Game is not proceeding at start
Pilgrim's Quest
November 9th 2023, 11:00 AM
"Yes and I always keep my promises"
After this sentence Dink says at the beginning of Pilgrim's Quest after revived the woman, the game kinda stucks and there is no conversation after all. I can't do anything. Dink and woman just stay idle. Can't move, can't progress, can't open skills menu with S. F1 works and I can open the menu, but can't open inventory. Game stuck. How can I solve this? I have tried with Dink Smallwood HD web version.
I couldn't open de freedink version on my Debian computer because it is just crashing with Segmentation Fault error.
After this sentence Dink says at the beginning of Pilgrim's Quest after revived the woman, the game kinda stucks and there is no conversation after all. I can't do anything. Dink and woman just stay idle. Can't move, can't progress, can't open skills menu with S. F1 works and I can open the menu, but can't open inventory. Game stuck. How can I solve this? I have tried with Dink Smallwood HD web version.
I couldn't open de freedink version on my Debian computer because it is just crashing with Segmentation Fault error.
November 9th 2023, 11:55 AM
I just installed Windows version of freedink with all in one installer and opened the mod with DFArc with v1.07 checkbox enabled. Not it is working.
Have you tried the downloadable DinkHD version? Unsure if the web and downloadable are the same, could be worth a try.
Edit: If that still doesn't work, try the original version 1.08
Edit: If that still doesn't work, try the original version 1.08
Hmm, if you haven't solved this yet, since you're on Debian, maybe try one of YeOldeToast's updated FreeDink fork releases from here in this thread:
I can confirm you can progress beyond this point in YeOldeDink. I wouldn't recommend 1.08 on modern Windows, though it might work just fine with Wine. 1.08 always worked fine in Pilgrim's Quest, as far as I'm aware.
November 14th 2023, 04:44 AM
I have solved like this: Used Windows version of freedink. 1.07 checkbox enabled. It works.
Note: "Not it is working" is a typo mistake, it was "Now it is working!"
Dink Smallwood HD is working but as I said, the story is getting stuck and I can't proceed after the talk at the beginning.
Note: "Not it is working" is a typo mistake, it was "Now it is working!"
Dink Smallwood HD is working but as I said, the story is getting stuck and I can't proceed after the talk at the beginning.
Well, at the very least, if someone else has this problem, they can solve it.
Well, at the very least, if someone else has this problem, they can solve it.
Huh, does anyone know what "1.07 compatibility" changes? I assume it's some scripting bug that needs to exist for this dmod to work. :/ I'd like to fix Dink HD to work with this mod, maybe I could do a compatibility hack.
That segment is fine for me without 1.07 mode on. This is the snippet in the script (stella.d) for reference:
//has stella been revived if (&stella > 1) { //she should follow Dink sp_follow(¤t_sprite, 1); sp_base_walk(¤t_sprite, 250); sp_hitpoints(¤t_sprite, 40); sp_defense(¤t_sprite, 5); sp_speed(¤t_sprite, 3); sp_timing(¤t_sprite, 33); }
I'm sure I played through PQ before and I don't think I used 1.07 mode either.
Hrm. When I tested it earlier (with Dink HD) after reviving the woman it never gives Dink control back after the talking, like a forgotten sp_freeze or something.
Hmmm... actually I found the problem. I must have played through it in FreeDink when I did my playthrough a while back.
It's in the Stella.d script, and is an error in the script that is safely ignored by the older engines.
In Stella.d on line 225 there is this:
move_stop(¤t_sprite, &stxpos);
That's an incomplete move_stop command that completely halts the script in DinkHD, and it never gets to the unfreeze(1) line.
As stated, it seems the older engines ignore it since it's missing crucial parameters.
It's in the Stella.d script, and is an error in the script that is safely ignored by the older engines.
In Stella.d on line 225 there is this:
move_stop(¤t_sprite, &stxpos);
That's an incomplete move_stop command that completely halts the script in DinkHD, and it never gets to the unfreeze(1) line.
As stated, it seems the older engines ignore it since it's missing crucial parameters.
Time for another of Rob's famous D-Mod fixes then?
This appears to be something that got broken along the way to 1.99. I tested it briefly in 1.91 and it was fine, apart from all the mermaids littering the screen.