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As Good As Eternity

Massive amounts of gore and ducks
Tyrsis says, "The boy Dink lives with his step-mother. His mother is dead, his father has gone to fight an unknown enemy. This is not the beginning of the story.
So, don't kill the pianist, he's trying his best..."

*Best download of january 2002*
Released:September 15th, 2003
File Size:4.72 MB
Release Notes:Final+ (Rev 8)
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
April 4th, 2002
Final+ (Rev 8)
Score : 8.9 good
Peasant He/Him Australia
This is a large DMOD, and well done over all, but there were a number of things which detracts from its playability.

The first is the Map. I found a number of screens too cluttered. Tiling, when done properly should be pretty much seemless, maybe using a few sprites here and there to get around joins you just can't hide. I found the map tiling obvious and out of whack more often than not, especially in the underground maps. It is the attention to this sort of detail which seperates the great DMODs from the good ones.

Story and Plot I thought were good, although I would have liked to have been reminded why I was going to the Temple of Light, to prepare for the final battle instead of just must go there. The collection of nine pages I thought was a nice new variation on the quest for objects theme. Having pages to read I liked too.

New items and modified magic, nice. Graphics - a nice lot of new ones, the nerd and pianist for example are welcome additions. Not to mention the end boss. Windows in houses etc, all very nice.

Some midis were nice, but a lot were based on songs, and I detest that. The midis towards the end, and around the Temple of Light were suitable though.

Easy of play? Too easy in some regards, too much money to find, get the claw sword just for talking to a guy who wasn't hard to find. Too obscure in others such as overall point. The end boss is fast and deadly.

Herb boots I felt should have been earlier, as there is a lot of walking in this DMOD.

Overall, a good DMOD. Play it if you have played the other epics.
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