The Dink Network

wongo's Profile

Peasant He/Him United States
Theres a party in my tummy! 
I'm Billy.

Private Message

2010-10-15 13:45:26
Peasant He/Him United States
Theres a party in my tummy! 
"You said that she dishonour your religion and family? That's bullshoot. About religion, who are you to judge what pleases your god?
And if your family really loves her you shouldn't focus on the grades, maybe she's problems so that she can't learn as fast as others but insteed of getting support from her friends and family she was marked as "The black sheep" of the family?"

From what I understand about the Muslim religion, they /can/ actually kill the girl for that.

It's pretty serious.

wongo has released 1 file

Bodyless Dink BackgroundMiscellaneous, Fan WorkHorrible 1.5October 22nd, 2010

wongo has written 5 reviews

mutant avocado with arms and a face The Blonca (New Monster!)NormalExceptional 9.0February 5th, 2011
Not worth downloading. Victim of LifeNormalHorrible 0.5October 5th, 2010
Great Game! Agatha Smallwood's WillNormalExceptional 9.0September 12th, 2010
Wonderful game! World of DinkCNormalExceptional 9.8March 29th, 2010
It's an interesting idea, FallDinkNormalFair 6.0March 6th, 2010

wongo has taken 2 screenshots

Preview Dink SmallwoodOctober 26th, 2010
Preview Agatha Smallwood's WillSeptember 20th, 2010