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Reply to Re: Development jam: Modify the main game!

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June 14th 2024, 10:53 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Indeed that thought just occurred to me. There is a line that mustn't be crossed, but to include something minor that is not the main focus of the submission and is properly credited is fine. DSIP is a special case due to being a work-around for historical engine bugs that I would recommend all submitters consider including among their scripts.

Submitting a weapon mod that is derived from DSIP or similar, assuming that it's permissible by the author, would also be entirely acceptable as long as there is sufficient evidence that the modifications made to DSIP are greater than that of Isle of the Pigs.

Including an existing tech demo that adds new functionality such as "Bow Plus" as part of a weapon mod without evidence that the Bow Plus-derived aspect has been modified to a greater degree than Isle of the Pigs will be very much frowned upon, however, with the author advised to omit it.

For example, if Someone were to submit a mod in which the primary focus was pushing barrels around using Push and Pull, that may be considered to be of lower or similar quality to Isle of the Pigs. If Push and Pull were to be used in a particularly unique and novel way, such as for a mod that allows for rearranging furniture in each and every house, that would instead be well-regarded.