The Dink Network

twitchie's Profile

Love to play Dink. Love football, hunting, fishing, computers . . . and Dink, of course!

Private Message

2002-11-06 11:37:37
: : : : How do I add sprites to the Dink pallette?  I am using PaintShop Pro 7.  TIA!

: : : I'm sorry, what are you trying to ask?

: : : Do you mean add COLORS to the palette?

: : : or CONVERT images to the pallete?

: : : or add sprites to a D-MOD?

: : : or something else?

: : : I'm guessing you mean the second one, the asnwer to that question is this. Open a graphic already in the Dink palette (Splash.bmp in the DinkTiles folder for example) and select Colors -> Save Palette from the menu. Then open what you want converted and select Colors -> Load Palette. You want to use either Error defusion or Nearest color matching. The former useually looks better, but you can always just try both.

: : That's part of it.  I also want to know how to add an image so that it'll come up on the sprite selection screens in (Win)DinkEdit.  Is there a specific folder I add an image to?  TIA!

: Yes and no. You put it in the graphics folder, but there's more to it. First of all, make sure you image is named something like myimg-01.bmp that is up to six characters and 01. (the last is almost always a - but doesn't have to be) If it's part of a sequence the next part would be myimg-02 and so on. Open up Dink.ini. (it's a text file) and look add a line like this:

: load_sequence graphicsmyimg- 789

: where 789 is the sequence number. Make sure to pick one an unused (or unwanted) one.

Thanks for the help!

twitchie has written 4 reviews

I Am One of the People This Type of File is Designed For Rudiments of Scripting (The)NormalExceptional 9.0November 6th, 2002
Pop has the Makings of a Great Quest Or Epic if the Builder Wants To Build on it Pirates of PortownNormalGood 8.6October 24th, 2002
This is the Best Dmod I've Played Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATNormalExceptional 9.5February 28th, 2002
Overall Secret of ParizayaNormalFair 6.7December 7th, 2001