Re: Favorite type of gun (you have fired)
Luger all the way. You guys?
Does a super soaker use bullets? I don't think so. I mean a REAL gun.
June 11th 2009, 02:42 PM


ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-
A hollow metal casing the holds pellets. And just trying to add some new threas skull
my dad once let me shoot one of his black powder guns. the rifle he has has a very powerful kick to it.
yeh black powder guns r awsome. It's just fun loading it.
ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-
"ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-"
I once got to fire an old Tokarev rifle, a friend of mine collects WW2 weapons. And it's VERY rare to find a gun collector in NZ at all.
I once got to fire an old Tokarev rifle, a friend of mine collects WW2 weapons. And it's VERY rare to find a gun collector in NZ at all.
You won't be laughing when Christiaan fills his super soaker with ACID RAIN!
You won't be laughing when Christiaan fills his super soaker with ACID RAIN!
"ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-"
The awsomest gun I've fired would be the ones at lazer zone. Or the shotgun on assaultcube. or my Insemmination Rifle.
The awsomest gun I've fired would be the ones at lazer zone. Or the shotgun on assaultcube. or my Insemmination Rifle.
Super Soaker
Now, that's a first class weapon.
ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-
Now, that's a first class weapon.

ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-
ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-
Rock Island .45
Rock Island .45
ive only ever fired two actual weapons
m4 carbine
m4 is better in my opinion
have no idea when it comes to handguns, ive never fired one
m4 carbine
m4 is better in my opinion
have no idea when it comes to handguns, ive never fired one

ArcticXtaco is a gun of spamming. He has posted like 8 new topics today. -_-
...Crossbows.. does it count ?
...Crossbows.. does it count ?
We're too sophisticated to use guns on this side of the pond. Swords are the weapon of choice down Londontown.
waitaminute, the BFG9000
I think swords are a bit crude actually, I prefer chemicals.
Seems like the British goverment agrees...

Seems like the British goverment agrees...
A "friend" of mine had a Samurai sword held to his throat 2 years ago. That can't be fun.
British goverment can agree!?!? I didn't know that was possible!!
My older brother shot a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher.
Yeah I like shotguns (for power) and submachine guns (for speed).
In games.
Nah, I've never fired a gun in my entire life, and I plan on keeping it that way. I don't think I'll ever get the American worship for guns. (no offense)
I never even had a super soaker, only those small waterpistols.
They were fun though
Didn't you use to hate it when those little jerks (like you, Chris?) were standing next to the road super soaking harmless passers-by (that is, you with heavy grocery bags...) too?
In games.
Nah, I've never fired a gun in my entire life, and I plan on keeping it that way. I don't think I'll ever get the American worship for guns. (no offense)
I never even had a super soaker, only those small waterpistols.

Ah, those were the days lol. One time I had a packet of eggs with me and threw one at them as the car drove past... Supersoakering kids were squirting car windows, which was annoying on a hot day as it was when they hit the drivers and passengers. They started crying.
Grenade egg > Assault water rifle
Grenade egg > Assault water rifle
in my opinion and according to common sense america needs to ban guns plain and simple just by looking at how much crime and murder we have compared to the rest of the world, and usa doesnt even have a very high population and pretty much has more firearm deaths than the rest of the entire planet its pretty sad and why i dont own any guns cause im not a hick.
Americans to worship guns. I just love to shoot the holy hell out of things (birds)
and hell, I could probaly fight off the neitherlands military with a stick and a bad attitude
Beware the Dutch: they will burn weed of mass stonation, and you will be too high to do anything.
I don't really like guns, I prefer having a lightweight golf club with the head broken off, (A.K.A. a golf sword.)
Well, I've fired a hunting rifle, but that's because.. I hunt.
Meh, guns aren't so much the problem, it's asinine culture that's associated with them in America that's the problem... guns just happen to be the symbol representing those problems.
With that said, a home-made potato gun or my bottlerocketzooka were my favorites... take down a spiteful crow or a new-age retro hippy at 50 yards.
With that said, a home-made potato gun or my bottlerocketzooka were my favorites... take down a spiteful crow or a new-age retro hippy at 50 yards.
I've fired a couple rifles, a shotgun and a few handguns. I've even taken a class on handguns (when I'm 21 I will get my concealed weapons permit). My most prefered would probably be the handgun.
As for other ranged weaponry.. bows are fun, and I would love to try out throwing axes.
As for other ranged weaponry.. bows are fun, and I would love to try out throwing axes.
There is one and only one that could be worthy of the title of "The Gun".
It stands for "Rip Ya a New One". Google it, and be amazed at the five awesome versions of it.
It stands for "Rip Ya a New One". Google it, and be amazed at the five awesome versions of it.
RYNO... The Enthusiast's Choice... Incidently, my beloved GAU-8 could easily rip the RYNO a new arse and a
to suit

Woah necro...
So far I have only fired water pistols, home made crossbows, and blow dart guns (hollow tube with nails as bullets) but in the next few years I will be able to fire military weapons (is 14 too young? Oh well... the ADF let 12 year olds join cadets)
So far I have only fired water pistols, home made crossbows, and blow dart guns (hollow tube with nails as bullets) but in the next few years I will be able to fire military weapons (is 14 too young? Oh well... the ADF let 12 year olds join cadets)
lol @ schnapps
BTW you have to include the protocol in your links (i.e. http:// https:// ftp:// etc.)
BTW you have to include the protocol in your links (i.e. http:// https:// ftp:// etc.)
I lit the neighbors glass house (plastic) up with a skyrocket - does that count?? Either that or I hit my old BF in the butt with a slug gun (shame he was a black belt lol - learnt reaaaal fast that wasn't umm.. appropriate or at all acceptable behavior hehe)
Ohh and that little lesson also taught me I was really flexible and could actually kiss my own a$$... *sigh*
Ohh and that little lesson also taught me I was really flexible and could actually kiss my own a$$... *sigh*
GAU-8 is a heavy weapon with poor movement and turning and it requires you to aim. RYNO is like paper in terms of weight, you just point in the general direction of your target, it's ammunition is available in boxes hidden in plain sight and it's upgradeable.
The GAU-8 is best effectively used against the inexperienced and the unaware, the RYNO is effective against anything that's not the person holding it.
The GAU-8 is best effectively used against the inexperienced and the unaware, the RYNO is effective against anything that's not the person holding it.
GAU-8 isn't something you see coming - you're dead by the time you're like :look mummy, a jet!
Furthermore, the GAU, unlike the RYNO, actually exists in a usable way.
Furthermore, the GAU, unlike the RYNO, actually exists in a usable way.
but the RYNO is awesome! And expensive!
And the upgrades are awesome.
And the upgrades are awesome.
The RYNO does exist, I just haven't used it in public because then I would have to have a permit to use it. Like they could make me . . .