The Dink Network

ThinkDink's Profile

2003-08-25 15:34:32
ill try that thanks

ThinkDink has released 6 files

Ultimate Dink-CheatazMiscellaneous, CheatExceptional 9.9July 25th, 2003
Stone TilesDevelopment, GraphicsFair 5.9July 25th, 2003
Rivals (The)D-Mod, RompFair 6.7July 22nd, 2003
Ghosts of the Cast : The Quest for the Axe of Destruction (The)D-Mod, RompHorrible 0.1July 15th, 2003
Ghosts of the Cast : Seth's Revenge (The)D-Mod, RompHorrible 2.3July 7th, 2003
Ghosts of the Cast (The)D-Mod, RompHorrible 1.6July 6th, 2003

ThinkDink has written 13 reviews

Ok This is Glens Best Dmod So Far Victim of LifeNormalFair 6.5August 22nd, 2003
Worst Dmod Ever (the) 1 Attack of the Army (The)NormalHorrible 1.0August 22nd, 2003
The Good Desert Cliff TilesNormalGood 8.0August 9th, 2003
Ok Ill Review This Dmod From My Point of View Rivals (The)NormalGood 8.8August 9th, 2003
This is a Good File but Very Easy To Make Lock/Unlock ScreenNormalFair 5.0August 9th, 2003
This is the Greatest File of History SkeletonNormalExceptional 9.9July 18th, 2003
I Love the Buttons in This Pack SuperWolfman's Button PackNormalGood 8.5July 18th, 2003
Ok I Tried This Add on For Abit of Fun but What Fun Came Come Out of This? None Isle of the PigsNormalHorrible 1.0July 18th, 2003
Since No One has Reviewed My Dmod Ill Review it Ghosts of the Cast : Seth's Revenge (The)NormalFair 5.0July 18th, 2003
Sorry Sabre Tutorial D-ModNormalTolerable 4.0July 16th, 2003
Great Dmod Knight's Tale 2 (A)NormalGood 8.9July 16th, 2003
Ok Im Going To Review This Myself So You Know What Its Like Ghosts of the Cast (The)NormalFair 5.5July 6th, 2003
My Fav Dmod Pilgrim's QuestNormalExceptional 9.9June 26th, 2003