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spinnerweb's Profile

2013-05-09 02:31:35
Peasant She/Her Australia rumble
Hi guys *awkward smile*
I have an embarrassing admission to make. I haven't really worked on Georgie Porgie since September 2011.
Isn't that weird? But I have excuses:
- I was too busy with my studies
- My laptop's hard disk went to hell so I lost everything
- I was too busy writing fan fiction for Valkyria Chronicles
- I forgot how to make D-Mods
- I'm just lazy
But now I'm going to start working on it again. It'll be slow work, but I don't have exams to worry about anymore so I'm gonna work on it. So this is gonna be the thread I'll post updates on if there are any at all.
Sorry if I'm such a hypocrite.
Here's the title screen. Titlescreen
A pretty bad screenshot, the border on the left doesn't exist.
Have a nice day

spinnerweb has written 4 reviews

Lucy in the Skurn with Dink Sour Gummy WormsFeaturedGood 8.5December 30th, 2018
The quintessential adventure game. Dink SmallwoodFeaturedExceptional 9.9April 12th, 2015
Just plain fun. MayhemFeaturedGood 8.5May 12th, 2013
Wasted potential. Bill & Kill 1: *SIGH*FeaturedHorrible 1.5May 9th, 2013