The Dink Network


July 25th 2004, 02:03 PM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
dude i think you're all very nice people here.
July 25th 2004, 02:04 PM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
July 25th 2004, 02:05 PM
dude, I think you've been drinking.
July 25th 2004, 02:16 PM
that depends on your definition of "nice" and "people"
July 25th 2004, 03:07 PM
Peasant He/Him
"dude i think you're all very nice people here." -Christiaan

"that depends on your definition of 'nice' and 'people' " - illusivefing

That'd be a good random quote.
July 25th 2004, 03:11 PM
Peasant He/Him
DUDE! Where's my vocabulary?!
July 25th 2004, 03:34 PM
Peasant He/Him
You never had one.
July 25th 2004, 04:08 PM
Peasant He/Him
i could say something stupid (in my opinion, fun), but i think i pass...
July 25th 2004, 06:50 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Yeah, I think the forums have mellowed a bit in the past couple of months. That's pretty awesome, considering not long before I considered this place to be caught in a sinking vortex of flames and stupidity. But I'm sure it could all start up again at any time. Until then, I'm happy.
July 25th 2004, 07:22 PM
Peasant They/Them United States
keep it real 
honestly, i blame it all on WC.
July 25th 2004, 07:28 PM
This is definitely a nicer-than-average message board, but... we go philosophical too rarely.
July 25th 2004, 07:57 PM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Then why don't you enlighten us, scratcher, with your brilliant views of the world we live in and your excellent perception of the purpose of life?
July 25th 2004, 09:20 PM
Peasant He/Him
Also another potential random quote that I forsee, dude. But, tal man, your sarcasm is totally harshin on my mellow. No, but seriously, I don't like to see a lot of useless posts, but their alot of fun, so we all post them. Whats more, they don't cause people to stop posting meaningful posts. There are few enough on topic and/or meaningful posts that most, if not all of us have the time to read both those and the comically assanine ones.
July 25th 2004, 09:52 PM
in that case, i'm guessing that your anti-christian rants are considered a part of useless posting as opposed to philosophy.
July 25th 2004, 10:03 PM
Peasant He/Him
yeah, your right. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
July 25th 2004, 10:04 PM
not you, that was directed toward scratcher.
July 25th 2004, 10:06 PM
Peasant He/Him
Probably towards me too, since I never apologized for hating on the christians.
July 25th 2004, 10:14 PM
Peasant He/Him
Whoa! I never expected such quick replies at one in the morning!
July 25th 2004, 10:51 PM
it wasn't towards you either. the reason i directed it at scratcher was because of how insensitive he is to the things he says as opposed to the things that he involves himself with. there's no need to apologize for hating on christians, it just irks me when people hate something (or love something for that matter) without knowing much of anything about it, which i don't think you've done. so, it's all cool.
July 25th 2004, 11:16 PM
Peasant He/Him
I dont hate christisns, or even christianity. I just find it not to suit me for various reasons.
July 26th 2004, 09:18 AM
yeah, those posts were rubbish.
July 26th 2004, 10:35 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Wanderer of the Wasteland 
OMG...I have too much to talk about!

First of all Christiaan Im glad you brought this up. I love this forum not only, because of what its about, but how I met all you...special...people. Funny, smart, and helpful with just enough spark to piss each other off now and then! Ive only been to one other forum in my three years I've been enjoying stuff online. (chats, forums, etc.)

Oh and whoever said "Dude, where's your vocabulary?" almost made me stop breathing with laughter.

As for the posts I think we have the perfect balance of seriousness and silliness here. Were all smart, but also that cause we play too much Dink what with all his wise-ass comments?

If there's one thing I will never forget its this...some of you will find it lame and some might have identical it is...

Once years ago I was watching tv. A car commercial came on and played some music while a car drove around. However, the music wasnt some pop was modern instrumental and IT SOUNDED BEAUTIFUL! I love music without lyrics and you here it so rarely. I never forgot the melody in that commercial. Unfortunately, I dont buy music (I have other things I enjoy much more) and I didnt even know the name of the song anyway. Now zoom to the present. I was playing the D-Mod "Friends Beyond 1". As I came to the place blocked by the two snakes who warn you to have the bracelet a midi played. Though it wasnt exact (since it was a midi) it didnt come out exactly the same...YET IT WAS THAT SONG! I recognized the melody instantly and it grabbed my brain like a thousand-pound male gorilla squeezing a banana! I loved hearing it again...even in MIDI form! It made me realize that the crazy people who make D-Mods arent so crazy after all...THEY HAVE THE SAME TASTE IN MUSIC AS I DO! Regardless, I cant be happy enough to hear it again. Now if only I can find an MP3 of that tune...

Very Sincerely and Nostalgic,
The Vault Dweller
July 26th 2004, 10:54 PM
Peasant He/Him
Maybe you can find out the songs name if you check out the screne that plays, or the midi pack its from (if it came from one) should have the source.
July 27th 2004, 05:41 AM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Yeah, I always love that, except it's usually the other way around. I'll just be sitting around somewhere and suddenly I'll hear some music and I'll immediately be reminded of POTA or something. "Wow, so this is what the original version of the song sounded like."
July 27th 2004, 07:07 AM
Noble He/Him United States
Super Sexy Tal Pal 
Yep. In fact, you can play only about an hour of Final Fantasy 7 and Chrono Trigger and probably recognize a thousand million bojillion songs that you've heard in Dink. Happened to me.
July 27th 2004, 07:17 AM
Peasant He/Him
Back to the point dweller was trying to make, it is amazing how much every one here has in common, even though we all live in different places and many speak different native languages. It'd be great if we could all meet in person one day. Maybe a dink convention.
July 27th 2004, 08:01 AM
wait a second-i'm getting a vision of the future! what's this? an idea that has been suggested several dozen times?? +stands around and looks puzzled+
July 27th 2004, 08:13 AM
Peasant He/Him
Its groundhog day! Quick, make the day better by being kinder to others, learn a musical instrument, then kill yourself and do it all over again!
July 27th 2004, 11:09 AM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Hey, those games had some good music. Though, for that reason, I normally try to pick more obscure fare for my d-mods... er... d-mod.
July 27th 2004, 01:04 PM
Peasant He/Him
Just out of curiousity, I'm going to ask you a question that you probably get all the time just to see how well you rip my head off. No I'm just kidding. Well anyways, why did you not finish and do not plan to finish Back From the Grave?
July 27th 2004, 02:11 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Wanderer of the Wasteland 
I remember I once made a thread at another forum posing the question "What would you do with 10 million dollars?" My response was to make a big lavish apartment complex then use the rest of the money to bring all my forum friends there so they can live without having to work and spending all day...making life very odd for the rest of us.

Could you all imagine if that came true...all of us living next door to each other with access to a large area, a pool, possibly a movie theater, game room, and even a room with a collection of medieval weaponry? (Im sure one of us has a hobby of that) I could only imagine what would insue...

Hell that would be one kick-ass reality tv show wouldnt it? For example:

Day 6:

Narrator: The gang all decide to work on one D-Mod, and begin by creating a demo using themselves as actors on a stage to re-enact the D-Mods story...after five minutes of this...

Camera #72: (in the dark auditorium numerous young males and some girls can be seen attacking each other with various medieval weapons...a decapatated duck runs out from amidst the choas...a person can be heard screaming..."[Whoohoo! I blok paf wif rok.] Is NOT the best line in FIAT!"

As a matter of fact Im gonna make that thread about the money...

The Vault Dweller
July 27th 2004, 02:25 PM
Noble She/Her United States
Daniel, there are clowns. 
Well, I did a fair amount of work on continuing the game. I even had new areas mapped out, and had started scripting when I realized that I had kind of run out of good ideas. Back from the Grave was originally designed on-the-fly with no real planning, originally. And when I did plan, I would usually do something later that I thought was awesome and made me reach even further just to make sure it would fit in with the story. I was constantly changing my mind on things and that slowed progress to a discouraging pace.

As I look back, if I was going finish BFTG, I'd want to completely redo it all over with a clear vision of the beginning, end, and everything in-between.
July 27th 2004, 03:09 PM
Peasant He/Him
Camera #69 Some scary ghost is lurking around and asking all why canĀ“t he play Stone of Balance... Yep, that would be cool. Does someone have 10 million $?
August 1st 2004, 08:12 AM
no wonder,you're from holland
August 1st 2004, 09:57 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
Wanderer of the Wasteland 

(just read a typical Dink Network post),
The Vault Dweller
August 2nd 2004, 08:19 AM
Peasant He/Him Netherlands
Lava pig to the rescue! 
What's wrong with holland??
August 2nd 2004, 01:04 PM
Peasant He/Him


No, just kidding.
August 2nd 2004, 10:13 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Wanderer of the Wasteland 
I still dont understand the Holland reference...

Can we keep talking about how much we love each other?

The Vault Dweller