The Dink Network


TopicPostsPosterLast Updated
Sticky: Dink Smallwood / D-Mod Creation Tutorials201RobjMay 9th, 05:26 AM
Burning screenmatched trees2SeselerJuly 26th, 10:58 PM
WDE 2 crash26toofJuly 26th, 07:54 PM
HD and Yeoldedink fail to run some scripts that 1.08 can run8SeselerJuly 18th, 09:03 PM
YeOldeDink 0.94: bugfix edition34yeoldetoastJuly 15th, 12:53 PM
Is count_magic() broken in Freedink?3seselerJuly 6th, 08:52 AM
sound number 1 - the quack3SimonKJune 30th, 09:20 PM
sp_distance and sp_range effects on enemy sprites16SimonKJune 29th, 02:05 PM
Maximum line length?6SparrowhawkJune 19th, 04:54 AM
What are all the keys that can be used in scripts?19PupperoniJune 17th, 04:53 AM
sp_kill_wait() - broken?7SimonKJune 6th, 11:25 AM
crawling into hole warps in DinkHD11SimonKMay 30th, 10:48 PM
How can I change the bow speed?4PupperoniMay 20th, 11:05 PM
RTPackConverter - a tool for extracting DinkHD's Proton Engine texture...5drone1400May 14th, 11:02 AM
fade_down engine differences fix8RobjMay 3rd, 08:18 PM
variable limit and debug info6SimonKMay 1st, 05:37 AM
tile animation timing2SimonKApril 28th, 06:10 AM
playsound - 3D varaible not working?14SimonKApril 27th, 02:44 PM
editor_type() - values 2 or 4 nuke attached script?3SimonKApril 25th, 06:57 PM
Possible to make the health bar a counter instead?13PupperoniApril 24th, 12:15 AM
YeOldeDink: A Freedink Fork for dorks161yeoldetoastApril 5th, 01:31 AM
wait_for_button DinkHD weirdness6SimonKMarch 28th, 12:35 AM
The state of PNG support in 202423drone1400March 21st, 06:34 AM
Debug mode questions12SimonKFebruary 22nd, 11:35 AM
sp_clip_bottom() - does this work in freedink?3SimonKFebruary 20th, 05:35 PM
WinDinkEditPlus2 and visions and freedinkedit16SimonKFebruary 18th, 10:30 AM
move_stop() weirdness5SimonKFebruary 14th, 07:12 PM
How many sprites?6David706January 13th, 11:37 PM
dmod in Femdom47evalsJanuary 12th, 06:09 AM
Switching status bars in-game20SparrowhawkSeptember 21st 2023, 04:56 AM
What is the most efficient way to make a D-Mod these days?6spinnerwebSeptember 17th 2023, 06:59 AM
Drone's WinDinkEditPlus Fork aka WDED16drone1400August 19th 2023, 04:20 AM
Help Making A Simple Map In FreeDinkEdit4IchorisJuly 3rd 2022, 12:19 AM
A script that runs on launch(but not on restart_game)3RobjFebruary 25th 2022, 03:01 PM
Error code -11 and inventory11SlipDinkFebruary 15th 2022, 01:19 PM
Killing magic and items commands broken. (Fixes inside)2RobjAugust 15th 2021, 01:26 AM
load sprites into negative sequence slots - lots of extra slots.3RobjAugust 14th 2021, 12:42 PM
How difficult is it to create sprites6RossvanderhAugust 12th 2021, 10:11 PM
Novashell35zeddexxAugust 11th 2021, 12:32 AM
Which Dink version in 2021?25KyleJuly 31st 2021, 12:38 AM
Tile Bounds test (600x550 tileset placing)4RobjJuly 24th 2021, 10:58 PM
Packaging your D-mod for release14yeoldetoastJuly 20th 2021, 01:49 PM
DinkC Whackiness: 2 sprites share 1 script instance.6RobjJuly 18th 2021, 10:59 AM
A bomb bug (has this gone unnoticed somehow?)2RobjJuly 16th 2021, 11:59 PM
'script_attach()' isn't what it says it is.3RobjApril 28th 2021, 11:55 PM
Google sheets for getting map_tile number.1RobjApril 17th 2021, 06:34 AM
FreeDink V109.6 Crash to desktop26drone1400April 8th 2021, 02:18 PM
Modifying/Expanding on the base game17Gidon147March 30th 2021, 08:31 AM
script organisation level over 90006RobjMarch 28th 2021, 02:52 AM
sp_clip_[side] - discussion.5RobjMarch 18th 2021, 10:55 AM