JamesPerley's Profile
21 year old computer science student currently living in Canada. I love to play guitar have been for upwards of 5-6 years. I also like gaming online and meeting new peeps. Im not always able to do what I want to do because of school, but I try my best.
*It is not better to have loved and lost because she took all my stuff when she left.
*Only God Can Judge Me - Tupac Shakur
*Winning is not succeeding and dying is not
the end
*It is not better to have loved and lost because she took all my stuff when she left.
*Only God Can Judge Me - Tupac Shakur
*Winning is not succeeding and dying is not
the end
Private Message
: : OMG!! I am impressed . 1400 modified graphics!! That is amazing! Can't wait. Keep us informed.
: Colour wise, that is. But it still was a lot of work.
Hey Bin did you find that replacing the colors of
the dink graphics affected the dink pallete a lot
I had a lot of trouble with that when I was still
trying to make dmods all the time before I left the
community a few times. Hehehe I opened up a few of my old projects that were in the midst of development. Lo and behold I had one there with the updated autumn tiles(I haven't released them) Which has autumn tile changes for almost all the tiles now. Also some various graphics like trees and bushes. Lol before I digress further; I had trouble with the pallete flickering a lot and then just changing everything brown, I.E. dinks green pants became brown etc.. A way I figured out how pauls pallete tricked worked btw Was just wondering.
: Colour wise, that is. But it still was a lot of work.
Hey Bin did you find that replacing the colors of
the dink graphics affected the dink pallete a lot
I had a lot of trouble with that when I was still
trying to make dmods all the time before I left the
community a few times. Hehehe I opened up a few of my old projects that were in the midst of development. Lo and behold I had one there with the updated autumn tiles(I haven't released them) Which has autumn tile changes for almost all the tiles now. Also some various graphics like trees and bushes. Lol before I digress further; I had trouble with the pallete flickering a lot and then just changing everything brown, I.E. dinks green pants became brown etc.. A way I figured out how pauls pallete tricked worked btw Was just wondering.
JamesPerley has released 6 files
Title | Category | Avg | Updated |
Perilous Journey (A) | D-Mod, Unfinished | 4.3 | November 1st, 2002 |
Quest for the Golden Nut | D-Mod, Romp | 7.0 | September 13th, 2002 |
Castle of Lore | D-Mod, Quest | 5.8 | July 15th, 2000 |
374 Midis | Development, Music | 7.4 | April 1st, 2000 |
Boomerang | Development, Miscellaneous | 7.0 | March 28th, 1999 |
Autumn Tiles | Development, Graphics | 6.8 | January 1st, 1990 |
JamesPerley has written 3 reviews
Title | File | Type | Score | Date |
I had a Chance To Quickly Peruse Through All the New Trees | Trees | Normal | 9.3 | August 1st, 2003 |
I Guess it Would Be Good Form To Explain the History And Myself | Castle of Lore | Featured | 6.3 | March 3rd, 2003 |
I had a Chance To Take a Look At the New House Files And Must Say I Was Unimpressed | House Tiles | Normal | 3.5 | January 26th, 2003 |