The Dink Network

Bunniemaster's Profile

2004-11-22 20:33:44
is it like this for everybody else

Bunniemaster has released 3 files

DinkabloD-Mod, UnfinishedTolerable 4.2August 7th, 1999
Dink Arena - GUID-Mod, RompGood 8.7June 8th, 1999
Mike the MagicianD-Mod, UnfinishedFair 5.3April 16th, 1999

Bunniemaster has written 2 reviews

Hmm For Some Reason I Never Downloaded Any of the Evil Hero D-Mods So I Passed This Dmod Up MayhemNormalGood 8.0May 12th, 2004
I Told My Self I Would Never Review a Dmod Dink Goes BoatingFeaturedExceptional 9.7February 12th, 2004