The Dink Network

illusivefing's Profile

I'm a 17 year old musician/lover/programmer/3d artist/Risk player and am in a current band called boxtree. I play guitar and bass and french horn and computer games and write a lot of music. I heart many things and you might be one of them...but probably not. If you want to know what I do heart and maybe get on the list talk to me. Do it. Now. I'm always on, except when i'm not, which is usually at the times when i'm not on or am off. I'm a cream soda addict and used to be addicted to pirates but now that's stupid and i heart ninjas and robert hamburger and own a paperback copy of The Real Ultimate Power. I own a hardback copy of the ultimate book in the world, The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and hope you have all read it, shame if not. Go ninja, go ninja, go. By the way, if anyone is interested some friends and I are going to attempt to build an online version of something like Risk but with different rules and such according to our own standards. If you would like to be in on this project or are interested in playing the game once it's finished or something let me know and I might not make you pay me money for it. I heart you all, despite what I said earlier. <3

Private Message
AIM for quarters

2004-05-01 11:44:15
me too, but namely a beard that wasn't mine. i've also wanted to light regis philman's head on fire for quite some time now and when he screamed i would ask him if that was his final answer

illusivefing has released 1 file

Dream Weaver: Silent KnightD-Mod, RompGood 7.4February 16th, 2004

illusivefing has written 3 reviews

The Apprentrice Apprentice (The)FeaturedFair 6.0July 8th, 2004
I Find This File Very Useful DinkC Reference (Windows Help File)NormalExceptional 9.6April 13th, 2004
With All Considerations Knight's Tale (A)NormalExceptional 9.2June 27th, 2003