The Dink Network

drone1400's Profile

Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
Used to play DMODs back in 200X, then took a break from Dink for over a decade. Lurked but never registered, until recently...

Web Page
Private Message

2022-07-09 12:37:03
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
Why don't you stream it instead?

drone1400 has released 7 files

Dink Blender TemplateDevelopmentExceptional 9.5July 20th, 2024
WinDinkEdit Plus 2 Drone Edition (Source Code)Development, SourceN/AMay 30th, 2024
WinDinkEdit Plus 2 Drone EditionDevelopment, UtilityExceptional 9.9May 30th, 2024
WinDinkEdit Plus 2 Drone Edition (XP release)Development, UtilityN/AMay 30th, 2024
Martridge - the DMOD wizard - source codeSource, Frontend, UtilityN/AMay 14th, 2024
Martridge - the DMOD wizardFrontend, UtilityN/AMay 14th, 2024
Dink engine sprite rendering resize testsDevelopment, MiscellaneousN/AFebruary 15th, 2023

drone1400 has written 4 reviews

A lovely skeleton Skeleton GelatinNormalExceptional 9.9October 28th, 2023
The 3D Models?! Dink Smallwood Original 3ds Max ModelsNormalExceptional 9.5October 21st, 2023
It's a really good DMOD and you should play it! Periculo IslandFeaturedExceptional 9.6October 21st, 2023
The Source! WinDinkedit Plus 2 SourceNormalExceptional 9.9October 21st, 2023

drone1400 has taken 7 screenshots

Preview Trees, Tiles and Rocks August 23rd, 2023
Preview Periculo IslandMay 28th, 2022
Preview Periculo IslandMay 28th, 2022
Preview Periculo IslandMay 28th, 2022
Preview Periculo IslandMay 28th, 2022
Preview Periculo IslandMay 28th, 2022
Preview Periculo IslandMay 28th, 2022