The Dink Network

Kat's Profile

Peasant She/Her Canada
We can out-drink most Americans! 
Waiting for the world to end. Obviously I have no life. Bought a Windows Vista...

Private Message

2004-08-21 19:37:27
Peasant She/Her Canada
We can out-drink most Americans! 
Well I missed it to VaultDweller

(curses my sister again...she always phones at the wrong time).

So what happened?

Kat has written 57 reviews

The Kingdom of Chaos (I) Kingdom of Chaos ( The )NormalGood 7.0September 19th, 2008
The Quest Quest (The)NormalGood 8.5March 30th, 2006
Once Upon a Hero (Demo) By Sabretrout Once a HeroNormalExceptional 9.5January 4th, 2006
The Scourger 1 Scourger (The)NormalExceptional 9.2December 11th, 2005
Red Jacket Murders 1 Red Jacket MurdersNormalGood 8.9October 12th, 2005
Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: the Town of Rakuna By Lunacre Adventures of Dink Smallwood Part 1: The Town of RakunaNormalGood 7.9June 27th, 2005
Dink Learns Music By Metatarasal Dink Learns MusicNormalGood 7.0June 27th, 2005
Fifteen Tasks of Dink V1 Fifteen Tasks of DinkNormalGood 7.0June 11th, 2005
Terrania By Carrie2004 TerraniaNormalGood 8.8May 7th, 2005
Dfarc V1 DFArcNormalExceptional 9.9December 7th, 2004
Cast Awakening Part 1: Initiation By Redink1 Cast Awakening Part 1: InitiationNormalExceptional 9.6November 13th, 2004
Cursed 1 CursedNormalGood 7.4September 14th, 2004
Chaos By Ric ChaosNormalGood 8.0September 5th, 2004
Elves of Rathor V1 Elves of RathorNormalFair 6.9August 24th, 2004
The Apprentice By Lennard Smith Apprentice (The)NormalFair 5.8July 10th, 2004
Dry V1 DryNormalGood 8.0March 14th, 2004
A Knight's Tale 1 Knight's Tale (A)NormalGood 8.1March 10th, 2004
A Knight's Tale 2 By Sabretrout Knight's Tale 2 (A)NormalGood 8.4March 10th, 2004
A Knight's Tale Trois By Sabretrout Knight's Tale Trois (A)NormalGood 8.0March 9th, 2004
Dinkaventure By Mtg DinkaventureNormalFair 6.0March 1st, 2004
Hide-And-Seek By Ta Hide-and-seekNormalTolerable 3.0February 23rd, 2004
Dream Weaver: Silent Knight V0 Dream Weaver: Silent KnightNormalGood 8.1February 23rd, 2004
The Green Voice in My Head - Part 1 - Hangover & Agony V1 Green Voice in my Head (The) - Part 1 - Hangover & AgonyFeaturedExceptional 9.0October 13th, 2003
Quest For Food (the) 1 Quest for Food (The)NormalTolerable 4.9October 1st, 2003
Bishop's Quest Part 1: Enter the Hero 101a By Hance Bishop's Quest Part 1: Enter The HeroNormalGood 7.9September 29th, 2003
Bane of Magi By Ric Bane of the MagiNormalExceptional 9.0September 12th, 2003
Bloop the Fish 2 By Anony Mouse Bloop the Fish 2NormalTolerable 4.9September 3rd, 2003
Attack of the Army (the) 1 Attack of the Army (The)NormalHorrible 2.9August 23rd, 2003
Stone of Balance V2 Stone of BalanceNormalExceptional 9.8August 23rd, 2003
Blood Scorpions V1 Blood ScorpionsNormalGood 8.9August 23rd, 2003
9 Gems of Life (the) By Jveenhof Wolfblitz 9 Gems of Life (The)NormalGood 7.0July 30th, 2003
Birth of an Empire By George Birth of an EmpireNormalGood 7.6July 28th, 2003
Back From the Dead (Demo) By Striker Back from the GraveFeaturedExceptional 9.1July 26th, 2003
Lock/Unlock Screen By Chris Mcneely Lock/Unlock ScreenFeaturedGood 8.9July 26th, 2003
The Rivals By Daredink And Thinkdink Rivals (The)NormalGood 8.7July 24th, 2003
The Revenge of the Pigs Revenge of the PigsNormalHorrible 2.0June 13th, 2003
Dink Must Find a Green Mushroom That Will Make Him *Irrestible* To Girls Search for the Green Mushroom (The)NormalHorrible 2.0June 12th, 2003
Eternal Suicide Chapter Zero : Wasted Life 1 Eternal Suicide Chapter Zero : Wasted LifeFeaturedExceptional 9.6May 18th, 2003
World of Dinkc By Simeon World of DinkCNormalExceptional 9.5May 17th, 2003
Prophecy of the Ancients V2 Prophecy of the AncientsNormalExceptional 9.9April 20th, 2003
Goblinoma Z By O Goblinoma ZNormalTolerable 3.2April 11th, 2003
Dinkablo Ii: Shadow And Flame Demo By Firelake Dinkablo II: Shadow and FlameNormalGood 8.9April 5th, 2003
Dink's Father 2 1 Dink's Father 2: The KidnappingNormalHorrible 2.9April 5th, 2003
Dink Smallwood V 1 Dink SmallwoodFeaturedExceptional 9.9January 20th, 2003
Dink's Father 1 – Quest For the Scroll Dink's Father 1: Quest for the ScrollNormalGood 7.6January 8th, 2003
Dink Smallwood And the End of Time By Dan Walma Dink Smallwood & The End of TimeFeaturedGood 8.2January 8th, 2003
Quest For Dorinthia By Bill Szczytko Quest for Dorinthia (The)FeaturedExceptional 9.7January 7th, 2003
Frighterz – Not a Dmod Or Adventure As Such FighterzNormalGood 8.4January 4th, 2003
A Christmas Dmod By Sharp Christmas Adventure: Search for SantaNormalGood 8.5December 28th, 2002
Pilgrim’S Quest Pilgrim's QuestFeaturedExceptional 9.9November 14th, 2002
Pirates of Portown: Dink Must Save the Town (??) From the Pirates(??) Pirates of PortownNormalGood 8.0October 23rd, 2002
Dink Must Save Dorinthia Quest for Dorinthia 2: The Island RevengeNormalExceptional 9.8September 8th, 2002
Dink Goes To See if the Island of Giants is True Island of the GiantsNormalFair 6.5September 8th, 2002
Dink Must Find His Friend Fred True of LifeNormalFair 6.5September 3rd, 2002
A Short Romp Creeping Sands (The)NormalGood 8.9August 22nd, 2002
Dink Gets Washed Ashore Once in a LifetimeNormalExceptional 9.0July 3rd, 2002
Dink is Force To Find One Rune in This New Dmod Demo Three New HeroesNormalExceptional 9.0June 30th, 2002