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Stone of Balance

Tell me the truth!
The Stone of Balance has been broken and only one man can put it back together. Come play an epic DMOD, and see how hard, yet entertaining Dinking can be.

*Best download of december 2000*

*Best D-Mod of 2000*

This D-Mod contains mature content, and may not be suitable for younger players.
Released:July 21st, 2024
File Size:34.02 MB
Release Notes:Version 3.08 fixes
Fixed nohit on grass in Land 5
Stone Giants now remember if Dink attacks them, and will attack on site after that
Gold tree depth dot adjusted again (something weird going on here)
Dink can't turn his children into roaches in Land 6
Dink gets hurt if he attacks his children in Land 6
Restored the WhipIt music track for Impregnatation Trial part 1
Black/purple scorpion is tougher in Land 7
Fixed Hammer of Truth not unloading properly between loading saved games
Fixed screen mismatches in Story 1 around Goblin's lair entrance
Fixed typos in dialogue
Fisherman in Story 2 no longer gives multiple picks
Fixed end of Story 2 so you can not get mud pack if backpack is full, have to lose something first
Fixed hardness in giant maze
Graves in Story 3 only give one skull now
Yorick's grave only gives one anvil now
Can't get back multiple stones in Story 4
Fixed slayer stuck on hill in Forest of Wickedness
Fixed Flamebow so it works better with standard Bow Lore
Adjusted salad dialogue from wizard and items to be a little clearer
Screenlocking dragons only drop silver in Story 5
Flames on volcano set to no_hit in Story 5
Blood fountain's talk text set to Dink not fountain.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
September 1st, 2002
Score : 9.6 exceptional
Ah, SoB. Well, before I state my mind I'll say something: SoB is much, much too attached to sex. From what I heard by some of the other reviews, I expected a DMOD, almost better than POTA. However, for the sex/nudity in the game, I'm lowering the score. Ok, on with the review.

Story 1- Brilliant! Truly brilliant! It very well balances humour, gameplay, and sound. The storyline of this plot: the queen as made a declaration that everyone must sing. If you talk, she'll throw you into prison. Final Verdict: the best part of the game (9.8

Story 2- This land is called the Maze of Deadalus. Simon, I think, did a very good job on this. Who would have thought that a boring, overused, maze, could be so fun. Simon added fireballs that shoot through the maze, and really added to the excitment. Final Verdict: Good, but not that great. (9.3)

Story 3- This next land is named: the Desert of Thirst. It's also very good, but still, not as good as a few others. The plot of this story is people are freezing because of double-insalated stone walls. You first, have to collect firewood, I won't tell the rest if you haven't played it. Final Verdict: A great part of the game, but still, not the best. Final Verdict:
The concept was original, but it wasn't as fun as the others. (9.5

Story 4- This is my 2nd favorite part, The Land of Reverence. 4 religions in one land isn't a totally new concept, but Simon, like Story 2, could really spice it up. Final Verdict: I wasn't disappointed, and you won't be, either. (9.7)

Story 5- The next land, The Touch of King Midas, wasn't so fun, but I still enjoyed it. You probably could tell what it's about from the title, but here I go anyway: A curse has been put upon King Midas, and anything he touches turns to gold. You, being a hero and all, have to lift the curse. The puzzle was brilliant, and it's hard to figure out. Final Verdict: Most definately not as fun as the previous stories, but still very entertaining. (9.5)

Story 6-
Ok, this story is sick. I didn't really like it, but I kept oging in hopes that the next land would be much more fun. There's not much to say about it, but if you're under say, 14, I wouldn't reccomend it. Final Verdict: Too attached to sex. (7.0)

Story 7- The final boss. This is mildly amusing, but don't expect a motherload of gameplay. You fight a strange enemy, and recievethe final fragment of the stone of balance. The boss is very tough, but there is a good way to kill him I won't reveal. Final Verdict: A good way to exersise your abilites, but not much gameplay. (8.6)

Overall- A great epic, not as good as POTA, but better than LoT and AGAE. Download this epic if you tire from the short, boring romps. (9.6)
TopicPostsPosterLast Post
Let's Play Stone of Balance Redux *Complete*22RobjMay 25th 2024, 09:21 PM
Read me5BoobiesApril 30th 2018, 11:58 AM
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SOB Help Needed!!!6twitchieApril 9th 2017, 11:35 PM
Fire pits3delicreepDecember 22nd 2015, 12:14 PM
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Stone balance: Dessert of thirst3HotPussieJuly 3rd 2015, 07:11 PM
The girl wont give me the wine9ThePunisherMay 25th 2015, 09:21 AM
sob midas1gracyalien12November 17th 2014, 08:00 PM
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getting the invisibility thing1alchemi1956August 23rd 2013, 02:35 PM
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Applying to Church of Righteousness2Jonas0075August 23rd 2013, 02:05 PM
Bowman's partners grave7RossVanDerHAugust 22nd 2013, 01:01 PM
do you need the hammer of truth after story one is completed?4RossVanDerHAugust 22nd 2013, 12:52 PM
Story 5: Can't speak to King MIdas after Curse is lifted2Dinkerton23February 7th 2013, 01:57 AM
Stone of Balance3JuanBOctober 7th 2012, 07:03 PM
How do i get gold2ThePunisherSeptember 18th 2011, 02:05 AM
How do i get herb boots in the land of reverence3ThePunisherSeptember 17th 2011, 02:05 AM
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I have the whiskey the priest wont give the the key2ThePunisherSeptember 15th 2011, 10:28 PM
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