I rock.
Okaly-D Dink
Well, you'd rock a whole lot more if you ever released the full version...

Truly you do, but so do I! In fact im bloomin' fantastic. As is Redink. And me.

Icecream Icecream We All Scream For Icecream
Yes. Yes I do.
I just thought my own person forum needed some attention.
Maybe I'll just start posting my progess up here or something.
So here's what happened the other day:
I was watching seinfeld (i've downloaded them all, and i'm watching them in order, just finished season 5) and it was like.. 6 AM or so, and I felt I should sleep a bit. Couldn't, so I randomly decided to dink (i hadn't in many many months) but as you'll see from my post about the minimum &magic_cost, it wasn't working at the time. So I spent like 4 hours making my neat little intro that runs after the loading and splash.bmp. It's really good, tho, well worth it.
That's my progress report.
Oh and I fixed the magic error thingy, so it actually runs now, currently trying to perfect the bloody earth spike spell... I may end up sending the whole spell with graphics and all to someone to see if they can think of a good way of doing it...
Then I'll work on finishing up my other spells...
I just thought my own person forum needed some attention.
Maybe I'll just start posting my progess up here or something.
So here's what happened the other day:
I was watching seinfeld (i've downloaded them all, and i'm watching them in order, just finished season 5) and it was like.. 6 AM or so, and I felt I should sleep a bit. Couldn't, so I randomly decided to dink (i hadn't in many many months) but as you'll see from my post about the minimum &magic_cost, it wasn't working at the time. So I spent like 4 hours making my neat little intro that runs after the loading and splash.bmp. It's really good, tho, well worth it.
That's my progress report.
Oh and I fixed the magic error thingy, so it actually runs now, currently trying to perfect the bloody earth spike spell... I may end up sending the whole spell with graphics and all to someone to see if they can think of a good way of doing it...
Then I'll work on finishing up my other spells...
Umm... mind if I ask what ice-cream has to do with the topic? And why is it that I'm the only one who likes choc-mint flavour? And do you see that red stuff underneath my picture? That's strawberry flavour!

It may not have much to do with the subject, but it's so good after you've had a tooth removed. And you certainly aren't the only person who likes choco-mint.

I am more of a chocolate chip cookie dough man myself where it comes to icecream...even though cheesecake kicks all deserts undeserveing ....uhh..."hind" end??...i guess thatlll werk
I don't eat much ice cream, not nearly as much as I should. I like chocolate mint, it's good. Chocolate chip cookie is also quite scrumptious.
I do drink too much pop, though.
I just got the mini fridge back from my mother, and it's stocked with about 5 12 packs at any given time, and it's within reach from my computer... Ya.. I rock.
I do drink too much pop, though.
I just got the mini fridge back from my mother, and it's stocked with about 5 12 packs at any given time, and it's within reach from my computer... Ya.. I rock.
You'll get fat with all that ice cream and 12 packs and then you don't rock anymore because you can't.

Once again I am amazed and puzzled about how people actually locate these old threads.
Search button and Next Page Button.That's the secret of the spamming Troll Kidz.
And now it's been even longer!
Just saw this at the bottom of the page:
"so uh, just assume that right now, if you're an idiot, i'm calling you an idiot." - OkalyDDude, too lazy to flame
There's even a quote from me! Man, I don't remember the bulk of the Dink Network, but I'm glad it still exists. And no, no future demo from me, I lost all the progress I had years ago
(And I had some neat stuff, a new weapons/eq screen, mana based magic instead of time based, new weapons and spells and puzzles) I had even considered a restart from the ground up a few times, once ever couple years when getting nostalgic, but never pulled the trigger out of laziness.
Now, if I was to take the time to try and make a game, I would use another platform, but I haven't really undertaken any game development in... Oh man ten years!?
Just saw this at the bottom of the page:
"so uh, just assume that right now, if you're an idiot, i'm calling you an idiot." - OkalyDDude, too lazy to flame
There's even a quote from me! Man, I don't remember the bulk of the Dink Network, but I'm glad it still exists. And no, no future demo from me, I lost all the progress I had years ago

Now, if I was to take the time to try and make a game, I would use another platform, but I haven't really undertaken any game development in... Oh man ten years!?
Woah. It's not often you see an old-time Dinker come back and revive a thread that's over ten years old. xD
Eleven, if I am good at math.
Some penguin guy we will never see again.
The other day I was walking on ice and I finally realized why penguins walk the way they do. I walk the same way when I'm on ice. I rock that penguin stride when I'm on ice. It's effective and keeps me from falling. I used to think penguins looked ridiculous for walking that way, but now I no longer think that. I want a pet penguin. Maybe I can teach it how to walk like an Egyptian.
Last time I walked on some ice, I fell right on my butt. In a puddle.
Penguins are awesome.