo should feel finished within its boundaries. There are buildings you can't enter, and it really would have been nice to have Dink say "the Door's locked" or something like that. There's also a large area to the south of the map with nothing in it - it's boring, the enemies are too difficult, and it looks poor - maybe more was planned for this area, but I don't think you should have access to it in the demo.
What really drove me crazy was that this mod just doesn't seem designed to be finished by anybody. The goals are quite unclear, and when you finally DO find something to do, the monsters are too tough and there's no way in the universe you could ever afford the weapons. You can find a bow, but you have to buy arrows, and before you can do THAT, you have to buy a quiver for 500 gold! At any rate, when I bought them, it glitched out and gave me a negative number of arrows forever. And even if you can get 400 gold to buy the sword (good luck), the game won't let you. Lord, a mighty swearing did emerge from my throat such as I've never done while playing this game before. I was cussing up a storm. Seriously, y'all.
After trying for over an hour and a half (argh, that is SO much longer than it sounds, particularly with the sound muted), I resorted to utterly shameless cheating. I then found out that even if you manage to get past the impossible BS that made me give up, even greater BS awaits you.
Tell me if this sounds OK to you: There's a room with some enemies and two pillar warps at the opposite side. One takes you back to the start, the other to a room with three pillar warps. Okay, I get it. The correct warp on that screen leads you to a room with FOUR. Ha ha, wow, this is going on longer than I expected. But this HAS to be the last room. Nope, five warp room! Okay, this is seriously trying my patience now, but I've already cheated to get here, so I'll keep at it until I get the right warp. Where does it take me?
Six warp room. And then seven, and then eight. YOU THINK I'M KIDDING? YOU THINK I'M MAKING THIS CRAP UP? FREAKING LOOK AT IT. This is not an act! This is not a bit! I am genuinely angry about this! There are twenty-eight wrong choices here, and they all take you back to the start of the entire sequence! Why? WHY? I couldn't figure out the sequence after that, either, and I gave up.
I don't feel like being nice. I don't even feel like being fair. You want to know what I think of "Okaly-D Dink?" It can suck my balls. It can get down on its knees and suck them dry. I won't even wash them first. NEXT.
097: Okaly-D Dink (Demo) Author: Okaly-D Dude Release Date: April 6, 2001
"This game keeps the tradition of all Okaly-D games. It is fun, humurous, and pointless."
I can't find any evidence of other Okaly-D games, let alone a tradition thereof. The only thing that name makes me think of is the way Ned Flanders says "Okaly-Dokaly" on The Simpsons.
It's hard for me to explain, but this DMOD bummed me out. It's the closest I've come to giving up on the whole project so far. "Is it that bad?" you might ask - no, actually, it isn't. In fact, it's probably one of the better releases in 2001 so far (yikes). It just felt, to me, like a wall I couldn't climb.
Let me start by giving credit where it's due - I think this DMOD might have the most impressive intro of any so far. I mean, not a lot actually happens in it - Dink plays with dolls, an evil axe collects those ever-present chaos emeralds. Visually, though, it's a smash by DMOD standards. Things MOVE! I don't mean move as in "move_stop()" either, although that's scarce enough (yes, I've been buried in complaints about the lack of movement in the Malachi the Jerk intro). They animate, they look like they're moving. I'm probably overselling it, but for a few brief moments, it looked like a cutscene from a game with proper animated cutscenes.
Anyway, that's your plot - that evil axe wants to take over the world or something. Horrors! Dink must stop having tea parties with his stuffed pals (actually, they were jerks anyway) in order to put a stop to this madness.
There's a lot of silliness going on here, and some of it is quite entertaining. For example, if you ring an unusually specific warning bell, you'll get sent to jail - but all you have to do to escape is punch the 'bars' (pillars) in front of you. Although the guard is standing nearby, he only offers up an unenthusiastic, "Don't do that." If you talk to him, he'll say, "Don't run away." I guess it's the honor system.
Everyone you meet in this DMOD is seriously odd, but not all the jokes worked for me. There's a house with two fabulous guys who are an excuse to make jokes at the expense of fabulous guys. That CAN be funny, but here the joke just seems to be, "ew, fabulouss, they're the worst, let's get away from these deviant queermos." I found it aggressively unfunny and a bit offensive. I mean, their names are "Fudge" and "Pack," to give you an idea.
There was a neat item in this mod, a town portal scroll. It works like the one in Diablo. Using it takes you back to the town square, leaving a portal that can take you back where you just came from, at which point the portal vanishes. The portal back stays in place until you use it, even if you leave the screen, so it's quite nicely executed.
Time to get to the point. This was pointless, and at times humorous (honorable mention: a whorehouse called the "Little House of Whorers," HA), but it sure as hell wasn't any fun. First of all, there's the MIDI. There's just one that plays the entire time, and it sucks. It's an incredibly grating tune with a very short loop, and you CANNOT ESCAPE it. This is the 97th DMOD I have played, and the FIRST time I have resorted to muting the sound. Maybe this sounds like a minor point to you, but it wasn't to me. Playing Dink with the sound off isn't fun. I don't feel like I'm really hitting that pillbug, y'know?
Second, this feels really unfinished. While it is a demo, I think that a demo should feel finished within its boundaries. There are buildings you can't enter, and it really would have been nice to have Dink say "the Door's locked" or something like that. There's also a large area to the south of the map with nothing in it - it's boring, the enemies are too difficult, and it looks poor - maybe more was planned for this area, but I don't think you should have access to it in the demo.
What really drove me crazy was that this mod just doesn't seem designed to be finished by anybody. The goals are quite unclear, and when you finally DO find something to do, the monsters are too tough and there's no way in the universe you could ever afford the weapons. You can find a bow, but you have to buy arrows, and before you can do THAT, you have to buy a quiver for 500 gold! At any rate, when I bought them, it glitched out and gave me a negative number of arrows forever. And even if you can get 400 gold to buy the sword (good luck), the game won't let you. Lord, a mighty swearing did emerge from my throat such as I've never done while playing this game before. I was cussing up a storm. Seriously, y'all.
After trying for over an hour and a half (argh, that is SO much longer than it sounds, particularly with the sound muted), I resorted to utterly shameless cheating. I then found out that even if you manage to get past the impossible BS that made me give up, even greater BS awaits you.
Tell me if this sounds OK to you: There's a room with some enemies and two pillar warps at the opposite side. One takes you back to the start, the other to a room with three pillar warps. Okay, I get it. The correct warp on that screen leads you to a room with FOUR. Ha ha, wow, this is going on longer than I expected. But this HAS to be the last room. Nope, five warp room! Okay, this is seriously trying my patience now, but I've already cheated to get here, so I'll keep at it until I get the right warp. Where does it take me?
Six warp room. And then seven, and then eight. YOU THINK I'M KIDDING? YOU THINK I'M MAKING THIS CRAP UP? FREAKING LOOK AT IT. This is not an act! This is not a bit! I am genuinely angry about this! There are twenty-eight wrong choices here, and they all take you back to the start of the entire sequence! Why? WHY? I couldn't figure out the sequence after that, either, and I gave up.
I don't feel like being nice. I don't even feel like being fair. You want to know what I think of "Okaly-D Dink?" It can suck my balls. It can get down on its knees and suck them dry. I won't even wash them first. NEXT.
Hope you get a nice relaxing, entertaining one next time

Holy shoot xD Worst part is, I remember finishing this d-mod xD It must have stood out, probably in a bad way
I can't believe that "looks poor" screenshot, wow.
And even though you hated the d-mod and couldn't finish it, you know what? It was still a great and honest writeup

And even though you hated the d-mod and couldn't finish it, you know what? It was still a great and honest writeup

Very entertaining read! I really understand your frustration, though I haven't played it. It's heartbreaking when a game with such potential is bad, it's way worse than playing a D-Mod that's just plain bad!
I remember not liking Okaly-D Dink very much. Try not to burn yourself out generally - there are a lot of D-Mods and a lot of them are doing pretty similar things.
Just going through the list, it does look like you've got Back from the Grave coming up. That should be a highlight.
Just going through the list, it does look like you've got Back from the Grave coming up. That should be a highlight.
It's true that they tend to run together after a while. But I said I'd do them all, and none of us are getting younger, right? Here are two more.
098: Evil Empire (Demo) Author: KillerRoy32 Release Date: April 19, 2001
I have not the words for the way I am feeling right now.
It wasn't long ago that I declared "Dink 007" the worst DMOD I'd ever played. I discovered in it a class of DMOD below even the likes of Dink Forever, Richard's Attack, and so on. Seeing something worse made me appreciate little things about those very bad DMODs that at least show you there was something there, some intention that the author had neither the talent nor the effort to follow up on. Enthusiasm, maybe? For example, in Dink Forever, the story with the pigs is... at least INTENDED to be mildly amusing. There's something there, even though it isn't much. In Dink 007, there was nothing.
Well, Evil Empire is even worse. It doesn't make 007 look good or anything - we really are at the bottom tier here - but it is marginally worse, and that fact amazes and confuses me. Why would someone upload a thing like this? Why?
There's a pig named Ben that tells Dink he has to go to a town called Endor - if Dink is willing to sit around and wait for the conversation, that is, since freezing is not employed. But the good news is that he has stat ups for Dink, and he'll give them out as many times as Dink wants! This was clearly not intentional, not that it matters. This is really the only thing that ever properly happens. Endor doesn't exist (I guess this is what was meant by "Demo?"), and you can enter what is purportedly a "wierd bar," but it's actually just four empty screens.
The map is the worst I've seen. This is why I say this is even worse than 007 - that DMOD's appallingly bad map did at least have some attempts to set scenes. There's nothing in this one - and a lot of it. Just take a look at the grass screens and the shoreline. Nearly all of the screens are the same thing - a mess of grass tiles with random, pointless pillbugs (some of which have no script attached) or a few trees. Those knights instantly become slayers, by the way. And notice, if you will, that the interior screen on which you start is plopped down among the grass screens, so that it's actually possible to walk straight back into it. That one really made my jaw drop open.
This DMOD is really, amazingly, astoundingly horrible. I almost feel like the DFMAOB is too good for it. It's actually kind of funny - there's no level on which it doesn't fail, no trace of competence that may be located, not even the tiniest of clean spots that isn't contaminated with putridity. There's a MIDI, but it only seems to trigger on one out-of-the-way screen. There's apparently supposed to be some unintelligible dialogue in the bar, but the sprites to deliver it were never placed. I was able to further marvel at the depths of incompetence on display here by opening up the DMOD's folder. Here are some highlights:
*All of the scripts from the original Dink Smallwood have been copied into the story folder.
*There's an extra MIDI located in both the main directory and the story directory.
*Some new scripts are included that are completely empty.
I hope that this is the worst DMOD ever, right here. I desperately need this to be the worst DMOD. I don't want to see any that are worse than this. Please, I'm begging you, Dink Network. Let me have this one.
099: Dink Blackwood Author: Piotr Lanting Release Date: May 19, 2001
This feels almost like the template for a Dink Smallwood romp. The pieces are here, and they're assembled correctly, but somebody forgot to paint it in.
The title comes from the name of our protagonist. The description claims that the mod takes place on a different planet, but in the game itself, there's just one reference to the protagonist as "Dink Blackwood." I don't usually read reviews before writing these, but I had so little to say about this one that I gave the reviews a quick browse, and Binirit hit the nail on the head - "Dink has to fix a bridge" would have been a much more accurate title.
Indeed, Dink does have to fix a bridge. This involves finding a short cave and fighting a pretty tough stone giant boss. Once you come back and fix the bridge, the DMOD simply ends, with D.B. prancing merrily back and forth over it like a moron, shouting, "Woohoo the bridge is back!" It's the sort of ending that makes you think you played a demo, but this was intended as a final release.
It's all rather spare. The few characters you encounter say the absolute least they could possibly need to in order to fulfill their role in the simple plot. There are a couple of touches of flair - the cave entrance looks cool, the spikies inside are dormant until you step on them, which makes you tread carefully, and at last, we see the simple rain effect that redink1 demonstrated back in 1998 used in a proper DMOD, although it doesn't serve any purpose and stops almost immediately (it's too bad; one could build a lot of atmosphere with this simple effect). Apart from some depth que problems, it all works okay. It's competent. The screens are slightly above average. I wouldn't recommend it, although I will say it offers a stiff but totally fair challenge. If you do play it, be sure to save using the escape menu, as there are no savebots to be found.
Next up: you're correct, it's Back from the Grave. I'm glad, because after I've played it I'll be able to watch the DSPT run without spoiling it for myself.
098: Evil Empire (Demo) Author: KillerRoy32 Release Date: April 19, 2001
I have not the words for the way I am feeling right now.
************This DMOD, "Evil Empire,"************** ********Has been awarded the prestigious********* ****DINK FOREVER MEMORIAL AWARD OF BADNESS***** ********On this day February 23, 2014********
It wasn't long ago that I declared "Dink 007" the worst DMOD I'd ever played. I discovered in it a class of DMOD below even the likes of Dink Forever, Richard's Attack, and so on. Seeing something worse made me appreciate little things about those very bad DMODs that at least show you there was something there, some intention that the author had neither the talent nor the effort to follow up on. Enthusiasm, maybe? For example, in Dink Forever, the story with the pigs is... at least INTENDED to be mildly amusing. There's something there, even though it isn't much. In Dink 007, there was nothing.
Well, Evil Empire is even worse. It doesn't make 007 look good or anything - we really are at the bottom tier here - but it is marginally worse, and that fact amazes and confuses me. Why would someone upload a thing like this? Why?
There's a pig named Ben that tells Dink he has to go to a town called Endor - if Dink is willing to sit around and wait for the conversation, that is, since freezing is not employed. But the good news is that he has stat ups for Dink, and he'll give them out as many times as Dink wants! This was clearly not intentional, not that it matters. This is really the only thing that ever properly happens. Endor doesn't exist (I guess this is what was meant by "Demo?"), and you can enter what is purportedly a "wierd bar," but it's actually just four empty screens.
The map is the worst I've seen. This is why I say this is even worse than 007 - that DMOD's appallingly bad map did at least have some attempts to set scenes. There's nothing in this one - and a lot of it. Just take a look at the grass screens and the shoreline. Nearly all of the screens are the same thing - a mess of grass tiles with random, pointless pillbugs (some of which have no script attached) or a few trees. Those knights instantly become slayers, by the way. And notice, if you will, that the interior screen on which you start is plopped down among the grass screens, so that it's actually possible to walk straight back into it. That one really made my jaw drop open.
This DMOD is really, amazingly, astoundingly horrible. I almost feel like the DFMAOB is too good for it. It's actually kind of funny - there's no level on which it doesn't fail, no trace of competence that may be located, not even the tiniest of clean spots that isn't contaminated with putridity. There's a MIDI, but it only seems to trigger on one out-of-the-way screen. There's apparently supposed to be some unintelligible dialogue in the bar, but the sprites to deliver it were never placed. I was able to further marvel at the depths of incompetence on display here by opening up the DMOD's folder. Here are some highlights:
*All of the scripts from the original Dink Smallwood have been copied into the story folder.
*There's an extra MIDI located in both the main directory and the story directory.
*Some new scripts are included that are completely empty.
I hope that this is the worst DMOD ever, right here. I desperately need this to be the worst DMOD. I don't want to see any that are worse than this. Please, I'm begging you, Dink Network. Let me have this one.
099: Dink Blackwood Author: Piotr Lanting Release Date: May 19, 2001
This feels almost like the template for a Dink Smallwood romp. The pieces are here, and they're assembled correctly, but somebody forgot to paint it in.
The title comes from the name of our protagonist. The description claims that the mod takes place on a different planet, but in the game itself, there's just one reference to the protagonist as "Dink Blackwood." I don't usually read reviews before writing these, but I had so little to say about this one that I gave the reviews a quick browse, and Binirit hit the nail on the head - "Dink has to fix a bridge" would have been a much more accurate title.
Indeed, Dink does have to fix a bridge. This involves finding a short cave and fighting a pretty tough stone giant boss. Once you come back and fix the bridge, the DMOD simply ends, with D.B. prancing merrily back and forth over it like a moron, shouting, "Woohoo the bridge is back!" It's the sort of ending that makes you think you played a demo, but this was intended as a final release.
It's all rather spare. The few characters you encounter say the absolute least they could possibly need to in order to fulfill their role in the simple plot. There are a couple of touches of flair - the cave entrance looks cool, the spikies inside are dormant until you step on them, which makes you tread carefully, and at last, we see the simple rain effect that redink1 demonstrated back in 1998 used in a proper DMOD, although it doesn't serve any purpose and stops almost immediately (it's too bad; one could build a lot of atmosphere with this simple effect). Apart from some depth que problems, it all works okay. It's competent. The screens are slightly above average. I wouldn't recommend it, although I will say it offers a stiff but totally fair challenge. If you do play it, be sure to save using the escape menu, as there are no savebots to be found.
Next up: you're correct, it's Back from the Grave. I'm glad, because after I've played it I'll be able to watch the DSPT run without spoiling it for myself.
Wow, D-Mods like Evil Empire make me look at my first D-Mods in some form of positive light, for the first time ever. Don't get me wrong, they suck, and I'd put each one of them in the top 10 worst D-Mods of all time, but at least all of them sort of work like they were intended to, and are mostly playable to the end, without too many map bugs/script bugs etc. And at least they're super short.
These Evil Empire kinda D-Mods though, they just look like they make you wanna rip your guts out, for wasting your time on them.
These Evil Empire kinda D-Mods though, they just look like they make you wanna rip your guts out, for wasting your time on them.
Whoops, I was mistaken. Back from the Grave will be #101. Next is "Legend of the Duck."
I don't think that one's too bad. Its score is dragged down by one absurdly harsh review, but I'm pretty sure it was actually okay. Just kind of meh. Sort of like... Hmm... Let's see, what would be a good example... Okaly D-Dink, maybe?

No, Legend of the Duck was quite enjoyable iirc. I might have even beta tested that, don't remember.
You did, according to the readme.
I remember liking legend of the duck. But it didn't really have anything special about it, so after playing a hundred DMODs it might be a bit dull...
Still, it formed part of the inspiration for my own first DMODs. Mostly because it showed that a DMOD didn't need to be very good to be still enjoyable. That realization made me finish DMODs rather than starting a new one.
Still, it formed part of the inspiration for my own first DMODs. Mostly because it showed that a DMOD didn't need to be very good to be still enjoyable. That realization made me finish DMODs rather than starting a new one.
wow Evil Empire such amaze

100: The Legend of the Duck Authors: Chris McNeely, Ted Shutes Release Date: May 24, 2001
But before I talk about that, let's talk about Legend of the Duck. I had a pretty okay time with it, but as I've discussed before, that has a lot to do with my mood, and my life is sad enough that this feels like an accomplishment.
This is the only DMOD credited to Ted Shutes, but in fact, his work on this is just another bugfixing patch like his patches for 9 gems 2, Friends Beyond 2 and 3, and Birth of an Empire; the only difference here is that the patch has been merged into the main release of the DMOD itself with the author's permission. Aside from map problems (which Ted never did work on), this mod was pretty bug-free in my experience, and we have Ted to thank for that.
"The Legend of the Duck" grabbed me right away. Well, not right away - it had one of the dullest title screens ever, although at least it was classy - but close. The mod is apparently a story Dink tells to some younger cousins, and it opens with Dink... meeting a duck.
When I saw Dink flip the Hell out over meeting a "Duck of Legend" that's never explained, I knew right away that I would be on board with this story. "Okay, sign me up," I said out loud, because I do things like that. Swear to God.
You see, this one doesn't have the best maps or gameplay, but with me, personality goes a long, long way. I kept laughing out loud at this game's outrageous personality. Everyone in it is so quick to react enthusiastically (whether in a positive or a negative way) that it just knocks me out. There are some memorable interactions with inanimate objects as well. For example, you start with no inventory until you encounter a "Well of wishes."
Dink: "I wish I had some weapons."
Well: "Use your fists, moron."
I was dying. Later, another well you find is less accommodating. Dink will even sass back at the player. This DMOD got on my good side and stayed there... for a while.
Anyway, the titular duck is actually a human who's been changed into a duck and wants help getting back to normal. Dink agrees to go way, way the hell out of his way to help this guy for... some reason. So follows a surprisingly long quest in which Dink mostly goes around asking people for help, and those people mostly tell him they can't help but he should try a certain other person. Almost every time, that person can't help either, but you STILL HAVE TO GO ASK. It's mostly a giant fetch quest where you rarely manage to fetch anything, to be honest with you, although I still found it quite amusing to a point.
That point is the snowy land (a good example of how just using the middle of the road tiles looks pretty odd). If you play this one, it might not be a bad idea to simply declare yourself the winner when you get there, because nothing satisfying lies ahead of you. The fetch quests get way more time-consuming, and combat finally becomes important, which doesn't end up being a good thing. There's a big tedious samey castle area where you have to undo a series of screenlocks by fighting boncas and slimes (there's a boss, but you don't have to fight him - and you shouldn't, he's absurdly hard anyway) and a bigger, even more tedious cave where you have to get nasty key parts from the insides of boncas, attempt to use them, go back and have them repaired, and yada yada. If you don't do things in the right order, you'll be on a long march back to where you just came from.
This DMOD suffers from an unnecessarily large map. It's not as bad as it might have been because there's always a road to guide you (and you should stick to it, you won't find anything by exploring), but it's still more walking than I would have liked to have done. There's no way it should have taken me two and a half hours to finish this with the amount of content it actually has. Oh man, and I almost forgot - at one point it demands a thousand gold out of you for no good reason. Grinding that up from pillbugs took a while. I managed to finish without cheating, but the whole thing just about ran out of the good will that the silly dialogue had earned from me.
On top of everything, after all of that you come to the most anti-climactic, "screw you" ending yet. Duckman is returned to normal, and he and the magician who made him that way tell Dink they've got no reward for him, he leaves, and they have a good laugh at his expense. At this point, the DMOD seems to conveniently forget about its framing device. My guesses are 1) that Dink is taking out his frustration about this experience out on his cousins by telling them a lame story with a crappy resolution, and 2) that for this, they will later strangle him in his sleep.
Even so, I think this is underrated. I'd give it a seven. Wait a minute, did I accidentally write a review?
Where was I? Right.
Hard to believe it's already been over six months since I started doing this. In that time, things have picked up quite a bit around here. It had been several months since the last DMOD release back in August, but now we've had two in the same month, and more seem to be on the way this year. Redink1 even came out of hiding for a bit. I don't want to presume I had something to do with this, but I did at least make one of those DMODs.
I decided to make a DMOD while I was working on this, and although at times it felt like the development of "Malachi the Jerk" was going to go on forever, those four months now seem like a blip in comparison to the scope of this project. I've still got a long way to go. Two hundred DMODs will put us in late 2004 (Cast Awakening Part 1, if I counted correctly); Three hundred will take us all the way to late 2009. That's a lot, and it's true that they mostly try to do the same thing. It's easy for my grip on this to shift. At times, it can be hard to believe that I'm spending my time hitting yet more pillbugs, that I'm looking at these same tiles yet again, and the pendulum of my judgment can swing in a rather harsh direction. Still, I enjoy it. It means something to me.
I've never had a lot of purpose to my life. To be honest with all of you, I'm here on the Dink Network to chase ghosts. When I was 12, I thought - for the final time in my life - that I was great, that I could do anything. Soon, I felt I'd brought shame on myself by making crap like "2001: A Dink Oddysey." It sounds dumb because it is, but every time I thought about Dink Smallwood, I thought mainly about how much I regretted being regarded the worst in the world at something instead of remembering the good times that I had. At this point, that reputation seems to exist only in my own head, which won't let it go. But then, that's what I'm like.
In 2009, I tried to kill myself. I'm still alive because the garage I attempted to fill with carbon monoxide had a tiny, hidden window that I never found until just a few months ago. I couldn't handle all of the pressure that I felt, pressure that I'd mostly manufactured. Since then, I admit that I've been drifting, floating through life, although I remain fixed in one spot in reality. I've never been good at finding a purpose. Call it pathetic if you want, but I am glad whenever I can feel useful. If my words have entertained or educated, I'm glad. I try hard to write well. As similar as going through so many DMODs can seem, I try to put a slightly different spin on each writeup so that I'm not just writing the same thing over and over. I feel like I owe it to you, my readers, and also to the DMODs themselves.
All those DMODs. Each is a piece of someone I've never met. The best moments are those when I feel I have connected with another human being through their work. The worst DMODs are those where I can't feel anything like that. Although I appreciate those mods that go out of their way to do something very different, the inherent similarity of the great majority of them produces an interesting effect. Like a control group in a scientific experiment, the things that stay the same make the things that change more relevant; they give a little window into the person who left them there. Not one of us will last forever. A few of the authors of these DMODs are already gone, but when I play them I feel like they're here with me, telling me jokes, challenging me.
Thank you for reading. In an effort to provide some variety, I will be starting a new project very soon - a screenshot and text based Let's Play of Dink Smallwood, but with an unpredictable twist. I hope you'll read that as well.
But before I talk about that, let's talk about Legend of the Duck. I had a pretty okay time with it, but as I've discussed before, that has a lot to do with my mood, and my life is sad enough that this feels like an accomplishment.
This is the only DMOD credited to Ted Shutes, but in fact, his work on this is just another bugfixing patch like his patches for 9 gems 2, Friends Beyond 2 and 3, and Birth of an Empire; the only difference here is that the patch has been merged into the main release of the DMOD itself with the author's permission. Aside from map problems (which Ted never did work on), this mod was pretty bug-free in my experience, and we have Ted to thank for that.
"The Legend of the Duck" grabbed me right away. Well, not right away - it had one of the dullest title screens ever, although at least it was classy - but close. The mod is apparently a story Dink tells to some younger cousins, and it opens with Dink... meeting a duck.
When I saw Dink flip the Hell out over meeting a "Duck of Legend" that's never explained, I knew right away that I would be on board with this story. "Okay, sign me up," I said out loud, because I do things like that. Swear to God.
You see, this one doesn't have the best maps or gameplay, but with me, personality goes a long, long way. I kept laughing out loud at this game's outrageous personality. Everyone in it is so quick to react enthusiastically (whether in a positive or a negative way) that it just knocks me out. There are some memorable interactions with inanimate objects as well. For example, you start with no inventory until you encounter a "Well of wishes."
Dink: "I wish I had some weapons."
Well: "Use your fists, moron."
I was dying. Later, another well you find is less accommodating. Dink will even sass back at the player. This DMOD got on my good side and stayed there... for a while.
Anyway, the titular duck is actually a human who's been changed into a duck and wants help getting back to normal. Dink agrees to go way, way the hell out of his way to help this guy for... some reason. So follows a surprisingly long quest in which Dink mostly goes around asking people for help, and those people mostly tell him they can't help but he should try a certain other person. Almost every time, that person can't help either, but you STILL HAVE TO GO ASK. It's mostly a giant fetch quest where you rarely manage to fetch anything, to be honest with you, although I still found it quite amusing to a point.
That point is the snowy land (a good example of how just using the middle of the road tiles looks pretty odd). If you play this one, it might not be a bad idea to simply declare yourself the winner when you get there, because nothing satisfying lies ahead of you. The fetch quests get way more time-consuming, and combat finally becomes important, which doesn't end up being a good thing. There's a big tedious samey castle area where you have to undo a series of screenlocks by fighting boncas and slimes (there's a boss, but you don't have to fight him - and you shouldn't, he's absurdly hard anyway) and a bigger, even more tedious cave where you have to get nasty key parts from the insides of boncas, attempt to use them, go back and have them repaired, and yada yada. If you don't do things in the right order, you'll be on a long march back to where you just came from.
This DMOD suffers from an unnecessarily large map. It's not as bad as it might have been because there's always a road to guide you (and you should stick to it, you won't find anything by exploring), but it's still more walking than I would have liked to have done. There's no way it should have taken me two and a half hours to finish this with the amount of content it actually has. Oh man, and I almost forgot - at one point it demands a thousand gold out of you for no good reason. Grinding that up from pillbugs took a while. I managed to finish without cheating, but the whole thing just about ran out of the good will that the silly dialogue had earned from me.
On top of everything, after all of that you come to the most anti-climactic, "screw you" ending yet. Duckman is returned to normal, and he and the magician who made him that way tell Dink they've got no reward for him, he leaves, and they have a good laugh at his expense. At this point, the DMOD seems to conveniently forget about its framing device. My guesses are 1) that Dink is taking out his frustration about this experience out on his cousins by telling them a lame story with a crappy resolution, and 2) that for this, they will later strangle him in his sleep.
Even so, I think this is underrated. I'd give it a seven. Wait a minute, did I accidentally write a review?
Where was I? Right.
Hard to believe it's already been over six months since I started doing this. In that time, things have picked up quite a bit around here. It had been several months since the last DMOD release back in August, but now we've had two in the same month, and more seem to be on the way this year. Redink1 even came out of hiding for a bit. I don't want to presume I had something to do with this, but I did at least make one of those DMODs.
I decided to make a DMOD while I was working on this, and although at times it felt like the development of "Malachi the Jerk" was going to go on forever, those four months now seem like a blip in comparison to the scope of this project. I've still got a long way to go. Two hundred DMODs will put us in late 2004 (Cast Awakening Part 1, if I counted correctly); Three hundred will take us all the way to late 2009. That's a lot, and it's true that they mostly try to do the same thing. It's easy for my grip on this to shift. At times, it can be hard to believe that I'm spending my time hitting yet more pillbugs, that I'm looking at these same tiles yet again, and the pendulum of my judgment can swing in a rather harsh direction. Still, I enjoy it. It means something to me.
I've never had a lot of purpose to my life. To be honest with all of you, I'm here on the Dink Network to chase ghosts. When I was 12, I thought - for the final time in my life - that I was great, that I could do anything. Soon, I felt I'd brought shame on myself by making crap like "2001: A Dink Oddysey." It sounds dumb because it is, but every time I thought about Dink Smallwood, I thought mainly about how much I regretted being regarded the worst in the world at something instead of remembering the good times that I had. At this point, that reputation seems to exist only in my own head, which won't let it go. But then, that's what I'm like.
In 2009, I tried to kill myself. I'm still alive because the garage I attempted to fill with carbon monoxide had a tiny, hidden window that I never found until just a few months ago. I couldn't handle all of the pressure that I felt, pressure that I'd mostly manufactured. Since then, I admit that I've been drifting, floating through life, although I remain fixed in one spot in reality. I've never been good at finding a purpose. Call it pathetic if you want, but I am glad whenever I can feel useful. If my words have entertained or educated, I'm glad. I try hard to write well. As similar as going through so many DMODs can seem, I try to put a slightly different spin on each writeup so that I'm not just writing the same thing over and over. I feel like I owe it to you, my readers, and also to the DMODs themselves.
All those DMODs. Each is a piece of someone I've never met. The best moments are those when I feel I have connected with another human being through their work. The worst DMODs are those where I can't feel anything like that. Although I appreciate those mods that go out of their way to do something very different, the inherent similarity of the great majority of them produces an interesting effect. Like a control group in a scientific experiment, the things that stay the same make the things that change more relevant; they give a little window into the person who left them there. Not one of us will last forever. A few of the authors of these DMODs are already gone, but when I play them I feel like they're here with me, telling me jokes, challenging me.
Thank you for reading. In an effort to provide some variety, I will be starting a new project very soon - a screenshot and text based Let's Play of Dink Smallwood, but with an unpredictable twist. I hope you'll read that as well.
"Thank you for reading. In an effort to provide some variety, I will be starting a new project very soon - a screenshot and text based Let's Play of Dink Smallwood, but with an unpredictable twist. I hope you'll read that as well."
An interesting idea, that's for certain. Have you given a go at making a video-recorded Let's Play at all? It's actually not too difficult, and DSPT could easilly help you with getting started.
Aside from that, will that be a side-project with this still being continued?
An interesting idea, that's for certain. Have you given a go at making a video-recorded Let's Play at all? It's actually not too difficult, and DSPT could easilly help you with getting started.
Aside from that, will that be a side-project with this still being continued?

Yes, it will.
It's sad to hear that there was a time you wanted to kill yourself. I'm extremely happy you're still alive as you've brought a breath of fresh air here and I'm sure there are people in your life who really care about you!
You're right when you say that you manufactured the ideas that made you feel very bad about your past. You could have left Dink behind forever and I can practically promise you that none of us on here would have been angry with you after all this time. But most importantly, even if there were still people who regularly went around talking about "how bad that Cocomonkey is at making DMODs" I just don't feel like things like that are worth dwelling on, especially considering how young you were. I understand though, it wasn't just your old experiences with Dink that made you feel bad, it's lack of purpose in general. The best way to solve that of course is actively finding purpose. I know I know, easier said than done, but it's never impossible.
It's interesting that you mention you are on here to "chase ghosts". I kind of feel the same way about myself, as I knew about DMODs and loved to play them, and even have experience developing things, and yet never succeeded in making a notable DMOD of my own. Sure I played around with the editor and built some "somethings" which were completely uninteresting and unfinished. I was old enough to know they were bad so I never bothered releasing them or even really backing them up so that I wouldn't lose them. So basically, I had nothing to show for how much I loved Dink and the DMOD's it's community created. I guess the DMOD (not the contest one, but the big one) I'm making now is my way of hopefully giving back to this community I love before it's too late. I just wish I had the motivation to work on it more, because this time, I know that it's something special I'm making.
Instead I spent the last several years making a game that seems like it will never be finished. I still work on it a lot and have a friend who helps me with the project which keeps me somewhat motivated, but it's really an unbelievable amount of work and my ability to focus is not always as strong as I'd like it to be. I know now that making such an ambitious project as my first real game was not a good idea, but it's a bit late for me to change my mind now. I just have to drill through until I finally get it finished one day...
Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I can relate with your feelings...I don't know if I would consider myself "depressed" but I could certainly feel a whole lot better about my own accomplishments in life than I do. It's mostly because almost everything I've spent my life on is a "WIP" and I just can't release it yet.
Hopefully, I will feel a lot better as I find more things in my life to do and actually complete some things. I hope you too are feeling a lot better and I want to let you know that no matter how pointless or hopeless life might seem at times, there is always a way forward and more that can be done to give meaning to life.
All those DMODs. Each is a piece of someone I've never met. The best moments are those when I feel I have connected with another human being through their work. The worst DMODs are those where I can't feel anything like that. Although I appreciate those mods that go out of their way to do something very different, the inherent similarity of the great majority of them produces an interesting effect. Like a control group in a scientific experiment, the things that stay the same make the things that change more relevant; they give a little window into the person who left them there. Not one of us will last forever. A few of the authors of these DMODs are already gone, but when I play them I feel like they're here with me, telling me jokes, challenging me.
I think this too is part of what makes DMOD's meaningful to me. It's ironic that I've just lately started being a part of the forum, definitely one of my regrets. I'm very thankful for the few authors who have stuck around to talk every now and then, even if it's just once in a while. I don't think any one of us are deluded into thinking that Dink is mechanically one of the best games ever, and I've never really played Dink for the gameplay so much. It's more the experience of seeing what people make and how they think that I find meaning in and that keeps me playing DMODs. It's a unique experience that hasn't been properly replicated very many times.
I hope you let you negative feelings for your past go, since that's the only way to truly go forward. It's not important to anyone that you haven't done a lot of good here when you were younger, and as you can see it also doesn't diminish what you can do in the future. Now I just need to do a better job taking my own advice and start taking more control of my own life.
Thank you for reading. In an effort to provide some variety, I will be starting a new project very soon - a screenshot and text based Let's Play of Dink Smallwood, but with an unpredictable twist. I hope you'll read that as well.
This actually sounds more interesting to me than a video Let's Play. I always get bored waiting for things to happen in video Let's Plays and I can tell when people are running low on conversation ideas and topics to keep me engaged. In short, I tend to prefer playing a game over watching someone else play a game. I feel like your idea is a little more interesting and easier to consume. I don't feel like I've seen anyone try to do anything like that before though, strange. Looking forward to it.
I'm going to send you a PM, Cocomonkey. It might get a little lengthy...
You're right when you say that you manufactured the ideas that made you feel very bad about your past. You could have left Dink behind forever and I can practically promise you that none of us on here would have been angry with you after all this time. But most importantly, even if there were still people who regularly went around talking about "how bad that Cocomonkey is at making DMODs" I just don't feel like things like that are worth dwelling on, especially considering how young you were. I understand though, it wasn't just your old experiences with Dink that made you feel bad, it's lack of purpose in general. The best way to solve that of course is actively finding purpose. I know I know, easier said than done, but it's never impossible.
It's interesting that you mention you are on here to "chase ghosts". I kind of feel the same way about myself, as I knew about DMODs and loved to play them, and even have experience developing things, and yet never succeeded in making a notable DMOD of my own. Sure I played around with the editor and built some "somethings" which were completely uninteresting and unfinished. I was old enough to know they were bad so I never bothered releasing them or even really backing them up so that I wouldn't lose them. So basically, I had nothing to show for how much I loved Dink and the DMOD's it's community created. I guess the DMOD (not the contest one, but the big one) I'm making now is my way of hopefully giving back to this community I love before it's too late. I just wish I had the motivation to work on it more, because this time, I know that it's something special I'm making.
Instead I spent the last several years making a game that seems like it will never be finished. I still work on it a lot and have a friend who helps me with the project which keeps me somewhat motivated, but it's really an unbelievable amount of work and my ability to focus is not always as strong as I'd like it to be. I know now that making such an ambitious project as my first real game was not a good idea, but it's a bit late for me to change my mind now. I just have to drill through until I finally get it finished one day...
Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I can relate with your feelings...I don't know if I would consider myself "depressed" but I could certainly feel a whole lot better about my own accomplishments in life than I do. It's mostly because almost everything I've spent my life on is a "WIP" and I just can't release it yet.

All those DMODs. Each is a piece of someone I've never met. The best moments are those when I feel I have connected with another human being through their work. The worst DMODs are those where I can't feel anything like that. Although I appreciate those mods that go out of their way to do something very different, the inherent similarity of the great majority of them produces an interesting effect. Like a control group in a scientific experiment, the things that stay the same make the things that change more relevant; they give a little window into the person who left them there. Not one of us will last forever. A few of the authors of these DMODs are already gone, but when I play them I feel like they're here with me, telling me jokes, challenging me.
I think this too is part of what makes DMOD's meaningful to me. It's ironic that I've just lately started being a part of the forum, definitely one of my regrets. I'm very thankful for the few authors who have stuck around to talk every now and then, even if it's just once in a while. I don't think any one of us are deluded into thinking that Dink is mechanically one of the best games ever, and I've never really played Dink for the gameplay so much. It's more the experience of seeing what people make and how they think that I find meaning in and that keeps me playing DMODs. It's a unique experience that hasn't been properly replicated very many times.
I hope you let you negative feelings for your past go, since that's the only way to truly go forward. It's not important to anyone that you haven't done a lot of good here when you were younger, and as you can see it also doesn't diminish what you can do in the future. Now I just need to do a better job taking my own advice and start taking more control of my own life.
Thank you for reading. In an effort to provide some variety, I will be starting a new project very soon - a screenshot and text based Let's Play of Dink Smallwood, but with an unpredictable twist. I hope you'll read that as well.
This actually sounds more interesting to me than a video Let's Play. I always get bored waiting for things to happen in video Let's Plays and I can tell when people are running low on conversation ideas and topics to keep me engaged. In short, I tend to prefer playing a game over watching someone else play a game. I feel like your idea is a little more interesting and easier to consume. I don't feel like I've seen anyone try to do anything like that before though, strange. Looking forward to it.
I'm going to send you a PM, Cocomonkey. It might get a little lengthy...
Wow! Never realized things were that bad for you. You always seemed like a pretty lighthearted and nonchalant guy to me. But now you're back here, and people love it! Not only have you taken upon the immense task of playing through all the D-Mods and giving us these D-Mod threads, you've also created a very good D-Mod and redeemed yourself from all those older D-Mods. If you still feel like you have no purpose and that you've never succeeded at anything, let me tell you, with Malachi the Jerk and these articles, you most definitely have! Seeing a Dinker from the old days come back and give us these awesome D-Mod writings and history lessons is making a lot of people's days. So thank you for putting your time into them!
In short: I've never been happier for a hidden garage window.

In short: I've never been happier for a hidden garage window.

Reading about all these DMODs gives me motivation to work on my own.
I don't think you need to justify why you're here. People are just happy you are here. No one has a singular purpose. Right now you have a purpose of writing this "play all the dmods" article up and making the woman who's soon to be your wife happy. And those are just the two I thought of off the top of my head. The more you do, the more purpose you create for yourself.
I don't think you need to justify why you're here. People are just happy you are here. No one has a singular purpose. Right now you have a purpose of writing this "play all the dmods" article up and making the woman who's soon to be your wife happy. And those are just the two I thought of off the top of my head. The more you do, the more purpose you create for yourself.
Agree. I've reinstalled Dink and am working on QFD III again. Amazing how I keep coming back to this game more than any other.
A suicide attempt? dang... Kind of makes me shudder just thinking about what could have been. The last thing I want to hear is some Dinker offing themself; and in a way, it would be even worse if the word never reached us. Anyway, it's very very good you didn't join the league of Dead Dinkers just yet. =) Simply exercising your creativity is a worthy pursuit one should take pride in, I feel, even if nothing all that great comes out of it (such as with your old dmods).
Playing through 100 dmods and writing about each in the time you have is a huge amount - I honestly didn't think you would get this far before being burnt out on it (which would be perfectly cool too, as it is a huge undertaking). Whatever combination of willpower, enjoyment and purpose you're using on it seems to be working really well, so Kudos, man.
Playing through 100 dmods and writing about each in the time you have is a huge amount - I honestly didn't think you would get this far before being burnt out on it (which would be perfectly cool too, as it is a huge undertaking). Whatever combination of willpower, enjoyment and purpose you're using on it seems to be working really well, so Kudos, man.
101: Back from the Grave (Demo) Authors: Stephen "Sphinx" Morton, Striker Release Date: May 28, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the select group with a score of 9.0 or better (9.1) on The Dink Network.
For the first time, for a reason other than player error, Dink DIES. Oh well; at a hundred DMODs, he had a good run.
And that's the case for the Dink in this DMOD, too. We've dealt with a lot of different Dink continuities, but the intro to this one implies that Dink has done almost all the stuff I've gone over here so far. He laments to his pig, Oinker (So close to Oinky! Did you guys do this on purpose? Probably not.) that he feels like he's done it all already. I can see where he's coming from; I feel the same way at times when playing DMODs. On the strength of its kickass premise and witty, observant dialogue, however, this DMOD never had me feeling that way.
Back from the Grave was made by Sphinx and Striker. According to the readme, Sphinx is responsible for the concept and some graphics, and Striker did nearly everything else.
I loved this DMOD. The writing is just the best I've seen. I laughed more times than I'd care to count. The gameplay and sense of humor both reminded me of adventure games like The Secret of Monkey Island, and I was going to say that even before I saw a reference to that in the game. Yes, the focus here is strongly on puzzles, and for the most part, this worked rather well. The puzzles actually make you think and are amusingly odd. There was just one puzzle that was too obscure for me, and I had to find the answer on the forum. It involved a fireplace.
Where Dink's standard action RPG gameplay was relevant, though, it tended to be really hard and unforgiving. You will jealously guard your life points in this mod, and it's easy to lose quite a bit of progress if you're not careful (for one thing, as the Help text in the escape menu that nobody reads will tell you, don't hit the savebots - you can kill them).
It wasn't the gameplay that was really special, though, it was the writing and the presentation. There are boatloads of text here, and I assure you it's worth reading it all, whatever warnings the game itself might give you. I was impressed by a solid sense that a story was being told at all times.
As for presentation, this game just does cool things with the graphics, both new and old. The inventory screen is the coolest I've ever seen. Dink's magical zombie body cracks me up. A combination of new and old graphics are used to create really fresh effects throughout the DMOD that made me stop for a moment and admire them, like the lighthouse, the waterfall, the bridge, and the sky. Even something as simple as this set of stairs made from the shelf sprite really made me take notice. I thought I'd seen it all at this point, but here's a good example of how you can really push the envelope and create new and interesting views that help make your world a memorable one (this, of course, is the sort of thing I'm utterly rotten at).
Walking through the plot seems like the wrong approach when talking about this DMOD. If you're curious, Dink returns to what remains of Mystery Island, where he's killed. He's brought back to life (sort of) and has to quash a nasty goblin rebellion. There, you're caught up. To me, this was more about the many great moments that made things so enjoyable. Like how you could try to walk the wrong way over and over early on, and keep getting new responses. Or the cool factor of having a Mystery Island type robot walk around and fight with you. Honestly, so many of the screenshots I took just seem to stand well on their own. Even out of context, I can't get enough of this. Or this, or this, or this. The courtroom scene and its aftermath. The in-jokes. It just felt so perfect to me.
It's too bad, then, that I didn't manage to win without cheating. I know, I know, I'm getting absolutely awful about this, but screw you, the boss is TOO dang HARD. You have to fight three waves of goblins (a certain character is supposed to help you, but their attacks don't actually work) and then a boss goblin that throws clubs at you with no healing and no ranged attack of your own. After my first abject failure, I went back and found a couple of powerups I'd missed, and I even went through the agonizing process of grinding to level 5 on the wimpy experience given out in this demo, and it didn't help. Four long, legitimate attempts later, I rendered my verdict. Too hard.
But it doesn't really matter. It's not about the ending (which tells us, with refreshing honesty, that this is unlikely to ever be finished). This was a blast, and if you haven't played it yet, you should go do so. Oh, and Striker, you should finish it. Seriously.
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the select group with a score of 9.0 or better (9.1) on The Dink Network.
For the first time, for a reason other than player error, Dink DIES. Oh well; at a hundred DMODs, he had a good run.
And that's the case for the Dink in this DMOD, too. We've dealt with a lot of different Dink continuities, but the intro to this one implies that Dink has done almost all the stuff I've gone over here so far. He laments to his pig, Oinker (So close to Oinky! Did you guys do this on purpose? Probably not.) that he feels like he's done it all already. I can see where he's coming from; I feel the same way at times when playing DMODs. On the strength of its kickass premise and witty, observant dialogue, however, this DMOD never had me feeling that way.
Back from the Grave was made by Sphinx and Striker. According to the readme, Sphinx is responsible for the concept and some graphics, and Striker did nearly everything else.
I loved this DMOD. The writing is just the best I've seen. I laughed more times than I'd care to count. The gameplay and sense of humor both reminded me of adventure games like The Secret of Monkey Island, and I was going to say that even before I saw a reference to that in the game. Yes, the focus here is strongly on puzzles, and for the most part, this worked rather well. The puzzles actually make you think and are amusingly odd. There was just one puzzle that was too obscure for me, and I had to find the answer on the forum. It involved a fireplace.
Where Dink's standard action RPG gameplay was relevant, though, it tended to be really hard and unforgiving. You will jealously guard your life points in this mod, and it's easy to lose quite a bit of progress if you're not careful (for one thing, as the Help text in the escape menu that nobody reads will tell you, don't hit the savebots - you can kill them).
It wasn't the gameplay that was really special, though, it was the writing and the presentation. There are boatloads of text here, and I assure you it's worth reading it all, whatever warnings the game itself might give you. I was impressed by a solid sense that a story was being told at all times.
As for presentation, this game just does cool things with the graphics, both new and old. The inventory screen is the coolest I've ever seen. Dink's magical zombie body cracks me up. A combination of new and old graphics are used to create really fresh effects throughout the DMOD that made me stop for a moment and admire them, like the lighthouse, the waterfall, the bridge, and the sky. Even something as simple as this set of stairs made from the shelf sprite really made me take notice. I thought I'd seen it all at this point, but here's a good example of how you can really push the envelope and create new and interesting views that help make your world a memorable one (this, of course, is the sort of thing I'm utterly rotten at).
Walking through the plot seems like the wrong approach when talking about this DMOD. If you're curious, Dink returns to what remains of Mystery Island, where he's killed. He's brought back to life (sort of) and has to quash a nasty goblin rebellion. There, you're caught up. To me, this was more about the many great moments that made things so enjoyable. Like how you could try to walk the wrong way over and over early on, and keep getting new responses. Or the cool factor of having a Mystery Island type robot walk around and fight with you. Honestly, so many of the screenshots I took just seem to stand well on their own. Even out of context, I can't get enough of this. Or this, or this, or this. The courtroom scene and its aftermath. The in-jokes. It just felt so perfect to me.
It's too bad, then, that I didn't manage to win without cheating. I know, I know, I'm getting absolutely awful about this, but screw you, the boss is TOO dang HARD. You have to fight three waves of goblins (a certain character is supposed to help you, but their attacks don't actually work) and then a boss goblin that throws clubs at you with no healing and no ranged attack of your own. After my first abject failure, I went back and found a couple of powerups I'd missed, and I even went through the agonizing process of grinding to level 5 on the wimpy experience given out in this demo, and it didn't help. Four long, legitimate attempts later, I rendered my verdict. Too hard.
But it doesn't really matter. It's not about the ending (which tells us, with refreshing honesty, that this is unlikely to ever be finished). This was a blast, and if you haven't played it yet, you should go do so. Oh, and Striker, you should finish it. Seriously.
"Too hard"
I found this to be the case myself, but persistence bordering on insanity won out for me when I first took to playing this Dmod (without cheating)
Maybe when the next Let's Play video for it comes out you'll see things you might have missed out on, I don't think we've seen the last of it just yet
Another awesome read with great opinions and screenshots from some of the best moments. Seriously, keep up the good work and Robj might actually start paying you cookies for this.
I found this to be the case myself, but persistence bordering on insanity won out for me when I first took to playing this Dmod (without cheating)

Maybe when the next Let's Play video for it comes out you'll see things you might have missed out on, I don't think we've seen the last of it just yet

Another awesome read with great opinions and screenshots from some of the best moments. Seriously, keep up the good work and Robj might actually start paying you cookies for this.
Interresting as always!
I can't believe that you actually played and written about over a hundred D-Mods! Very impressive!
I can't believe that you actually played and written about over a hundred D-Mods! Very impressive!
I will second that notion. Very impressive, and still fun to read even after a hundred DMODs already. Hope you still have some fun playing these.
And about chasing ghosts... I've found this community to be very welcoming of members who grow up. Other forums will usually ban people, this place rarely does so. I've seen many people misbehaving only to return as friendly, smart people. It is really nice to see people become better persons over time. I think many, if not most, active members here have grown up with the Dinknetwork. 't is a nice place for outcasts here...
And about chasing ghosts... I've found this community to be very welcoming of members who grow up. Other forums will usually ban people, this place rarely does so. I've seen many people misbehaving only to return as friendly, smart people. It is really nice to see people become better persons over time. I think many, if not most, active members here have grown up with the Dinknetwork. 't is a nice place for outcasts here...

102: The Hunt (WIP) Author: Thom C. Vedder Release Date: June 7, 2001
Oh man, it's this guy! I didn't expect to hear from the author of "Pointless" and "Scar of David 2" again. Actually, I quite liked Pointless. That one's still worth a download.
The readme tells us that this DMOD is an experiment and proclaims, "There is no overused plot, not washed up dialog and no attempt to create a game just because I like to tell really stupid stories. This game is meant to play, and play it you shall."
Well, you've got that right, Thom. Play it I did, but there wasn't a lot of point to doing so.
"The Hunt" is a test for a system wherein Dink receives "credits" each time he kills a monster. This is in addition to the regular experience points. You can use credits to raise your stats or to buy weapons or the fireball spell. It's also possible to trade 1000 gold for 100 exp (what a ripoff!).
I suppose this system could be implemented into a DMOD to give it a different feel where grinding is very important and you have clear targets to grind towards. Here, there's no point at all. There's absolutely nothing to do or accomplish, and I think that in the few words I've written above, I've already given you as good an idea of how the system works as you'd get from playing it (or showing you screenshots). There is no reason to download this at all.
On June 28, 2001, I finally admitted to myself that I was never going to finish Crossroads, and I made the mistake of emailing the "Crossroads mess" to redink1 rather than leaving the trailer well enough alone. I happen to have some of the text from the email here.
"Oinky II turned out to be a 200 year old pig named Merlin who belonged to a powerful wizard who lives in a dimension where time does not exist. Zink and the dream wizard return for a boss battle."
Wow. Is my pig a wizard? Is my wizard a pig? I don't remember this at all. I think that Malachi the Jerk is clearly a better DMOD than Crossroads was ever going to be, so I guess things worked out OK.
103: Dink vs Zagor (Demo) Authors: Chris and Jim Arapidis Release Date: June 30, 2001
Dink knows the score. Yes, this is another DMOD. Another DMOD in which Dink is sent on a mission by a King (it's apparently King Daniel's brother, but I'm pretty sure even that or something like it has been done before). Another DMOD featuring an evil wizard. Another DMOD in which Dink must fight goblins. Boy, is this ever another DMOD.
In other words, there isn't a lot to make this one stand out. I will say that, considering that the description calls it a "short, really short demo," it's surprisingly substantial. It took me forty minutes, and I attained the rarely-seen level 6. The maps are decent, even quite good in spots, until you notice the many depth dot errors. It wasn't a bad DMOD, but if you've played DMODs you've seen it all before.
One thing that kind of interested me was the challenge. The early game is filled with enemies you aren't well-equipped to challenge. You've got to be careful while finding powerups and leveling up. It was tough and kind of fun for a little while. I liked how there were lots of powerups to find, but for once, it felt balancing rather than unbalancing.
Some other things held this one back in addition to how "samey" it was, though. The spelling was pretty bad, and many buildings had doors you simply couldn't enter. There's at least one part with an invisible (edge of screen) wall. Overall, it just wasn't that interesting.
And then there's the boss, Trog the goblin. He's so fast, strong and tough that I am convinced he's not supposed to be beaten normally (although if that's the case, locking the player in with screenlock was a bad idea). Even filling my inventory with elixirs didn't help. You can find a throwing axe, but due to Trog's defense, he's invulnerable to that attack. The only shot you have at beating him is if he gets stuck on the edge of the screen, which he's prone to do. I found, however, that you don't have to fight him at all. Thanks to the invisible wall I mentioned earlier, you can glitch right past the hardness blocking off the section after him and move on to the final section of the DMOD.
Really, this one wasn't bad, but it left so little of an impression on me that it's already fading from my mind. At least the core gameplay was solid. You don't encounter a lot of DMODs that put you up against such a stiff challenge without feeling unreasonable.
If you haven't already checked out my Screenshot LP of Dink Smallwood, give it a look! It's different than you might expect.
Oh man, it's this guy! I didn't expect to hear from the author of "Pointless" and "Scar of David 2" again. Actually, I quite liked Pointless. That one's still worth a download.
The readme tells us that this DMOD is an experiment and proclaims, "There is no overused plot, not washed up dialog and no attempt to create a game just because I like to tell really stupid stories. This game is meant to play, and play it you shall."
Well, you've got that right, Thom. Play it I did, but there wasn't a lot of point to doing so.
"The Hunt" is a test for a system wherein Dink receives "credits" each time he kills a monster. This is in addition to the regular experience points. You can use credits to raise your stats or to buy weapons or the fireball spell. It's also possible to trade 1000 gold for 100 exp (what a ripoff!).
I suppose this system could be implemented into a DMOD to give it a different feel where grinding is very important and you have clear targets to grind towards. Here, there's no point at all. There's absolutely nothing to do or accomplish, and I think that in the few words I've written above, I've already given you as good an idea of how the system works as you'd get from playing it (or showing you screenshots). There is no reason to download this at all.
On June 28, 2001, I finally admitted to myself that I was never going to finish Crossroads, and I made the mistake of emailing the "Crossroads mess" to redink1 rather than leaving the trailer well enough alone. I happen to have some of the text from the email here.
"Oinky II turned out to be a 200 year old pig named Merlin who belonged to a powerful wizard who lives in a dimension where time does not exist. Zink and the dream wizard return for a boss battle."
Wow. Is my pig a wizard? Is my wizard a pig? I don't remember this at all. I think that Malachi the Jerk is clearly a better DMOD than Crossroads was ever going to be, so I guess things worked out OK.
103: Dink vs Zagor (Demo) Authors: Chris and Jim Arapidis Release Date: June 30, 2001
Dink knows the score. Yes, this is another DMOD. Another DMOD in which Dink is sent on a mission by a King (it's apparently King Daniel's brother, but I'm pretty sure even that or something like it has been done before). Another DMOD featuring an evil wizard. Another DMOD in which Dink must fight goblins. Boy, is this ever another DMOD.
In other words, there isn't a lot to make this one stand out. I will say that, considering that the description calls it a "short, really short demo," it's surprisingly substantial. It took me forty minutes, and I attained the rarely-seen level 6. The maps are decent, even quite good in spots, until you notice the many depth dot errors. It wasn't a bad DMOD, but if you've played DMODs you've seen it all before.
One thing that kind of interested me was the challenge. The early game is filled with enemies you aren't well-equipped to challenge. You've got to be careful while finding powerups and leveling up. It was tough and kind of fun for a little while. I liked how there were lots of powerups to find, but for once, it felt balancing rather than unbalancing.
Some other things held this one back in addition to how "samey" it was, though. The spelling was pretty bad, and many buildings had doors you simply couldn't enter. There's at least one part with an invisible (edge of screen) wall. Overall, it just wasn't that interesting.
And then there's the boss, Trog the goblin. He's so fast, strong and tough that I am convinced he's not supposed to be beaten normally (although if that's the case, locking the player in with screenlock was a bad idea). Even filling my inventory with elixirs didn't help. You can find a throwing axe, but due to Trog's defense, he's invulnerable to that attack. The only shot you have at beating him is if he gets stuck on the edge of the screen, which he's prone to do. I found, however, that you don't have to fight him at all. Thanks to the invisible wall I mentioned earlier, you can glitch right past the hardness blocking off the section after him and move on to the final section of the DMOD.
Really, this one wasn't bad, but it left so little of an impression on me that it's already fading from my mind. At least the core gameplay was solid. You don't encounter a lot of DMODs that put you up against such a stiff challenge without feeling unreasonable.
If you haven't already checked out my Screenshot LP of Dink Smallwood, give it a look! It's different than you might expect.
Thanks for the compliments Cocomonkey! It's always interesting to hear what others think of your own work... well, at least when it's mostly praise
Back when was made, I didn't see the game being too hard, but I would definitely tweak it significantly and have a lot less mandatory combat and screenlocks. Devs tend to scale to their own abilities, and honestly I think any big d-mod author should get a lot of feedback on the action difficulty before finally releasing (me included). Granted, it can be hard to get reliable testers and you may just want to release into the wild and tweak in a patch.
If I went and did a full version now, I would probably overhaul most of the game, cut down a lot of the dialog (but keep most of the jokes), find ways to make the combat more interesting, puzzles less nonsensical, and streamline the plot which was a pretty big mess when I looked at what I had planned.

Back when was made, I didn't see the game being too hard, but I would definitely tweak it significantly and have a lot less mandatory combat and screenlocks. Devs tend to scale to their own abilities, and honestly I think any big d-mod author should get a lot of feedback on the action difficulty before finally releasing (me included). Granted, it can be hard to get reliable testers and you may just want to release into the wild and tweak in a patch.
If I went and did a full version now, I would probably overhaul most of the game, cut down a lot of the dialog (but keep most of the jokes), find ways to make the combat more interesting, puzzles less nonsensical, and streamline the plot which was a pretty big mess when I looked at what I had planned.
104: Revenge of the Ducks 3: Enter the Smallwood Author: Jan Willem Veenhof Release Date: September 16, 2001
Ducks, ducks, ducks. You could say that their very inclusion in the original game was enough to guarantee they'd be the focus of many DMODs, but there's more to it than that. A 2002 experiment found that, worldwide, ducks were considered to be the funniest animal. What is it about ducks? Is it the way they waddle? Is it that quacking sound? In Dink's world, it's probably the fact that you can punch their head clean off.
In the conclusion of the oddly named "Revenge of the Ducks" trilogy (oddly named because it looks like the revenge of just one duck to me), Ronan the Duck and Billy the Bonca finally meet Dink Smallwood, something I'd been anticipating since the original (heck, I thought the "revenge" was going to be for Dink's duck-killing ways back in Windermere). Not much really happens, though.
I have to be blunt here - this DMOD is seriously overrated. RotD 2 was much better, and it isn't like I loved that one. I don't think it's terrible, but it just comes off as mediocre and lazy. You walk through maps so sparse that it feels fair even for me to say so (which is saying a lot), killing pillbugs. That is all you do. It took me about twenty minutes, but that's because I chose to hang around beating up pillbugs for some reason. You could easily do it in under five. Treelines are ended poorly with standard tree sprites that you can burn down, thus going where you aren't supposed to. I found at least one screen that locks and then won't unlock. There's a goblin who seems like he's supposed to be a boss, but since the screen doesn't lock, there's no need to fight him, which doesn't make any sense in the context of the story.
There's still the annoying thing where you pause when you shoot a fireball, but I got a bit of a new perspective on that. You could argue that magic in Dink is broken in the first place. When you're having trouble with a fight, the best thing to do is always to abandon the hit and run tactic and hang back and shoot fireballs. If you're patient, you'll win, unless you're unlucky enough to be fighting an enemy that casts, shoots, or is extremely fast. With this little handicap, shooting fireballs becomes kind of dangerous, and getting a shot off without getting hit requires more precision. Maybe JVeenhof was actually balancing out the game.
While Dink is not the subject of their revenge (some guy named Xanatos is the big bad in this series), Ronan and Billy are still massive jerks to him, which is kind of funny, I guess. They end up working together to destroy a common foe, which is nice, although it's kind of lame you don't get to fight an actual end boss.
Playing as a Duck riding a bonca was still a tremendous idea, but RotD 2 did it better. This one had less structure, less of a plot, and is easily skippable.
Next up: Secret of Parizaya, one of only two DMODs on the site that is labelled an "Epic" and rated less than 8.
Ducks, ducks, ducks. You could say that their very inclusion in the original game was enough to guarantee they'd be the focus of many DMODs, but there's more to it than that. A 2002 experiment found that, worldwide, ducks were considered to be the funniest animal. What is it about ducks? Is it the way they waddle? Is it that quacking sound? In Dink's world, it's probably the fact that you can punch their head clean off.
In the conclusion of the oddly named "Revenge of the Ducks" trilogy (oddly named because it looks like the revenge of just one duck to me), Ronan the Duck and Billy the Bonca finally meet Dink Smallwood, something I'd been anticipating since the original (heck, I thought the "revenge" was going to be for Dink's duck-killing ways back in Windermere). Not much really happens, though.
I have to be blunt here - this DMOD is seriously overrated. RotD 2 was much better, and it isn't like I loved that one. I don't think it's terrible, but it just comes off as mediocre and lazy. You walk through maps so sparse that it feels fair even for me to say so (which is saying a lot), killing pillbugs. That is all you do. It took me about twenty minutes, but that's because I chose to hang around beating up pillbugs for some reason. You could easily do it in under five. Treelines are ended poorly with standard tree sprites that you can burn down, thus going where you aren't supposed to. I found at least one screen that locks and then won't unlock. There's a goblin who seems like he's supposed to be a boss, but since the screen doesn't lock, there's no need to fight him, which doesn't make any sense in the context of the story.
There's still the annoying thing where you pause when you shoot a fireball, but I got a bit of a new perspective on that. You could argue that magic in Dink is broken in the first place. When you're having trouble with a fight, the best thing to do is always to abandon the hit and run tactic and hang back and shoot fireballs. If you're patient, you'll win, unless you're unlucky enough to be fighting an enemy that casts, shoots, or is extremely fast. With this little handicap, shooting fireballs becomes kind of dangerous, and getting a shot off without getting hit requires more precision. Maybe JVeenhof was actually balancing out the game.
While Dink is not the subject of their revenge (some guy named Xanatos is the big bad in this series), Ronan and Billy are still massive jerks to him, which is kind of funny, I guess. They end up working together to destroy a common foe, which is nice, although it's kind of lame you don't get to fight an actual end boss.
Playing as a Duck riding a bonca was still a tremendous idea, but RotD 2 did it better. This one had less structure, less of a plot, and is easily skippable.
Next up: Secret of Parizaya, one of only two DMODs on the site that is labelled an "Epic" and rated less than 8.
Entertaining read! Can't wait to hear what you have to say about "Secret of Parizaya"
Revenge of the Ducks is one of those dmod series that's got charm, despite being technically weak. Heck, I think the shoddiness might even be a part of the charm. For me, that was enough to make each of those dmods highly entertaining.
I agree not having Dink as the final boss was a massive missed opportunity, though. Hey Jveenhof, how about a sequel?
I agree not having Dink as the final boss was a massive missed opportunity, though. Hey Jveenhof, how about a sequel?

Reading through all of these playthroughs makes me aware of how average most DMODs are. After a 100 DMODs being bad in a charming kind of way is cute somehow. Though for me revenge of the ducks will continue to stand out for it's unique charm, perhaps it's a childhood thingie...
A true quality DMOD, for me is when I stop thinking about how everything was put together and start enjoying the story. For most DMODs I can't help but constantly notice the standard way things are done. In some way average epics are the worst, they are long without that special something that keeps you totally hooked into the game... Hope you still have a good time with Parizaya. I remember enjoying it, though not like the great epics of our history.
A true quality DMOD, for me is when I stop thinking about how everything was put together and start enjoying the story. For most DMODs I can't help but constantly notice the standard way things are done. In some way average epics are the worst, they are long without that special something that keeps you totally hooked into the game... Hope you still have a good time with Parizaya. I remember enjoying it, though not like the great epics of our history.
Sorry it's been a while. I got married since the last time I posted here and had a little honeymoon. And then Secret of Parizaya took me a while to actually get through.
105: Secret of Parizaya Author: Christiaan Janssen Release Date: September 21, 2001
I couldn't nail down the release date of this one. September is all I'm sure of.
Christiaan is a well-known member of the Dink community. I think I used one of the MIDIs he composed in a minor spot in "Malachi the Jerk." This was his first DMOD.
Secret of Parizaya (Check out that crazy title screen!) is the second lowest-rated epic on TDN. The gap between it and the third-lowest is considerable. The rating is currently 6.8/10. This includes a review by the author, which always kind of bugs me. I did the math, though, and the rating would be 6.7 without his review, so I guess it isn't a big deal.
First of all, this isn't an epic. That isn't a value judgment, it's just a measure of length. "Malachi the Jerk" is definitely a longer DMOD than this one despite having fewer screens. "Parizaya" hits the 768 maximum by including quite a few pointless empty screens that are never used, by the way. In the original game those kind of screens were there to make the in-game map look better, but when you press M in this DMOD, you get this. Wow.
Early on, I was planning to make a mild defense of "Parizaya." Parts of it can be quite fun. The maps, while LOOKING rather odd, at least do so in an original way, and the overall layout works pretty well and reminds me of the Legend of Zelda series. A few spots even look memorable in a good way. There were some nice stylistic elements, like text announcing the parts of the story or the name of the town you were entering. Ultimately, however, my patience ran out as the problems I ran into piled up.
I'm not sure I should bother talking about the story. You're a not-Dink from the far future, and your Uncle Skull Rage (I bet the family never expected him to become evil) has kidnapped your parents. It makes zero sense and isn't even terribly coherent. I tuned it out for the most part.
There's this awful sound that comes out of your speakers throughout this DMOD for absolutely no reason at all. It starts at a low rumble, and proceeds into a mix between a monster roaring and something throwing up. It made me want to cry.
There are some pretty terrible-looking screens and a number of bugs to contend with. There was a screen that always caused the game to fade down and never fade back up. There were flame boncas like the ones previously seen in Birth of an Empire, but they lacked special frames and couldn't hit you. Worst of all, the second-to-last boss simply doesn't work and leaves you trapped. Most of the bugs are not major, but they add up and get quite irritating.
The biggest problem is the weird difficulty spikes you run into. When you mix them with the scarcity of save points, it forms a potent and aggressive pesticide that targets the promising shoots of fun and wipes them right out. I couldn't beat the final boss. It has 500 HP and 25 defense. Sure, there's a comparable boss in "Malachi the Jerk," but that mod had the flame bow and automatic bow lore. Here, you can't get bow lore at all, and I really can't imagine how I was supposed to deal damage to the boss at all.
I'd say that with quite a bit more polish - minor things, really, like more care in enemy placement and balance and fixing a number of bugs - this could be a really solid DMOD. Not a great one, but really solid for sure. As it is, an experience that started out as fun became overwhelmed for me by frustration.
That was kind of short, so please enjoy a 2001-era GameFAQs review of this DMOD. Please note that number scores and opinions from 2001 GameFAQs do not necessarily apply to current reality.
"Pretty dumb overall, but contains certian good features that make it enjoyable... for a while"
A review of "Secret of Parizaya" by SSJ_Psycho_Vegeta
Posted 9/28/01
This game is you being a guy from a thousand years in the future. But, it is kind of confusing, because the guy that you are looks exactly, like Dink smallwood. That was a very bad feature, but there are soem features that are kind of good, like gameplay. Other features, like sound, were bad. Overall, it is a middle of the line kind of game, neither good or bad.
Graphics: 7
The Graphics were okay, when you consider that, Dink Smallwood is four years old, so how good can the graphics be? Even still, all of the colors were colored in nicley, which made it more enjoyable, to look at. However I don't think, that graphics like these, could ever deserve more than seven points.
Gameplay: 6
I know that I said, that, the gameplay was good. And for a while, it was. But twords the end of the game, it got so hard, to play, that it was almost impossible. It was hard, when you get to the last levles it was really hard. I did appreciate how the gameplay required a lot of stragity to win, which is why, the score is still six even thogh the end, was almost impossbile.
Sound: 4
Not all of the sound, was bad. There was music from Final Fantasy VII, which is obviously the best music. Some of the other music, was good also. But some of the sound, WAS SO BAD, that it made me want to stab my ears off. IT WAS SO SO BAD. There was this sound that would not shut up, for the whole game, and in one part there was this person who said, Hi, it's me, some dumb name, over and over and wouldnt stop, ever. The sound was a poor feature, in this particular game.
Buy/Rent: Neither
One good thing, I can say about this game, is that you do not have to buy it or rent it. Just download it, and you can play it for FREE. Even Dink Smallwood, which used to cost $20, is free now. So in the end, you really do not lose much, to try it, except spending a lot of time if you still have 56k.
Overall: 6
This is a middle of the road game. You could play better games, and you could play worse. This is a game, that could go either way, with people, but its still free, so you should, download it, and try and see, if you like it or not.
Thanks, SSJ_Psycho_Vegeta. It sure is a good thing that all of your reviews from thirteen years ago are committed to the Web for all people to see forever.
105: Secret of Parizaya Author: Christiaan Janssen Release Date: September 21, 2001
I couldn't nail down the release date of this one. September is all I'm sure of.
Christiaan is a well-known member of the Dink community. I think I used one of the MIDIs he composed in a minor spot in "Malachi the Jerk." This was his first DMOD.
Secret of Parizaya (Check out that crazy title screen!) is the second lowest-rated epic on TDN. The gap between it and the third-lowest is considerable. The rating is currently 6.8/10. This includes a review by the author, which always kind of bugs me. I did the math, though, and the rating would be 6.7 without his review, so I guess it isn't a big deal.
First of all, this isn't an epic. That isn't a value judgment, it's just a measure of length. "Malachi the Jerk" is definitely a longer DMOD than this one despite having fewer screens. "Parizaya" hits the 768 maximum by including quite a few pointless empty screens that are never used, by the way. In the original game those kind of screens were there to make the in-game map look better, but when you press M in this DMOD, you get this. Wow.
Early on, I was planning to make a mild defense of "Parizaya." Parts of it can be quite fun. The maps, while LOOKING rather odd, at least do so in an original way, and the overall layout works pretty well and reminds me of the Legend of Zelda series. A few spots even look memorable in a good way. There were some nice stylistic elements, like text announcing the parts of the story or the name of the town you were entering. Ultimately, however, my patience ran out as the problems I ran into piled up.
I'm not sure I should bother talking about the story. You're a not-Dink from the far future, and your Uncle Skull Rage (I bet the family never expected him to become evil) has kidnapped your parents. It makes zero sense and isn't even terribly coherent. I tuned it out for the most part.
There's this awful sound that comes out of your speakers throughout this DMOD for absolutely no reason at all. It starts at a low rumble, and proceeds into a mix between a monster roaring and something throwing up. It made me want to cry.
There are some pretty terrible-looking screens and a number of bugs to contend with. There was a screen that always caused the game to fade down and never fade back up. There were flame boncas like the ones previously seen in Birth of an Empire, but they lacked special frames and couldn't hit you. Worst of all, the second-to-last boss simply doesn't work and leaves you trapped. Most of the bugs are not major, but they add up and get quite irritating.
The biggest problem is the weird difficulty spikes you run into. When you mix them with the scarcity of save points, it forms a potent and aggressive pesticide that targets the promising shoots of fun and wipes them right out. I couldn't beat the final boss. It has 500 HP and 25 defense. Sure, there's a comparable boss in "Malachi the Jerk," but that mod had the flame bow and automatic bow lore. Here, you can't get bow lore at all, and I really can't imagine how I was supposed to deal damage to the boss at all.
I'd say that with quite a bit more polish - minor things, really, like more care in enemy placement and balance and fixing a number of bugs - this could be a really solid DMOD. Not a great one, but really solid for sure. As it is, an experience that started out as fun became overwhelmed for me by frustration.
That was kind of short, so please enjoy a 2001-era GameFAQs review of this DMOD. Please note that number scores and opinions from 2001 GameFAQs do not necessarily apply to current reality.
"Pretty dumb overall, but contains certian good features that make it enjoyable... for a while"
A review of "Secret of Parizaya" by SSJ_Psycho_Vegeta
Posted 9/28/01
This game is you being a guy from a thousand years in the future. But, it is kind of confusing, because the guy that you are looks exactly, like Dink smallwood. That was a very bad feature, but there are soem features that are kind of good, like gameplay. Other features, like sound, were bad. Overall, it is a middle of the line kind of game, neither good or bad.
Graphics: 7
The Graphics were okay, when you consider that, Dink Smallwood is four years old, so how good can the graphics be? Even still, all of the colors were colored in nicley, which made it more enjoyable, to look at. However I don't think, that graphics like these, could ever deserve more than seven points.
Gameplay: 6
I know that I said, that, the gameplay was good. And for a while, it was. But twords the end of the game, it got so hard, to play, that it was almost impossible. It was hard, when you get to the last levles it was really hard. I did appreciate how the gameplay required a lot of stragity to win, which is why, the score is still six even thogh the end, was almost impossbile.
Sound: 4
Not all of the sound, was bad. There was music from Final Fantasy VII, which is obviously the best music. Some of the other music, was good also. But some of the sound, WAS SO BAD, that it made me want to stab my ears off. IT WAS SO SO BAD. There was this sound that would not shut up, for the whole game, and in one part there was this person who said, Hi, it's me, some dumb name, over and over and wouldnt stop, ever. The sound was a poor feature, in this particular game.
Buy/Rent: Neither
One good thing, I can say about this game, is that you do not have to buy it or rent it. Just download it, and you can play it for FREE. Even Dink Smallwood, which used to cost $20, is free now. So in the end, you really do not lose much, to try it, except spending a lot of time if you still have 56k.
Overall: 6
This is a middle of the road game. You could play better games, and you could play worse. This is a game, that could go either way, with people, but its still free, so you should, download it, and try and see, if you like it or not.
Thanks, SSJ_Psycho_Vegeta. It sure is a good thing that all of your reviews from thirteen years ago are committed to the Web for all people to see forever.
well congratulations on your wedding and nice review again.
just hope you can find the time to play dmods and having fun with your spouse but I'd say if you have to choose there is no contest pick your spouse
just hope you can find the time to play dmods and having fun with your spouse but I'd say if you have to choose there is no contest pick your spouse
I can understand your frustration with the story; I myself am a bit of a Lore nut in certain games, and when the story isn't there or just happens to be... bad... I can lose interest pretty easily.
I can understand your frustration with the story; I myself am a bit of a Lore nut in certain games, and when the story isn't there or just happens to be... bad... I can lose interest pretty easily.
Congrats on getting married, dude! Wish you and your wife all the best.
I remember playing Parizaya many years ago. It was one of the last Epics I ever tried out, and therefore a huge disappointment (before that, I didn't realize Epics could actually be bad). I managed to play it for about ten minutes before giving up. I just couldn't stand anything about it, for some reason. And thinking the D-Mod was gonna be rather long certainly didn't encourage me to finish it. All the kudos to you, for actually playing it through.

I remember playing Parizaya many years ago. It was one of the last Epics I ever tried out, and therefore a huge disappointment (before that, I didn't realize Epics could actually be bad). I managed to play it for about ten minutes before giving up. I just couldn't stand anything about it, for some reason. And thinking the D-Mod was gonna be rather long certainly didn't encourage me to finish it. All the kudos to you, for actually playing it through.
Looks to me like you discovered all the secrets Parizaya had to offer.
wow gz on the marriage man!
106: Doomsday Author: Kbot man Release Date: December 2, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the very select group to have a rating below 1.0 (0.4) on The Dink Network.
So, Kbot man. Quite a name you've got there. What have you got to say for yourself?
"You're a ghost. So simple. So boring."
Accuracy! Let's give him a hand, everybody.
"Doomsday" is an insanely underwhelming effort. For some reason, it won't show up in DFArc at all. I could only get it to run by typing "dink -game doomsday" at the command prompt. Tragically, this approach broke my screenshot-taking solution. It's too bad, because there are genuinely interesting sights in this one. Really!
Let me start with what isn't here.
1. Scripts. The STORY folder is empty - that's right, this DMOD does not employ a single script. Furthermore, no sprite has one of the original game's scripts attached to it either.
2. Hardness. Not a single sprite or tile has hardness of any kind. The only thing that may impede the ghostly Dink are the edges of existence itself. This also means that there are no warps.
3. The status bar. Status is never drawn in this DMOD. I'd have used the chance to noclip everything over the rest of the screen and make larger, more involved scenes, but haha, that would take effort!
There also aren't any new MIDIs, but there've been plenty of DMODs with none at all, and this does at least employ two from the original game.
Those things are so basic. I never thought I'd see something released as a DMOD that lacks all of them. Oh, the release is labeled as a "Beta," but I know bullshoot when I see it. This isn't so much a beta as an afternoon spent messing around in DinkEdit and then released for the Hell of it.
What we do have is an awful lot of screens with the default awful grass tiling and, in some cases, a few other types of poorly-done tiles. Upon some of the screens (less than half) have been placed a variety of sprites, many of them animated using brain 6. Naturally, you are unable to interact with any of them in any way.
It isn't the worst DMOD ever. I wouldn't put it higher than third place in that category. There was something almost effective about it.
Unlike the "Beta" nonsense, I actually buy the "ghost" premise as more than an excuse for how little work has been done here. Between downloading the mod and playing it, I'd forgotten Kbot man's statement, but within a minute of loading the DMOD, I felt like a ghost. And I have to tell you, It felt terrible. An endless futile longing. Complete impotence, without any ability to influence or accomplish anything. I am not kidding when I say that this DMOD is an existential nightmare. As somber music plays, Dink's spirit wanders hopelessly among grim tableaux. Corpses, destruction and fire abound in bizarre and nonsensical scenes. And you - you can't even die. Why would you have a status bar? It's no good to you.
Maybe you've heard of the movie The Room. It's become famous for being hilariously ineptly made. People have turned it into a cult comedy favorite based purely on how nonsensically terrible it is. A few years ago, I watched it, and I saw it differently than everyone else. It's awful, yes, but every so-called "review" I've seen, despite going over the movie in exhaustive detail, completely misses the point of the movie, treating it as a collection of plotless scenes.
In contrast, when I watched The Room I was chilled to the bone by one of the most excruciating stories of human cruelty I've ever seen. Tommy Wiseau actually had one hell of an idea - if only someone competent could have executed it. Even as messed up as it is, it's still a powerfully stomach-turning story - I can't imagine what it would be like if actually done well. The Room was a story of an unstable sociopath manipulating the men in her life using joyless, empty sex, and some of the elements for a great story were definitely in place, buried under a mountain of incompetent filmmaking. (I wrote more about that movie here.)
"Doomsday" isn't much like The Room - for one thing, there's a lot less effort put into it. But both works remind me that sometimes, a powerful idea can be seen in the very worst work out there. Dink's ghost wandering in a world where he can never accomplish anything is such a good idea that it resonated with me even in this absolute abortion of a DMOD.
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the very select group to have a rating below 1.0 (0.4) on The Dink Network.
So, Kbot man. Quite a name you've got there. What have you got to say for yourself?
"You're a ghost. So simple. So boring."
Accuracy! Let's give him a hand, everybody.
*************This DMOD, "Doomsday,"**************** ********Has been awarded the prestigious********* ****DINK FOREVER MEMORIAL AWARD OF BADNESS***** *********On this day April 11, 2014**********
"Doomsday" is an insanely underwhelming effort. For some reason, it won't show up in DFArc at all. I could only get it to run by typing "dink -game doomsday" at the command prompt. Tragically, this approach broke my screenshot-taking solution. It's too bad, because there are genuinely interesting sights in this one. Really!
Let me start with what isn't here.
1. Scripts. The STORY folder is empty - that's right, this DMOD does not employ a single script. Furthermore, no sprite has one of the original game's scripts attached to it either.
2. Hardness. Not a single sprite or tile has hardness of any kind. The only thing that may impede the ghostly Dink are the edges of existence itself. This also means that there are no warps.
3. The status bar. Status is never drawn in this DMOD. I'd have used the chance to noclip everything over the rest of the screen and make larger, more involved scenes, but haha, that would take effort!
There also aren't any new MIDIs, but there've been plenty of DMODs with none at all, and this does at least employ two from the original game.
Those things are so basic. I never thought I'd see something released as a DMOD that lacks all of them. Oh, the release is labeled as a "Beta," but I know bullshoot when I see it. This isn't so much a beta as an afternoon spent messing around in DinkEdit and then released for the Hell of it.
What we do have is an awful lot of screens with the default awful grass tiling and, in some cases, a few other types of poorly-done tiles. Upon some of the screens (less than half) have been placed a variety of sprites, many of them animated using brain 6. Naturally, you are unable to interact with any of them in any way.
It isn't the worst DMOD ever. I wouldn't put it higher than third place in that category. There was something almost effective about it.
Unlike the "Beta" nonsense, I actually buy the "ghost" premise as more than an excuse for how little work has been done here. Between downloading the mod and playing it, I'd forgotten Kbot man's statement, but within a minute of loading the DMOD, I felt like a ghost. And I have to tell you, It felt terrible. An endless futile longing. Complete impotence, without any ability to influence or accomplish anything. I am not kidding when I say that this DMOD is an existential nightmare. As somber music plays, Dink's spirit wanders hopelessly among grim tableaux. Corpses, destruction and fire abound in bizarre and nonsensical scenes. And you - you can't even die. Why would you have a status bar? It's no good to you.
Maybe you've heard of the movie The Room. It's become famous for being hilariously ineptly made. People have turned it into a cult comedy favorite based purely on how nonsensically terrible it is. A few years ago, I watched it, and I saw it differently than everyone else. It's awful, yes, but every so-called "review" I've seen, despite going over the movie in exhaustive detail, completely misses the point of the movie, treating it as a collection of plotless scenes.
In contrast, when I watched The Room I was chilled to the bone by one of the most excruciating stories of human cruelty I've ever seen. Tommy Wiseau actually had one hell of an idea - if only someone competent could have executed it. Even as messed up as it is, it's still a powerfully stomach-turning story - I can't imagine what it would be like if actually done well. The Room was a story of an unstable sociopath manipulating the men in her life using joyless, empty sex, and some of the elements for a great story were definitely in place, buried under a mountain of incompetent filmmaking. (I wrote more about that movie here.)
"Doomsday" isn't much like The Room - for one thing, there's a lot less effort put into it. But both works remind me that sometimes, a powerful idea can be seen in the very worst work out there. Dink's ghost wandering in a world where he can never accomplish anything is such a good idea that it resonated with me even in this absolute abortion of a DMOD.
I haven't seen The Room yet... but I still enjoyed reading your analysis on it quite a lot! Also I haven't played Doomsday, but if well done that "ghost" concept does sound like it could be a very unique gaming experience.
Oh, thanks for the well wishes, guys. Forgot to say that.
Congratulations from me too! Hope you have a wonderful life together.
*rubs eyes* am i really seing redink or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
Oh and very entertaining read! This is a Dmod I've actually played which meant I could appreciate you commentary even more!

Oh and very entertaining read! This is a Dmod I've actually played which meant I could appreciate you commentary even more!

Hey, congrats, Tim. I've still been contemplating bringing "the Room" to a bad-movie smackdown that I go to occasionally and it still hasn't been shown, but I've been afraid it might be too awful to actually enjoy (I haven't seen it yet).
107: True of Life Author: Timo Jyrisoo Release Date: December 2, 2001
True of Life is a very short DMOD remarkable only for springing dragons on you that will instantly kill you and for having you fight Seth when beating him is completely impossible without cheating. If you did enough grinding (waiting for the same enemies to respawn), there's a flame bow you can buy for 2000 gold, but you still wouldn't be tough enough to survive Seth's magic attacks.
Incidentally, the title screen instructs you to "save Fred." This doesn't go so well.
I would like to draw your attention instead to the pants-ruiningly hilarious dialogue. Ol' Timo was 12 years old and Estonian, so I don't really blame him for mangling English, but the results are magic. They really are.
I don't see anything wrong with filling up the rest of this writeup with dialogue from the mod. Remember to shout everything as you read it out loud, because exclamation points are many and periods nonexistent. Everything here is copied verbatim. You may find that lazy, but I wanted you all to read this stuff without having to play a boring, impossible DMOD.
Asking an enthusiastic local for directions:
Dink: Hey! My name is Dink Smallwood! Do you have saw Fred?
James: My name is James Eastwood!
Fred went that house!
Hitting him up for cash:
Dink: Do you have money?
James: No!
But go that house and then go east there is money!
At this point I was nearly crying from laughter.
Encountering Fred:
Dink: Can you hear me?
Fred: ..Dink!
Dink: What happent?
Fred: ..Ss..
Dink: Who?
Fred: ..Ss..
Me: Ooh, a lady?
Me: Shetland pony?
Actually, this turns out to be the worst attempt to say "Seth" ever.
Asking Fred "are you death:"
Dink: Are you death?
Dink: Good!
Fred: ..but!...
Dink: What?
Fred: ..nothing..!
This exchange is so amazing. I can't begin to imagine the thought process behind it. Did Fred just fake Dink out while dying in a pool of his own blood? Did that just happen? Sweet Fred... your burns were too sick for this world.
Asking Fred "who kill him:"
Dink: Who sseett?
Fred: ..Look...out..Dink...he goming...
Dink: Okay!
(Seth appears)
Fred: OU NO! IT'S HIM!
Dink: What Seth!
Seth: Yes I am seth!
The rest isn't terribly interesting - mostly swearing - but I have to admit I wondered if Seth had played this one and hoped against reason that he had.
And now, some Dos and Don'ts for "True of Life."
DON'T: Play "True of Life."
DO: Record a dramatic reading of the dialogue from "True of Life" and put it on the Internet.
As the ending I cheated to see reminds us, "YOU ARE HERO!"
Next time: FIAT.
True of Life is a very short DMOD remarkable only for springing dragons on you that will instantly kill you and for having you fight Seth when beating him is completely impossible without cheating. If you did enough grinding (waiting for the same enemies to respawn), there's a flame bow you can buy for 2000 gold, but you still wouldn't be tough enough to survive Seth's magic attacks.
Incidentally, the title screen instructs you to "save Fred." This doesn't go so well.
I would like to draw your attention instead to the pants-ruiningly hilarious dialogue. Ol' Timo was 12 years old and Estonian, so I don't really blame him for mangling English, but the results are magic. They really are.
I don't see anything wrong with filling up the rest of this writeup with dialogue from the mod. Remember to shout everything as you read it out loud, because exclamation points are many and periods nonexistent. Everything here is copied verbatim. You may find that lazy, but I wanted you all to read this stuff without having to play a boring, impossible DMOD.
Asking an enthusiastic local for directions:
Dink: Hey! My name is Dink Smallwood! Do you have saw Fred?
James: My name is James Eastwood!
Fred went that house!
Hitting him up for cash:
Dink: Do you have money?
James: No!
But go that house and then go east there is money!
At this point I was nearly crying from laughter.
Encountering Fred:
Dink: Can you hear me?
Fred: ..Dink!
Dink: What happent?
Fred: ..Ss..
Dink: Who?
Fred: ..Ss..
Me: Ooh, a lady?
Me: Shetland pony?
Actually, this turns out to be the worst attempt to say "Seth" ever.
Asking Fred "are you death:"
Dink: Are you death?
Dink: Good!
Fred: ..but!...
Dink: What?
Fred: ..nothing..!
This exchange is so amazing. I can't begin to imagine the thought process behind it. Did Fred just fake Dink out while dying in a pool of his own blood? Did that just happen? Sweet Fred... your burns were too sick for this world.
Asking Fred "who kill him:"
Dink: Who sseett?
Fred: ..Look...out..Dink...he goming...
Dink: Okay!
(Seth appears)
Fred: OU NO! IT'S HIM!
Dink: What Seth!
Seth: Yes I am seth!
The rest isn't terribly interesting - mostly swearing - but I have to admit I wondered if Seth had played this one and hoped against reason that he had.
And now, some Dos and Don'ts for "True of Life."
DON'T: Play "True of Life."
DO: Record a dramatic reading of the dialogue from "True of Life" and put it on the Internet.
As the ending I cheated to see reminds us, "YOU ARE HERO!"
Next time: FIAT.
"DON'T: Play "True of Life."
DO: Record a dramatic reading of the dialogue from "True of Life" and put it on the Internet."
IT SHALL BE DONE! I will have results for you on the DSPT channel! Gimme a few hours!
Ok! Let's 'Play' True of Life... Will be interesting! Mwuahahah!
Consider the fact that, after a four hour nap and while feeling like utter crap, I woke up to read this. So I found it extra entertaining, keep up the awesome work.
DO: Record a dramatic reading of the dialogue from "True of Life" and put it on the Internet."
IT SHALL BE DONE! I will have results for you on the DSPT channel! Gimme a few hours!
Ok! Let's 'Play' True of Life... Will be interesting! Mwuahahah!
Consider the fact that, after a four hour nap and while feeling like utter crap, I woke up to read this. So I found it extra entertaining, keep up the awesome work.
Did it use the actual Seth graphics from the original game? Cause that would be quite an accomplishment for such a sucky D-Mod.
Yes, it did. I, too, was mildly impressed.
They're "hidden" in the effects folder in the dir.ff, and when the BMP graphics were released as a download, the Seth graphics were not included. You had to know how to extract the dir.ff and where the Seth graphics were. In 2001, it would have been kind of difficult for a beginner.
He may have just used the same .ini as the original dink.
Oh wow, I can't believe I just said that. That was dumb and wrong. My bad.
Okay, here's the actual deal. The graphics aren't loaded in the .ini in the original Dink. They're loaded in a script on the boss screen. All you have to do is do the same, or copy the lines into your .ini. It does show a deeper understanding of how the game works than I had as a beginner, at any rate.
Okay, here's the actual deal. The graphics aren't loaded in the .ini in the original Dink. They're loaded in a script on the boss screen. All you have to do is do the same, or copy the lines into your .ini. It does show a deeper understanding of how the game works than I had as a beginner, at any rate.
108: Dinky Dimensions 1: FIAT Author: Dan Walma Release Date: December 11, 2001
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the select group to have a rating of 9.0 or better (9.2) on The Dink Network.
I think that this one might not mean the same thing to a lot of you as it does to me.
I mean, you might really like "FIAT," or maybe you don't like it so much, but I remember it mostly as something that was "coming soon" for what felt like forever.
"FIAT" is a prequel to the 1999 mod "End of Time" (the continuity of the "Dinky Dimensions" series, also known as the "Cast Awakening" series, among other names, is a can of worms I'll open in another writeup), and had been in development for over two years. I was an enthusiastic follower of Dan's DMODs and had played all of them, so I anticipated his planned epic more than anything else. Although I'd been out of the community for nearly a year at this point, I would still lurk occasionally, and "FIAT" was the reason why. When it came out, I had to reinstall Dink Smallwood in order to play it. I played it, had a great time, uninstalled Dink, and didn't touch it again until 2006.
Y'all are probably sick of my soul-searching by now, but I can't think about this one without looking back at what it meant to me, and what it meant was being able to put Dink behind me for good. I had some dark thoughts in my head wrapped up in this game - thoughts about what kind of person I really am. I wanted to stop checking the Dink Network, but the excuse I would make for doing it anyway was, "Well, I haven't played FIAT yet."
Now I've played it twice. I told myself when I started this project that I'd take it at least this far, and see how I felt. Right now I feel pretty good about taking it the rest of the way.
I think Dan must have felt the same way the rest of us did about the ever-impending release of this DMOD, if not more so, because the initial release version was 0.99. Even the current version is 0.99j. A version 1.0 was planned, but never happened. If anybody thought that it was weird that I released Malachi the Jerk 1.1 just two days after 1.0, you should know that "FIAT" went through seven updates before 2002. Anyway, it's still easy to see why the number that usually marks an initial release has continued to elude this DMOD. It's by no means terribly buggy, but it crashes. Yes, it crashes and it's not always obvious why. It seems like one of those annoying things that varies from person to person and is difficult to reproduce in order to fix. Save often, folks. I did, so I never lost much progress.
This is one of my personal favorite DMODs. There's so much cool stuff going on with the gameplay, primarily the elemental mechanic that the story revolves around. All the standard monsters - the pillbug, the slime, the bonca, the spiky thing, the slayer, and the stone giant - have five different element-based varieties with different stats and the appropriate elemental weakness (the dragon also has a few different versions). It amounts to the most variety in enemies I think you'll ever encounter in a DMOD, and it's a lot of fun seeing all these different enemies and switching your weapon and strategy to suit them. Oh yeah, and there are these weird spine-worm things.
You can also imbue your weapons with the power of the five elements. Furthermore, there are the special weapons of Snedfee and Gimac, a couple of heroes whose parents must have been big fans of anagrams; these are random drops that will increase your defense or magic by ten points when equipped and are enormously useful. All this results in quite the full inventory, somewhat compensated for by the fact that up to five potions, bombs etc. will stack in the same slot. There are keyboard shortcuts to use these items, but I didn't use them because they're not so convenient for somebody who uses a gamepad like me. I wish I could have assigned "buttstomp" to a button, but that's not something the engine really allows for unless you put it in the map's place.
I really liked the way the world was laid out (and incidentally, apparently the founders of the Magik isles were also huge anagram fans). At no point did I ever feel lost. Big expanses of land with points of interest dotted throughout are not found here; instead, the map is quite purposeful and no two areas feel quite the same. You always know where you're going.
The plot, of course, leans so hard upon the "elemental macguffins" trope that I considered installing guardrails, but it does so with wit and style, making for an enjoyable time throughout. There were frustrations, naturally (HA HA I BET YOU WISH YOU BROUGHT A BOMB, HAVE FUN GOING ALL THE WAY BACK ***HOLE), such as the infamous spell-stealing pig, which got a little old, but nothing got on me so much that I stopped having fun, which is a common problem. I did get stuck a few times and referenced the most popular guide on DinkSolutions. In every case, I had been on the right track and missed something stupid like a stick hidden behind a wall.
Things do get rather dark at points, memorably including a rather teeth-grindingly explicit description of people getting tortured to death, but I thought it worked pretty well. It's nice to keep the whole "you have to save the world" thing in perspective.
I want to say that this DMOD featured the first boss fight that you're required to lose (as in, hit 0 HP) in order to continue, but when I think about it I'm not completely sure that this hasn't happened before.
There's one unfortunate bug I ran into that I felt was worth mentioning. There's a minigame you have to play where sounds will play and you have to quickly press the correct direction that corresponds to that sound. Well, when I got there, even after multiple tries it refused to freeze Dink for this event. I could still do it, assuming that I never pressed the talk button.
There are loads of secrets and things to find in this one. I only found some of them on my own. I did go out of my way to get an ultimate weapon, which is quite a bit of effort but very useful, and nets you a bit of extra ending in which a wizard talks to a fountain. So that's nice.
What more can I say? Dink came. He saw. He conquered. It was so bad ass. FIAT himself did take me two tries due to a certain hard to dodge attack. Anyway, you guys should all play FIAT, it's a good DMOD. I mean, you probably have already. But still.
Oh right, there's also some extra games here. Let's start with the only one I actually found on my own.
Ed the SCV 2: Dan Walma is a huge jerk and he's going straight to Hell. Anybody who's ever played Ed the SCV 2 knows what I'm talking about.
Okay, I'm kidding. Sort of. The original "Ed the SCV" was a romp that showcased some nifty, unusual weapons. This one is a bomb-centric puzzler that kicks you in the pants and then flips you off.
Ed, who you may recall died at the end of his original DMOD, is resurrected with the task of killing evil sinner Dink Smallwood. Nice, right? I thought this was a great concept and was really looking forward to it. Well, after spending twenty minutes trying to figure out what to do (Silly Ed, that is clearly not a pumpkin!), I looked it up and found out I was supposed to talk to a pillbug, which is complete bull**** because there are tons of pillbugs and the rest of them don't talk. Given that information, I was able to construct a unspeakable device.
There's no payoff. Not only do you not get to kill Dink, but Ed dies again in a stupid way. Again. Then the DMOD tells you to press Alt+F4 to quit, and after a minute and a half, it starts insulting you. But there's got to be a cool secret waiting and OH MY GOD. I'm in Hell. Hell is where I am. YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, CAPTAIN REDINK1.
I must admit that I went ahead and cheated to see the rest of the secret minigames. I mean, I want to be thorough here, and I've still got a lot more DMODs to play. I don't agree with the review on that file, incidentally, that calls FIAT "so bug filled it's impossible to gain those secrets without cheating anyway." It's really not that bad.
Exterminator: Click to drop bombs and prevent the pillbugs from crossing the screen. The difficulty ramps up quick, and I couldn't hack it. By the way, pillbugs aren't insects - they're crustaceans. But, y'know, we do call 'em "bugs" anyway.
Dinkaxian: A little side-view shoot-em-up. Cool idea, but it is a little frustrating how slow the ship moves. At any rate, several waves in it became impossible to continue because some ships were indestructible.
Dinkemon: An attempt at a Dink game of Pokémon. This one begins with a great intro that presents Dink's trip to the Darklands exactly as it was in the original game - until he gets to the Seth area and Milder has already won, resulting in Dink's humiliation. It was absolutely priceless, I gotta tell you.
Check it out - if you play this after Dinkaxian, the status bar gets all confused. You move at the slow ship speed, too.
In this game you wander through the main DMOD's map, challenging the NPCs to Dinkemon battles. You directly control your pillbug instead of using turn-based commands, but it's still quite different and interesting. It's hard to get much of anywhere, though, and there's not much to really accomplish in this unfinished minigame.
FIAT Gladiator: Apparently based on the trailer for the movie Gladiator. There's actually a little story here about a man named George's quest for freedom. You start with pretty much nothing, and have to earn money through fights to buy yourself equipment and stat increases so you can make MORE money from fights and move up the tiers until you can buy your freedom. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
I was! I spent like an hour and a half on this minigame (!) and really dug it. I've always wanted a Dink experience like this. I mean, there was Dink Arena, but something with a goal to work towards. This was almost exactly what I was thinking of, although I could think of a few improvements. For example, at certain levels, you could have little plot events happen in the setup area. This is just a minigame, though, and a dang good one. The ending is short but satisfying.
The minigames might not seem like much individually (except Gladiator, that was great), but together, they're a showcase for all the different kinds of ideas for games you can make in the Dink engine. Mike Snyder threw down the gauntlet with "Dinkanoid" way back in August 1998, and from then until here, Dan was the only one to pick up the torch (uh, I guess the gauntlet caught fire while it was on the ground) with games like Alliance Command, Frogger, and Dinkers. DMODs mostly tread roughly the same ground, but if you're willing to wrestle around with DinkC and the graphics, you can still do so many things that are new and untested.
I spent a lot of time playing "FIAT" and writing this. My end time on the main game was 9:21, not quite topping my 9:42 mark from Stone of Balance, but I easily logged over 2 more hours on the minigames. I also hit level 18 in the Gladiator minigame, setting a new record for the highest level I've ever hit during a DMOD that starts you from level 1.
I also took way too many screenshots. You guys want to get nuts with screenshots? LET'S GET NUTS.
Today I learned many things.
I learned that Dink is really good at counting.
I learned that even Dink has his limits.
I learned that books suck when you try to read them by staring at the back of a bookshelf.
I learned that Dink takes magazine fandom very seriously.
I learned that falling through a roof kinda hurts.
I learned that regurgitation has more uses than I previously thought.
I learned that ducks play the long game.
I learned that trees are unimpressed by cutscenes.
I learned that I am extremely unoriginal.
I learned that Dink has 3 ducks loaded in his whistle.
I learned that logs floating on seas of Pepto-Bismol are a good place to do headstands.
I learned that pigs are holy warriors. (And persistent spell thieves)
I learned that Tal is a prophet.
I learned that somebody set up us the bomb.
I learned that fields of work are distinguishable mainly by smell.
I learned that this community is still great after more than 15 years. Thanks for reading 108 writeups, everybody.
Next: People have asked for this sort of thing, so 2001 year wrapup!
REPUTATION NOTE: This DMOD is one of the select group to have a rating of 9.0 or better (9.2) on The Dink Network.
I think that this one might not mean the same thing to a lot of you as it does to me.
I mean, you might really like "FIAT," or maybe you don't like it so much, but I remember it mostly as something that was "coming soon" for what felt like forever.
"FIAT" is a prequel to the 1999 mod "End of Time" (the continuity of the "Dinky Dimensions" series, also known as the "Cast Awakening" series, among other names, is a can of worms I'll open in another writeup), and had been in development for over two years. I was an enthusiastic follower of Dan's DMODs and had played all of them, so I anticipated his planned epic more than anything else. Although I'd been out of the community for nearly a year at this point, I would still lurk occasionally, and "FIAT" was the reason why. When it came out, I had to reinstall Dink Smallwood in order to play it. I played it, had a great time, uninstalled Dink, and didn't touch it again until 2006.
Y'all are probably sick of my soul-searching by now, but I can't think about this one without looking back at what it meant to me, and what it meant was being able to put Dink behind me for good. I had some dark thoughts in my head wrapped up in this game - thoughts about what kind of person I really am. I wanted to stop checking the Dink Network, but the excuse I would make for doing it anyway was, "Well, I haven't played FIAT yet."
Now I've played it twice. I told myself when I started this project that I'd take it at least this far, and see how I felt. Right now I feel pretty good about taking it the rest of the way.
I think Dan must have felt the same way the rest of us did about the ever-impending release of this DMOD, if not more so, because the initial release version was 0.99. Even the current version is 0.99j. A version 1.0 was planned, but never happened. If anybody thought that it was weird that I released Malachi the Jerk 1.1 just two days after 1.0, you should know that "FIAT" went through seven updates before 2002. Anyway, it's still easy to see why the number that usually marks an initial release has continued to elude this DMOD. It's by no means terribly buggy, but it crashes. Yes, it crashes and it's not always obvious why. It seems like one of those annoying things that varies from person to person and is difficult to reproduce in order to fix. Save often, folks. I did, so I never lost much progress.
This is one of my personal favorite DMODs. There's so much cool stuff going on with the gameplay, primarily the elemental mechanic that the story revolves around. All the standard monsters - the pillbug, the slime, the bonca, the spiky thing, the slayer, and the stone giant - have five different element-based varieties with different stats and the appropriate elemental weakness (the dragon also has a few different versions). It amounts to the most variety in enemies I think you'll ever encounter in a DMOD, and it's a lot of fun seeing all these different enemies and switching your weapon and strategy to suit them. Oh yeah, and there are these weird spine-worm things.
You can also imbue your weapons with the power of the five elements. Furthermore, there are the special weapons of Snedfee and Gimac, a couple of heroes whose parents must have been big fans of anagrams; these are random drops that will increase your defense or magic by ten points when equipped and are enormously useful. All this results in quite the full inventory, somewhat compensated for by the fact that up to five potions, bombs etc. will stack in the same slot. There are keyboard shortcuts to use these items, but I didn't use them because they're not so convenient for somebody who uses a gamepad like me. I wish I could have assigned "buttstomp" to a button, but that's not something the engine really allows for unless you put it in the map's place.
I really liked the way the world was laid out (and incidentally, apparently the founders of the Magik isles were also huge anagram fans). At no point did I ever feel lost. Big expanses of land with points of interest dotted throughout are not found here; instead, the map is quite purposeful and no two areas feel quite the same. You always know where you're going.
The plot, of course, leans so hard upon the "elemental macguffins" trope that I considered installing guardrails, but it does so with wit and style, making for an enjoyable time throughout. There were frustrations, naturally (HA HA I BET YOU WISH YOU BROUGHT A BOMB, HAVE FUN GOING ALL THE WAY BACK ***HOLE), such as the infamous spell-stealing pig, which got a little old, but nothing got on me so much that I stopped having fun, which is a common problem. I did get stuck a few times and referenced the most popular guide on DinkSolutions. In every case, I had been on the right track and missed something stupid like a stick hidden behind a wall.
Things do get rather dark at points, memorably including a rather teeth-grindingly explicit description of people getting tortured to death, but I thought it worked pretty well. It's nice to keep the whole "you have to save the world" thing in perspective.
I want to say that this DMOD featured the first boss fight that you're required to lose (as in, hit 0 HP) in order to continue, but when I think about it I'm not completely sure that this hasn't happened before.
There's one unfortunate bug I ran into that I felt was worth mentioning. There's a minigame you have to play where sounds will play and you have to quickly press the correct direction that corresponds to that sound. Well, when I got there, even after multiple tries it refused to freeze Dink for this event. I could still do it, assuming that I never pressed the talk button.
There are loads of secrets and things to find in this one. I only found some of them on my own. I did go out of my way to get an ultimate weapon, which is quite a bit of effort but very useful, and nets you a bit of extra ending in which a wizard talks to a fountain. So that's nice.
What more can I say? Dink came. He saw. He conquered. It was so bad ass. FIAT himself did take me two tries due to a certain hard to dodge attack. Anyway, you guys should all play FIAT, it's a good DMOD. I mean, you probably have already. But still.
Oh right, there's also some extra games here. Let's start with the only one I actually found on my own.
Ed the SCV 2: Dan Walma is a huge jerk and he's going straight to Hell. Anybody who's ever played Ed the SCV 2 knows what I'm talking about.
Okay, I'm kidding. Sort of. The original "Ed the SCV" was a romp that showcased some nifty, unusual weapons. This one is a bomb-centric puzzler that kicks you in the pants and then flips you off.
Ed, who you may recall died at the end of his original DMOD, is resurrected with the task of killing evil sinner Dink Smallwood. Nice, right? I thought this was a great concept and was really looking forward to it. Well, after spending twenty minutes trying to figure out what to do (Silly Ed, that is clearly not a pumpkin!), I looked it up and found out I was supposed to talk to a pillbug, which is complete bull**** because there are tons of pillbugs and the rest of them don't talk. Given that information, I was able to construct a unspeakable device.
There's no payoff. Not only do you not get to kill Dink, but Ed dies again in a stupid way. Again. Then the DMOD tells you to press Alt+F4 to quit, and after a minute and a half, it starts insulting you. But there's got to be a cool secret waiting and OH MY GOD. I'm in Hell. Hell is where I am. YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, CAPTAIN REDINK1.
I must admit that I went ahead and cheated to see the rest of the secret minigames. I mean, I want to be thorough here, and I've still got a lot more DMODs to play. I don't agree with the review on that file, incidentally, that calls FIAT "so bug filled it's impossible to gain those secrets without cheating anyway." It's really not that bad.
Exterminator: Click to drop bombs and prevent the pillbugs from crossing the screen. The difficulty ramps up quick, and I couldn't hack it. By the way, pillbugs aren't insects - they're crustaceans. But, y'know, we do call 'em "bugs" anyway.
Dinkaxian: A little side-view shoot-em-up. Cool idea, but it is a little frustrating how slow the ship moves. At any rate, several waves in it became impossible to continue because some ships were indestructible.
Dinkemon: An attempt at a Dink game of Pokémon. This one begins with a great intro that presents Dink's trip to the Darklands exactly as it was in the original game - until he gets to the Seth area and Milder has already won, resulting in Dink's humiliation. It was absolutely priceless, I gotta tell you.
Check it out - if you play this after Dinkaxian, the status bar gets all confused. You move at the slow ship speed, too.
In this game you wander through the main DMOD's map, challenging the NPCs to Dinkemon battles. You directly control your pillbug instead of using turn-based commands, but it's still quite different and interesting. It's hard to get much of anywhere, though, and there's not much to really accomplish in this unfinished minigame.
FIAT Gladiator: Apparently based on the trailer for the movie Gladiator. There's actually a little story here about a man named George's quest for freedom. You start with pretty much nothing, and have to earn money through fights to buy yourself equipment and stat increases so you can make MORE money from fights and move up the tiers until you can buy your freedom. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
I was! I spent like an hour and a half on this minigame (!) and really dug it. I've always wanted a Dink experience like this. I mean, there was Dink Arena, but something with a goal to work towards. This was almost exactly what I was thinking of, although I could think of a few improvements. For example, at certain levels, you could have little plot events happen in the setup area. This is just a minigame, though, and a dang good one. The ending is short but satisfying.
The minigames might not seem like much individually (except Gladiator, that was great), but together, they're a showcase for all the different kinds of ideas for games you can make in the Dink engine. Mike Snyder threw down the gauntlet with "Dinkanoid" way back in August 1998, and from then until here, Dan was the only one to pick up the torch (uh, I guess the gauntlet caught fire while it was on the ground) with games like Alliance Command, Frogger, and Dinkers. DMODs mostly tread roughly the same ground, but if you're willing to wrestle around with DinkC and the graphics, you can still do so many things that are new and untested.
I spent a lot of time playing "FIAT" and writing this. My end time on the main game was 9:21, not quite topping my 9:42 mark from Stone of Balance, but I easily logged over 2 more hours on the minigames. I also hit level 18 in the Gladiator minigame, setting a new record for the highest level I've ever hit during a DMOD that starts you from level 1.
I also took way too many screenshots. You guys want to get nuts with screenshots? LET'S GET NUTS.
Today I learned many things.
I learned that Dink is really good at counting.
I learned that even Dink has his limits.
I learned that books suck when you try to read them by staring at the back of a bookshelf.
I learned that Dink takes magazine fandom very seriously.
I learned that falling through a roof kinda hurts.
I learned that regurgitation has more uses than I previously thought.
I learned that ducks play the long game.
I learned that trees are unimpressed by cutscenes.
I learned that I am extremely unoriginal.
I learned that Dink has 3 ducks loaded in his whistle.
I learned that logs floating on seas of Pepto-Bismol are a good place to do headstands.
I learned that pigs are holy warriors. (And persistent spell thieves)
I learned that Tal is a prophet.
I learned that somebody set up us the bomb.
I learned that fields of work are distinguishable mainly by smell.
I learned that this community is still great after more than 15 years. Thanks for reading 108 writeups, everybody.
Next: People have asked for this sort of thing, so 2001 year wrapup!
Great stuff. Another classic d-mod down.
2002-2004, arguably the golden era of d-mod creation? Lots of new authors at the time. Including me and my seminal d-mod Planewalker.
2002-2004, arguably the golden era of d-mod creation? Lots of new authors at the time. Including me and my seminal d-mod Planewalker.
Awesome job, once again!
FIAT is a great D-Mod. One of the best, no doubt. However, it's so immense I could never make myself play it through more than once. I also remember it got a bit repetitive after a certain point. And I always thought it somewhat suffered from the same problem as Initiation, which is that neither D-Mod really focuses on the storyline enough imo.

FIAT is a great D-Mod. One of the best, no doubt. However, it's so immense I could never make myself play it through more than once. I also remember it got a bit repetitive after a certain point. And I always thought it somewhat suffered from the same problem as Initiation, which is that neither D-Mod really focuses on the storyline enough imo.
---2001 Wrap-Up---
I think it's safe to say that 2001 wasn't a very good year for DMODs.
Like Crosslink in 1999, FIAT did come along at the very end to provide the year with a real classic, but at least 1999 had a number of interesting mods by Dan Walma as well. 2001, well... Back from the Grave was really good. Revenge of the Ducks 2 is kind of charming, despite its problems. After that I have to start reaching a bit, frankly. I kind of liked "The Legend of the Duck," but I don't think I'd go recommending it - you see my problem.
And oh my Dead Dragon Carcass, the amount of absolute bottom-of-the-barrel garbage. Dink 007, A Town Over, The Moneyspell, Evil Empire and Doomsday all received the Award of Badness, and man, they EARNED it. Dink 007 was by far the worst DMOD I'd ever played when I got to it, so it was a real kick in the crotch when I discovered that Evil Empire is even worse. Evil Empire is so bizarre in its badness - nothing works, nothing happens, everything looks like crap, and even the directory contains strange errors (having all of the original game's scripts in the story folder). 2001 is the year when DMODs finally found rock bottom and set up camp there.
Of course, from what everyone tells me, 2001 is but a brief lull before the Dink renaissance really took off. That's interesting to me, as FIAT marked the end of my Dink experience. It's pretty much all new to me from here on out.
I considered giving out some kind of end-of-year awards, but really, FIAT would sweep everything related to being good except Best Writing, which I'd give to Back from the Grave. Evil Empire takes Worst DMOD, with Dink 007 its only serious challenger. Let me know if you can think of any more categories and I might use them for 2002.
See you next time...
I think it's safe to say that 2001 wasn't a very good year for DMODs.
Like Crosslink in 1999, FIAT did come along at the very end to provide the year with a real classic, but at least 1999 had a number of interesting mods by Dan Walma as well. 2001, well... Back from the Grave was really good. Revenge of the Ducks 2 is kind of charming, despite its problems. After that I have to start reaching a bit, frankly. I kind of liked "The Legend of the Duck," but I don't think I'd go recommending it - you see my problem.
And oh my Dead Dragon Carcass, the amount of absolute bottom-of-the-barrel garbage. Dink 007, A Town Over, The Moneyspell, Evil Empire and Doomsday all received the Award of Badness, and man, they EARNED it. Dink 007 was by far the worst DMOD I'd ever played when I got to it, so it was a real kick in the crotch when I discovered that Evil Empire is even worse. Evil Empire is so bizarre in its badness - nothing works, nothing happens, everything looks like crap, and even the directory contains strange errors (having all of the original game's scripts in the story folder). 2001 is the year when DMODs finally found rock bottom and set up camp there.
Of course, from what everyone tells me, 2001 is but a brief lull before the Dink renaissance really took off. That's interesting to me, as FIAT marked the end of my Dink experience. It's pretty much all new to me from here on out.
I considered giving out some kind of end-of-year awards, but really, FIAT would sweep everything related to being good except Best Writing, which I'd give to Back from the Grave. Evil Empire takes Worst DMOD, with Dink 007 its only serious challenger. Let me know if you can think of any more categories and I might use them for 2002.
See you next time...
"Let me know if you can think of any more categories and I might use them for 2002."
I refer to my earlier post in the thread, if you mean you're looking for Award categories.
"Malachi Predictability Award" for not-so-original content
"Talporn Award for Adulterated Content" for when things get immature
"Stolen Cookies award for missing decorations" for extremely empty screens or lack of content
"Pillbugs and Errors Award"
Those first above three (slightly modified from what I had in the linked post) could work for more negative awards of a sort. For more positive ones?
"Beheaded Duck Award" for well balanced combat gameplay
"The Greedy for More Pig Award" for Dmods you highly enjoy
That'll do, I need to stop editing this post with more suggestions before I get even more in-depth.
I refer to my earlier post in the thread, if you mean you're looking for Award categories.
"Malachi Predictability Award" for not-so-original content
"Talporn Award for Adulterated Content" for when things get immature
"Stolen Cookies award for missing decorations" for extremely empty screens or lack of content
"Pillbugs and Errors Award"
Those first above three (slightly modified from what I had in the linked post) could work for more negative awards of a sort. For more positive ones?
"Beheaded Duck Award" for well balanced combat gameplay
"The Greedy for More Pig Award" for Dmods you highly enjoy
That'll do, I need to stop editing this post with more suggestions before I get even more in-depth.
Once again, was a pleasure to read all of these.

I just discovered a secret in "True of Life." The first guy's advice to "go in the house and then east" always seemed kind of odd. Well, if you follow it to the letter, you'll go straight through a wall and into an area with enough megapotions and gold hearts to make beating Seth reasonable. (I beat him to check). There's also enough gold to buy the flame bow, but it isn't very useful because Timo neglected to put bow lore into his DMOD.
Here's a screenshot.
I just discovered a secret in "True of Life." The first guy's advice to "go in the house and then east" always seemed kind of odd. Well, if you follow it to the letter, you'll go straight through a wall and into an area with enough megapotions and gold hearts to make beating Seth reasonable. (I beat him to check). There's also enough gold to buy the flame bow, but it isn't very useful because Timo neglected to put bow lore into his DMOD.
Here's a screenshot.