The Dink Network

Ehasl's Profile

2005-04-16 06:48:59
Peasant He/Him
It is sad that there is no "P" in "Microsoft Windows XP"...

Ehasl has released 4 files

Ehasl's Bangerang Boomerang 2D-Mod, UnfinishedTolerable 4.5April 24th, 2005
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZD-Mod, RompHorrible 0.6March 29th, 2005
DinkGrenadeMiscellaneousTolerable 3.3April 6th, 2002
Legend of Tenjin Map ChangerMiscellaneousFair 6.3February 7th, 2002

Ehasl has written 22 reviews

Hey Legend of Tenjin Map ChangerNormalTolerable 3.0August 24th, 2006
Hm Ehasl's Bangerang Boomerang 2NormalTolerable 4.5August 24th, 2006
Well DinkGrenadeNormalTolerable 3.5August 23rd, 2006
First: How Do You Know That Your Reviews Are Not a Part of the Artpiece? I Think That is I... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZFeaturedHorrible 1.3August 23rd, 2006
Dinkkiller is Wrong About the Name Dink BlackwoodNormalGood 7.0April 20th, 2005
Gameplay 9 Dink SmallwoodFeaturedExceptional 9.0April 9th, 2005
+ Adds Several New Features To the Engine reDinkNormalExceptional 9.0April 9th, 2005
This is a Really Cool Add-on Lantern FlickeringNormalExceptional 9.0November 30th, 2002
The Dinkedit Skin Was Much Better Than I Thought Before I Downloaded it DinkEdit Skin 1NormalGood 8.5November 30th, 2002
The Technology Side of This Add-on is Impressing LanternNormalFair 6.5November 30th, 2002
This is Indeed a Bad Tutorial Tutorial D-ModNormalTolerable 4.2November 30th, 2002
The Idea Here is Good Day and NightNormalHorrible 2.2November 30th, 2002
Well Enemy TalkNormalTolerable 4.9November 30th, 2002
Though Gorack Gorack, Umtar, and Shreik: The First BattleNormalHorrible 2.8November 30th, 2002
D(Inky )D(Imensions )1: F(Rom )I(Nside )a( )T(Ree) is a Really Cool D-Mod Dinky Dimensions 1: FIATFeaturedGood 8.5August 21st, 2002
Though I Continued Using it a Bit After the "Testing Period" DinkMouseNormalGood 7.0May 17th, 2002
This Add-on is Basically the Same As the Throwing Axes in the Original Game BoomerangNormalFair 5.0May 3rd, 2002
This is a Very Good Dinkc Editor Easy DinkCNormalGood 7.8April 23rd, 2002
Happy Color 2 is Much Better Than the Old Version Happy ColorNormalFair 6.4April 21st, 2002
This May Be Useful Run.exeNormalFair 5.0April 21st, 2002
I Really Expected Something Much Better Than This FirebowNormalHorrible 0.1April 3rd, 2002
This is a Good Demonstration on How To Make Different Weather in D-Mods Weather DemonstrationNormalFair 6.6March 31st, 2002