The Dink Network


July 7th 2005, 06:49 AM
don't know if this post will be stoped but has any one else heard about whats happening in london
kind of wierd that this has happened just after the olyimpics has been placed there and the g8 sumet
(i no i cant spell)
July 7th 2005, 07:35 AM
Yeah how could they do such a thing dang F@$king terrorists they only want to cause choas
July 7th 2005, 09:03 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Olde Time Dinkere 
What happened then?
July 7th 2005, 09:30 AM
well the day of the g8 sumit 7 bomb in the london underground have gone off sending london into terrorist mode like after such atacks as the i.r.a there has been a terrorist cell that has taken responsability but i can't remember witch one it was
July 7th 2005, 09:41 AM
Peasant They/Them Netherlands duck
Mmmm, pizza. 
Or they are jealous Frenchmen... Nahh
July 7th 2005, 09:41 AM
Peasant She/Her
Yeah, I heard about it right in the morning. My little sister went on a trip last tuesday with a couple of friends, and they were meant to go to Paris and then to London.. Luckily she was still in Paris at the time those bombs blew off. I'm still kinda restless because of it though. I hope too many people didn't die in the accident.. dang terrorists.
July 7th 2005, 09:52 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
I really don't understand those terrorists...

If they bombed a few days ago (during live8) they would have shown much more clearly that they're evil and stop at nothing to create Saudi Britain... (Or someting like that, I don't know how original terorist are)
July 7th 2005, 10:36 AM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
And now for something completely coherent... here.
July 7th 2005, 12:19 PM
Yeah how could they do such a thing dang F@$king terrorists they only want to cause choas

terrorists terrorize
July 7th 2005, 12:41 PM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Lava pig to the rescue! 
True, but that doesn't mean he can't be angry about it. The website states that only 2people died but the numbers have risen to 40+ already and the number of bodies from the bus are still unknown. It's just a stupid thing that we live in a world where you can only be heard by blowing up others...
July 7th 2005, 12:53 PM
What the hell do you mean by that? What are the terrorists trying to say?
July 7th 2005, 01:24 PM
Peasant He/Him
"Hey! Look what I can do!"
July 7th 2005, 01:28 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
"The website states that only 2people died"

Noted. I updated the link with a more recent report.
July 7th 2005, 01:44 PM
why does they terrorize, it only does bad...?

or maybe it dosent, i could try, perhaps the
Al-Qaida reward me with a colorfull C4!
July 7th 2005, 02:22 PM
Peasant He/Him Norway
GlennGlenn doesn't want a custom title. 
The reasen they kill is for religion, I suppose.
The more u kill, the better person u are
July 7th 2005, 04:49 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
I think the terrorists are trying to say 'Die Infidels(or anyone who is not just like them).'
July 7th 2005, 04:54 PM
Peasant He/Him Norway
GlennGlenn doesn't want a custom title. 
Who wanna be them anyway?
July 7th 2005, 04:55 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
I found this post on another forum I frequent, and thought it might be of interest to some of you. I would just link to the forum itself, but I'm paranoid certain idiots around here will decide to bombard it with spam and such.

My GF used to live in London, we still have friends there. One had just passed through one of the targeted stations 5 minutes prior to the bombings. After talking to him on the phone this morning I was kind of shocked by the impact this has had on him already. He had come to visit us around Christmas time. He was very VERY outspoken in his opposition to everything Bush and Blair were doing in the Middle East. He was far and away the most outspoken critic of the war among my circle of friends. This morning he was using blunt ugly language with his threats against Muslims in general, not bothering to keep his anger focused at those actually responsible. It was a stunning about face from his positions on the war just 6 months ago. His change of view came from realizing that they intended to kill as many innocent civilians as possible by bombing a crowded subway during rush hour. Most of those people opposed the Iraqi invasion.

The jihadist are not helping the cause of Muslims rather they are building support for the extremists on both ends of the spectrum. But I suppose that is what they want and were aiming for. In that respect these bombings accomplished their goals. Inflame the reactionaries in the West and satiate the jihadist of the Middle East. Leave those who want to work toward peace out in the cold.

Times like this make me wish there was a God who could punish those responsible. Alas I don't believe there is so the best I can hope for is for the political pendulum to not swing too far to the right and these murderous animals to be tracked down and made to quietly vanish from the face of the planet with no hope of becoming a martyr for their cause.
July 7th 2005, 09:46 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 

From my experiences from intel reports and first hand experience in the middle east, I can give you some insight. If you are religious, it might help as well.

All terrorists’ organizations have a belief system that drives them, and most of the time, religion plays a part in this. Al-Qaida is one of these organizations..probably the most predominate at the time uses their religion (even though the beliefs are somewhat twisted from most Muslim beliefs) to control their people. By telling them their god will give them eternity of happiness and bliss and claiming the leaders of this organization, it allows them to guide their people into the willingness to give their own live to inflict damage where needed. Nothing any of the other organizations do (in this case, countries) will stop their hate. They hate us just because we are world leaders and we have a different way of life (mostly Christianity in my opinion..why you may ask. Christianity teaches a belief that god gives us free agency of how to live our lives). When people are brainwashed into a cult(such as this), it is rather difficult to deprogram them especially when they are still in the clutches of them.

This war will not end anytime soon. This is a holy war bound with cultural differences and the only hope is that each side will not be ignorant and start being able to see each others beliefs and respect that..this is something Al-Qaida can not do. Even if we were to be 'separate but equal' in our countries, they would still hate us and seek to hurt us...there is no answer to stopping this was bound to occur sooner or later and I am surprised it didn't occur a long time are merely just seeing the aftermath of it.
July 7th 2005, 10:20 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada

A lot of the hatred between the middle east and the US stems from unfair trade practices which is why they targeted the world trade center in the first place.Even Canada has witnessed first hand how the US imposes trade rules on other countries and openly defies following those same rules themselves.The US was ordered to remove the tariff on canadian lumber,by the WTO, and yet refused.

Then there is the matter of oil.The US economy and way of life relies heavily on oil and they cannot allow a foreign country to hold that kind of power over them.This has more to do with the war in Iraq then most are willing to say.

As for the London bombings, it does appear that the location was merely chosen because it was possible and highly public.Al-quaida claims responsibility and say that Englands' allying themselves with America in the Iraqi war have earned this retaliation.

I'm not so sure this a 'holy war' anymore,if it ever was.
July 7th 2005, 10:26 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
Humm, war over oil..that's why I currently pay more for gas now than before and we barely see any oil from Iraq (and the stuff we do is used for our stuff over there).

Also the US usually applies tariffs against materials and products that are also produced locally to promote jobs with-in the US. There is no point to give countries our money and our jobs when we can take care of ourselves. Does this step on other countries toes? Probably, but we are in debt enough already.
July 7th 2005, 10:47 PM
King He/Him United States bloop
A mother ducking wizard 
When's the last time you thought, "dang, I really hate those Muslims, they live like in Castles and shoot."

I'm pretty sure Al-Qaida and associated terror groups hate the United States because it has done some very, very nasty things in the past. I doubt, very very much, that they go to bed thinking "God dang Americans! Why do they watch Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds! I hate them for that! They drive too many SUVs! They have like a huge Statue of Liberty! I want one! Garrrarargjh!"

For instance, the CIA provoked the Soviet Union invasion Afghanistan by secretly funding Muslim terrorists. Then the CIA gave $2.1 billion dollars over the next 10 years to the terrorists (including Osama Bin Laden) to ensure that the Soviet Union was stuck in its own 'Vietnam'-style war. So they were used as pawns to provoke the Soviet Union, and heck, only 1.3 million civilians died.

I'm absolutely no expert on anything related to terrorism, but whenever I think about what I'd feel like if some foreign power directly contributed to the death of 1.3 million Americans in a ploy to get rid of another enemy... I think I would not be very happy.
July 7th 2005, 11:09 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
I wasn't trying to imply that that is the only reason we are hated..but our culture anmd way of life is part of it. Acctually most of the people over there like us and are thankful we are there and glad we did what we did (I have testimony of this because I have shook hands with several people and heard the thanks from their mouth)..there is just that 1% of their population that want us dead.

We funded and gave money to the terrorists, those who lead the afghan army's to stop the invasion of the soviets (whose landmines are still killing innocent civi's to this day). We were still in a cold war type aspect with them at this time, so naturally we gave money to the soviets enemies to stop them from gaining lands and increasing our allies..Umm, I fail to see how it is our fault these people died when we just gave them the means to defend themselves..

"The CIA invested US$2.1 billion over a 10-year period to assist the anti-Soviet resistance." Anti Soviet, not anti Afghanistan
July 7th 2005, 11:33 PM
Peasant She/Her Canada
I just want to say that I don't hate America.In fact, there is much about the US that I love and respect.Their rights and freedoms being at the top of the list.My mother was born,lived and died and American citizen and I have grown up considering America as my family.I feel that the US way of life is very much like the Canadian way of life.Any threat to that 'way of life' is a threat against many countries(like London), not just America.
But I really think the war in Iraq is about much more than this and I want to know all of it.
I really appreciate being able to read all the opinions here because I learn more about the issues in these threads than I do reading newspapers and watching tv.
July 7th 2005, 11:47 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
Canada sucks!

Oh, and nice beaver.
July 7th 2005, 11:51 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Just taking this off the thread a bit. There's nothing particularly wrong with a tariff, even if it does tick off other countries. However, the lumber tariff is a direct violation of NAFTA which the US brokered with Canada and Mexico. I know a good number of Canadains who weren't happy about it because it brought down a lot of their own tariffs protecting jobs in Canada. Now, when these US jobs are at stake, the US government decides to conviently ignore that agreement.

That's why they're upset, and I think they have every right to be.
July 8th 2005, 12:03 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
You are correct sir. America does look out after it's best interest at times, it might be wrong, but that is how it is. However I doubt the war is about oil or we would probably be at war with canada over the lumber trade.
July 8th 2005, 12:41 AM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Yeah, I think it's that willingness to act selfishly at the detriment of other nations is what scares and angers the rest of the world so much.

I agree that the motivations for the war (both noble and ignoble) are far more complex than oil, but it does factor in.
July 8th 2005, 12:55 AM
Peasant She/Her Canada
I just got educated by an american soldier in one of those livejournals and I can honestly say that I have no idea whats going on anymore.So I'm going back to sniffing magic markers and watching Spongebob.

Oh and Nevada sucks!
July 8th 2005, 01:10 AM
Quoet You are correct sir. America does look out after it's best interest at times, it might be wrong, but that is how it is. However I doubt the war is about oil or we would probably be at war with canada over the lumber trade. "

Oil is a bit more valuable then lumber
July 8th 2005, 03:56 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Destroying noobs since 1999. 
Correct statement, which leads to my next question. If we are hungry for it..why aren't we in control of the oil in iraq?
July 8th 2005, 04:59 AM
because bush waits until it's safe in iraq, so he can do his dirty affairs there, when people forget (or does not care) that he's there...
July 8th 2005, 01:06 PM
Bah. The Finns want to conquer Europe. They're just waiting until Sweden lets its guard down.
July 8th 2005, 01:39 PM
Peasant She/Her
Oh yeah, definately. We've already conquered the internet, shouldn't be too hard to conquer Europe as well.
July 8th 2005, 06:09 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
It rubs the lotion on its skin... 
I have a couple views on the subject also.

First: Yes oil is definately a heavy part of the war in Iraq. But don't we (I say we because I am American ) have one of the largest (not sure if it is the largest) oil reserves on earth? If so than why are we taking so much punishment (monetary and physical) to get oil from half way around the globe? Yes it is a national animal reserve and illegal to pump there (I think) but I think Mother Nature can take a blow for me .

Second: Call me selfish, stupid, or whatever you like, but self preservation is a major human trait. So if I was a ruler of a country and had a choice between losing jobs while helping another country, and boosting my own economy getting the poverty percentage down and making my "subjects" have a better quality of life, then I would choose that. Yes, there are many cases where "boosting my economy" turns into "making the rich richer" but there are more that are closer to "Putting more money in mine and many other's blue collar back pockets" which sounds good to me.

My two cents have officially been put in

July 8th 2005, 08:53 PM
Peasant He/Him
You mean my bomb worked?!?

The evil Chaotic
July 8th 2005, 09:01 PM
Peasant He/Him Canada
I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to.I guess. 
Vortex, American reserves of oil have almost run out/productions have slowed down, so they have to import.
July 8th 2005, 09:15 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
It rubs the lotion on its skin... 
Oh, well I was just going on what I've heard, because I mean why go and find something out for yourself when Diane Sawyer looks so pretty doing it...wait a second...Diane lied to me DAM YOU DIANE, DAM YOU
July 8th 2005, 09:45 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
*enlists Carrie's beavers for the task*
July 8th 2005, 10:52 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
It rubs the lotion on its skin... 
I thought "dam" would work better than the dang it would of been...nice pun though Tal
July 9th 2005, 01:14 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
an off topic issue for your curiosity.

we may be seeing some big changes in our lifetime regarding a new power source. imagine what life would be like today if oil were to all of a sudden vanish? it doubt it would be like in the 70s. more chaotic/destruction/deaths. people wont be able to move free, no electricity (71% of our power production is from fossil fuels). think about it...
July 9th 2005, 01:47 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Anyone who's lazy can click here.
July 9th 2005, 02:26 AM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Wow, haven't seen you post in a while.
July 9th 2005, 03:02 PM
Peasant They/Them Canada
America got pointed the wrong direction with this war on terror, but in the long run there is still no other country I'd rather have as a neigbor.
I'm all in favor of finding those 'clerics' who promote hate, and making them disapear.
I wonder how muslims would feel if they knew the Koran wasn't written down until the words of Mohamad had been passed down by word of mouth 4 times or more!
One of the thing that make many sects of Islam cults is that its members are quite forbidden from questioning the authenticity of the Koran. It has also been commented that most muslims ( exepting some sects like the Sufi ) don't turn to god for salvation, but to the Koran! ( and obediance to it...).
We are now playing by the rules of the 'clerics'.
That is where the tables need to be turned.
The greatest threat to the west isn't Iraq, but Iran. Oddly enough, the young generation there is pro-west!
There is hope there.
July 10th 2005, 12:29 AM
Peasant He/Him Canada
I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to.I guess. 
Er, I'm a bit more scared about what China's government might get up to in the next 20 or so years. Iran is not much of a threat. They are doing some grandstanding to protect their intrests.

About the Koran being passed down through stories before it was written down, well, do you know that the bible was only written after the death of their... holy person? Most Christians don't care about the fact that the bible has been through dozens of revisions, and many of them turn to thier holy book for most troubles.

One thing you have to understand, is they are just like us. I know you have read or heard those words before, and they probably won't mean much to you. But I met a man today, from Afghanistan. He served as a 'copter pilot in the Russian army, before coming to Canada. He knew very little English, and his accent was strong. I don't think I could have handled myself a fifth as good as he did. He made conversation, was interested in my work. He had depth, and he was interesting. I didn't get to talk to him for long, but I wish I could have. This sounds chauchy, but I could almost consider the man to be a role model.

You shouldn't generalize. I know I have, and I know I will. But still, it shouldn't be done. And today, I think I know why it shouldn't be done.