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Reply to New Files: Pilgrims Quest Redux and Martridge Launcher

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May 6th, 08:27 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
New files, new files everywhere, I'm drowning in new files!

First up: Prilgrims Quest Redux
Simon Klaebe strikes again! This time releasing Pilgrims Quest Redux. This one also comes with a launch trailer to get you excited to dive right in. First the Stone of Balance Redux and now this? Let's hope this is a 3 course meal because my Necromancer taste bugs are tingling..

Simon has conveniently made a post right here with a nice summary of the various changes, ultimately encouraging my laziness of half-baked news posts.

Second: Martridge Launcher
Drone1400 also enters the arena with the Martridge Launcher. according to a reliable source this is a brand new super secret weapon that launches tiny wizards at people, sweet, sweet dangerous little Martridge projectiles that destroy all your previous Dink Smallwood/Dmod front ends and sprinkles convenience all over your PC, automagically installing various versions of the Dink Smallwood engine for you, allowing you to browse Dmods and download them directly, and many other cool things that will surely make your dinking life a whole lot easier.