The Dink Network

Cycles of Evil

Note to self: farming in the middle of winter isn't a good idea.
The town of Beral is affected by evil across generations.
Released:January 8th, 2015
File Size:2.84 MB
Release Notes:- Updated to be compatible with true-color mode.
- Fixed black spots on title screen.
- Trees don't change before fade_down when switching seasons.
Play:Play this D-Mod right now in your web browser! (More Info)
Let's Play (DSPT)

July 28th, 2003
Score : 9.0 exceptional
Peasant He/Him
Well, this was an interesting D-Mod. The storyline is completely linear. Yeah. It's like a bad British Video Game (not that I've ever played one, it just sounded good). You play as several different characters, who are each located in different parts of the time spectrum. One thing that annoyed me was that you would get used to a certain era, then all of a sudden you've warped to another one.

STORY: 7 of 10
The story was not at all bad, just not the greatest, and slightly confusing. It's kinda like this: The guy 30 years ago did this thing, then the guy from the future was affected by that thing. Which sounds reasonable right? Right. But I noticed several instances where someone in the PAST was affected by someone in the FUTURE. That wouldn't be logical, but hey, it's not MY d-mod. That was the only thing that I didn't like.

Well, I didn't like the farmer guy and the scythe (sickle?) at first, but I got used to it. It was pretty neat, actually. The only thing that I didn't like was the Faerie Era where everyone said "Have Heart, Sister" or something like that. That got old REALLY fast. I think that the monster-morphing kid was pretty cool. I wish you could choose what he turned into, though.

BUGS: 9 of 10
Only one MAJOR one that sticks out in my mind. The bug when changing eras, you get warped to the entrance of the village, but can't enter it. You just walk offscreen instead of warping. I heard this was fixed in version 1.1, but I haven't played it since then. I would have given this a 6 because it was bad - you had to load your game over to get it to work. But, since it IS my fault that I havent played the updated version, I'll put it at a 9.

GAMEPLAY: 10 of 10
Now, while this was a very short d-mod, I gave gameplay a 10 because of how much work was put into it. Changing characters every 5 minutes or less is tedious scripting work (I think). Since I would never do that, I'll give it a 10.

While that's not what my scores average out to be, I don't feel this d-mod should be in the 8's. It uses some different scripting techniques and a different style of gameplay, and for that, I give it a 9. While I personally didn't like the faeries, you might. I just think it's prone to headaches to end every waking conversation with "Have Heart". That would give me one.

If you have 30 minutes to kill, go for it!
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