The Dink Network

whats better? dinkedit or windink?

July 2nd 2008, 05:31 AM
hey, um, im new too this site (well no, iv been using it to download Dmods for awhile, but new to the forum)
and iv decided (again) to try and make a Dmod.
Iv read a lot of the infomation and advice people have allready said relating this... and... well it seems the best place to start is mucking around in the editor.
i have spent some time playing around in dinkedit (putting in spirte-changing size etc..) but have NO experence with scripting.. and don;t know where to start.
i want your guys advice on what program would be best to learn this stuff in? i downloaded windink but havnt used it yet. same with rudiments of scripting...

July 2nd 2008, 07:21 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Well, which is better is a bit of an ongoing discussion. Most people seem to prefer WinDinkEdit though some stick with DinkEdit. Personally I think WinDinkEdit is more intuitive and easier to pick up. So for a beginner I'd definitely recommend WinDinkEdit.

As for scripting, I learned it by copying scripts from other DMODs then putting them into my own DMOD and see what they did. Then I edited them until they worked. (Just changing some variables and inserting pieces of code from other DMODs, no self writen code at this point...)
Reading through Rudiments of scripting will definitely help, it's pace is rather slow so a beginner should be able to pick it up. From memory it did require some basic knowledge of the editor though.

Good luck!
July 2nd 2008, 07:21 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
welcome 2 the dink network i maybe the first 2 greet u
anything u need dont ask me cuz i have no clue on making d-mods (dink modules)
July 2nd 2008, 07:31 AM

I like WinDinkEdit (WDE) but I may be biased because I've never actually used Dinkedit
WDE is mainly used with the mouse, you can see several screens at once and if you right click on a sprite you can set all its properties at once.
Dinkedit (I think) is mainly with the keyboard, can see one screen at a time and you set the sprite properties with different keys.
Open up a D-Mod in one and play around.

About scripting... start with the rudiments of scripting and then try editing ones from a D-Mod and see what happens, or making your own, whatever.
To get examples of how certain commands work, the best way is to find a large D-Mod with clear scripts in (like Initiation or CC2) and search for somewhere it's used.

Use the DinkC Reference, both v4.0 (comes with Dink) and v3.2 (comes with WDE+).
v4.0 is usually more definitive and is updated for Dink 1.08 but v3.2 often has more detailed descriptions.

Ok... have fun
July 2nd 2008, 09:00 AM
WDE is mainly used with the mouse, you can see several screens at once and if you right click on a sprite you can set all its properties at once.
Dinkedit (I think) is mainly with the keyboard, can see one screen at a time and you set the sprite properties with different keys.

Pretty much. As metatarasal said it's propably easier to learn to use Windinkedit, but using the mouse to click around is rather tedious and slow. Dinkedit is faster, especially with mapping, after you get acquinted with it. Learning to use another editor after the other is pretty awkward, so I'd recommend learning Dinkedit first. I don't think Windinkedit tops it in anything except finding screenmatch errors and being easier to learn.
July 2nd 2008, 11:14 AM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
I personally use both and jump between the two quite frequently, depending on what I'm doing. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and really, only by using both will you understand what works best for you.
July 2nd 2008, 01:33 PM
Peasant He/Him bloop
I began with DinkEdit, but I couldn't stand the "dos" feeling about it. I always go with WinDinkEdit, since I haven't had any problems with it so far.

Good luck
July 4th 2008, 04:39 AM
ok, cool thanks guys... ill install windinkedit and have aplay round on it... hopfully ill be able to get it working.. cause iv had some pretty cool ideas ild like to see put into a game...
i guess it depends on how motavated i am...
...but i dont know bout you guys but its school holidays over here in New Zealand so i might have some time to have a go.. (unless by some miricle my realfriends want to hang out with me....) haha na il have a go,

man its cool to get such detaled (and friendly) responces so quickly..
July 6th 2008, 06:22 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
Just a side note... Dink has two L's in his last name.
July 7th 2008, 01:40 PM
Noble He/Him United Kingdom
I've never got on with WinDinkEdit and have only ever really used DinkEdit in creating my d-mods. I know my way around DE so well that I've no inclination to learn a new system.

The only situation where I use WDE is when I need to delete screens.
July 7th 2008, 06:42 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Oh hey. 
Windinkedit's easier, I think, than dinkedit. Most of the things I didn't know how to do in dinkedit I learned in Windinkedit.
July 7th 2008, 07:13 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Any fool can use a computer. Many do. 
I'm with Sabre on this one.
July 8th 2008, 12:00 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
Hey, I just noticed something, your username is 'Dink Smallwood' backwards. 'doowllamSkinD'. dang I'm smart.
July 8th 2008, 12:31 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
It looked good on paper... 
Well DD, at least you used two L's.
(See DaVince's post above)
July 8th 2008, 03:07 AM
ah, *sigh* i knew someone would pick up on that...
...but the username only allows 12 letters..
and once i figured that out i figured the second "L" was less important than the "D" or it woulda been doowllamSkin..... ... and i dont wana be inksmallwood

hahmmn.. well thanks for the advice, my script learning is coming along pretty good.. iv done most of whats in Rudaments of scripting..