The Dink Network

magicman's Profile

Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
I'm called magicman here, but my real name is Joeri van Eekelen and I'm from The Netherlands.

I'm 37 years old and currently being a programmer who's involved in social housing software.

My interest in Dink goes off and on. It is currently off. Check back later. I kinda like sourcediving into the Dink engine, which is an awesome way at figuring out why some unexpected behaviour occurs.

Scripting techniques rant
Some Notepad++ Python scripts
Error in map_tile(); documentation.
Why void touch( void ) freezes, void die( void ) fails to complete, and you need wait(1) in loops.
About external(), spawn(), procedure calls, run_script_by_number.

For those interested, you can read my Dinkerview from early 2014.

Private Message

2006-05-05 17:49:53
Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
Blargh... Consider that to be the fault of my Dutch-ness. I never type Dutch (always in English), but in normal writing, it is acceptable to stress letters that way.

magicman has released 6 files

WAITWUTMiscellaneousN/AJanuary 23rd, 2016
Persistent LootDevelopmentGood 8.8March 13th, 2012
Enemy HealthbarDevelopmentExceptional 9.7February 20th, 2007
CooltextDevelopmentExceptional 9.0July 7th, 2003
Beginning of EvilD-Mod, RompFair 6.7June 27th, 2003
Dink RacerD-Mod, MiscellaneousTolerable 4.7September 15th, 2002

magicman has written 4 reviews

This Pack Consists of 27 Sprite Graphics House GraphicsFeaturedTolerable 4.2June 6th, 2005
This is One Really Special D-Mod Cast Awakening Part 1: InitiationFeaturedExceptional 9.5November 2nd, 2004
Wow NitroDinkFeaturedTolerable 4.7January 1st, 2004
Okay RascalFeaturedGood 7.0July 7th, 2003

magicman has taken 1 screenshot

Preview Ninja Dude GraphicsJune 15th, 2014