The Dink Network

Magicman's Profile

Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
I'm called magicman here, but my real name is Joeri van Eekelen and I'm from The Netherlands.

I'm 37 years old and currently being a programmer who's involved in social housing software.

My interest in Dink goes off and on. It is currently off. Check back later. I kinda like sourcediving into the Dink engine, which is an awesome way at figuring out why some unexpected behaviour occurs.

Scripting techniques rant
Some Notepad++ Python scripts
Error in map_tile(); documentation.
Why void touch( void ) freezes, void die( void ) fails to complete, and you need wait(1) in loops.
About external(), spawn(), procedure calls, run_script_by_number.

For those interested, you can read my Dinkerview from early 2014.

Private Message

2006-06-04 09:42:49
Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
"Homo Sapiens" is the correct species name for what other people would call "human being". It's even correct Latin, but more on that later. "Commit genocide!" is the imperative mood, just like "Eat meat!", or "Shut up!" and perfectly correct English.

You, on the other hand, forgot a comma after "Wow" and wrote "shut up" as one word instead of two. Also "English" should be capitalised. "TAL IS GOD" is a new sentence, so the previous one, which ends with the word "english", should have a period after it. Then the clause "Or something to that affect"... Wrong, wrong, wrong. Effect is the word you want, not affect. To affect means "to have influence on" (when pronounced aff-ECT), and affect means "emotion" (when pronounced AFF-ect). You used it as a noun, and the only meaning of "affect" that is a noun is "emotion", which doesn't fit the expression.

Before you complain, species is singular, despite the ending in -s.

If Hitler being a vegetarian is a reason to encourage people to stop being a vegetarian and eat meat, then so is Hitler being a Homo Sapiens a reason to encourage people to stop being a Homo Sapiens. Of course, in this case I should've used "suicide" instead of "genocide", but this doesn't change the validity of the English used.

I promised more about the Latin etymology of "Homo Sapiens", so here it is:

Homo is a noun that means "human" and is masculinum singularis nominativus; Sapiens is the present tense participle of "sapere" which means "to know", "to have sense" or "to taste". Sapiens thus means "knowing" (or "having sense" or "tasting"), and it's also masculinum singularis nominativus. It is often translated as "wise". In 'normal' Latin those aren't capitalised (well... every word was capitalised, but we don't, because it looks silly), but they are in this case because "Homo Sapiens" is the name of the species and names should be capitalised.

IF that is what you're saying its not funny, shutup, and learn english
Here, "its" should be changed to "it's".

Magicman has released 6 files

WAITWUTMiscellaneousN/AJanuary 23rd, 2016
Persistent LootDevelopmentGood 8.8March 13th, 2012
Enemy HealthbarDevelopmentExceptional 9.7February 20th, 2007
CooltextDevelopmentExceptional 9.0July 7th, 2003
Beginning of EvilD-Mod, RompFair 6.7June 27th, 2003
Dink RacerD-Mod, MiscellaneousTolerable 4.7September 15th, 2002

Magicman has written 4 reviews

This Pack Consists of 27 Sprite Graphics House GraphicsFeaturedTolerable 4.2June 6th, 2005
This is One Really Special D-Mod Cast Awakening Part 1: InitiationFeaturedExceptional 9.5November 2nd, 2004
Wow NitroDinkFeaturedTolerable 4.7January 1st, 2004
Okay RascalFeaturedGood 7.0July 7th, 2003

Magicman has taken 1 screenshot

Preview Ninja Dude GraphicsJune 15th, 2014