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shevek's Profile

Peasant They/Them Netherlands
Never be afraid to ask, but don't demand an answer 
2016-10-03 10:51:21
Peasant They/Them Netherlands
Never be afraid to ask, but don't demand an answer 
I only ever use Freedink (nothing else works on GNU/Linux). One useful feature of it is its console output: in case of errors that may or may not visibly break things, it will complain there. For example, "say_stop requires 2 arguments" or something like that, when I forget to specify the speaker. Fixing those errors probably makes the D-Mod better.

There is one that doesn't break anything (I think): With the boomerang, when it hits a background sprite, &missile_target is 0, and you do something to it (sp_brain or similar). That gives an error message. But as I wrote, it probably doesn't break anything, because it makes the collision do nothing, which is correct. I would still test for it so the error is gone.

I'm not sure if it's easy to get access to this output in Windows; I'm guessing the same way as in GNU/Linux: start it from the commandline. You do this with:

c:\path\to\freedink.exe -g c:\path\to\dmod -w

If you run it from the dmod directory, the path to the dmod is "." (which is the current directory).

The -w makes it windowed; omit it if you want full screen. You can also add -d to start in debug mode; you can also enable and disable that with alt-d. In debug mode there is a lot more output, so that may be useful when debugging.

Also, the when a script does debug("message"), that message is printed to the console as well, so you can use it instead of say() to check the value of variables, or whether a certain piece of code is executed. For example, it could be used to find out how the candles can be decremented below zero.

shevek has released 2 files

browser editorDevelopment, Unfinished, Source, UtilityN/AMay 2nd, 2018
Karel ende ElegastD-Mod, RompFair 6.5January 8th, 2012

shevek has written 2 reviews

Excellent game: highly recommended The DiscipleNormalExceptional 9.0June 1st, 2016
Surprisingly good Long DMOD NameFeaturedFair 6.0April 15th, 2015