The Dink Network

DinkDude95's Profile

Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
I hail from the great southern land of Wallabies and Drop Bears. I play video games and sell coffee. Come say g'day.

Private Message

2007-07-14 21:26:14
Peasant He/Him Australia
The guy with the cute D-Mod. 
Just last night, my Dad and I were looking through Video Ezy trying to find a video suitable for the ounger ones, there were like, 5 videos we saw that weren't rated M MA15+ or R18+!! And we'd watched them all! I just kept seeing ratings with words next to them saying 'Mainly centered around sex' and 'nudity' 'high drug use' 'High level frequent course language' we eventually found one which only had 'mild crude humour' and 'low level violence' which was good.

EDIT: My PC stuffed up. Double post accident.

DinkDude95 has released 7 files

Potion Bag SystemDevelopmentN/ASeptember 23rd, 2015
Trials of a Boy - Enter The IcelandD-Mod, QuestExceptional 9.0January 4th, 2012
Snow to Grass TilesDevelopment, GraphicsFair 6.5August 7th, 2011
Hardened Manly Fingernails MIDI AlbumDevelopment, MusicExceptional 9.2January 13th, 2011
Where's Likko?D-Mod, RompGood 8.5May 29th, 2010
Higgledy PiggledyD-Mod, RompFair 5.6April 3rd, 2010
One Screen D-Mod CompilationD-Mod, MiscellaneousExceptional 9.5October 18th, 2007

DinkDude95 has written 33 reviews

A Perfect Christmas-Special Mod! Pinky The PigFeaturedExceptional 9.1January 12th, 2011
Something so natural, yet not seen before Cliff-water TilesFeaturedGood 8.6January 11th, 2010
Very nice Chests and BreakablesFeaturedExceptional 9.1January 11th, 2010
Impressive 10 Sword IconsFeaturedExceptional 9.2January 6th, 2010
Funky Bug ManiaNormalExceptional 9.2April 13th, 2008
I like it SurvivalNormalGood 8.5April 9th, 2008
Ninja Dude! Nice! Ninja Dude GraphicsNormalExceptional 9.0April 9th, 2008
Well, I guess it's okay Watery ExplosionNormalFair 6.5October 30th, 2007
It was... well... never mind... Happy Sunshine LandFeaturedHorrible 0.1October 27th, 2007
They're all great! One Screen D-Mod CompilationFeaturedExceptional 9.5October 23rd, 2007
Made in perhaps 10 minutes? Cursor PackFeaturedHorrible 0.5October 23rd, 2007
This isn't really that good Angel GraphicsNormalFair 5.5June 29th, 2007
Could there ever be a better Dmod? Pilgrim's QuestFeaturedExceptional 9.7June 24th, 2007
The beginning of it all... Dink SmallwoodFeaturedExceptional 9.5June 24th, 2007
Coloured blood, interesting Coloured Blood Pack 1NormalGood 8.7June 16th, 2007
Some nice new coloured sprites here. Dink ColorsNormalGood 8.6June 15th, 2007
A Nice Little Tutorial. Video Tutorial: Hardness EditingNormalExceptional 9.0June 15th, 2007
What more can I say? Dink Smallwood BMP GraphicsNormalExceptional 9.5June 15th, 2007
Toupees, I like it! Dink ToupeeNormalExceptional 9.0June 15th, 2007
Possibly the worst Dmod of all time ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZFeaturedHorrible 1.1June 15th, 2007
Could be better Lava and Rock TilesetNormalExceptional 9.0June 15th, 2007
It's amazing what a single man can do! Pilgrim's Quest - Female GoblinNormalExceptional 9.7June 15th, 2007
Snow Graphics - Nice Snow GraphicsNormalExceptional 9.0June 15th, 2007
A vast improvement! Hard.dat RewriteFeaturedGood 8.5June 15th, 2007
There could be more, but there isn't... GOKUSSJ6 Graphic Pack INormalExceptional 9.3June 14th, 2007
The monkeys look out of place. CM2PillbugNormalFair 5.0June 14th, 2007
Dinkzilla. Not cool. DinkzillaNormalTolerable 3.0June 11th, 2007
More of a video if you ask me. Dink LettermanNormalTolerable 4.0June 8th, 2007
If you liked 'em before, now you'll like 'em even more! Wooden Status BarNormalExceptional 9.5June 4th, 2007
Another great graphic! GryphonNormalExceptional 9.5June 2nd, 2007
These are great! Night TilesNormalExceptional 9.8May 19th, 2007
I don't like these tiles much. Stone TilesNormalHorrible 2.5May 7th, 2007
Well Done Good ol' Simon! Pilgrim's Quest - Misc SpritesNormalExceptional 9.9May 5th, 2007

DinkDude95 has taken 4 screenshots

Preview Snow to Grass TilesJanuary 5th, 2012
Preview Snow to Grass TilesJanuary 5th, 2012
Preview Angel GraphicsMay 6th, 2007
Preview Angel GraphicsMay 6th, 2007