The Dink Network

Development jam: Modify the main game!

June 13th 2024, 11:42 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Prize distribution round now in motion! Please see below for more details.

I'm going to do this anyway in spite of Skurn

July 7th 23:59 GMT and 19:59 US Eastern which is July 8th 00:59 British Summer Time, 09:59 AEST, and 11:59 NZST.

Let's face it, the original game has many problems, inconsistencies, and oversights that could easily be rectified, as well as many other aspects that could be improved upon in the current era. How about NPCs that acknowledge that a certain house is on fire, or pay attention to the fact you just beat some poor girl to death? Maybe certain enemies or weapons could do something more interesting according to player strength! Or maybe you're inclined towards writing and have thought of a subplot involving NPCs with actual personalities and backstories, or femdom. If you're an artist, you may want to do some creative re-rendering such as different-coloured/sized pillbugs according to strength.

If you're devoid of inspiration, you may want to investigate the Achievement Edition, or otherwise The PNG farmer for something subtler. There's also this guy who really wants Milder to stay dead.

Criteria and rules
* Your submission must modify the main game in a way that is superior in quality to Isle of the Pigs
* It may take the form of a bunch of scripts, graphics, sound effects, music, an alteration of the map such as a working PortTown, or a combination thereof.
* One may work alone or as part of a small group.
* You may rejig something that you've been working on to fit this criteria.
* You or your group may submit more than one mod and therefore potentially receive multiple prizes.
* You may not submit something that has had a previous public release. For example Sharp could not take scripts from "Forest of Dangers" and place them in the Murkwood Forest and attempt to pass it off as the "Dangerous Murkwood Forest mod".
* You may include existing scripts and graphic mods, however they should not be the main focus and should be there only to add functionality.
* Please do not discuss your submission in anything more than the most general of terms prior to the due date.

* To enter, you must submit your finished product to me somehow before the due date, most likely through some sort of file host with a link in a private message. Do not use the file upload form on this site.
* Your submission should be in some sort of archive format that isn't RAR, and preferably with the usual directory tree (story, sound, graphics) for running from a frontend. A bunch of scripts or whatever else is also acceptable, however.
* If you are modifying something that applies to a specific area, you are kindly requested to include a save that best demonstrates your alterations.

* Primary judging will be conducted by a secret cabal consisting of me and several others to confirm submissions suitably meet the above criteria, as well as apply some initial weighting to final rank.
* Submissions will be judged primarily on their overall quality along with apparent effort, originality, utility to the player of the main game (such as for a weapon mod), and ingenuity.
* As I am one of the custodians of DinkLua, anything that does something interesting with Lua scripts such as behaviour trees or pathfinding will be highly regarded by the cabal.
* After the primary judging round, submissions will be made into web builds on as well as *.dmod files if not already, after which secondary judging by the submitters themselves will occur to determine the bulk weighting. They may not vote for themselves!
* Afterwards will be community judging, in which forum members who signed up prior to this post and did not submit something have the ability to influence the final ranking somewhat.

Will be in the form of a Steam key from the following:

* Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
* Super Meat Boy Forever
* The Shivah
* Proteus
* Uurnog Uurnlimited
* FTL: Advanced Edition
* Grim Fandango Remastered

In which the primary winner gets first choice, and the rest whatever's left in order of ranking. If there are more submissions than keys, the pool will increase. If you don't use Steam for whatever reason, you may opt to have coasters sent to you instead. The primary winner may opt for both a Steam key and coasters. If there turns out to be only one entrant, he/she/they may claim up to three keys from the pool, with RangerLord able to claim one leftover. If any of this is unclear, make your inquiries known.
June 14th 2024, 02:41 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Let it be known that I may be putting all my current projects on hold to try and actually release something for this.

The keyword is try. I never release anything.
June 14th 2024, 04:07 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Takes an idiot to make an idiot 
Woohoo! My dumb idea gave birth to another contest!
June 14th 2024, 09:33 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
"For example Sharp could not take scripts from "Forest of Dangers" and place them in the Murkwood Forest."

For the sake of concise calrification. Are you saying that you cannot include any resources that have already been released on the DN in the contest Dmod.

For instance, what about development files as an addition to whatever is in your dmod, but the development file is not the main focus(basically using assets already available on the DN to enhance your Dmod, as long as you have done your own original work as the main focus of your entry). E.g, thenewguys script fixes which fix weapon delays and such. Stuff like that's allowed right? (I myself, add that to all my own Dmods). And for instance, I wouldn't be against someone taking my pushandpull and plonking it in their entry either, as an example. Is stuff like this allowed?
June 14th 2024, 10:53 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Indeed that thought just occurred to me. There is a line that mustn't be crossed, but to include something minor that is not the main focus of the submission and is properly credited is fine. DSIP is a special case due to being a work-around for historical engine bugs that I would recommend all submitters consider including among their scripts.

Submitting a weapon mod that is derived from DSIP or similar, assuming that it's permissible by the author, would also be entirely acceptable as long as there is sufficient evidence that the modifications made to DSIP are greater than that of Isle of the Pigs.

Including an existing tech demo that adds new functionality such as "Bow Plus" as part of a weapon mod without evidence that the Bow Plus-derived aspect has been modified to a greater degree than Isle of the Pigs will be very much frowned upon, however, with the author advised to omit it.

For example, if Someone were to submit a mod in which the primary focus was pushing barrels around using Push and Pull, that may be considered to be of lower or similar quality to Isle of the Pigs. If Push and Pull were to be used in a particularly unique and novel way, such as for a mod that allows for rearranging furniture in each and every house, that would instead be well-regarded.
June 14th 2024, 03:29 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Takes an idiot to make an idiot 
So for example, if I take my Evolving Magic tech
And my Keybound Magic Tech
and added in the Bow Plus Tech from Rabidwolf - That'd be frowned upon, because that's the most lazy-ass attempt at a submission?

But if I took all that and made them a packaged whole inside of a reworked "Origin Story", that'd count since it's actually a full-fledged adventure?
June 15th 2024, 01:57 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
More or less, yes. The overall integration must be considered as well. If one were to include Evolving Magic as part of an "Extended Trials of Martridge" for example, that would be well-regarded. If it was just lumped in there without any real explanation or apparent use to the player and without consideration of the main focus, that would not be well-received.

I've also updated the main post to specify that it is possible to submit more than one mod.
June 15th 2024, 03:43 PM
Hmm... I'm thinking New Game+ or Killable NPCs... but if I do end up entering it'll probably be something less ambitious than that. Maybe an Isle of the Pigs AND Ducks?
June 15th 2024, 09:52 PM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
that is one TIGHT deadline for this community, man
June 16th 2024, 12:12 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Indeed it is. It's designed so that people in most cases will modify one aspect, such as collecting and selling slayer claws, or making the KernSin segment slightly less crappy, rather than a complete rewrite of everything from the ground-up. It also accounts for the inevitable begging for an extension by a few days that often occurs.

Ultimately, however, it's designed to test the waters, and determine if something like this is worth running again in the future, or if we should all just pack up and go home.
June 16th 2024, 02:32 PM
I mean, I was considering having a go, but the deadline is too tight for me. I wouldn't rule out having more dev-jams if this one doesn't work out.
June 16th 2024, 03:11 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
I will admit I think the deadline is tight also. That's why I alluded that I might not get something done, but I'll try. Life's busy atm.
June 16th 2024, 11:45 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Alright, moved to July 7th so as to include that weekend. Personally I think it's extremely generous considering most real jams are only 48 hours in duration.
June 17th 2024, 05:28 PM
"Personally I think it's extremely generous considering most real jams are only 48 hours in duration."

Based on the average D-Mod release cycle, 48 hours in Dink Dev time is approx 8 months real time, so yeah you are asking rather a lot
June 19th 2024, 04:03 PM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
you shouldn't be comparing a game jam to a dink contest. there's actually full, committed, communities for game jams that can and will put out games in a couple days. but this place is not only mostly dead, but most people have either left or stopped making stuff. those that do find a ton of issues due to broken code and the overall complexity that bars newcomers from entry, if there are any.

there should be no time limit.
June 19th 2024, 08:30 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
> there should be no time limit.

On the other hand, if there's no time limit, my shit ain't being released until 2090 because when my brain knows there's no deadline, the responsible captain in my head is relinquishing control of my brain permanently to the instant gratification monkey and that captain ain't comin' back.
June 19th 2024, 09:00 PM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
On the other hand, missed deadline entries will take 10 years
June 19th 2024, 09:03 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
> there should be no time limit.

You mean like Review Rumble?
June 20th 2024, 03:47 PM
You mean like Review Rumble?

Poor review rumble. I reckon Mr. Spinnerweb expected more entries, even though he got several. 'tis a small community, if 10 people think about entering and 2 people actually end up entering, that's a win.
June 20th 2024, 05:22 PM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Can I bet? One entry, or maybe zero. A pessimistic view, but TBH I don't expect much.
June 20th 2024, 10:46 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
You may indeed bet. Prize section updated slightly.

Also I will address Skorn's claim of complexity as a barrier to entry by stating that it's likely to be lower than a typical dmod contest due to the ability to just modify the base scripts and submit those if one wants to.
June 22nd 2024, 08:15 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Playing through the original Dink is not something I've done for over 20+ years, so I thought I would give it a go.

It's curious to rediscover what the original story and game play was like, especially after such a long gap (20+ years).

Things like:

Dink's character and some of his dialogue, for example wishing for chicks right in front of him when talking to Martridge and other NPC characters calling his mother a slut, etc, etc.
Dink trying and often failing to do the honourable thing, and nearly always the butt of other people's jokes and insults.
The long periods of walking around with not much to do.
Conversations that can be repeated forever.
NPCs that re-appear almost straight away if killed.

Anyway, I'm curious to see what people do with this "Development jam".
June 23rd 2024, 12:11 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Indeed. There are also a lot of oddities that probably should have been fixed in 1.08 but weren't. I've compiled a small list i'll post as a separate thread.
June 23rd 2024, 02:10 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
i started a side quest pack of sorts, but most likely wont finish it
June 24th 2024, 04:42 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Skorn's dark side-quest pack.

Also my condition to RangerLord's bet is that if he's wrong, we are all allowed to laugh at him. Please indicate if those are fair terms.
June 24th 2024, 05:36 AM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Okay. But If I win, I'm free to brag that I was right.
June 24th 2024, 02:35 PM
I have some steam keys floating around if you need more stuff.

I have gift links for the following games from humble that never got redeemed.

Talos Principle: Gold Edition
The Witness
Kraken Academy
Merchant of the Skies
Tales of Berseria

And I have links for the following games(these games may vary wildly in quality):
Wuppo, Crazy Taxi, Grid 2, OlliOlli2, Operation Flashpoint: Red River, Streets of Rage, Stronghold Crusaders 2, Surgeon Simulator(Anniversary Edition), Meadow, The Escapists 2, Forged Battalion, Pathologic Classic HD, Sudden Strike 4, Rebel Galaxy, Punch Club(Deluxe), Grey Goo(Definitive), Shark Attack Deathmatch 2, Remothered: Tormented Fathers, Overfall, Comedy Night, Starwhal, Outpost Zero.
June 25th 2024, 12:22 PM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
but this place is not only mostly dead, but most people have either left or stopped making stuff. those that do find a ton of issues due to broken code and the overall complexity that bars newcomers from entry, if there are any.

You paint a rather sad picture friend Skurn. It is true that our numbers are low here at the DN.

However, I prefer to think that while our members are few, we are dedicated. Not only have we had several great dmods added to this site in the last couple of years, we've also had a great deal of enthusiastic development effort carried out for game engines, game editors, and other valuable tools. And let's not forget that there are other dmods in (admittedly slow) development right now. For example, I'm working on a dmod that contains two simultaneous stories and two heroes in two separate adventures. I've pretty much finished the first part and have made some good progress on the second half. With luck, I may release it in a few months.
June 25th 2024, 09:10 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
After my daughter being in and out of hospital, I thought I'd still maybe get something half-baked finished for this, that is until today she was admitted again due to her condition deteriorating. I won't be releasing anything for this. Or rather it's very very unlikely.

I look forward to checking out any other entries there may be though.
June 26th 2024, 01:31 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Hope she recovers and is back home soon.
June 26th 2024, 04:06 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Lep that would really up the stakes, thanks! I'll send you a private message.
June 27th 2024, 01:59 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Takes an idiot to make an idiot 
I hope your daughter's alright, Rob. ;-;
June 27th 2024, 07:08 AM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Wish your daugther well. She's only a few years old, IIRC? I don't envy that position.
June 27th 2024, 10:59 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
After my daughter being in and out of hospital...

For goodness sake, of course she is the correct priority.

In honor of all you have done for us at the DN Robj, I'd say we ought to postpone the deadline for this contest to a time more convenient for you if that is something you would like us to do. It seems like the least we can do.
June 27th 2024, 11:04 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Thanks guys. Caught something and got so bad she stopped breathing but thankful for modern medicine, she'll be alright. Got her on steroids, nebulizers and antibiotics until her respitory system catches back up.

Wish your daugther well. She's only a few years old, IIRC? I don't envy that position.

8 months old. Being a parent is awesome, but when something like this happens it's the most frightening thing ever.
July 5th 2024, 10:55 AM
Peasant He/Him Romania bloop rumble
I like Frutti Fresh 
Wow, I'm a bit late to this. I don't think I would've participated anyways, but it's a very cool idea and I'm looking forward to the submissions!
July 6th 2024, 06:43 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I thought you were working on something like this a while ago anyway.

Also the prizes list has been updated with an extra title, just in case.
July 7th 2024, 08:30 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
The window for submitting something has now closed! I can confirm that RangerLord has lost the bet. Bawahahahaha! A big thank you to everyone who submitted something.

The checking/packing process is now underway and is expected to be finished within the next day or two, after which entrants will be contacted for their round of voting. More details to follow.
July 8th 2024, 12:19 PM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Huh. Well, the pessimist lost. That's actually a good thing. I'm curious to see who entered. Good luck to all!
July 9th 2024, 04:34 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I was also pessimistic, to the point where I made my own thing so that it wouldn't be a complete bust if there were only one or two submissions.

While i'm in the midst of repacking and troubleshooting a problem with 120hz monitors, you can all try it out!
July 9th 2024, 03:19 PM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Is this a proof of concept, or actually a preview of the free sounds and music that YeOldeDink will use to avoid licensing issues?
Also, let me guess: the game runs too fast on a high refresh rate monitor?
July 10th 2024, 09:47 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Indeed, it runs at 4x the speed on drone1400's monitor without tab turbo mode on! Such are the joys of building for the web...

I'd like to believe it'll become part of a new dataset, and although the vast majority of those sound effects are under a permissive license, some of them are under weird terms, and there's at least one that I put in there as a joke that I don't know the origin of. A lot of the music tracks are also licensed (I bought them) and couldn't be redistributed as part of a dataset in good faith.
In the short-term, it's intended to be a demonstration of how sound and music alters our perception of the game.

Also dear entrants, please bear with me as I finalise and double-check the repacking process.
July 10th 2024, 09:47 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
For some reason it wouldn't load in my Firefox browser, just hung there. So downloaded it, interesting sounds.

The music from the bonca cave seemed to last quite a few screen changes, once I got out (using YOD 0.93), and there was the door locking sound on the warp out of the cave.

You nixed the Milder and Lyna scene after collecting nuts?

Found the duck getting frozen bug after being hit and not turning into headless version a couple of times.

Map crashing game after hitting a button to remove it.
July 11th 2024, 04:33 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Sometimes it requires a refresh before it'll properly kick in. Should work in Chromium, Safari, Edge, Brave, and Firefox but not Pale Moon or SeaMonkey.

I didn't bother fixing the variable-checking for the Lyna cutscene as it doesn't play any sound anyway, and most of your time is spent waiting for them to leave.

That cave exit door sound is a leftover from the original map! Another one to add to the 1.08 list.
July 11th 2024, 10:14 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Dearest entrants, the second round of voting is now occurring. You should all have received a private message containing details regarding the process. If you did not receive a message, or encounter other troubles, please make your inquiries known as soon as possible. Potentials pitfalls with the web player have been noted above, in which case you are advised to download and run in a compatible engine of your choosing.

In the meantime, you are kindly requested not to leak the links to others, as at least two submissions may have trouble running in the current YeOldeDink release which has some implications for GNU/Linux users who have no other choice of engine until I make the next appimage.
July 13th 2024, 05:34 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
YeOldeDink 0.94 is now live, with the majority of entrants having also voted, meaning it's time to begin the community round. I will now reveal that there were a total of five submissions! In no particular order:

* Best Friend Milder by Rabidwolf9.
* Expanded Dink by Leprochaun. (named by me as it didn't have one)
* Quest Log by Elpo and Seseler.
* Kingdom of the Pigs also by Seseler.
* Hack 'n' Slash by SimonK.

If you would like to participate in community voting, and meet the requirements listed in the top post, you may submit your overall ranking either by replying to this thread or in a private message to me. The final rank from community voting will be averaged so as to account for one entrant vote.

Now that the veil of secrecy has been lifted, entrants may also upload their files to this site.
July 13th 2024, 09:35 AM
Peasant He/Him United States 
I changed the music cues for Milder's cut-scenes to neighbor.mid. It doesn't seem to be playing, nor does bully.mid for the other entries.
July 13th 2024, 10:24 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Yeah I used freedink-data for the web builds because that's what I had to hand.

MIDI included now.
July 13th 2024, 10:34 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Also in YeDink, it appears that the show_bmp command to show the map doesn't look for the file in the original Dink directory if it can't find it in the Dmods directory, where as DinkHD does. I've only tested hack'n'slash so far, the map doesnt display in YeoldeDink unless you copy the map1.bmp from the Dink directory into the tiles folder of the Dmod.
July 13th 2024, 10:36 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Yeah i've been meaning to fix that, but was under the assumption that we all know the map off by heart at this point anyway.
July 13th 2024, 08:02 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
I've uploaded in a fixed version (v1.02) of Hack n' Slash here, although there are probably still some more weird anomalies to fix, like apparently you can use the Red Music on a dying Milder, which is weird... I should look into that, he might have a brain 10 or something. Also the giant (or normal sized Seths) become midgets after being hit in the bloody game on Koka Island which I left in by choice, but I might get around to doing headless graphics for normal sized Seth to fix this, and maybe replace the garlic and parsley brains with liver and kidneys for the Windemere altar killing scene. Just didn't think that thing all the way through.
July 14th 2024, 07:56 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I made a little video of Dink dancing on Milder's floating corpse in case it gets patched, with music changed to MIDI in case of bots. It didn't strike me as beyond the realm of possibility that Dink would be inclined to do something like that.
July 14th 2024, 08:06 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Hahahahahahahahahaha - love it!

Yes Dink would definitely dance on Milder's corpse!

I have now fixed that bug, and added in the large bloodied Seths... have to do the liver and kidney offal replacement at some point...
July 16th 2024, 01:39 PM
Peasant He/Him
I disagree. 
No one added Charlie and ability to buy the house... huh...
July 16th 2024, 04:02 PM
No one added Charlie and ability to buy the house... huh...

I thought about it. If I had more time I probably would have done it, but I only really had enough free time to work on it for like a weekend. When I thought about what it would involve to add in the ability to buy the house I felt the scripting involved would take up too much time to do it well- especially for me who hadn't touched dinkC in years. Ultimately it came down to doing what I thought I was capable of doing. It was on my list of things to do, it just wasn't that high on the list.
July 21st 2024, 12:01 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
It's been roughly a week now, and currently only one entrant vote is awaiting. Meanwhile there have been no votes from forum members. Is anyone still planning on submitting their rank?
July 21st 2024, 02:16 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
I just submitted mine by PM
July 21st 2024, 06:31 PM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Uh, can I vote?
July 22nd 2024, 12:45 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Of course!
July 22nd 2024, 06:34 AM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Okay, then I'm taking a break from other games and focus on finishing these. I'd like to request a few days to do so.
July 22nd 2024, 12:18 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I'll keep the voting window open to around the end of the month.
July 28th 2024, 02:48 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I'm in the midst of calculating the final rank. If anyone who has previously voted hasn't submitted any sort of rationale or mini-review of their choices, now's the time to do so, as anonymous excerpts will form part of a compilation.
July 29th 2024, 08:08 PM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
i vote for my mod, george expanded. 1000 times. alright, give me first place.
July 30th 2024, 04:39 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I was secretly hoping for something like that, or a mod where Jack can follow the player upstairs or outside.
August 2nd 2024, 11:39 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
The votes are in and the final ranking has been calculated. The ranking, along with various (mostly) anonymous comments and criticisms collected from the judging process (with some editing) are as follows:

1. Hack 'n' Slash

"My jaw hit the floor when I saw those dance moves"

"As a counterweight to the brutality, there's also lots of dancing, which I like, and which also is very creative. Collecting notes makes exploring the map more exciting without unbalancing the game."

"It definitely made an interesting change."

"This entry is kind of a mish-mash of stuff, and feels like SimonK threw this together as an experiment. But that experiment had really cool ideas, so consider it a success."

"This is definitely the best of the contest entries."

"I can see why people think there should be more gold available. However, Hack n' Slash goes way too far"

2. Expanded Dink

"The teleportation system is definitely something we should have had 25 years ago."

"It feels that the additions are a bit... uninteresting."

"The main thing I like about this one is the idea (and execution) of a fast travel system."

"It can be argued that the original game needs more gold, but it really doesn't need higher stats."

"I find the added areas nice, with Leprochaun's trademark mapping."

3. Quest Log

"It seemed like a real expansion to the main game, adding content and integrating it very well. I expected way less than the initial title would suggest."

"I'd rather play the whole game with it."

"The additions in Quest Log are visible from the start, and are done in a way that encourages the player to hit, poke, and prod at things to see what will happen. There's a gold mine's worth of discoveries if you're prepared to go digging."

"I really liked Martridge being there as an advisor. It really could help new players through the game."

4. Kingdom of the Pigs

"This one definitely made me laugh the hardest, and I had fun forcing myself to remember the original dialogue choices. The colour-shift effect on the text was also very nice to see."

"Well, this is... an interesting one."

"I found the joke funny for the first few minutes. However it's not worth playing much more than that, unless you want to know what it feels like to play Dink as an illiterate person."

"Kingdom of the Pigs was great, but there's no way I could put up with oink oink for like every dialog line for a whole game."

"It really annoyed me that I could not navigate the menu."

"I'm somewhat ashamed that I spent multiple hours in making this. My main motivation was making sure RangerLord lost his bet."

5. Best Friend Milder

"It does fit the theme of the contest, but it could have been explored more deeply."

"The dialogue changes are somewhat amusing."

"It could have included some new scenes or something."

"Only the scripts related to Milder have been modified. Even in those scripts, the changes are smaller than I expected."

"It doesn't come with all the files of the main Dink game, only having the files that have the changes. This is actually a positive for me."

"Dink and Milder's rivalry is by far the longest lasting conflict in the original game. It's also a conflict that the player is powerless to affect at all until the very end, at which point the player can either make Dink the greater man or have payback against Milder. As such, I don't really think this makes the game better, but I like how it made me think."

"I just don't feel the apparent effort was on the same level as the other mods."
August 2nd 2024, 11:46 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
I feel very bad about the final ranking, as the top three submissions were incredibly close in score, with places 1 and 2 requiring a tiebreaker. As a result, the top three are eligible for receiving a coaster set. You will all be contacted in private messages soon.
August 3rd 2024, 10:02 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland
I don't think it's a bad thing that the competition was close. What was the tiebreaker? Organiser's choice? A coinflip?
August 4th 2024, 12:30 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Yes, the cabal vote was ultimately used as the tiebreaker.
August 17th 2024, 09:26 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
To winners who opted for coasters, I apologise for the delay, but i've run out of suitable colours to print them in until some new spools arrive probably next week. In the meantime, I though I might write a post-mortem, with all entrants encouraged to do the same (or repost if you already sent one in).

I found all of this much more stressful that I assumed it would be, and understand now why these sorts of things aren't really run these days. Partway through I suffered a RobJ moment in which my external hard drive with the master copy of the SFX and Music mod encountered some sort of mechanical error requiring me to clone it before it outright failed.

The overall quality of the submissions far exceeded the expectations of many, however if I was to run something like this again, I would make it more specific in terms of what should be modified. There was a great disparity in terms of scope and breadth of the submissions. Hack n' Slash was primarily graphical in its approach and sought to add new features, while Quest Log was primarily functional in nature and accentuated existing aspects. Expanded Dink implemented new features without adding graphics. As a result, the voting was all over the place and made final ranking difficult.

Some potential themes for another jam:
* Something spooky for Halloween
* Finish Quest of Glandor or something else unfinished where the author has expressed interest in someone else finishing it.
* Actually make an Evil Farming Game
August 18th 2024, 02:17 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland
When this development jam was announced, I contacted Seseler, because I knew he had recently replayed the original Dink Smallwood, and I thought he would have good ideas. We had a brainstorming session about our entry. We both think Dink Smallwood is quite a good game already. What could we do to improve it, besides fixing the obvious and less obvious bugs and weirdness? We agreed that the biggest flaw of the game is how easy it is for a new player to get stuck, because they don't know what they are supposed to do.

We thought that a quest log, as well as a hint system, would be a good solution to this problem. We had a few different ideas on how the hint system could work, but we decided to implement it as an in-game character giving hints. Martridge seemed perfect for this role: as a wizard, it's fitting for him to have supernatural knowledge of what to do. His remote location was also good, as it would lessen the temptation for the player to always get hints without trying anything themselves.

Besides the quest log and hints, we made list of many other things to add or fix. Some of the things on the list turned out too difficult to implement from the technical standpoint, but otherwise, we managed to do almost everything we planned to do, which I am very happy about. Two things I would have done if the development jam had run longer were actual graphics for invisible Dink as well as more dialogue for talking and punching objects, but I don't think those are big omissions from our D-Mod. My goal was for the D-Mod to be a better gameplay experience than the original game, and I think we succeeded.

Later in the development jam Seseler pointed out that maybe an entry focused on making the game better for new players isn't the best idea for a competition where people voting on the entries are Dink veterans.

In our initial brainstorming session, we thought about making the lands east of Windemere accessible and adding some stuff there. It was funny to see that both Hack n' Slash and Expanded Dink actually did so. Also, both Quest Log and Hack n' Slash modified the cutscene where Dink eavesdrops the Cast knights when first going to Kernsin so that Dink actually hides from them. I guess great minds think alike .
August 18th 2024, 11:46 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
First off, thanks for putting this altogether.

For me, modifying the original game, or another DMOD, is more approachable than starting a completely new one. A map and scripts already exist, so that is a huge advantage.

When it was first posted, my initial idea was just to replace ducks with Seths and have Dink fight a big duck at the end, but after playing through the original game, there was other stuff I wanted to adjust. Stuff that annoyed me, like Dink being visible to NPCs when he shouldn't be. Then, after redoing the mini-seths and adding the headless blood spurting versions I thought, hey, what if Dink could behead any NPC, how would that work? Could I switch brains on attack? What sort of weapon would allow beheading? ... and as I was already looking into the OG Max 3ds Dink model I thought a nice slashing attack with a sword would be nice, but this should be a move that Dink learns or acquires somehow other than picking up a sword. Found a nice move on Mixamo, just had to get a model uploaded without errors, which took a bit. There was some weird pants/crotch stuff going on, that I never resolved that was part of the way the original model seemed to have been created.

So then I thought, okay, I'll just edit the OG NPC graphics, remove heads and add the spurting blood, but this proved tricky with the females and their hair. My first attempt was the little girl and I tried patching over with a clone brush in both Krita and Gimp to a limited success. At some point in the development of the headless dying procedures that character was headless for a while, but I lost that when I adjusted things for more NPCs. (I think the graphics are still there, just not used) Something to do with when the engine runs the hit() and die() procedures. In the end I went back to the 3ds models for the female NPCs, bounced out both fbx and obj versions from Max2025 so I could do versions without heads in blender. I found using obj a somewhat easier format as it seemed to preserve the materials better, although never quite matching the final rendered version of the OG bmp files, and in the end I made new graphics for the blue maiden as these were used for both Libby and Christina, and I wanted Libby to be crying, and Christina to dance... because at some point I thought, why just have slaughter when you can have dancing as well! (I find it amusing to see Dink dance, and had earlier updated SOB with a dance move which I did by manipulating the bmp files in Procreate).

It took a while to get all the NPC model's into blender, but not so long to animated, although the dresses were weird at first until I dampened down the leg weighting and added a "drag" bone to the rear end.

With the dancing, my initial thought was to make certain cut scenes into musical numbers, but this was a bit too ambitious, so I thought what if Dink learns or acquires a Pied Piper type ability? And he can use it on people and/or monsters. In the end he just uses it on the mini-Seths (brain 3) and the dragons in the end world (brain 10).

So while this was all progressing along in my usual meandering way, I first went back to having the One True Seth as the final boss and was going to leave it there, but then decided nah, let's use one of the unused sprite graphics I created for Legend's Tale all those years ago... but they are pretty big, so a re-size and convert to png had to happen, as well as tweaks to the movement/depth dot combination to make the creature appear to by flying over Dink.

And around this time I was also wanting to get around what I thought of as the unnecessary amount of gold grinding you had to do, so why not have Rumpelstiltskin appear, and if Dink finds straw this magical creature will turn it to gold. Plus I could make the spinning wheel spin... wheeeeeee... and open up all the areas on the map of the OG game that were not accessible, like the hills separating KerSin from Terris, and the islands east of Windemere.

Then as the deadline was approaching it was time to see what was working in YeOldeDink, as so far I had just been using DinkHD, which let me use 99 images per sprite slot, and go over the 999 sprite slot limit. And after finding out this didn't seem possible, Yeoldetoast worked his magic and made it possible, yay! I also found out that DinkHD still treats pure white as transparent as a png, when my spinning wheel graphics showed up with white backgrounds in YOD but not DinkHD.

In the end I didn't get everything done in time, nor tested properly by the deadline, so have tweaked things since then, and I may still reduce the whole straw into gold thing to only somewhere around 500 gold per spin, not 2000, as it is too much and just reflects my own laziness to gold grinding. But I did learn some more stuff about DinkC, about manipulating multiple sprites with spawned scripts, and I thought the use of a magic slot for a specific fighting move was successful, with the ability to repeat the move becoming easier the stronger Dink gets. Chopping of people's heads was both gorey and silly and seems a natural extension of the original game to me

I was surprised by the variations of the other entries. the Quest Log was a great idea, as was the teleportation one with the extra islands. The pig one made me laugh, but after a few conversations I didn't continue. Milder as best buddy was mildly amusing for me.

My vote, if you do this again, is for completing an unfinished DMOD. A small one...
August 21st 2024, 12:22 AM
Peasant He/Him Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Elpo has already said most of what I would like to say, but I'll add a few notes.

I had some ideas for new spells that didn't make it to the Questlog. I had planned a Whirlwind spell that sucks monsters in and hurls them around; a Time Distortion spell that would slow a monster's speed and attack rate; and a Lightning spell that would create procedurally generated lightning bolts from smaller sprite segments.

Before Elpo recruited me for the contest, I hadn't written DinkC since 2008, if I remember correctly. So, when I coded DinkC first time on 16 years, to my surprise I found out that I remembered pretty much everything about it. Well maybe not everything, but far more than I expected.

On a more general note, I didn't expect to become this active here on the forum.
August 22nd 2024, 08:01 AM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
As the one who was most cynical about this contest receiving any entries, my expectations were not high. Well, you got me. Three entries with creative ideas. (No offense to the other two, but they seemed more like good ideas but not explored to their full potential) Yes, I have my prefrences about what I liked the most, but it's still a massive accomplishment. Congratulations to everyone who participated.

I actually like the "finish something unfinished" idea for a later jam. Learning about stuff on Discord, I think the next jam could use a bit more advertising. Like a news post on TDN or a Discord announcment. Also, if anyone wants, I'm willing to contribute to a prize (Steam game). Don't expect this to be big, but I'll see what I can do.
August 22nd 2024, 11:22 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Hey, I'm "finishing" an incomplete dmod now! That sounds like a good idea for our next competition to me! Ahem, I must admit that I don't think it will be done any time real soon, though I am making good progress. Maybe I can finish what I am doing in less that 6 months as I have a lot to still work out.

Anyway, as I assume most of you know, I'm expanding Bluedy's (Unfinished) "Northern Lands" that featured a "new" hero, Taven. To make this into "Dink's First Adventure" [ next dmod project: Dink's First Adventure ] I added many new graphics, some expansions of the original game goals and sub-quests, some "cleanup efforts" plus (what I hope is) a new good ending AND the addition of Dink into the same adventure (sort of) with Taven.
September 18th 2024, 04:04 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Great minds think alike, as they say. I fired up the game for the first time in several months and thought to myself, "wouldn't it be fun to take some time to make meaningful additions and adjustments to the main game..."

And apparently you already had that idea over the summer. Ha!

September 18th 2024, 04:22 PM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Well, look who's here. Hi Tal! Been ages since I saw you post. Nice to see that sometimes older dinkers show up.
September 18th 2024, 05:33 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Though I'm largely out of the loop on most developments in a post-DinkHD world, I do still think about the game and community more than you might suspect!
September 24th 2024, 04:22 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom