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Reply to Pollocracy twelve: Obnoxious flatulence

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September 19th 2012, 11:21 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
Another 8 Polls gone by, another Pollocracy to celebrate. While we all anxiously await the results of the Smallwood Throwback Contest (I heard some bribes have not been paid on time) I present to you another edition of Pollocracy!

That should keep the proletariat happy for a few more weeks...

See the comments for the full article.

Like most of you are used to by now Pollocracy posts three comments made about the past eight polls for all to enjoy. Commenting really is at your own risk... My own comments are included [between square brackets].

Poll 211: Excitement is overrated

3) Excitement sucks. Bananas are all the rage.
2) Apathy is a lifestyle, not death, my very young apprentice.
1) This pollmaker is too apathetic to make decent polls.

[Not apathetic, just lethargic]

Poll 212: Have you checked out the FreeDink project?

3) i use freedink ALOT, Usually in conjuntion with a sock. i mean i use it mostly at night alone in my bedroom cuz.... wait... we ARE talking about the same thing..... right?
2) It didn't have enough naked goblins.
1) Kind of lost at first how to wield the sack of pig feed.

[I love freeing my Dink, I just don't think that's the point of this poll...]

Poll 213: Do you have a soda machine in your basement?

3) I have a basement in my soda machine.
2) Our collective basement has broken toilet pipes which empty their contents on the floor. Yaay!
1) I have a coffee machine with a sticker attatched, which is labled "Soda". Does that count?

[This is a question I've had for 6 years. Now we can conclusively say that Staffers are Not lazy people with soda machines in their basements.]

[I just don't want to know what they do have in their basements...]

Poll 214: What is the color of your eyes?

3) Why is red not an option? What do you expect us vampires to select? For this reason, I will pick the colour black. Because that is the colour of my heart.
2) My eyes change color, but I chose brown out of simplicity.
1) As green as the face of whoever took seth $5 dollar offer to eat the mystery object pap found in the office.

[No red eyes is a problem? If only people knew who makes the polls...]

[Oh, wait... Yellow is missing too.]

Poll 215: Best use for a knife

3) Threatening stores in giving me all their cheese
2) Carving oatmeal sculptures with extreme prejudice.
1) Knives are useful. Knives are fun. I like knives. I have quite a few actually... several in the cupboard, one in my pocket, one in my wallet, and one in my chest. Wait what?! Aaargh

[If you really like red eyes I can think of one more use...]

Poll 216: Did you try Historical Hero 2 already?

3) I need to play HH1 first. But, only after playing Necromancer. It'll release tomorrow so, hey, maybe I should vote yes later?
2) Procrastination is the Dinker Way
1) I played it once, and was struck by such an unbridled explosion of creative fury, that I had to immediately quit and set to work plagiarizing it for my own commercial uses.

"That crappy game? Bah! Never!!" -- Skull

Poll 217: Favorite direction?

3) Onward to the darklands!
2) I like north, it looks the most northy
1) Its actually none of these, my favourite direction is the one the government is keeping secret.

[Being a proud member of the Flat Earth Society I believe all directions are equally dangerous]

Poll 218: What do you think of 'Let's Play's?

3) is that some music band?
2) Only 256 characters allowed? Really?! What is this, Twitter?
1) I want DSPT's babies!

[People watching LPs are voyeurs: They love to watch other people doing their thing.]

Hope you enjoyed this Pollocracy. And don't forget to post your comments on the polls!