Dink Smallwood v1.08 Aural+
Dink Smallwood
After tinkering with the source code for a good chunk of today, I present: Dink Smallwood v1.08 Aural+.
* No midi lag in Windows 2000 / XP.
* Automatic MP3 support (i.e. if you try to play 101.mid, it will try to play 101.mp3 first).
* Custom MP3/Anything support (i.e. playmidi("gorillaz.mp3") or playmidi("gorillaz.wav") might work).
WARNING: This has only been tested on my machine. It seems to work well enough. I know it requires a recent version of DirectX, but I don't know what version.
Oh, and thanks to Merlin for sending me code (a few months ago) for fixing the midi-lag issue with DirectMusic. I didn't end up using it for Aural+ because of some DirectMusic issues, but it certainly helped get things rolling.
Update: D-Mods Designed For Aural+:
Attack of the Evil Wizard
Dink Goes Hunting
* No midi lag in Windows 2000 / XP.
* Automatic MP3 support (i.e. if you try to play 101.mid, it will try to play 101.mp3 first).
* Custom MP3/Anything support (i.e. playmidi("gorillaz.mp3") or playmidi("gorillaz.wav") might work).
WARNING: This has only been tested on my machine. It seems to work well enough. I know it requires a recent version of DirectX, but I don't know what version.
Oh, and thanks to Merlin for sending me code (a few months ago) for fixing the midi-lag issue with DirectMusic. I didn't end up using it for Aural+ because of some DirectMusic issues, but it certainly helped get things rolling.
Update: D-Mods Designed For Aural+:
Attack of the Evil Wizard
Dink Goes Hunting
...Wow... Aweomse... I've been writing an original score for my upcoming dmod, and with this new mp3 capability, it can be heard in it's true glory, and not in midi format. This is too cool. Hm... one problem though... It seems to crash after playing around 30 seconds of an mp3 on my machine, and I'm pretty sure I have the latest directx. I'll check up on that. Anyway, thanks, redink!!
Superb, man. Will check it out once I'm on my Dink PC.

Totally cool man. Some people might be able to really do something with the mp3 support, (though I hope pop songs and the like will be reduced to a minimum) but the no midi lag is awesome. And it's out... so fast! I'm going to try it as soon as I get home.
A couple things:
Merlin: It doesn't use DirectMusic (which would not play some midis correctly), it uses DirectShow.
Others: I will not upload D-Mods that include .mp3 files. However, I will allow patch .dmod files that include the .mp3 files seperately. It is unlikely that many Dinkers will install Aural+, and it makes no sense to increase the filesize of a D-Mod for everyone.
Also, the .mp3 files must be either:
a) Your own creation (i.e. composed and/or sung by yourself).
b) Used with permission from the copyright holder(s).
c) Public domain.
There's no way I'll upload files that contain, say, AC/DC songs and the like.
Now, if you wanted to, you could write up an optional track list, and someone could fill your D-Mod full of AC/DC songs themselves. But you can't distribute it here on The Dink Network.
Merlin: It doesn't use DirectMusic (which would not play some midis correctly), it uses DirectShow.
Others: I will not upload D-Mods that include .mp3 files. However, I will allow patch .dmod files that include the .mp3 files seperately. It is unlikely that many Dinkers will install Aural+, and it makes no sense to increase the filesize of a D-Mod for everyone.
Also, the .mp3 files must be either:
a) Your own creation (i.e. composed and/or sung by yourself).
b) Used with permission from the copyright holder(s).
c) Public domain.
There's no way I'll upload files that contain, say, AC/DC songs and the like.
Now, if you wanted to, you could write up an optional track list, and someone could fill your D-Mod full of AC/DC songs themselves. But you can't distribute it here on The Dink Network.
Hmm... yeah, just checked and my DirectX is the current version, tried different mp3's too, and it still crashes after playing the first 30 seconds or so. Any idea why this is happening?
EDIT: Nevermind, I think it's a problem with my code, it's just the fact that I've never sat on that screen for long enough to make it crash until I decided to test the mp3's...
(BTW slightly off-topic... what does "Dink:Couldn't find unused buffer for script." mean in debug.txt?)
EDIT: Nevermind, I think it's a problem with my code, it's just the fact that I've never sat on that screen for long enough to make it crash until I decided to test the mp3's...

I don't know why it would be crashing. I can play whole MP3s without crashes. Are you trying it in a D-Mod, or the original game? I've been doing most of my testing in the original, but I don't think it would make that much of a difference.
I tested the program, and it works fine for me.
I'm gonna get all original Dink MIDIs and convert them to mp3s with high-quality instruments. Should be good.
I'm gonna get all original Dink MIDIs and convert them to mp3s with high-quality instruments. Should be good.

If you have the Dink CD, you could also convert the CD tracks to use in place of 17 of the midis.
Exactly. We would never tolerate any copyrighted material in a d-mod here; no sir!
People are sued over MP3s, not MIDIs.
I only wish I had the original soundtrack...
The MIDIs put through a good instrument library sounds much better too, anyway.

Yeah, I know the reasoning. I was speaking more of graphics and wavs... but mostly I was just joking around. Of course, as usual, I forgot the emoticon

So full length movies are still okay then?

Funnily enough, the playmidi function can play movie files now. They pop up in a seperate window... and I'm really not sure how that happens, as I didn't do anything to support it directly. Just try something like this:

Funnily enough, the playmidi function can play movie files now. They pop up in a seperate window... and I'm really not sure how that happens, as I didn't do anything to support it directly. Just try something like this:
redink1 is right, record companies are freaking crazy about mp3s. i guarantee people using metallica songs in dmods will get some attention in not very long. lars will personally come to dans house and kick his ass. trust me.
honestly, i agree 100% though. people using mp3s in dmods is a negative thing. UNLESS
they are 100% original songs. like for instance if i made all the songs myself i should be able to use them.
its just the same thing as when i make my own midi files accept i have more freedom to create music. because composing midi files has lots of limitations and isnt consistent on different computers
say someone composes mp3 songs for their own dmod, i think this is a positive thing
does this mean i can make MP3 MAYHEM now?
think about it ink, "been shot down" live with christiaan on guitar and tal playing bass. you know you want it! hahahaha
honestly, i agree 100% though. people using mp3s in dmods is a negative thing. UNLESS
they are 100% original songs. like for instance if i made all the songs myself i should be able to use them.
its just the same thing as when i make my own midi files accept i have more freedom to create music. because composing midi files has lots of limitations and isnt consistent on different computers
say someone composes mp3 songs for their own dmod, i think this is a positive thing
does this mean i can make MP3 MAYHEM now?
think about it ink, "been shot down" live with christiaan on guitar and tal playing bass. you know you want it! hahahaha
"lars will personally come to dans house and kick his ass. trust me."
No, because the creator of the Dmod is at fault, not Dan.
I think there are plenty of people around capable of making mp3s here. Like me. And you.
No, because the creator of the Dmod is at fault, not Dan.

I think there are plenty of people around capable of making mp3s here. Like me. And you.
so i have a 78.3 mb zipped file of music! hahha
so yeah i should probably cut it in half a dozen times
what would you say, redink1, would be a reasonable size
these are all original .mp3 files
except a few .jpg files i accidently put in that carrie sent me(inappropriate)
so yeah i should probably cut it in half a dozen times
what would you say, redink1, would be a reasonable size
these are all original .mp3 files
except a few .jpg files i accidently put in that carrie sent me(inappropriate)
*shhh* Josh!
As for the whole mp3 thing, I think it's cool but if people go
nuts with it then I doubt my poor computer will be able to handle
EDIT: "been shot down" live with christiaan on guitar and tal playing bass - I do want it!!

As for the whole mp3 thing, I think it's cool but if people go
nuts with it then I doubt my poor computer will be able to handle
EDIT: "been shot down" live with christiaan on guitar and tal playing bass - I do want it!!
Tried setting the quality to 64kbps and maybe 33075 Hz? These two often make quite a difference in an mp3's file size.

I thought that the new version of Dink supported OGG? If so, squish those files down to 64 or 32 kbps and letter go.
Not that I recall... and I was basically listening (well, via text) during the entire development process of the patch...
It would not be too hard to add ogg vorbis support, considering it's already done in Windemere. Just open the ogg.cpp (or vorbis.cpp) file and adapt it to DirectX.
This is a very ncie upgrade, since the midi lag coul really make me angry sometimes.
ill leave it up to redink1 for what file type/size whatever just let me know if you want a mp3 pack or what
MP3 pack(s) would be nice. Maybe in 20 MB chunks?
20MB... a bit too much for my dial-up. Could you at least make an alternative to let us download the files separately?
ok i picked out 11 of mb i think would be somewhat fitting for a dmod (5 songs) to start out. if people think this is a good idea and want more i can compose music specifically for dink and use other stuff i have made but tweak it around a little to be more video-game-ish
I have 5 electric guitars, one electric bass, a electroacoustic, 2 amplifiers and 2 drumkits. The other kit is in a quite crappy condition, though.
Yes it's a shame that you're still incredibly boring though

And it's a shame that, well, you're Jamie...
Really though, where'd that come from?
Really though, where'd that come from?
"20MB... a bit too much for my dial-up. Could you at least make an alternative to let us download the files separately?"
Read above posts... MP3s aren't even ALLOWED in the Dmod file, but have to be delivered SEPERATELY.
Read above posts... MP3s aren't even ALLOWED in the Dmod file, but have to be delivered SEPERATELY.

"Really though, where'd that come from?"
Bad day at work
Bad day at work

Excuses, excuses.. I haven't slept in about 32 hours and I'm feeling fine

As you grow older, you need even less sleep, so, theoretically, you could one day be getting negative sleep.
heh, actually.. I've been staying up pretty late recently (or early, it's all in perspective), sometimes up to 6 AM. I stayed at a friend's house last night, and unlike me, he still attends grade school, so he went to bed at about 11.. I'd only been up since 2, though, so I wasn't quite ready for sleep, but since I had nothing better to do I attempted rest. So I curled up in a blanket on the floor from 11 to 6... eyes wide open. My pal left for school shortly after 6, so I took over his bed, where I remained from 6 to 1, again with my eyes open the entire time.
Fourteen hours. But it didn't seem too agonizing after the first, oh, three or four hours.
Fourteen hours. But it didn't seem too agonizing after the first, oh, three or four hours.
As I said before- Humans need sleep- that you do not only justifies my claim.
Have you ever read about polyphasic sleep? I've been making a go at it, and you can seriously cut back on the amount of hours of sleep you need.
I have a bug to report: While(and after) you play certain MP3s, the screens won't scroll anymore. Usually, when you move from a screen to another, they scroll, but after playing certain MP3s(all the MP3s I tried, except for joshriot's ones, that for unknown reasons seemd to work fine), it's just like you're warped from a part of screen to another, and the screen suddenly changes. Do you have this problem too?
Are your MP3 filenames under the 14 character limit of the playmidi function?
Steve Pavlina and his website (stevepavlina.com) talk a fair bit of his 5 month stint as a polyphasic sleeper. His is the method I follow, the 15 min nap every 4th hours (4, 8 & 12, repeat). The first few days are rough, but it gets better from there, *if* you stick to the schedual. If you crash, and oversleep, you nearly have to re-start.
Other forms include having a 'core' sleep over one of the periods, usually something like 12am-4am, that's also the hardest period to stay awake, as there is very little to do, if you don't plan it right. You can also sleep in different patterns as well, such as 30 min every 6 hours, 10 min every 2 hours, etc, etc. Whichever works, is what works.
Missing a nap however, is basically like staying up for an entire night while monophasic. There's no point in sleeping 30 min late, or early, as you will either not be able to nap, or oversleep. If you push through to the next nap, and regain the schedual, you ger back to normal, and it's all good.
I can basically sleep nearly anywhere now, and it is always refreshing. I hardly ever need to use my alarms to wake up, and I'm never drowsy after sleeping. It also helps that I have a job that can accomidate my schedual. Sure, I have to get to work half an hour early and late, but I gain over 6 hours of off-time work. That more than makes up for it.
It's not for everyone. If you are to much of a socialite, you'll never pull it off, as you need to be fairly anal about the schedual. There is no give and take, unless you like feeling like a zombie. It also helps to have supportting/uncaring, friends, familiy, etc, as if you end up arguing with people who are trying to *save you from yourself*, they will likely succeed, either through sabatoge of your naps, or they will take up so much of your time with arguing and fighting, that you will have gained no time at all, and the emotional toll will be large. (One of my friends is going through this righr now, everyone is thinking he is pushing himself to hard, when in reality, it's almost too easy to stick to it)
I doubt I will voluntairliy switch back to monophasic sleep; I doubt I could sleep for 6 hours if I tried. Plus, the world looks a lot different at night as opposed to the day. If you ever want to see what would happen if your town turned into a ghost town, go for a run around 2-4.
Other forms include having a 'core' sleep over one of the periods, usually something like 12am-4am, that's also the hardest period to stay awake, as there is very little to do, if you don't plan it right. You can also sleep in different patterns as well, such as 30 min every 6 hours, 10 min every 2 hours, etc, etc. Whichever works, is what works.
Missing a nap however, is basically like staying up for an entire night while monophasic. There's no point in sleeping 30 min late, or early, as you will either not be able to nap, or oversleep. If you push through to the next nap, and regain the schedual, you ger back to normal, and it's all good.
I can basically sleep nearly anywhere now, and it is always refreshing. I hardly ever need to use my alarms to wake up, and I'm never drowsy after sleeping. It also helps that I have a job that can accomidate my schedual. Sure, I have to get to work half an hour early and late, but I gain over 6 hours of off-time work. That more than makes up for it.
It's not for everyone. If you are to much of a socialite, you'll never pull it off, as you need to be fairly anal about the schedual. There is no give and take, unless you like feeling like a zombie. It also helps to have supportting/uncaring, friends, familiy, etc, as if you end up arguing with people who are trying to *save you from yourself*, they will likely succeed, either through sabatoge of your naps, or they will take up so much of your time with arguing and fighting, that you will have gained no time at all, and the emotional toll will be large. (One of my friends is going through this righr now, everyone is thinking he is pushing himself to hard, when in reality, it's almost too easy to stick to it)
I doubt I will voluntairliy switch back to monophasic sleep; I doubt I could sleep for 6 hours if I tried. Plus, the world looks a lot different at night as opposed to the day. If you ever want to see what would happen if your town turned into a ghost town, go for a run around 2-4.

And it greatly improves your spelling, so why not

Chrispy has never been the winner of the spelling bee anyway, so don't blame it on the rain. Er, I mean, sleep pattern.
I can truthfully say that I've never made five errors in a three letter word.
Well, I'm bringing up an old topic, but I can't find this program in any download page on the left of the site at all! I had to look for this topic to get it... Kinda weird, innit?
EDIT: well, the app seems kinda instable... The two contest games with mp3's both crashed... Attack of the Evil Wizard crashed immediately, and Prelude crashed when I entered the cave. Sigh...
EDIT: well, the app seems kinda instable... The two contest games with mp3's both crashed... Attack of the Evil Wizard crashed immediately, and Prelude crashed when I entered the cave. Sigh...

Aural+ will probably not be formally released. It is just something I spent a few hours working on.
As you've experienced, some people experience some weird crashing issues. Aural+ has worked fine for me, so I don't really have any idea how to fix it.
As you've experienced, some people experience some weird crashing issues. Aural+ has worked fine for me, so I don't really have any idea how to fix it.
Okay, too bad, because there are even some minute-made Dmods in the downloads list, and this one is better than those.
I have three computers so I'll be sure to try the games with MP3s on my other computers, then.
EDIT: Oh, I guess a sticky post will do too.
I have three computers so I'll be sure to try the games with MP3s on my other computers, then.

EDIT: Oh, I guess a sticky post will do too.

Odd, I don't know why Attack of the Evil Wizard would crash... There are no MP3's in the beginning...
Why isn't this version added to the "Official files" section?
Yeah, I changed the scripts to the orginal source and submitted it...
For AURAL, I would say one thing... Miscellaneous Add-On.
For AURAL, I would say one thing... Miscellaneous Add-On.
Is there any dmod released yet which has mp3 music? For which this Aural+ vs would be useful.
Prelude, by joshriot. An entry in the recent "Failure D-mod" contest, I believe it is also the first MP3 d-mod.
My new D-Mod "Dink Goes Hunting" has one mp3.
So Erwin is your mp3 included in the dgh.dmod file?
By the way: is your name Hash-it or Har-sh*t?
By the way: is your name Hash-it or Har-sh*t?
It is Harsh-it. You can call me Harsh.
Ok I was just curious
. Yeah I think it will be better to call you Harsh because the swearfilter turns your name into Harshoot

Yes I encountered that problem while writing my profile.

Ah, the swear-filter... an endless source of amusement if there ever was one.
So as yet there are only two dmods which use mp3.
It would good if their link is given along with the aural+ at the 1st post of this thread by redink1. So that whoever downloads it knows where to use it. And for others it would be a reason to download it if there are sufficient no. of dmods displayed.
Redink1 please modify your post(now and) whenever any new mp3 dmod is uploaded on the network.
It would good if their link is given along with the aural+ at the 1st post of this thread by redink1. So that whoever downloads it knows where to use it. And for others it would be a reason to download it if there are sufficient no. of dmods displayed.
Redink1 please modify your post(now and) whenever any new mp3 dmod is uploaded on the network.
I see that he did not reply or modify his post.
Any better way to contact him?
Any better way to contact him?
You could PM him? Go to new topic and make a private message. Keep in mind that some people actually have lives and don't visit the DN every single day

I found him online twice. That's why. But I guess he did not read it. So I will wait till he does.
Anyways I dont care much about the aural+. Its about another thread addressed to him.
Anyways I dont care much about the aural+. Its about another thread addressed to him.
Well, we Dink Network staffers visit the site on a regular basis, but when it comes to accomplishing anything we can be rather slow. Example: WinDinkEdit Plus 1.1

Thanks for the idea, Harshit, I modified the original post.
again great
A mirror can be found here.
Okay, so after two years of release what is the verdict on Aural+? Does it work with most DMods? Can I run it alongside my existing 1.08 or does it patch or replace it? Does it run the main campaign smoothly?
Thanks in advance for help with questions and thanks redink1 for Aural
Thanks in advance for help with questions and thanks redink1 for Aural
I use it all the time. AFAIK it works with any D-Mod that works with 1.08, it runs alongside the original (you choose which to use in DFArc) and it runs the main game just fine.
As for running it with MP3s, I don't know. Never tried it.
As for running it with MP3s, I don't know. Never tried it.
It is a most possibly working perfectly version of Dink 1.08.
Its best characteristic is that, when changing background music, it won't make a terrible delay under Win2000/xp.
As long as I've used it,it's working fine.
It can also play mp3's by using the playsound() function.
Its best characteristic is that, when changing background music, it won't make a terrible delay under Win2000/xp.
As long as I've used it,it's working fine.
It can also play mp3's by using the playsound() function.
I've tried playing an .avi with this, as redink1 stated I could use playmidi("video.avi"); and it would open in a separate window. I tried this just before and I found it only plays the sound, and in no separate window.
Has anyone else tried this, and if so, did it work?
Has anyone else tried this, and if so, did it work?
DD, AVI files are pretty varied, and can be a variety of different formats (windows media video, H264, Divx, Xvid etc.) And are in two parts, video and sound (usually AC3, MP3, Ogg vorbis or similar).
Try playing it in windows media player/Media Player Classic, which also uses DirectShow.
If the same thing happens, (only sound), or if it has to download a codec, download a pack such as CCCP (this includes MPC). If the problem persists, ask again.
Try playing it in windows media player/Media Player Classic, which also uses DirectShow.
If the same thing happens, (only sound), or if it has to download a codec, download a pack such as CCCP (this includes MPC). If the problem persists, ask again.
Hey, how is this supposed to be put in Linux? Historical Hero intro is boring without sound.
Earl, you don't need to use Aural+ on HH, but it makes the MIDIs load faster. The intro doesn't have music no matter what you do.
That makes sense now, and midi's are instant on my computer so why the crap should I care anymore?
Because later on there come MIDIs that take ages to load. So I would recommend installing it. If it doesn't make MIDIs become instant on your PC, you probably didn't install it right.
Anyone know why my MP3s don't loop when I use them as area songs? Like 3.mid which is actually an MP3 set on a map square will play once, but not loop, highly frustrating >_>
Is there a way to emulate this with scripts to loop it as a sound effect I wonder?
Is there a way to emulate this with scripts to loop it as a sound effect I wonder?
I'm pretty sure that one is in the DinkC refference *flips through pages*
For those with the book, Page 60 extract:
Category: Sound
Version: 1.08+
Prototype: void loopmidi(bool loop_midi);
loopmidi sets whether or not midis will automatically loop. if loop_midi is 1, midis will loop, and if it is 0, midis will not loop.
This setting is not stored in the save game file. If you load a game to a screen that doesn't automatically play a midi and midis are set to loop, the game may start the previously-playing midi over again.

For those with the book, Page 60 extract:
Category: Sound
Version: 1.08+
Prototype: void loopmidi(bool loop_midi);
loopmidi sets whether or not midis will automatically loop. if loop_midi is 1, midis will loop, and if it is 0, midis will not loop.
This setting is not stored in the save game file. If you load a game to a screen that doesn't automatically play a midi and midis are set to loop, the game may start the previously-playing midi over again.
I've the book right here and have read it over 3 times start to finish and I keep forgetting that command exists. BUT NOT ANYMORE!
Why the hell didn't the book walk up to me and say in a giant voice "THERE'S A MIDI LOOPING COMMAND!!" Now I'm pissed.

There is a bit of a bug with it though... IIRC it's only an issue in normal v1.08, not Aural+ or FreeDink.
If loopmidi is on and you use stopmidi(), it acts more like restartmidi
The music only stops for a second or two and then restarts. To avoid this you need turn looping off temporarily.
If loopmidi is on and you use stopmidi(), it acts more like restartmidi

The music only stops for a second or two and then restarts. To avoid this you need turn looping off temporarily.
loopmidi(0); stopmidi(); //later... loopmidi(1); playmidi("...");
I can't get any sound to play in Aural+, using Windows seven - no game sound, no midi, no mp3. Tried compatibility mode, still doesn't work. That's kind of weird.
All the sound works in the original 1.08 though, just not Aural+.
EDIT: Actually, just tested again, my memory decieves me - It's just midi's and mp3 that won't play in Aural+. Game sounds(*.wav files) work fine.
All the sound works in the original 1.08 though, just not Aural+.

EDIT: Actually, just tested again, my memory decieves me - It's just midi's and mp3 that won't play in Aural+. Game sounds(*.wav files) work fine.
Just downloaded Aural + and although the read me file mentions DFArc2 (I have DFArc only) I managed to locate and select Aural+ to replace dink (dinkc or dink exe I don't know)..
Anyway I got it to work.
Opened up Historical Hero - seems to be working faster, (very fast screen changes) and the sound seems enhanced too
Ok, fine. No time to play it now so I exited.
Then I get a message: "Set Cooperative level failed".
What does this mean?
Also does this mean that I can use Aural + in all the DMODs or just ones like HH that recommend it?
Edit: OK I just saw the note at the top: so if I want to play a DMOD other than those mentioned I have to deselect Aural+ from DFarc(2) everytime?
Anyway I got it to work.
Opened up Historical Hero - seems to be working faster, (very fast screen changes) and the sound seems enhanced too

Ok, fine. No time to play it now so I exited.
Then I get a message: "Set Cooperative level failed".
What does this mean?
Also does this mean that I can use Aural + in all the DMODs or just ones like HH that recommend it?
Edit: OK I just saw the note at the top: so if I want to play a DMOD other than those mentioned I have to deselect Aural+ from DFarc(2) everytime?
Don't know about that error message but Aural+ is just fine for every D-Mod as far as I know. You shouldn't have a problem using it at all.
Not familiar with that error myself either.
My advice is to use DFArc 3 with your standard Dink/Aural+.
Unfortunately DFArc 3 is not marked as the official Dink download as it is more an upgrade than the full game itself, the official Dink download comes with DFArc 2.
You can find DFArc 3 here:
Running Aural+ should be similar if not the same as running it through DFArc 2.
My advice is to use DFArc 3 with your standard Dink/Aural+.
Unfortunately DFArc 3 is not marked as the official Dink download as it is more an upgrade than the full game itself, the official Dink download comes with DFArc 2.
You can find DFArc 3 here:
Running Aural+ should be similar if not the same as running it through DFArc 2.
Ok thanks for that.
I can't see what difference Aural+ has made to HH.
After initially downloading it and trying it out, I was confident the lag time between screens was sorted out, But it's back again.
I'll chase down that DFArc3..maybe that will make all my DMODs perform better.
edit: OK got it. Now do I choose 'Use v1.07 mode'?
edit: ah! I see it's for use for DMODs before 2006. gotcha!
I can't see what difference Aural+ has made to HH.
After initially downloading it and trying it out, I was confident the lag time between screens was sorted out, But it's back again.
I'll chase down that DFArc3..maybe that will make all my DMODs perform better.
edit: OK got it. Now do I choose 'Use v1.07 mode'?
edit: ah! I see it's for use for DMODs before 2006. gotcha!
Just wondering.. shouldn't at this point be GNU FreeDink the recommended version?
It supports way more platforms (there's even PSP port), it's still currently maintained (last update was this April, as opposed to this 10+ years old version), supports OGG format that has better compression than MP3, it's endorsed by the FSF, all the sounds have an open license, it has translations to several languages, the DFArc version coming with it is developed and maintained together and has also translations, etc.
From the pinned topics someone may think that FreeDink is only for people who use GNU/Linux and that this Aural+ is the most up to date version available.
It supports way more platforms (there's even PSP port), it's still currently maintained (last update was this April, as opposed to this 10+ years old version), supports OGG format that has better compression than MP3, it's endorsed by the FSF, all the sounds have an open license, it has translations to several languages, the DFArc version coming with it is developed and maintained together and has also translations, etc.
From the pinned topics someone may think that FreeDink is only for people who use GNU/Linux and that this Aural+ is the most up to date version available.