Reply to Development jam: Entrant voting!
If you don't have an account, just leave the password field blank.
Dearest entrants, the second round of voting is now occurring. You should all have received a private message containing details regarding the process. If you did not receive a message, or encounter other troubles, please make your inquiries known as soon as possible. Potentials pitfalls with the web player have been noted above, in which case you are advised to download and run in a compatible engine of your choosing.
In the meantime, you are kindly requested not to leak the links to others, as at least two submissions may have trouble running in the current YeOldeDink release which has some implications for GNU/Linux users who have no other choice of engine until I make the next appimage.
In the meantime, you are kindly requested not to leak the links to others, as at least two submissions may have trouble running in the current YeOldeDink release which has some implications for GNU/Linux users who have no other choice of engine until I make the next appimage.