The history of The Dink Network
Guys, when I'm bored I explore this place. I look in the files section for cool stuff to download, and in the forum section at old threads. But I always see, that, around 2002, there was an entirely different community here full of people that don't visit this place anymore. It's like we're a whole new generation.But I have 2 questions, and I think Redink can answer them best(?)
1.What happened to the people who used to visit this place every day just like us 14 years ago?
2.How did this transition happen?
1.What happened to the people who used to visit this place every day just like us 14 years ago?
2.How did this transition happen?
I can't speak for Redink, but I would watch out for a dohicky machine set to suck you into TDN...
They probably either
-grew up
-got busy with their lives or
-were dragged off to private lunatic asylums
-grew up
-got busy with their lives or
-were dragged off to private lunatic asylums
Without any actual means to ban people who spam and break the rules willy nilly, because Redink and Tal are the only two who can to my knowledge, some of the newer members might have caused them to not want to be here anymore.
Also, the overall feel of the site just isn't what it used to be. A lot of the fun seems to have been sucked out and replaced with either relentless trolling, inane commentary on things nobody really cares about, and general lack of actual meaningful, if random, conversation.
Also, the forum, in my opinion, has reached a state of undeath where the community hasn't really died, but it's become less about the mutual like of Dink Smallwood and just the fact that it's a place where we can bullshit about and get on each others nerves.
No other Dink community has survived this long to my knowledge, and I'm fairly certain if I were to try to make a forum or were someone else to, it would be a novelty before everyone abandoned it for this place again.
Also, the overall feel of the site just isn't what it used to be. A lot of the fun seems to have been sucked out and replaced with either relentless trolling, inane commentary on things nobody really cares about, and general lack of actual meaningful, if random, conversation.
Also, the forum, in my opinion, has reached a state of undeath where the community hasn't really died, but it's become less about the mutual like of Dink Smallwood and just the fact that it's a place where we can bullshit about and get on each others nerves.
No other Dink community has survived this long to my knowledge, and I'm fairly certain if I were to try to make a forum or were someone else to, it would be a novelty before everyone abandoned it for this place again.
it's a place where we can bullshit about and get on each others nerves.
Get on each other's nerves? Apart from Skurn annoying me juuuuuust a little bit sometimes with shitty replies(no offense,Skurn, you're still da man), I think everyone is ok.
I think this is a pretty cool community. I was just a little 1 year old shit in 2002, so I don't know how the community was back then, but is it really that bad?
some of the newer members might have caused them to not want to be here anymore.
How? Did they feel threathened by their presence or what?
Get on each other's nerves? Apart from Skurn annoying me juuuuuust a little bit sometimes with shitty replies(no offense,Skurn, you're still da man), I think everyone is ok.
I think this is a pretty cool community. I was just a little 1 year old shit in 2002, so I don't know how the community was back then, but is it really that bad?
some of the newer members might have caused them to not want to be here anymore.
How? Did they feel threathened by their presence or what?
You're literally a new generation, man! 14 years is a long time. There are still some people around from 2002 - magicman, sabretrout, sexy scratcher, and striker just to name a few.
Also, the overall feel of the site just isn't what it used to be. A lot of the fun seems to have been sucked out and replaced with either relentless trolling, inane commentary on things nobody really cares about, and general lack of actual meaningful, if random, conversation.
I think that's cognitive bias more than anything, really. We were all younger, and of course there were more people and thus more activity, but if you look at the threads from back then... Well. A lot of it isn't pretty.
Also, the overall feel of the site just isn't what it used to be. A lot of the fun seems to have been sucked out and replaced with either relentless trolling, inane commentary on things nobody really cares about, and general lack of actual meaningful, if random, conversation.
I think that's cognitive bias more than anything, really. We were all younger, and of course there were more people and thus more activity, but if you look at the threads from back then... Well. A lot of it isn't pretty.
Well. A lot of it isn't pretty.
Exactly, did you see how ugly this site looked? Disgusting!
I'm kidding.
But for example, I imagine myself visiting this site when I'm 20 just as frequently as today. Why was it not the same for the people from 14-15 years ago?
Exactly, did you see how ugly this site looked? Disgusting!
I'm kidding.
But for example, I imagine myself visiting this site when I'm 20 just as frequently as today. Why was it not the same for the people from 14-15 years ago?
Of course currently you imagine yourself staying the same.. But in the in-between years you might go through some changes.
It's the ciiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiife...
It's the ciiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiife...
Though I have been lurking on this site for more than a decade and a half, I just recently (within the last year or so) created an account and took the time to make my own dmods.
I lament the fact that the number of dmods being created has tapered off dramatically in recent years compared to years past. To me, this is a great deal more disappointing than the change of personnel.
People will come and go, gain interest and loose it. That I expect. The sad part is (as I see it), more and more are not bothering to even consider this 16bit game as a worthwhile pastime. The fact that it grew to such potential to allow everyone to make their own game hardly matters any more.
Still, I figure that we should enjoy what is left while we can enjoy it. Life is too short not to do that.
I lament the fact that the number of dmods being created has tapered off dramatically in recent years compared to years past. To me, this is a great deal more disappointing than the change of personnel.
People will come and go, gain interest and loose it. That I expect. The sad part is (as I see it), more and more are not bothering to even consider this 16bit game as a worthwhile pastime. The fact that it grew to such potential to allow everyone to make their own game hardly matters any more.
Still, I figure that we should enjoy what is left while we can enjoy it. Life is too short not to do that.
This 16bit game was part of my childhood. People who don't even bother to try this game out are idiots who only play CS:GO and LoL and get an orgasm when they eat Doritos with Mountain Dew, and it's good because we don't need that kind of shitty people on here.
As I said in a past thread, a few months ago I completed 20% of a huge Dmod I was working on, but then my shitty laptop got a virus and I lost everything, and my excitement to create a game on the dink engine wore off, but it will come back eventually, it always does.
But everything in this world changes. This forum will change, for the best, or for the worst, I don't know, but only we can decide.
As I said in a past thread, a few months ago I completed 20% of a huge Dmod I was working on, but then my shitty laptop got a virus and I lost everything, and my excitement to create a game on the dink engine wore off, but it will come back eventually, it always does.
But everything in this world changes. This forum will change, for the best, or for the worst, I don't know, but only we can decide.
What 16-bit game? Dink was written for Windows 95 in DirectX if that's what you mean. All of its integers have always been 32-bit.
It is my understanding that the graphics were 16 bit, not all the integers.
don't all those 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, and whatever refer to the processors, not the graphics?
In my experience it can mean both and either. In other words, we can (for example) use 16 bit graphics on a 32 bit processor base when running Dink on a modern system.
Or we could consider the 8 bit graphics of the Atari 2600 console on it's 8 bit 6502 processor.
Or we could consider the 8 bit graphics of the Atari 2600 console on it's 8 bit 6502 processor.
I have no idea why someone would refer to dink smallwood as a 16 bit game. The graphics are actually 8 bits, and it was always made to run on 32 bit processors and a 32 bit operating system.
You are correct, of course. Each sprite has an 8 bit graphics palette. Sorry if I added any confusion to the matter.
Get on each other's nerves? Apart from Skurn annoying me juuuuuust a little bit sometimes with shitty replies(no offense,Skurn, you're still da man), I think everyone is ok.

I agree with whoever posted that.
Take it in the shoulder skurn. Stop acting like a baby!

Take it in the shoulder skurn. Stop acting like a baby!
I think I've discovered this forum around 2004, and lurked for about 5 years
before opening an account.
"As I said in a past thread, a few months ago I completed 20% of a huge dmod I
was working on, but then my shitty laptop got a virus and I lost everything"
Uhm, throughout the years, I've read exactly the same posts about data loss, so
don't blame me if I don't believe in such statements anymore.
The truth is, when you DO grow up, the time is sparse, and creating a dmod is a
daunting task. I'll rather spend my time learning something else, or doing
something else that is vital to my future. The dmod I've started is still in
progress, but I hardly touched it. Lack of ideas, will and time to do it.
This is a relatively small community, but look at the number of files released.
Realeased by 15 year old guys and girls. That took some serious willpower.
WDE+ wasn't even available back then (it's also created by the community me
The game is also very old, and has a lots of mods, which got the idea and
game quirkiness beaten to death by now. Like in that excellent dmod "escape",
everything became "same old, same old". It will take some serious originality and hilarity for
me, to make me play a dmod nowdays, let alone make it. But i'll try to continue
my humble work, if I can.
before opening an account.
"As I said in a past thread, a few months ago I completed 20% of a huge dmod I
was working on, but then my shitty laptop got a virus and I lost everything"
Uhm, throughout the years, I've read exactly the same posts about data loss, so
don't blame me if I don't believe in such statements anymore.
The truth is, when you DO grow up, the time is sparse, and creating a dmod is a
daunting task. I'll rather spend my time learning something else, or doing
something else that is vital to my future. The dmod I've started is still in
progress, but I hardly touched it. Lack of ideas, will and time to do it.
This is a relatively small community, but look at the number of files released.
Realeased by 15 year old guys and girls. That took some serious willpower.
WDE+ wasn't even available back then (it's also created by the community me
The game is also very old, and has a lots of mods, which got the idea and
game quirkiness beaten to death by now. Like in that excellent dmod "escape",
everything became "same old, same old". It will take some serious originality and hilarity for
me, to make me play a dmod nowdays, let alone make it. But i'll try to continue
my humble work, if I can.
*silently picking up the torch, with sadness in my eyes*
This really does seem to happen to a lot of us. Back in 2000, my first attempt at a d-mod got destroyed when my harddrive just up and broke.
I guess that's what we get when we download crap from the internet to our expensive ass computer.

yeah, the duck is with that? there's been at least 298 cases of harddrives ducking up when people are in the middle of a dmod. is it an excuse, or is there something with dink that is ducking them up?
When you download shit off the Internet it brings viruses and Trojans and other crap with it.
Exactly, Dink Smallwood brought headless ducks with it. More dangerous than any virus ;-;
No virus on mine, it was some kind of mechanical failure.
Yup, had to get a whole new drive.
Mine heats up pretty bad.
I should take that as a sign.
I should take that as a sign.

I just, like, grew up. I think most of the older generation did the same.
It's weird.
It's weird.
Reaaaaaaaaaaalllllllly Weeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrd.
just grew up just isn't a valid explanation. I'm a hardcore gamer, and some of the games even defined my life interests, therefore I come back to them gladly from time to time. Now that I think about it (as an older person), even older generation here can make a dmod with little humor and philosophy that expresses their own vision of the world now as an adult.
this post does not contain any hidden subconscious messages targeted at Sabre's fragile mind to make him finish CC3
this post does not contain any hidden subconscious messages targeted at Sabre's fragile mind to make him finish CC3
just grew up just isn't a valid explanation.
i was brooding over that for a bit when i read it originally. you don't grow just get boring. don't let that happen.
i was brooding over that for a bit when i read it originally. you don't grow just get boring. don't let that happen.
Partially true for becoming boring. People tend to become lazy once your initial teenage illusions are dispersed, and the ideals that drove you are kinda lost. However, this is the certain path towards life failiure, not in every sense, but at some long lasting fulfilment. Heck, most of my friends are complaining that they don't have time because they work, but most of them work 8 hours a day, and high school here lasted 7 hours per day, yet they still had the time to go out, meet people, party hard, play games, attend concerts (movies, plays...). Essentially, my only "remaining" friend is a guy who works overtime constantly, has a wife and child, and still has the energy for the rest.
Contrary to my previous post (the first one in this thread), it ain't true that younger people have more time, less worries, we just become lazy. Don't loose your energy. Living life at its fullest doesn't mean drinking cocktails with supermodels on a giant yacht in a nameless sea. That's charisma, money and power. Good luck on getting that.
It means spending your time using everything that is around you to build something that you find meaningful.
And if you want to learn more on how to become a happy person send me 200$ and visit my mentoring program and motivational speeches at, or come to the compound of worshipers, where I , as your leader, will create a paradise for you.
Contrary to my previous post (the first one in this thread), it ain't true that younger people have more time, less worries, we just become lazy. Don't loose your energy. Living life at its fullest doesn't mean drinking cocktails with supermodels on a giant yacht in a nameless sea. That's charisma, money and power. Good luck on getting that.
It means spending your time using everything that is around you to build something that you find meaningful.
And if you want to learn more on how to become a happy person send me 200$ and visit my mentoring program and motivational speeches at, or come to the compound of worshipers, where I , as your leader, will create a paradise for you.

I've actually been thinking about it these days. I plan to live off of art, however I've become lazy. I have 7 hours of school and I barely draw. And I see my dream going away....
But maybe it's because I'm just a really lazy person, however I don't want to give up! I drew a small sketch of a guy in front of the class and people were amazed, and that made me want to draw more
So I guess it's more like: we're lazy to start doing something, but when we finally start doing it we enjoy it. At least for me
But maybe it's because I'm just a really lazy person, however I don't want to give up! I drew a small sketch of a guy in front of the class and people were amazed, and that made me want to draw more

So I guess it's more like: we're lazy to start doing something, but when we finally start doing it we enjoy it. At least for me
use those 7 hours to draw. trust me, when you fail all your subjects, it won't matter a bit.
then you'll have a pile of drawing experience from that, you can open up some art blog or some shit, join communities, a donation thing if you want. i see other artists do it...and shove the link in everyone's faces like they're beggars.
then you'll have a pile of drawing experience from that, you can open up some art blog or some shit, join communities, a donation thing if you want. i see other artists do it...and shove the link in everyone's faces like they're beggars.
don't worry I was already planning this
The shoving links in people's faces part, that is.

Second this.
I arrived around 2007, when I was 12 years old. I would come home from school and come straight to the forum, post on everything and anything and essentially spam the refresh button until someone replied, playing D-Mods in between. Of course, looking back at a lot of old posts of mine you will see that plenty of it was definitely not pretty, and very cringe-worthy.
These days I struggle to fathom how I had the time or the patience to do such things. I think to myself, "Didn't you have, like... things to do?". But no, I had nothing to do but play Dink and spam the forums with relentless immaturity and whinge about nudity and how it's a terrible thing. But you grow up, you get a job, you realise tits are awesome so you get married, and you no longer have time to spam forums and play/make games all the time.
Some days it sucks, but it's kind of cool at the same time. Because tits.
I arrived around 2007, when I was 12 years old. I would come home from school and come straight to the forum, post on everything and anything and essentially spam the refresh button until someone replied, playing D-Mods in between. Of course, looking back at a lot of old posts of mine you will see that plenty of it was definitely not pretty, and very cringe-worthy.
These days I struggle to fathom how I had the time or the patience to do such things. I think to myself, "Didn't you have, like... things to do?". But no, I had nothing to do but play Dink and spam the forums with relentless immaturity and whinge about nudity and how it's a terrible thing. But you grow up, you get a job, you realise tits are awesome so you get married, and you no longer have time to spam forums and play/make games all the time.
Some days it sucks, but it's kind of cool at the same time. Because tits.
Heh, yeah. Part of growing up is also throwing your ideals through the window and becoming the kind of man you used to hate. Im one amoral dink now.
I always loved tits though
I always loved tits though
Growing up means having much less time, unfortunately. There are some days, after work, after kids Karate or basketball, that I don't sit down for dinner until 8:30. A quick shower, put kids in beds and you finally relax at 9:30. I chose to spend that time with my wife, whereas I use to spend it here.
I have an 11 year old that is closer in age to you than I am
PS: I still visit this site once a week.
I have an 11 year old that is closer in age to you than I am

PS: I still visit this site once a week.
October 28th 2016, 04:13 PM


Growing up means having much less time, unfortunately.
Yes, it really does.
And really: THAT'S why you should do something when you're still a child and have much time.
I have friends, who really wish they had done other than sitting the whole day in front of their computer and maybe eating something between the computer-playing-time.
And I have to say: In times I really was like that!
When you're older you recognize, that being good in computer games or chatting in a forum about them isn't the whole life. You really don't like to remember yourself, when you're older as a shooter-king (or something else) .
You are missing the time you had and wish you have used it not like this.
But, of course, you can play computer games from time to time just to have fun (and when you have the time) .
Phew.... said it.
Yes, it really does.
And really: THAT'S why you should do something when you're still a child and have much time.
I have friends, who really wish they had done other than sitting the whole day in front of their computer and maybe eating something between the computer-playing-time.
And I have to say: In times I really was like that!
When you're older you recognize, that being good in computer games or chatting in a forum about them isn't the whole life. You really don't like to remember yourself, when you're older as a shooter-king (or something else) .
You are missing the time you had and wish you have used it not like this.
But, of course, you can play computer games from time to time just to have fun (and when you have the time) .

Phew.... said it.
I have an 11 year old that is closer in age to you than I am
PureEvil has a tweenage kid. Duck, I'm old.
PureEvil has a tweenage kid. Duck, I'm old.
Sabre... fancy seeing you here. I was in London last week, and I thought of you. (Not in that way).
Been awhile, but good to see that this place is still as lively as ever.
I still ghost around every now and then.
Yeah, I sometimes visit this place - it's still special.
But it's true that I've now moved on doing other things.
It's literally a more than a decade ago that I used to make D-Mods and so on.
Good to see that people enjoy playing this game and that the community is still alive!
But it's true that I've now moved on doing other things.
It's literally a more than a decade ago that I used to make D-Mods and so on.
Good to see that people enjoy playing this game and that the community is still alive!
no we don't because then people will upvote instead of respond even when the post says to comment.
...and people will like posts about bad shit.
...and people will like posts about bad shit.
I have an 11 year old that is closer in age to you than I am
This is the point where you introduce your kid to Dink. Every responsible parent makes sure their kids join online cults idolizing duck beheading. No wait, scratch that. Wait a few more years still to get past the "releasing terrible D-Mods" phase.

This is the point where you introduce your kid to Dink. Every responsible parent makes sure their kids join online cults idolizing duck beheading. No wait, scratch that. Wait a few more years still to get past the "releasing terrible D-Mods" phase.

get into the habit of missing every thread.
thats not how it works. not like you've actually improved at all anyways. check this out -
"People pissed off at me: Everybody minus 3
Threads destroyed: 4 >
Essen Sie meine shorts!"
you're literally making a scoresheet from how much shit you're spewing on the board. get out.
"People pissed off at me: Everybody minus 3
Threads destroyed: 4 >
Essen Sie meine shorts!"
you're literally making a scoresheet from how much shit you're spewing on the board. get out.
have we yet established that baph is definitely just here to troll?
can we finally ban this fuck?
can we finally ban this fuck?
Ha! Ban me you may, delete every post of mine in existence you may, but the memory of me being here and my posts shall forever be in your mind. Until you die. And i know how much you Americans fear death.
I've been of the mindset that he should leave during the 'I hate my life' thread. Yes, he should have been banned then and he should have been banned now. The problem is that the only two people with that power are either too busy or don't care. The only remedies to that are to either have them give a consistent regular the ability to ban people, or to transfer files found here to a new forum.
no. you need to learn that people won't just instantly drop something terrible someone else did.
look back and you grow up instead, kthxbai.
look back and you grow up instead, kthxbai.
What's this thing about buttstomp I've been reading about on here?
Wow, Skurn and Baphomet. It's not so nice to see you two are not getting along! It's so not nice to finally not see some true friendship here on the Dink Network!

i missed it despite the fact i was barely even gone.
You are a true friend, skurn, and I can't believe I haven't told you before.