Violence filter
Hello every nyan! I have another suggestion for improving the Dink experience for the children of today. Why not make a violence filter for the game? I was looking at some screenshots recently and in all honestly Dink is an extremely violent and bloody game, to a shocking extent when you see it from a non-Dinker's eyes. I think it would be better if there was an option you could toggle on and off e.g if you 'kill' human NPCs they just run away offscreen (like the random man NPC who just says 'I'm outta here!' and runs away) while if you hit animals and monsters they simply poof out of existence using the Martridge teleport poof effect. I think this would make the game more friendly to younger players who are much softer in constitution than us old hands. What do you think?
I was thinking of adding an option to turn off blood spurts in Yeoldedink. I'll plan it for a future release.
both of you have to be trolling
Breakfast is an important meal. Redink1 needs to implement a login filter so people can't log in if they haven't eaten breakfast.
Every nyan?! Oh no, what is becoming of Dink?!
Anyway, I don't think a violence filter is uh, feasible to be implemented at an engine level (other than perhaps the blood effects as yeoldetoast mentioned). You'd have to handle that on a dmod by dmod basis.
So uh, someone get to making a "safe-dink" dmod of the main story!
Anyway, I don't think a violence filter is uh, feasible to be implemented at an engine level (other than perhaps the blood effects as yeoldetoast mentioned). You'd have to handle that on a dmod by dmod basis.
So uh, someone get to making a "safe-dink" dmod of the main story!
You could also install flower blood