The Dink Network

Striker's Profile

Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
It is still a mystery to everyone.

Private Message

2007-11-05 22:26:33
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Yeah, like Chrispy said, I've definitely seen this before, and quite a while ago. I actually kind of doubt this was real as the two participants are almost too stereotypical.

Striker has released 4 files

Ghost Knight 2.0Development, GraphicsExceptional 9.1August 11th, 2002
Ultimate Midi PackDevelopment, MusicGood 8.4January 20th, 2002
Back from the GraveD-Mod, Demo, UnfinishedExceptional 9.1June 27th, 2001
Ghost KnightDevelopment, GraphicsGood 8.4October 17th, 2000

Striker has written 6 reviews

Total Crap Mystery Island Help MapNormalHorrible 1.0November 26th, 2009
This Used To Be My Favorite Dmod of All Time Prophecy of the AncientsFeaturedExceptional 9.2August 4th, 2006
Well World of DinkCFeaturedGood 8.3January 11th, 2006
An Enjoyable D-Mod All Around Adventures of Ed the SCV (The)NormalGood 8.4August 11th, 2005
Wow Videogame Music ArchiveFeaturedExceptional 9.7October 5th, 2002
Here’S My Review: Cloud CastleNormalGood 8.6June 24th, 2002

Striker has taken 3 screenshots

Preview Marketplace graphicsOctober 1st, 2019
Preview Back from the GraveNovember 15th, 2007
Preview Back from the GraveNovember 15th, 2007