The Dink Network

Mimifish's Profile

2002-08-06 20:18:03
Hello, everyone. I don't have a regular internet connection at this moment. I've been back to my home country, Taiwan, for about 2 weeks. Things are still spinning.

A few complains toward to redink1, though. First of all, although I don't think my tile hardness tutorial can win DOTM this month, at least it should be given its share of the equal chance.

And redink1 released the rewritten hard.dat! In fact I have already 90% finished my written hard.dat for my proposed new Skeleton. (In fact, I uploaded it to my website before I left America.) Now I don't know if I should finish it or not! >

Anyway, in case somebody missed me, I would be around from time to time.

Mimifish has released 6 files

MimiFish God ModeMiscellaneous, CheatExceptional 9.2July 19th, 2002
Snow Mountain TilesDevelopment, GraphicsGood 7.8July 6th, 2002
Dried Land TilesDevelopment, GraphicsGood 8.1July 4th, 2002
Other World (The)D-Mod, Miscellaneous, DemoGood 8.0July 2nd, 2002
Hard Tile TutorialDevelopment, TutorialExceptional 9.6July 1st, 2002
Simple GraphicsDevelopment, TutorialExceptional 9.8May 30th, 2002

Mimifish has written 67 reviews

This is One of the Three Entrances For the Alternative Hero Romp Dmod Contest Cycles of EvilFeaturedExceptional 9.3September 26th, 2002
This is One of the Three Entrances For the Alternative Hero Romp Dmod Contest Quest for the Golden NutFeaturedFair 6.3September 24th, 2002
This is a Pack of Start SuperWolfman's Button PackFeaturedGood 7.5July 17th, 2002
So the Author Asked Me To Rewrite My Review Since He Did Add Quite a Few Things Happy ColorFeaturedFair 6.8July 15th, 2002
The Author Claimed This File To Be an Updated Mike Snyder's Skeleton B And the File Includ... Skeleton XFeaturedHorrible 0.5July 13th, 2002
This Skeleton B Might Be One of the Most Important Development Files in Dmod History SkeletonFeaturedExceptional 9.0July 12th, 2002
This is a Cool Dmod-Like Tutorial About How To Make a Cut-Scene (Or Movie) in Your Dmod D-Mod Movie ExampleFeaturedGood 8.5July 12th, 2002
This is One of the Most Famous And Highly Praised Faq D-Mod Editing FAQFeaturedGood 8.7July 12th, 2002
This is Another Old Dinkc D-Mod HelpFeaturedGood 8.0July 12th, 2002
This is Another Version of Desert Tiles Amde By Dethlord Desert Tiles GraphicsFeaturedFair 6.5July 12th, 2002
Being a Long Time Fan of Ultima Series (Not Ultima Online) Day and NightFeaturedTolerable 3.5July 12th, 2002
This is One of the Oldest Tile Sets Available in Dink Network Autumn TilesFeaturedGood 8.0July 12th, 2002
This is One of the Oldest Tutorial About Dink D-Mod Dink.ini EditingFeaturedFair 6.0July 12th, 2002
As Being One of the Beta Testers of This Excellent Detailed Tutorial Creating Enemy SpritesFeaturedGood 8.8July 12th, 2002
This is the Introductory Movie of Jamie's Upcoming Dmod Beyond the Galaxy Beyond the Galaxy IntroFeaturedTolerable 3.0July 7th, 2002
Stay Away From This At All Cost God ModeNormalHorrible 0.5July 7th, 2002
Joshriot's Bangerang Boomerang Adds a Boomerang To Dink's Weapon System Bangerang BoomerangNormalGood 8.6July 7th, 2002
This is a Dmod Like File That You Can See it's Real Function Only Under Dinkedit Hard Tiles LabeledNormalTolerable 4.0July 7th, 2002
As Good As Eternity is a Highly Praised Epic Dmod As Good as Eternity SourceNormalFair 6.6July 7th, 2002
Some of the People in Dink Community Do Not Like the Idea of Reviewing People's Own Files Dried Land TilesFeaturedGood 8.6July 6th, 2002
Magic And Spells Are Always One of the Most Amazing Parts of Every Great Medieval Rpg Games Spells & Items PackFeaturedHorrible 0.5July 4th, 2002
Since I Am Not Sure if I Am Going To Finish This Dmod Other World (The)FeaturedGood 8.6July 2nd, 2002
This is the Grandfather of All Midi Pack Files 374 MidisFeaturedGood 7.5July 1st, 2002
This is a Quite Old File Back When Most of the Dmod Authors Did Not Try To Put Up Any New ... Advanced Graphics TutorialNormalFair 5.0July 1st, 2002
This is a Short Avi Film To Show People How To Transfer Any Graphics File (Even 24-Bit) in... Applying Dink PalletesNormalGood 7.5July 1st, 2002
This is a Single Tile Set Similar To the One Provided in Skeltonb Spare TilesFeaturedGood 7.4June 30th, 2002
Basically This is Not a Truly Tutorial D-Mod Check ListNormalFair 6.0June 30th, 2002
Version 1 Grass to Pavement/Stones TilesNormalGood 7.8June 27th, 2002
This Dmod is One of the Most Well-Accepted Early Dmods Quest for Cheese (The)FeaturedExceptional 9.1June 26th, 2002
Eot2 has One of the Best Storyline You Can Find in a Dmod Dinky Dimensions 2: End of TimeFeaturedGood 8.9June 24th, 2002
This is Another Example That Dn Should At Least have Some Validation For Files Town Over (A)NormalHorrible 0.1June 24th, 2002
This is a Nice Short Dmod Cloud CastleNormalGood 8.2June 24th, 2002
Simonk has a Long History To Use Body Part To Form an Enemy Eyeball EnemyNormalGood 8.5June 24th, 2002
One of the Best Dmod Authors Creeping Sands (The)FeaturedGood 8.0June 21st, 2002
This is the Bmp Form of Agae's Graphics As Good as Eternity Graphics PackNormalGood 7.9June 21st, 2002
This is the Only Tutorial File (As Far As I Know) About the Content of Dink Dink.ini IndexNormalGood 7.9June 20th, 2002
This is an Annotated And Error-Fixing Version of the Old And Original Dinkc DinkC ReferenceNormalGood 7.8June 20th, 2002
This is Indeed a Quite Amazing File Midi TutorialNormalGood 8.0June 20th, 2002
Although I Told the Author That I Wouldn't Give This File My Review Alternative HeroesFeaturedHorrible 2.0June 19th, 2002
The Basic Idea of This File is Very Nice Tutorial D-ModFeaturedFair 5.6June 3rd, 2002
This is the Second Version of the Demo of the Mixed Fighting Engine of Christiaan's Upcomi... Legend of TerraEarth (The)FeaturedTolerable 4.0May 9th, 2002
Usually I Won't Bother To Review Such a File Super Potion CheatNormalHorrible 0.1May 3rd, 2002
This is the Most Ambitious And Most Carefully Designed Dmod Right Now Stone of BalanceNormalExceptional 9.8February 19th, 2002
I Was Probably One of the Very Few Dinkers That Finished This Dmod Before Any Patch File W... As Good As EternityFeaturedGood 8.5February 18th, 2002
Since My Nickname has Bloop the FishNormalHorrible 2.5February 18th, 2002
This is One of the Must-Download Non-Game Files Ultimate CheatNormalExceptional 9.7February 15th, 2002
You Would Be Shocked By This Dmod And Never Realize That it's Under Dink Engine Between the ShadowsNormalGood 8.4January 27th, 2002
I Don't Find This Dmod Very Funny Search for Milli Vanilli (The)NormalFair 6.0January 27th, 2002
Becasue I Did Put Out Very Bad Review For This Small Dmod Earlier Monster House (The)NormalTolerable 3.0January 26th, 2002
This is a Nicely-Done Trailer Beginning of SorrowsNormalGood 7.0January 25th, 2002
It's Worth To Download This if You Want To See Redink1's Basement Explorations: redink1's BasementNormalFair 5.0January 25th, 2002
This is What a Short Dmod Should Be Dink Smallwood Goes Trick-Or-TreatingNormalGood 8.0January 25th, 2002
It's a Nice Dmod Revenge of the Ducks 3: Enter the SmallwoodNormalGood 8.0January 25th, 2002
It's a Demo Legend's TaleNormalGood 7.4January 25th, 2002
I Can't Say if This One is Better Or Dinkc D-Mod Learning StuffNormalGood 7.0January 25th, 2002
I'm Really Sorry Secret of AmehoelaNormalHorrible 2.0January 25th, 2002
I Guess Everyone in Dink Community Just Loves Dink Dink SmallwoodFeaturedExceptional 9.0January 23rd, 2002
If I Did Remember Correctly 9 Gems of Life (The)NormalGood 7.5January 23rd, 2002
Another Nice but Jveenhof's Typical Dmod 9 Gems of Life 2FeaturedGood 7.2January 23rd, 2002
If You Are Tired of Twisted DinkzillaNormalFair 5.0January 16th, 2002
Revised: After I Finished Fiat And Agae Secret of ParizayaFeaturedFair 5.9January 10th, 2002
I Like To Steal a Line From a Review Redink1 (Fiat Author) Wrote For Another Great Dmod Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATFeaturedGood 8.9December 20th, 2001
Need I Say More Stone of Balance Graphics PackNormalExceptional 9.5December 6th, 2001
This is the Dmod Prophecy of the AncientsNormalExceptional 9.8December 5th, 2001
This a Typical Dmod That is Not Typical At All Catacombs (The)NormalGood 8.9December 5th, 2001
You Don't Need Cheat True of LifeNormalTolerable 3.5December 4th, 2001
This is One of the Best Dmods Isle of Croth (The)NormalExceptional 9.2December 4th, 2001