The Dink Network

Stone of Balance redux complete

March 30th 2024, 10:55 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
I’ve sent the .dmod file to Redink1, so hopefully available soon for those interested in revisiting Stone of Balance

Small Preview of things changed
March 31st 2024, 12:51 AM
Exciting! Although I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed that it looks like Heironymous now looks just like Cthunik. I liked that you could visually tell them apart.

Still going to play through the entire thing again though.
March 31st 2024, 03:34 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
oh hell yeah, can't wait for pilgrim's quest redux and necromancer...dux next OwO
March 31st 2024, 03:37 AM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
Alright! Gonna be DMOD of the year for sure

Unless The Dark Avilan comes out or something.
March 31st 2024, 08:20 AM
I'll definitely try to find time to play this eventually, as I've been waiting for the happy ending of Story 4 since the first time I played Stone of Balance.

Thank you, SimonK.
March 31st 2024, 11:23 AM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
Very impressive. There are some great graphics and storytelling here! I look forward to playing this!
March 31st 2024, 09:21 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Have managed to submit it as a revision under the Contribute page, took me a while as pressing the submit button with a mouse click didn't work the first time the other day, but today, using the RETURN button on the keyboard twice did the deed.

March 31st 2024, 09:29 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Ah yes, the issue of priests' graphics.

In the original release they were all the farmer with the scythe, as in all the same, back in 2000. I updated Cthunik after Pilgrim's Quest was done two years later... 2004 I guess.

I kinda like the blue priest graphics, his walk cycle for the Dink engine is one of the better ones I"ve done, so I thought... heck all temple of Balance priests should look like him.

Also I changed Cthunik's name to Cthullos in this redux version, the "ink" sound didn't sit right with me, and calling him Bosch was too much.
April 1st 2024, 02:14 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
File approved!
April 1st 2024, 03:29 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
not official unless there's a news post.
April 1st 2024, 05:17 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Amazing! Unfortunately the mentioned saves for specific chapters appear to be absent, with no "storyStarts" apparent after extracting.
April 1st 2024, 06:03 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
When you pack a .Dmod file, doesn't it automatically remove save.dat files? Or am I remembering wrong. Maybe Simon thought he included it and upon packing it, it removed them?
April 1st 2024, 06:15 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
It does that? Remove save.dat files? Even if in a sub folder?

Oh well...

Here is a link on Google drive for a copy of that folder

SOB Story start saves

Should be available to all...
April 1st 2024, 07:24 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Having a brief look at the DFarc3 sources suggests that it does, in fact, remove save files recursively if the option to remove them is selected at compression time, rather than just in the dmod root like one would assume. Apparently it reuses the function for getting rid of Windows thumbs caches which can be strewn anywhere through graphics. No idea what happened to storyStarts, though my assumption is it may have removed it after obliterating the save dats due to it being empty.
April 1st 2024, 04:56 PM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
Alas, I will not be progressing much today in SoB Redux, but I've already found a couple of "bugs", although one might be because of YeOldeDink.

First, both in DinkHD (V2.02) and YeOldeDink (V0.9), after you get arrested once, if you talk to someone before learning to sing again and get arrested the 2nd time, if you hold down you can actually walk out of the castle instead of getting executed. I guess Dink isn't frozen fast enough after warping to the castle screen or something?

Second, this only happens in YeOldeDink, the "sitem-01.bmp" sprite renders with the white background see pic: [redacted one drive link that didnt work]
EDIT: GRRR, bloody One Drive seems to have gone to shite, seems to force you to sign in now when sharing links, even if they're set to be viewable anonymously...
Here's a catbox link instead:

I guess this is because of YeOldeDink not loading the sprite correctly or something? I don't know if it's because of the way the bitmap is saved or perhaps some dink.ini parsing issue... I guess YeOldeToast should have a look at this?

EDIT2: I checked this in FreeDink too, the graphic loads fine there. So it's definitely something wrong with how YeOldeDink loads the bitmap... I also checked in older versions of YeOldeDink (V0.6.2 and V0.5) and it is also broken there...

EDIT3: Hmm, Skurn has enlightened me that apparently I was being a dumbass and launching YeOldeDink without the True Color flag enabled... But this begs the question, is YeOldeDink the only engine that actually uses that flag correctly then?! Why does FreeDink display the sprite even without True Color enabled?! Huh.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have time to play properly these days and I'll be sure to take notes if I find any more weird things.
April 1st 2024, 10:18 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Hmmm, I tried to replicate that first bug, but couldn't.

I looked in the script and Dink doesn't get unfrozen until he is taken to another map screen, so... not sure how you achieved this.

Which button were you holding down? I tried pressing spacebar and ctrl multiple times and couldn't exit the castle.

As to the other white pic, not sure that's a bug per say, but maybe I should've mentioned to play this game in true color mode.

As for the missing saved games, I had a look if there were options in Dfarc to keep save games in packaging, but couldn't find it in even version 3 or 2 of dfarc.


Okay, I think I replicated it, if you hold down the down-arrow key straight after the fade to black you can then exit the castle before the cut scene, or should I say execution scene, plays out.

There is a wait(200); line before the freeze(1); line, which I'll fix.
April 1st 2024, 11:25 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
drone@ Yes I already explained this to you last two times you encountered it. Skorn's right, stop launching in 8-bit mode. Freedink and 1.08 will quantise a 24-bit BMP to match the 8-bit palette which I switched off for PNG support.

simonk@ As for retaining save files, it might be better to just manually compress it to a tar.bz2 in 7zip and then rename the extension. I haven't tested Martridge's packing feature, but it might be more forgiving.
April 2nd 2024, 10:39 AM
I'm trying to do a quick playthrough of the Redux version with what little free time I have. I've just finished Story 1 with DinkHD. I didn't run into a whole lot of bugs, but then again for this first playthrough I'm not exactly trying to hunt down every last one of them.

One thing I noticed in Story 2 : The old bug that caused Dink not to have a defense boost when choosing the "naked woman" reward from the genie (and then refusing the woman's offer) is in the Redux version as well. The problem is that in "s2-bwom.c", there is this line (line 200):

&defense +=4;

Which doesn't work. Instead it should be :

&defense += 4;

Note that it was IMO the best genie reward in the original version, and now that the defense boost has been increased from 2 to 4 (not to mention the additional gold boost), the reward is even better.

For the record, here are my stats at the end of Story 1 (without cheating) :

Attack 18
Defense 11
Magic 14

Book of Songs, fireball magic, hellfire magic, water magic, fist, club, 2 longswords, 2 bombs, Hammer of Truth, first piece of the Stone of Balance, 6 elixirs, 17 scorpion tails.

Coins 3027
Exp 322/3600 (Level 6)
April 2nd 2024, 09:28 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Thanks, I'll fix and wait a bit to see if any more critical bugs pop up this week before updating.

19 scorpion tails... impressive

April 3rd 2024, 07:42 AM
17, not 19, but yes, I sure did a scorpion massacre there.

I've been checking a few things in Story 1... I noticed that if you hit the thorny bushes around the dragon's treasure with a sleep bomb, the bushes say "zzzzzz...". Probably not intentional, but interesting. On the other hand, the Hammer of Truth does have a more troublesome bug - if you keep hitting Ctrl really quickly while the Hammer of Truth is being thrown, this may have unforeseen side effects, such as (eventually) several hammers being thrown at once, and additional Dinks showing up on the screen. These additional Dinks are immobile, and they all look like they are busy throwing the Hammer.

Note that while I gave the skull to the goblin, I ended up killing him (he's tougher if you fight him while having neither sleep bombs nor Hellfire, but even then it's possible to kill him with plenty of life left). "Fine, you will be the first human to die!" didn't sound like something a good guy would say. This particular goblin *is* supposed to be a bad guy, right? Right?

EDIT : I believe I could have ended up with higher stats at the end of Story 1 if I'd eaten the six mushrooms that I ended up giving to the pig, but I really wanted the skull so that I could get the wine... and therefore the Hellfire spell. I think players who just want to be overpowered may actually be better off waiting until Story 2 to get Hellfire, though (a +6 bonus to all primary stats sure is interesting!)
April 3rd 2024, 06:03 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Actually the sleep bomb thing on the thorns was intentional, but maybe it wasn't such a sensible choice.

As for the Hammer of Truth, multiple instances of hammers and Dinks, I thought I had that under control, but obviously not.

What version of the game are you playing on again? HD, RT, freedink, YeOlde?

I'll take another look at that. it is interesting when others try things and use them in ways I don't. The frozen Dink's are "fake Dinks" that the 'use' procedure creates, but are then meant to be deactivated. Although you aren't supposed to be able to re-use the Hammer until it has returned. A global variable is meant to prevent this, but it looks like it doesn't, sigh.

Yes the Goblin in the cave is technically a bad guy. Originally I think I had planned to do something with a goblin story line that encompassed more of the lands, but ended up ditching it. Basically if you killed him, then the Goblin master plan is cut off and nothing much happens, but if you don't, the Goblins were meant to become a powerful force in the world. In the end all I kept was them not speaking like they used to in the original game, and it doesn't matter if you let him live or not.
April 4th 2024, 02:42 AM
I managed to teleport forward using the Hammer of Truth. I'm not exactly sure how though.

I also noticed that while some items still stack, the green mushrooms don't, which floods your inventory if you're good at finding them.
April 4th 2024, 05:53 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
So I can replicate this lovely bug, it seems if you press the CTRL key madly just as the hammer returns you can then send an extra couple of hammers off, i.e. two instead of one, then three instead of one... didn't manage to get to 4. Or maybe I can just say, hey that's part of the weapon?

I think I'm going to have to play around with the scripts for this for a bit to see if I can fix it.

@megadogV2 As for the teleporting... do you mean, you jumped forward on the same screen or you went to another screen?
April 4th 2024, 06:52 AM
What version of the game are you playing on again? HD, RT, freedink, YeOlde?

HD. I'm actually using Windows 7 to play Dink, which means that I could even try to play SOB Redux with good old v1.08 if I really wanted to. I think that might not be such a good idea though...

Yes the Goblin in the cave is technically a bad guy. Originally I think I had planned to do something with a goblin story line that encompassed more of the lands, but ended up ditching it. Basically if you killed him, then the Goblin master plan is cut off and nothing much happens, but if you don't, the Goblins were meant to become a powerful force in the world. In the end all I kept was them not speaking like they used to in the original game, and it doesn't matter if you let him live or not.

Ah, thank you for the clarification. I feel less bad about killing him now.

So I can replicate this lovely bug, it seems if you press the CTRL key madly just as the hammer returns you can then send an extra couple of hammers off, i.e. two instead of one, then three instead of one... didn't manage to get to 4.

If you really do it a lot, you might, after quite a few seconds, get to the point where there are so many hammers that it's no longer possible to count them, unless maybe you take a screenshot. That's what happened to me anyway.

I have a headache at the moment, but I might try to play a bit more of Story 2 today.
April 4th 2024, 07:41 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
okay, I have a fix for the repeating hammer of truth

There are 4 files to copy into the story folder

hammer of truth files

so just unzip these for into the sobredux/story folder replacing those in there


these are somewhat messy scripts as I started from the revised boomerang that comes back, which works across a screen change, and in the end I decided to have Dink frozen in place after throwing the hammer, as it made the tactics of how and when to throw the weapon more interesting I thought. But like most of my scripting I start down one path, change paths, drink a ginger beer, and fall down somewhere else... so where I end up is anyone's guess.
April 4th 2024, 01:09 PM
Thank you! So far, the fix mostly works for me... Note that Dink appears to be invulnerable while the Hammer is on the screen, it's just that the last hit that gets cancelled while he is invulnerable may end up dealing damage once Dink gets unfrozen, apparently. Odd. Anyway, this may be a minor bug compared to what was happening before.
April 5th 2024, 03:44 PM
The teleport was basically a snap-forward. The hammer was on it's return path, but about two tiles ahead of Dink it suddenly disappeared and Dink teleported to its location.
April 5th 2024, 10:20 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
weird... hopefully the tweaks I did earlier = Updated Hammer of Truth - that now no longer create a fake dink with his arm outstretched while the hammer is in the air and turn off real Dink with a sp_nodraw(), means this won't happen again.

The scripts are trying to get the hammer to always return even if it hits tile hardness as well as sprite hardness. Unfortunately at times, tile hardness seems to trap the hammer in a position, so I use a "saftey" script that cancels the hammer if it still exists after 1400 ms, and restores Dink to normal playable status. This 1.4 sec gap is probably where the teleport happened, between making real Dink invisible and then visible again.
April 6th 2024, 08:36 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
So I've just uploaded ver 3.02, which includes the adding +4 correctly to defense in the Genie bit in Story 2 as well as the Hammer of Truth tweaks to remove multiple hammers and frozen Dinks.

There is a slight difference between freedink and DinkHD with this new hammer of truth, the sound of Dink punching is present in freedink, but not in DinkHD (it shouldn't be there as I've now got init lines that reset the set_frame_special on loading the hammer while using the non-magic hit graphics).

If you load the Hammer then unload and load it again, those lines seem to kick in correctly in freedink while they work first time in DinkHD.

Also the save2.dat to save7.dat files are now in a renamed zip file storySaves.nzp, so just rename that file and unzip into the dmod directory and they should work (I tested save2.dat in both freedink and DinkHD and it worked for me).

So once approved, replace the old redux version, thanks.
April 6th 2024, 01:29 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
It appears one is still able to create a dance party by hammering rapidly. This is from a completely fresh download and extraction of the newest release.
April 6th 2024, 06:38 PM
Minor suggestion if you release another patch, but maybe have the guard standing at the exit to the Maze of Versata say that the way south has been cleared. I managed to completely miss the new content by trying to go back to buy the pick, discovering the way was closed, and just buying it from the guy in the maze itself.
April 6th 2024, 06:41 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Okay, not sure how that is happening as I've commented out the lines that create the fake dink/Dink dancing hold pose in the item-hot.c script

At first I though maybe I uploaded the wrong version, but I've downloaded the .dmod file from here, installed it in separate directory and played it using freedink and I can't get those multiple frozen Dinks.

The dmod.diz file says its ver 3.02 and the script is the right version, and the .dmod file includes storySaves.nzp file workaround.

So I'm going to try and run it using YeOldeDink to see if that makes the error happen.


So, I've tried it in YeOldeDink, using the Story 3 save game to load up and besides the weird freedink error of hearing the punch sound the first time loading, I can't get the multiple frozen Dinks to appear with hitting the CTRL key multiple times, or keeping that key depressed. So not sure...


I think I've got a fix for the punch sound thing, I have to repeat the init() commands to reset frame_special a second time for YeOldeDink and twice more for freedink to stop Dink punching the hammer as he throws it in directions 2 or 8. So resetting set_frame_special to zero, which it now does in the armmovie() procedure as well as twice in the arm() procedure. Not sure why these versions of the engine are different, as DinkHD only needs it set once.
April 6th 2024, 08:25 PM
I've found another small bug: the fisherman in chapter two should have

if (&has_pick == 0)

rather than

if (&has_pick < 0)
April 6th 2024, 10:26 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
thanks, will fix in next release.
April 7th 2024, 01:29 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Turns out I am silly and was using the release with rather than storystarts.nzp(???). Trying again reveals no dance party, although the hammer did fly backwards at one point.

As for the attack thwack/thud, it seems to come from the hammer hitting sprite 1 i.e. Dink upon launching it. I can see the Set special/delay lines for seq 102 through to 108 for frame 3 doing stuff upon arming. I'll have another look at it later.

Alright it's later and I had a look. By changing the mholdy offset for mydir 2 and 8 by +20 and -20 respectively in the item script, the launching thud goes away.
April 7th 2024, 10:03 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Yes, that thing with it occasionally missing Dink and flying backwards is because sometimes it doesn't return on hitting hardness/hard sprites, but then it does and goes past Dink, even when it shouldn't. Not sure exactly which part of the process is causing it as item-hot.c throws the hammer, dam-ham is in charge of the returning about 700 ms, and then dam-ham2 handles what happens when the hammer hits something, which is also part the returning thing. And then there is a spawned script as a safety backup - 2seckill.c - to kill both the hammer and it's shadow if the other scripts don't. I did this because I found sometimes the hammer would get stuck in hardness.

So while the hammer returning is not error free yet, it is the most functional it's been, and that occasional error of going past Dink doesn't always happen. I think it is achieving more of what I'm after than having the hammer disappear when it hits hardness which is what the boomerang scripts it is based on does.

Yes, your solution for modifying the starting position of the hammer sprite to be beyond the hit range of Dink's hit frame is more elegant than changing the set_frame_special value from 1 to 0 on arming the weapon and then back to 1 when disarming - at least with freedink and YeOldeToast dink, I had already gone down the path of mucking around with that way of removing the punch sound. I'm curious why the DinkHD engine achieves the end result by using the single set of
	//removing which frame can 'hit'
	init("set_frame_special 102 3 0");
	init("set_frame_special 104 3 0");
	init("set_frame_special 106 3 0");
	init("set_frame_special 108 3 0");

which to me makes sense based on the information about the init() command in the DinkC Ref.

but YeOldeToast dink engine requires a second occurrence of those lines, which I've now added into the armmovie procedure of item-hot.c and freedink requires a third occurrence of those same lines, which I now repeat twice in the arm procedure. And doing this removes the punch sound in all three engines. Messy and not as elegant as just changing the starting co-ordinate of the hammer sprite to be outisde Dink's hardbox for the hit frame. Oh well... And then if you load, unload, reload, or even reload the hammer twice in the weapon selection screen that also seems to remove the punch with one instance of those init() lines above, at least in YeOldeDink or freedink, I can't remember which one.

I haven't tested this in the original dink.exe engine yet or RTDink web-based one.

So I have a ver 3.03 of the redux standing by, but I've probably wait a few days for other bugs to be found. I already found one myself with the bonca farmer in Story 3 not responding to being hit with the Hammer of Truth, as well as a missing kill_this_task() command from a spawned script - one that loads the correct coloured scorpion for Story 7. I also noticed if you call save games anything other than save[n].dat then Dfarc 3.0 will include them in the packaging, so besides the nonzip file, I'll include xsave2.dat to xsave7.dat in the next release. It would be nice to have the option to include save.dat files, but I can understand the default of removing them.

Of course Dfarc3 doesn't remove the DinkHD saved games of autosave, autosaveb, quicksave and continue-state dat files.
April 8th 2024, 09:16 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Alright, I can confirm that after equipping, then going back to fist and the re-equipping, the initial thud goes away, and that grafting the init set_frame_special lines from arm() to the top of use() results in nothing but a whoosh upon initial use in all directions. I suspect it's something deep in the graphics cache that I will have a look at later.

I did also give it a brief test in good old 1.08 which promptly crashed.
April 8th 2024, 07:30 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Hmmm, promptly crashes, oh well, I doubt anyone uses the original Dink engine these days.

I'm uploading ver 3.03.

Have done a check that there is a kill_this_task() on all spawned scripts, and discovered there wasn't... now there is, hopefully it hasn't broken anything... it shouldn't... but me and DinkC, well, it's complicated...
April 13th 2024, 03:30 AM

Oh no. Here I go getting my hopes up!

I like basically all of the updates, having now completed it. The new end of chapter 6 took me by surprise, but I think I like it more than the old one. I definitely liked being able to save Sir Richard.
April 14th 2024, 04:17 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Thanks, glad you liked it.
April 16th 2024, 12:30 PM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Alright, I heve some notes.
- On screen 099 there was a debug message left in, when I try to talk near the mushroom
- You can get super overpowered if you save-scum with the green mushrooms. Yes, I'm probably the only one who did this, but it's interesting.
- One of the dialouges of the mudman (story 2) appears in Dink's colour (happens after you cure him)
- Another such instance is the trader in story 3 congratulating you for saving Gemma
- No clue if it's just a YeOldeDinjk issue or a D-Mod issue
- Question: Is there no other way to get the anvil without killing the armorer?
Interesting D-Mod so far. I like the improvements of this new version. Surprisingly bug-free. Might post a review after I'm done. It's gonna take a while.
April 17th 2024, 01:50 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Thanks, I'll look into those things soon... just playing Pilgrim's Quest at the moment to see how it runs in the latest DinkHD... and there are a few things I need to fix - such as text not appearing on fade downs which I discovered when doing SOB redux. But I did manage to fix the annoying, for me at least, black line at the one third point on the Choice/dialogue box. Apparently DinkHD the graphics for this text-box sprite were changed from being a 3 part affair to really just one large sprite, so I've copied that in the latest patch 1.43, but the text on black screens I still need to do for both DinkHD and freedink.

As to getting the anvil, yes you can get it by robbing Yorick the Blacksmith's grave on the plateau. You have to rob it twice, once to get his skull, and then a second time to get the anvil. Not sure if you have to kill the ghost first after getting the skull or not.

Yeah I didn't test in YeOldeDink, so not sure what might the differences/errors would be.
April 17th 2024, 02:36 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
oh hell yeah, pq redux soon. that can only mean one thing

stone of balance 3: paladin
April 18th 2024, 08:09 AM
Peasant He/Him Hungary bloop
The nation above all. 
Uh, this D-Mod is long. So I decided I stop caring about minor bugs.
A more important one would be that after you give the Fire Bow guy the purple pear, the purple pear tree gives you the pear again. I don't think that's supposed to happen.
April 18th 2024, 11:11 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Not really, but it doesn't break anything other than filling up slot(s) in the item inventory.

I'll look into it.
April 21st 2024, 12:33 PM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
I've been playing some more and I'm in the 6th land now!

I haven't come across any big issues but here are some minor ones I've noticed so far:

- In the 3rd land, in the desert town, in the blacksmith's house, when you just enter it for the first time before doing anything else in town, the upper-right corner of the house is missing some walls:

- Also in the 3rd land, in the cave with 4 stairs that have a random chance to lead to treasure, the guy there looks like a ghost now?!

- Another thing about the 3rd land, while not quite a bug, there's one thing that "bugged" me about the desert mountain: I think if you teleport to the mountain without a pick on you, you might get stuck there with no way to continue? I'm not 100% sure on this, but as far as I can tell, the circle in the north-east corner of the mountain only lets you go further up or back to town after you collect the 3 skulls for it. If you don't have a pick, you can't get any skull, and you can't get back to town either. Or am I missing something?

- In the 4th land, on screen 604, you can teleport into the water without drowning - granted, it doesn't really matter since if you head east you DO drown, it just seems weird. Looking in the editor, it seems quite obvious why this is the case

- In the 5th land, between screens 752 and 753 there's a hardness error with the trees that lets you walk through them. Can't get out of bounds or anything, but figured it's worth a mention:

- While not that important, it always bugged me that if you get the **SECRET BOW LORE** for the fire bow in the 5th land, it breaks the normal bow lore for the heavy bow. Now granted, if you have the fire bow and secret bow lore, there's no real point in using the heavy bow anymore even if it had bow lore... But it's just something that struck me as odd.

Edit: Ok, seems I've found a more serious issue in the 6th land
- When you go down the cliff, it seems Dink isn't frozen and you can move around, this seems to be able to get you stuck inside crystals and stuff like so:
- When you go back up the cliff, Dink isn't frozen and you can walk off screen! Luckily the script seems to send you to the right screen after a few seconds anyway... But still, it's not good:

Edit 2:
- Oh dear, seems I've ran into an even bigger issue! After getting it on with Crussy, Crusty, uh, Shelley, after waiting for the fruits of my labour to come out, it seems they just kind of got stuck behind her! Here is a save file of just before if you want to test it out: I think you probably have to rename the file as "save1.dat"
Luckily, I could progress by spamming space to eventually interact with Shelley and advance the story. Oddly enough, after talking to her they started moving around too...

Edit 3:
- This one is minor, but after the final boss fight, Dink uses Cthunik's old name instead of Cthullos.
- This seems to be the case for multiple endings:

Edit 4:
Alright, so now that I've finished it, I've quite enjoyed it. Some of the new graphics and minor details took me by surprise hah

I'm glad we got to see the Little Richard substory play out. I remember digging through the scripts to find out what the deal was with the weird guy with the dirt floor in his house, and piecing together how the quest would've played out by reading through the partially finished scripts... Took me a while to find that fish though!

The end zone really feels a lot tougher though! I was kind of abusing the healing stone fragment a bunch of times there. I almost feel like that thing is too overpowered since it fully heals you with no drawbacks, maybe there should've been some mechanic where if you use it too much the fragment breaks or something.

I think the springy fellas feel like the toughest enemies now... They can start springing along so fast and have a ton of touch damage! I thought I was pretty tough with almost 30 in all stats after using the balancing fragment, but they could still eat my health quite fast if I wasn't careful!
April 21st 2024, 07:32 PM
Peasant They/Them
Sons of liberty 
Sigh the times we live in now, i have been trying to play the dmod dont have the laptop handy , tried on the vita first the dmod took 30 mins to download lol and runs in slow motion i dont think the handheld can play this. Now playing the dmod on the android phone apart from the controls the dmod seems to run fine no issues so far just got to the oracle
April 22nd 2024, 12:22 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Wow, many thanks!

I will look into all of these and try and fix them.

Just trying to tweak Pilgrim's Quest at the moment, so I can release an update for that which fixes Skard defusing the frogbot while using DinkHD engine and not just freedink, plus adjust end fight scene so Skard doesn't die so easily. This last one is strange, as I was sure she didn't 20 years ago... oh well.
April 22nd 2024, 06:25 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Okay, I think I've fixed all.

The missing wall in the Story 3 Armorer house is weird. It is there in WDE Drone, and then when I load a saved game it is not, but if I go back out the house and back in it appears. Perhaps there is some script still running in memory that is doing a sp_nodraw() or sp_active() on sprite 13 - (that's the sprite number according to WDE Drone). So I've restamped that wall so it is now number 38 and that seems to fix the problem.

As for teleporting to the Mountain plateau without a pick, I thought I removed all the red rocks from Story 3 so that you can't use translocation magic. I was toying with the idea of making a "Dink falls and dies" script like the drowning one in Story 4, but it didn't seem like it was worth the effort.

How are you teleporting? Via the translocation magic, or a cheat?

Speaking of drowning in Story 4, yeah I had left that as if it was shallow water, but in hindsight it should have the drowning sprites, so now it does.

Yeah the white springy enemies can be hard, but if you use the feather disguise they don't target you at all.

As for the Jewel 4 can heal - it should now have a delay or recharge aspect - sort of like magic spells, so that you have to wait 10 seconds or so I think before you can reuse it.

The end battle can be hard, but did you try using/arming jewel 6 (assuming you have all the jewels at this point) and then using the magic Mandrake tells you 'it's power depends on the magic ability of the caster' - i.e. the higher your magic ability the stronger the spell. The redux trailer shows this when fighting the Slurpers.

Other stuff fixed, I hope, will release this soon.
April 22nd 2024, 04:54 PM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
> As for teleporting to the Mountain plateau without a pick, I thought I removed all the red rocks from Story 3 so that you can't use translocation magic. I was toying with the idea of making a "Dink falls and dies" script like the drowning one in Story 4, but it didn't seem like it was worth the effort.

> How are you teleporting? Via the translocation magic, or a cheat?

Sorry, I probably didn't phrase it properly, it was a hypothetical situation, I didn't actually manage to teleport there without a pick. Since you removed the red stone there's probably no way to do that now as you said.


> The end battle can be hard, but did you try using/arming jewel 6 (assuming you have all the jewels at this point) and then using the magic Mandrake tells you 'it's power depends on the magic ability of the caster' - i.e. the higher your magic ability the stronger the spell. The redux trailer shows this when fighting the Slurpers.

Oh I did beat him, although I used the bow and healing jewel! I tried your suggested method just now and it's actually more powerful than I would've imagined, woah! Makes short work of the fight! Cool!

Edit 2: Oh, PS, found another minor issue just now - seems that when the DMOD starts up, if you spam ENTER while the intro before the menu plays out, you can open the inventory! It's kind of weird, the other HUD elements are just white, never seen that before.
April 22nd 2024, 05:26 PM
Peasant He/Him Romania
C# nerd 
By the way, I actually tried running this in classic Dink V1.08, and it seems to work, there's just one catch about not getting it to crash:
- It seems that Dink V1.08 expects all dmods to be subfolders of its root directory, and when it looks for missing tilesheets, it looks in the path "..\DINK\TILES" relative to the DMOD directory:
    for (int h=1; h < tile_screens; h++) {
        if (h < 10) strcpy(crap1,"0"); 
        else strcpy(crap1, "");
        sprintf(crap, "TILES\\TS%s%d.BMP",crap1,h);	
        if (!exist(crap)) {
            sprintf(crap, "..\\DINK\\TILES\\TS%s%d.BMP",crap1,h);
        tiles[h] = DDTileLoad(lpDD, crap, 0, 0,h); 
        if( tiles[h] == NULL ) {
            return initFail(hwnd, "Couldn't find one of the tilescreens!");
        } else {
            //tilerect[h].right =  lpDD->dwWidth;		
            DDSetColorKey(tiles[h], RGB(0,0,0));

So basically, if you have the DMOD in a different directory than Dink V1.08, you need to copy the dink directory in the same directory you have SOB Redux in.

For exmaple, I was using Martridge and launching V1.08 using a relative path to the DMOD:
00:10:26.718826:  [DmodBrowser] [Information] <Attempting to start dmod>
00:10:26.718826:  [DmodBrowser] [Information]     Dink = "E:\DINK_EXE\ENGINE\Dink_V1.08\dink.exe"
00:10:26.718826:  [DmodBrowser] [Information]     Args =  -window -skip -game ..\..\DMOD2\sobrx303

... so I had to have the "dink" base game dmod in the DMOD2 directory along side sobrx303.

I think this applies to playing any DMOD with V1.08...

Now as for how SOB runs under V1.08, well, I only fought the last boss just earlier and it worked, but the game kinda froze up a bit when showing the boss death animations and when loading the next screen afterwards...
April 23rd 2024, 04:28 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Okay that weird ENTER spamming thing is due to a wait(4000); command - so I've removed it and that seems to have fixed things... will be there in next upload...
April 23rd 2024, 06:13 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
I dont think it's a massive deal if a dmod isn't vanilla 1.08 compatible anyway, most people use FreeDink, YeoldeDink or DinkHD these days. Plus 1.08 seems to always lag or hang when doing very complex scripting stuff.
April 28th 2024, 06:22 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
It looks like the script for the tumbleweeds with the whooshing sound are broken. It appears they have some sort of DIY positional audio system in them, for which the variable is only initialised after it's been assigned so it's always at zero which means they're stuck at maximum/default volume.
April 28th 2024, 08:54 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Yeah, I think I gave up on that, and left it at maximum volume, as DinkHD was funky with the playsound repeat and positional combination - which is now covered in another thread.

I will go back and look at it again at some point...

I think this was where I found out setting the sound volume command seemed to work to a point - i.e. incrementally decrease to a certain point and then it would increase even while decreasing the value. I had a conversation with Robj about it, but my head is spinning a bit in the land of PQ at the moment.