The Dink Network

cypry's Profile

Peasant He/Him Romania
Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice. 
Hi, I'm cypry (Ciprian Oprisa), I'm from Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Private Message
YIM cypryoprisa

2006-12-13 08:44:52
Peasant He/Him Romania
Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice. 
I've chosen 61. We, dinkers, have something to do with numbers 60+

cypry has released 9 files

GoldSeekerMiscellaneousFair 5.3June 28th, 2009
One Screen D-Mod CompilationD-Mod, MiscellaneousExceptional 9.5October 18th, 2007
Honor Quest (The)D-Mod, RompGood 8.2September 26th, 2006
DinkC EditorDevelopment, UtilityGood 7.5September 5th, 2006
EasyMP3MiscellaneousN/AAugust 21st, 2006
Dink Vs. Milder 2D-Mod, DemoGood 8.7June 10th, 2006
Cypry's Warrior Skills PackDevelopmentExceptional 9.0December 31st, 2005
WarCryMiscellaneousFair 6.9August 31st, 2005
Dink vs. MilderD-Mod, RompFair 6.2June 15th, 2005

cypry has written 16 reviews

Nice Christmas D-Mod Dink's Christmas AdventureNormalGood 8.0December 16th, 2007
Very important download for developers Dink Smallwood BMP GraphicsNormalExceptional 9.5September 22nd, 2007
This Was One of the 8 Entries in the Failure Dmod Contest PreludeNormalExceptional 9.3October 19th, 2006
I Like This New Savebot Graphics Alternative SavebotNormalGood 8.5October 16th, 2006
This is the First Mp3 Pack Ever Released MP3 MayhemNormalExceptional 9.3August 25th, 2006
"Dink Nuken - Darkland F*Cked Up Dink Nukem - Darkland F**d Up!NormalFair 6.7July 12th, 2006
The "Blood Scorpions" By Simeon is a Very Good Quest Blood ScorpionsFeaturedExceptional 9.5June 30th, 2006
This is a Short Historical Quest Reconstruction: The Freedmen's BureauNormalExceptional 9.2February 9th, 2006
The Scourger is Certenaly a Great Dmod Scourger (The)NormalExceptional 9.5November 22nd, 2005
Red Jacket Murderers Was Carrie's Dmod For Halloween Red Jacket MurdersNormalGood 8.9November 8th, 2005
This is a Lost Dmod ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZNormalHorrible 0.2August 15th, 2005
This Quest is More an Epic Cloud Castle 2: ScarabNormalExceptional 9.9August 4th, 2005
This is One of the Best Dmod's I've Ever Played Green Voice in my Head (The) - Part 1 - Hangover & AgonyNormalExceptional 9.7July 16th, 2005
Nice Little Non-Violent Dmod Dink Learns MusicNormalGood 7.9July 14th, 2005
It's Not a Masterpiece Adventures of Dink Bigwood (The)FeaturedFair 6.8June 24th, 2005
This Midi Pack Rules Christiaan's Midi PackNormalExceptional 9.6June 16th, 2005