The Dink Network

next dmod project: Dink's First Adventure

October 24th 2022, 12:43 PM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
PHEW! For the most part, the RL stuff that has been piling up around me has started to taper off. I think I may have left the "Land of Infinite Hassle" and at least got some of my own life back.

Yes, this "Dink's First Adventure" is a dmod I will be working on in the upcoming weeks and months. Yes, it takes place before my dmod know as "Before...". In "Before..." I told the tale of a young lad on his first adventure, out to find out what happened to his father.

Yet, the adventure of "Dink's First Adventure" really does involve a Dink younger than the one in "Before..." . I guess you will have to play the game to find out what all of that means. Hint: The game will be based on the work on Bluedy's (Unfinished) "Northern Lands", but will include Dink, (sort of). Anyway, I hope it is fun to play.

Thanks for your help getting me started on this plan to finish two adventures at once Bluedy. I've still got a lot of work to do on it as I have not touched this project for months and it involves some somewhat complicated gaming logic.
November 15th 2022, 11:32 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
The adventure (that I am working on) continues!
November 20th 2022, 02:32 PM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
Glad to hear!
November 21st 2022, 10:51 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Me too. I really missed working on dmods for a few months there!
November 29th 2022, 11:33 AM
Peasant She/Her Australia rumble
SlipDink i just wanna let u know ur awesome, it's refreshing to see ur passion 4 dis game after all these years
November 30th 2022, 11:53 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 

Hey thanks! It's great to hear from a SlipDink fan.

BTW, I thought of an interesting update I want to make to "Periculo Island", so I'm putting "Dink's First Adventure" on the back burner for a while. Although my enhancements to "Periculo Island" are many weeks and/or months away from being testable, I'd sure like to have your help with beta testing when the time comes.
October 10th 2023, 10:49 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
This is just to let all the SlipDink fans [both of them? ] know that I am still working on Dink's First Adventure (albeit rather slowly), and that there is a lot more work to do on it.

My plan to put two adventures into one dmod continues.
December 29th 2023, 01:12 PM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Progress on "Dink's First Adventure" (a dmod with two adventures in it) continues. But, I have a lot more to do in the coming year. I'm having a lot of fun working on it!

15M graphics
1.5M sound
9.2M tiles
88 scripts in story

204M graphics
3.2M sound
9.4M tiles
205 scripts in story

August 6th, 01:00 PM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Progress continues (rather slowly).

I've had my head down working on this next dmod for a long time now. Well, really RL keeps interfering in my progress again and again. But, I took the time to enjoy the delightful "Adventurer's Adventure" romp though. Playing that dmod was a nice break from creating my dmod.

278M graphics
7.5M sound
9.4M tiles
283 scripts in story
August 6th, 04:08 PM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
Woah! I can't believe it has been almost two years! Time sure flies...

>really RL keeps interfering in my progress again and again
Ah, I am all too familiar with that... I too am struggling with (Dink related) projects that seem to never end
August 7th, 11:48 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 

Woah! I can't believe it has been almost two years! Time sure flies...

Indeed the longer I live it seems the faster the time goes. :-}

But, I have to admit that this particular dmod is somewhat technically challenging as it requires two (sort of simultaneous) dmods blended into one. It is fun to write code for though!