The Dink Network

liquid141's Profile

2017-10-09 21:34:52
Peasant They/Them
Sons of liberty 
Not many people can decide that , sometimes the heart wins sometimes the mind does. All you can do is think towards longer life plan, doing sudden and shocking things might be a good cheap thrill now but it wont last forever, settling into doing something that might settle your life for good is better.

Cut down your thoughts into what is actually closer to reality , get rid of the wilder thoughts like "yes i will be god someday, i will join the avengers" those are what your mind imagines, follow the thoughts that say "hey i want to do this small job it will help me " , " i want to study this i feel great while studying this. "

You are going to struggle with this for a long time until you start doing something , pick a path studies or job hunt and go with it.