Cloud Castle Stream
Would there be any interest if I streamed through some of my dmods?
I would expect tips, obviously.
I would expect tips, obviously.
I'd be interested. Would it be via twitch?
If you end up streaming and want them on the DinksmallwoodPT YouTube channel also - If you send me your YouTube channel username,(I think I need a Gmail address) I can give you direct access to the channel(I can add you to the manager roles list, which would just let you switch between your own youtube account and DSPT, when you're signed in on youtube), that way you can also export the recorded streams directly from twitch to the DSPT youtube channel after each stream.
Up to you though.
If you end up streaming and want them on the DinksmallwoodPT YouTube channel also - If you send me your YouTube channel username,(I think I need a Gmail address) I can give you direct access to the channel(I can add you to the manager roles list, which would just let you switch between your own youtube account and DSPT, when you're signed in on youtube), that way you can also export the recorded streams directly from twitch to the DSPT youtube channel after each stream.
Up to you though.
Probably by Twitch, yes.
I'll have a think about when would be best to do it - Probably late on a Saturday. Potentially another time depending on what suits.
I'll have a think about when would be best to do it - Probably late on a Saturday. Potentially another time depending on what suits.
You want tips? You mean to tell us you don't remember how to beat your own Dmods? Preposterous.
i got a tip for you. finish cloud castle 3.
In all seriousness, I'm likely to try and do a small stream to test this out this week. Probably with The Basilisk Smile.
Is there are particular time or day that is suitable for those interested? I can be fairly flexible on which day I do this, I think. Would have to be an evening.
Is there are particular time or day that is suitable for those interested? I can be fairly flexible on which day I do this, I think. Would have to be an evening.
Any day except Friday is my vote. Evening is great, depends which part of the planet you're talking about though! Aren't you in Korea or somewhere?

Any day except Friday is my vote. Evening is great, depends which part of the planet you're talking about though! Aren't you in Korea or somewhere?
Yeh, need to know the timezone.
As for the day... my vote is for the weekend.. saturday or sunday?
As for the day... my vote is for the weekend.. saturday or sunday?
And where would we find this stream, on what channel?

Channel is tigersgogrrr on both Twitch and Youtube.
Might try a test stream tonight.
Might try a test stream tonight.
sabretrowt, what does your fursona look like?
is it like, a trout/tiger hybrid?
is it like, a trout/tiger hybrid?
Haha. I'll 100% do it. Just caught up with work and kids atm.
sabretrowt, what does your fursona look like?
is it like, a trout/tiger hybrid?
is it like, a trout/tiger hybrid?
I'd be down to watch. Stream yourself doing some development on the next Cloud Castle too.
sabretrowt, what does your fursona look like?
is it like, a trout/tiger hybrid?
is it like, a trout/tiger hybrid?
"Just caught up with work and kids atm."
Tell me about it... Oh for the days when we were young and could build D-Mods without a care in the world!
Tell me about it... Oh for the days when we were young and could build D-Mods without a care in the world!
Oh for the days when we were young and could build D-Mods without a care in the world!
Ah well, if you wait long enough you might be forced into early retirement like me, which tends to give you a bit more free time. I admit that the amount of free time it gives you is not quite like those "days when we were young and could build D-Mods without a care in the world!" though.
Ah well, if you wait long enough you might be forced into early retirement like me, which tends to give you a bit more free time. I admit that the amount of free time it gives you is not quite like those "days when we were young and could build D-Mods without a care in the world!" though.

Ok, I'll do this. 27th March, 8pm GMT until I run out of steam. xxx
I'll probably do The Basilisk Smile and Once a Hero unless people want to see something else. Do those for a tester and then do Cloud Castle later on.
I'll probably do The Basilisk Smile and Once a Hero unless people want to see something else. Do those for a tester and then do Cloud Castle later on.
no, no, you're making cloud castle 3 on stream. not playing your own dmods to stroke your ego.
I'm supposed to be working at that time.
That's ok. I have tons of sick leave. I feel a cold coming on the 27th, not gonna be able to go in.
That's ok. I have tons of sick leave. I feel a cold coming on the 27th, not gonna be able to go in.

Yup. Looks like I'm getting up at 6am on a Sunday to watch a C-List Britich Celebrity play Dink Smallwood. I love this.
Nooooo I won't be able to make it
Hopefully it'll be recorded and available afterwards?

Hopefully it'll be recorded and available afterwards?
Indeed. Sabre make sure you have your twitch settings set to save the streamed videos - I believe twitch turns it off by default.
Additional note, if you're planning to play any regular music before/after the gameplay starts (streamers usually run an intro minimum, but breaks are also important) try not to - The DMCA nonsense on Twitch vods is ridiculous.
also, upload it somewhere since twitch is a piece of shit and will just end up deleting your stream anyways.
Only just got in and haven't eaten so this will be delayed by a bit. Should still be on tonight.
I'm off work for the next few weeks so will probably try and stream a couple of tunes.
I'm off work for the next few weeks so will probably try and stream a couple of tunes.
We are waiting patiently!
i'm not. where the duck is the stream
have you finished making lunch yet
I haven't left my computer, still staring at waiting for it to go live.
Sabre, post something so we know you're ok!
Starting to think it must have been a fatal lunch.
Starting to think it must have been a fatal lunch.

April 1st 2021, 12:00 AM


I would much prefer a demo of CC3 or even more screenshots of it.
alright, i'm ready for that stream now. let's go
I don't blame him if he couldn't muster up the courage to hit the live button.
If you're going live for the first time, and going straight to mic and/or face cam, it can feel like a lot of pressure to assure everything runs smoothly, especially if there's hype and a lot of ppl are turning up.
If you're going live for the first time, and going straight to mic and/or face cam, it can feel like a lot of pressure to assure everything runs smoothly, especially if there's hype and a lot of ppl are turning up.
anyways, that was a hell of a stream.
for anyone who missed it, i'll try to sum it up. the first hour was a self-indulgent plug to sabre's new book "why i'm awesome". he frequently had a hard time keeping his focus off of a jewel encrusted mirror next to the desk, but otherwise was halfway alright at presenting it. after that, the cheap seats were flooded by thousands of eager followers, most only there for the book. so, the majority left when they learned they missed the plug and we were down to just me, robj, scratcher, simonk, seth, redink1, tal, and thepunisher. we all engaged with sabre's theories on cybernetics and how they might be used to create cloud castle 4 in the future.
at the end, we got exclusive footage of cloud castle 3 wherein sabre promptly exploded into jade fire and the stream ended.
for anyone who missed it, i'll try to sum it up. the first hour was a self-indulgent plug to sabre's new book "why i'm awesome". he frequently had a hard time keeping his focus off of a jewel encrusted mirror next to the desk, but otherwise was halfway alright at presenting it. after that, the cheap seats were flooded by thousands of eager followers, most only there for the book. so, the majority left when they learned they missed the plug and we were down to just me, robj, scratcher, simonk, seth, redink1, tal, and thepunisher. we all engaged with sabre's theories on cybernetics and how they might be used to create cloud castle 4 in the future.
at the end, we got exclusive footage of cloud castle 3 wherein sabre promptly exploded into jade fire and the stream ended.
You didn't. SabreTrout disappeared saying he would prepare dinner, then stream. He wasn't heard of since. So no stream, no info.
January 7th 2022, 02:57 PM


Has anyone ever heard anything from SabreTrout since his mystrious "dinner" on any of his online accounts (not just here on the dinknetwork)? Is he ok?
last i checked, he was still active on twitter. i made a snarky comment about streaming and he didn't respond.
This seemed to be his exit from the DN.
January 8th 2022, 06:04 AM


Thanks, just wanted to know if it is okay to make fun of him for chickening (or ducking?) out.
Sorry - I've been a touch busy with moving house and procreating. Will try to do this again soon...
Sorry - I've been a touch busy with moving house and procreating. Will try to do this again soon...
Wow, March?! Sorry everyone... I'll make it up to you!
i'm sure procreating is a typo of procrastinating.
No... *sigh*...
No. Children are quite time consuming. And food consuming.
No. Children are quite time consuming. And food consuming.
I was just curious how the lunch tasted?
The suspense was killing me.
I was just curious how the lunch tasted?
The suspense was killing me.
I have now reinstalled OBS and am trying to figure out how to get everything rolling nicely.
Silly game won't show up so far.
Silly game won't show up so far.
just don't go to make a sandwich or anything before starting, or we won't see you for several months again.
January 12th 2022, 10:08 AM


Ok, but don't get lost on the way to the kitchen again.
then here's what you do. buy a mini fridge and fill it with sandwich stuff. plug it into the wall directly next to your pc and if you start feeling the pull of the void again, reach over and carefully make something. we will be able to tell if something is going awry and can help you to not vanish.
January 12th 2022, 03:59 PM


That is a great idea. He is no longer allowed to have dinner unsupervised. We can keep an eye on him all the time.
I think the answer here is obvious. Just stream yourself having lunch. It seems to be all the rage these days. That way everyone can make sure nothing strange happens this time.
So long as we don't end up viewing any unplanned procreating instead of lunch. Tal's not around any more

the simplest solution is to not have kids.
i got some boys in dark places if you'd like to sell. *nudge*
March 23rd 2022, 03:30 AM


Just put this in my calendar for Monday morning and was wondering why there were comments about it already having happened. Turns out may 27 2021 was last year.
What's happening on Dink Smallwood day this year?
What's happening on Dink Smallwood day this year?
yeah it never happened.
and nothing's really happening on the board. all the cool and happening cats are pwning in the discord.
and nothing's really happening on the board. all the cool and happening cats are pwning in the discord.
I shouldn't be spreading wild gossip and rumours, but some are saying Sabre Trout is behind Vinesauce playing Dink on stream...
There was this big lunch meeting, and well, you know the rest
There was this big lunch meeting, and well, you know the rest
I can't believe you never heard of him. He's a very popular streamer over on Twitch you know.
still waiting for you to make it up to us
Who's going to bet that Sabre's stream won't happen this year?
Anyway, ebilV has a good point. You could stream too, Skurn.
Anyway, ebilV has a good point. You could stream too, Skurn.
i lack the specs for a good stream
Sounds like an excuse to me, surely you could run a 800x600 dink stream, maybe, possibly?... Do any platforms even support 800x600?
no, i've streamed it before. but robj's got a better setup and can think of things to say. sabre could probably come up with something to say in between his sudden deaths.
i'd just say nothing
i'd just say nothing
No Skurn, you need to stream. I'll come watch it and call you a faggot, if nothing else.
Woah scratcher, you can still do that in this day and age? Impressive power you wield there!
i am a faggot, though. i cannot deny.
I've got a window!
21st August work for anyone?
21st August work for anyone?
it depends on if it works for you. make sure to rid your place of any sandwich materials before the day comes.
"21st August work for anyone?"
What time?
What time?
How are the stream preparations going? Are the sandwiches clear?
"Are the sandwiches clear?"
I hope this is the case.
I hope this is the case.
It's the 21st. Don't leave us hanging again!
That was a cool stream but why did you play Charlie's Legacy instead of Cloud Castle? Also I thought your name was SabreTrout not CDudeGamer... well, whatever...
sabretrout is disappointment made manifest
how many months is it gonna take this time?
August 28th 2022, 05:38 AM


Hi Sabre, RedInk, and everybody else!
I tried to make an account, but no mail so far, and I read that RedInk's often busy elsewhere, so I guess the only way to make contact is to reply to some post.
Feel free to move the post if it's not in the right topic.
Username 'Binirit' was already taken (of course, since that's me, lol) but it's been like 18 years or so, and I don't have that e-mail address anymore.
Anyway, good to see that TDN is still alive and kicking.
I tried to make an account, but no mail so far, and I read that RedInk's often busy elsewhere, so I guess the only way to make contact is to reply to some post.

Username 'Binirit' was already taken (of course, since that's me, lol) but it's been like 18 years or so, and I don't have that e-mail address anymore.
Anyway, good to see that TDN is still alive and kicking.

We've pestered Redink on discord about it
Edit: BTW, what do you think about Trout's Stream? Think he'll ever escape those nasty sandwiches that keep getting in the way?

Edit: BTW, what do you think about Trout's Stream? Think he'll ever escape those nasty sandwiches that keep getting in the way?
@binirit. Try the forgot password trick after you create an account, it sends you an email and gets your account working apparently. Or so others have reported.
Oh yeah it's worth a shot. Although I remember people saying you might need to wait 24h before it works or something?
August 29th 2022, 04:45 PM


Lol, it'll eventually come trough, I guess.
No, I haven't seen anything here since I left. But I guess, knowing Sabre, he'll find a way.
No, I haven't seen anything here since I left. But I guess, knowing Sabre, he'll find a way.

August 29th 2022, 04:50 PM


@ebilV It has been 24 hours now, but still nothing in the mail from RedInk or TDN.
I see in my profile that my e-mail was; that was CompuServe, but it has been taken over by a company named AOL, so that e-mail doesn't even exist anymore, nor can I get it back, since it's now AOL ( I even tried, but nothing.
I see in my profile that my e-mail was; that was CompuServe, but it has been taken over by a company named AOL, so that e-mail doesn't even exist anymore, nor can I get it back, since it's now AOL ( I even tried, but nothing.
Click on the 'Account' tab.
Click on the 'Forgot Password' tab.
Enter the username you signed up with.
Click on the 'Forgot Password' tab.
Enter the username you signed up with.
August 29th 2022, 05:41 PM


Thanks, Robj, I found it.
Now let's wait and see if something will be deliverd in my mailbox...

I'm getting to it... I'm getting to it...
And... BINIRIT!?
And... BINIRIT!?
still here is really pushing it
I can't believe it's been over 2 weeks! Did I miss the stream?!

No, don't worry, it'll happen soon... any minute now... we're all here on tenterhooks waiting for Sabre to finish his lunch.
this is the biggest failure on the site, bar none.
Where are you SabreTrout? We need a Stream update!
Yes SabreTrout. I'm getting old and grey waiting for this.
Woah I can't believe I haven't checked in here since last year! What if I missed the upcoming stream?!
Sabretrout won't give me a bite of his Sandwich.

Gonna try for tonight. 7pm or so. If not, then tomorrow.
Ok, it seems to all be working...
See you at 7pm, world.
See you at 7pm, world.
Well, I very much enjoyed that.
Thanks for everyone who came!
Thanks for everyone who came!
I can't believe I slept through this momentous occasion. Where's the tigerr vod?!
Did it even really happen if there's no video evidence left?
Did it even really happen if there's no video evidence left?
What? I missed it? Nooooooooooooo
Nearly 4 years of waiting, sitting here refreshing the page every hour, biting my nails and praying, I take a break for a day or two and pow! Oh cruel world
Sabre you need to take shorter lunch breaks

Nearly 4 years of waiting, sitting here refreshing the page every hour, biting my nails and praying, I take a break for a day or two and pow! Oh cruel world
Sabre you need to take shorter lunch breaks

The VOD would need some editing, since mr Trout did show his desktop a bunch and I dunno if he had anything there he wouldn't want the whole world to see or not.
I mean, genuinely. Only did the first few dungeons of CC2 so could quite easily do another stream. Maybe Saturday night? Or next weekend?
That stream was cool. Though I became a bit tired near it's fourth quarter.
Would love to join but realistically I suspect I'd never manage unless it was late in the evening (after 9ish).
A recording of it would be nice
A recording of it would be nice

Some suggestions if you do another stream:
- maybe set up a scene in OBS where it only records the Dink.exe game so you don't have to stream your whole desktop
- since the game is 4:3 aspect ratio, you could move it a bit to the left and have the camera on the top right without it overlapping the game
- would be cool if you could use a plugin to display the chat on the video, for recording purposes, idk how that works though, Rob would probably be able to help you there
Some suggestions if you do another stream:
- maybe set up a scene in OBS where it only records the Dink.exe game so you don't have to stream your whole desktop
- since the game is 4:3 aspect ratio, you could move it a bit to the left and have the camera on the top right without it overlapping the game
- would be cool if you could use a plugin to display the chat on the video, for recording purposes, idk how that works though, Rob would probably be able to help you there