The Dink Network

Christiaan's Profile

2002-10-07 09:01:33
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
FIAT is the most crappiest D-Mod of all time!!!

Christiaan has released 8 files

Christiaan's Ultimate MIDI OeuvreDevelopment, Miscellaneous, MusicExceptional 9.2February 3rd, 2013
Where's Your Head At?Miscellaneous, Fan WorkTolerable 3.0December 7th, 2009
Secret of AmehoelaD-Mod, RompHorrible 1.4February 26th, 2006
Secret of ParizayaD-Mod, EpicFair 6.8February 26th, 2006
Christiaan's Midi PackDevelopment, MusicExceptional 9.1September 29th, 2002
Legend of TerraEarth (The)D-Mod, DemoTolerable 3.3May 5th, 2002
Quest of GlandorD-Mod, UnfinishedHorrible 0.5April 18th, 2002
D-Mod Learning StuffDevelopment, TutorialGood 7.9October 17th, 2001

Christiaan has written 58 reviews

One of a kind Broken WindowsNormalExceptional 9.5January 12th, 2011
Oldskool with newskool ChoresFeaturedGood 7.4July 17th, 2009
Laugh out loud funny Site For MeNormalExceptional 9.0July 16th, 2009
A limited program with great potential The Dink Smallwood Quest Script GeneratorNormalGood 7.5July 16th, 2009
There's a thin line between relaxing and boring An Aeophian Adventure: Dink goes to AeophiaFeaturedFair 5.9May 26th, 2009
A nice scripting trick with potential DualityFeaturedGood 8.5December 20th, 2008
If You Thought Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Was Bad Scary Beast (The)NormalHorrible 0.0December 29th, 2006
This File Does What it Intends To Do Summon SpellNormalExceptional 9.6May 22nd, 2006
This File is Awesome Dink Sheet MusicNormalExceptional 9.5January 16th, 2006
This File is Totally Useless BestiaryNormalHorrible 0.5January 8th, 2006
This is Truly a Brilliant Little Thing DFArcNormalGood 8.8January 6th, 2006
While I Appreciate the Effort Dinkme Undoubtly has Put Into Crafting These House GraphicsNormalTolerable 3.5May 19th, 2005
Am I the Only One Who Can See This File has Multiple Fatal Flaws? the Idea of This File is... SkeletonNormalTolerable 4.0February 26th, 2005
ThíS is a Bad Dmod Slimes VS DinkNormalHorrible 2.5July 14th, 2004
Nice Dmod MatoyaNormalGood 7.1July 14th, 2004
Hmmm Castle KillersNormalTolerable 4.2July 14th, 2004
This Sure Was a Nice Surprise Kill Murdoock!!!NormalFair 6.8March 23rd, 2004
This Dmod is About Dink Saving the Land of Dink V. ZagorNormalFair 6.5December 24th, 2003
This is Quite Original a Dmod Agathain Sea TradersFeaturedTolerable 4.0November 20th, 2003
Anarchy Anarchy Halloween PartyNormalGood 8.0November 1st, 2003
North is About Some Goblins That Are Up To No Good NorthNormalGood 7.0November 1st, 2003
So Dink SmallwoodFeaturedExceptional 9.4August 25th, 2003
The Rivals Rivals (The)NormalFair 6.0July 22nd, 2003
A Knight's Tale 2 has Everything What a Good Romp Dmod Needs: Humour Knight's Tale 2 (A)NormalGood 7.3July 9th, 2003
Search For the Green Mushroom Search for the Green Mushroom (The)FeaturedGood 7.0June 13th, 2003
Hmmm Chocolate Cake House TilesNormalFair 6.8February 9th, 2003
Dink Racer Dink RacerFeaturedFair 5.0January 3rd, 2003
Hmmm Tullisti's First Graphics PackFeaturedGood 8.0December 30th, 2002
Since I'm Very Interested in Tiles At the Moment Desert Cliff TilesNormalFair 6.0December 30th, 2002
Here it is Darkspace DerelictNormalFair 6.0October 31st, 2002
I Wouldn't Say This Demo is Exceptional Emerald Hunt (The)FeaturedGood 7.3October 7th, 2002
The Sword of Paranor Sword of Paranor: Forgotten RealmsFeaturedFair 6.0October 1st, 2002
It May Be Just a Beta DoomsdayNormalHorrible 2.0September 30th, 2002
*Note* Changed My Review a Bit And the Score Secret of ParizayaFeaturedGood 7.4September 30th, 2002
I Sorta Liked This Game Dink X TriviaNormalGood 7.0September 30th, 2002
This Trailer Offers Super High Quality Grahics And Excelent Sound Between the ShadowsFeaturedGood 8.4September 30th, 2002
It Works Mapnuke for WindowsNormalGood 8.7April 1st, 2002
First Off Friends Beyond 3: Legend of TenjinFeaturedExceptional 9.3February 19th, 2002
This Game is As Average As Can Be Dink BlackwoodNormalFair 6.7February 14th, 2002
This is a Very Good Mod Quest for Cheese (The)NormalGood 8.7February 13th, 2002
I Totally Agree with Kindanue INIcleanNormalExceptional 9.9February 13th, 2002
Nice D-Mod 9 Gems of Life (The)NormalGood 7.0February 3rd, 2002
This Game Sucks Bloop the FishNormalTolerable 3.9January 28th, 2002
This a Very Special Game DinkanoidNormalGood 8.9January 28th, 2002
This is Explorations: redink1's BasementNormalFair 6.1January 28th, 2002
I Didn't Like the Game Much Fairy Goodness OnlineNormalFair 6.2January 28th, 2002
First of All: This Game Sucks Monster House (The)NormalHorrible 2.9January 28th, 2002
This May Only Be a Trailer Other World (The)NormalGood 8.0January 28th, 2002
This a Very Good Game Lost in DinkNormalGood 8.6January 28th, 2002
I Didn't Like This Game Much PointlessNormalFair 6.4January 28th, 2002
Like All the Others So Far Dink's DopplegangerNormalGood 8.0January 26th, 2002
A Starcraft Based Dmod Adventures of Ed the SCV (The)NormalFair 6.3January 24th, 2002
Fantastic New Tricks And Ideas Like the Transfer Possability And the Holes Where You Can F... Catacombs (The)NormalGood 8.4January 24th, 2002
This Dmod is Kinda Cool StarDinkNormalGood 7.3December 10th, 2001
This is One of the Best D-Mods Isle of Croth (The)NormalGood 8.5December 5th, 2001
This is a Very Cool D-Mod Alliance CommandNormalGood 8.3December 4th, 2001
Not Really My Kind of Game DinkzillaNormalTolerable 3.8December 4th, 2001
It's a Fantastic Attemp To Make a D-Mod True of LifeNormalFair 5.9December 3rd, 2001