The Dink Network

Endy's Profile

2008-03-30 08:51:45
Peasant He/Him United States
Found that the arm procedure doesn't seem to work like normal when they're being armed outside of the normal ranges. Any of the normal actions for arming have to be handled by the script you're using to arm it.

Got a spell as item script working properly(re-arms itself as a magical item once armed).

I'll probably just release a dev file at some point, so everyone can see what all I'm talking about.

Endy has released 10 files

Woods (The)D-Mod, RompGood 7.2October 9th, 2014
DualityDevelopmentGood 8.5October 20th, 2008
King and CompanyDevelopment, GraphicsGood 7.1August 12th, 2008
Hide-n-SeekD-Mod, RompTolerable 3.7March 28th, 2008
PushDevelopmentGood 7.7January 5th, 2008
ClockDevelopment, MiscellaneousGood 7.0December 7th, 2007
SpellsDevelopmentExceptional 9.0December 7th, 2007
WeatherDevelopment, GraphicsExceptional 9.1June 21st, 2007
Crystal of the GuD-Mod, RompGood 8.0March 27th, 2007
Goblin FunDevelopmentGood 8.5February 12th, 2007

Endy has written 4 reviews

Fifo FIFO & Variables in DinkCNormalExceptional 9.0February 19th, 2008
Marco Marco PoloNormalGood 7.5July 28th, 2007
Colors Dink ColorsNormalGood 8.0March 27th, 2007
Dark Dink Dark DinkNormalExceptional 9.0March 16th, 2007