The Dink Network

New Dev File: Bow Plus

May 27th, 10:22 AM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Rabidwolf9 has emerged out of the shadows, bringing with him a nifty development file: Bow Plus.

Do you despise the workings of the original bow?
Do you find it annoying and a suffering of the soul to use?

This file improves that and gives you a running choice on how to use your bow.

Want to spam arrows? You can do that.
Want to use it like the regular old bow? Sure, it does that too.
Or time the shot to release on the correct frame when the spark is visible and do a powerful shot that pierces through enemies!

Although the changes made to the bow functionality are subtle, it already feels a lot more use-able in a Dmod, and the timing requirement for the power shot adds an actual degree of "skill" to the bow. Instead of it being random, you get rewarded for timing it correctly.

Comes with a small play-able Dmod to showcase it. Go check it out!

May 27th, 10:30 AM
Peasant He/Him United States 
I'm working on v1.01 to fix the damage formula I butchered while working on this at midnight.
Power shot will be determined by Dink's frame and visual tweaks will be made to effects.

Feedback is appreciated. I may do tweaks to various other weapons in the future.
May 27th, 05:46 PM
It seems to having issues installing for me. It just hangs as soon as I click install. Anyone else have this issue?
May 27th, 06:25 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
"It seems to having issues installing for me. It just hangs as soon as I click install. Anyone else have this issue?"

I was able to install, but are you installing on DinkHD on mobile by any chance?

If so, if Rabidwolf packed this with an earlier version of Martridge, (current version on DN is, Then that is probably the issue, IoS uses an old version of DinkHD that has trouble unpacking the .tar format used in older versions of Martridge (it's fine on newer versions of DinkHD but IoS doesnt use that).

If that's the issues, Rabidwolf9 just needs to repack in the latest version of Martridge and re-upload it.

IF that's the issue. I'm only guessing.
May 27th, 08:57 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Just tried it on the web player, all good.

Shame the circle shadow was still there, I always found that weird and a bit of a case of "ah who needs to fix that, it kinda works..." in the original bow and arrow version.

To get it on my iPad I had to copy the URL from the web page, as it is a development file so didn't pop up in the browse list option that I could see.

While it downloaded and started the DMOD, the main game controls were missing for some reason. I could access the quick menu via the pause icon on top left, but that was it. Pressing the bow weapon icon did nothing, no movement controls visible, no inventory control visible. Jumped back into PQ and all of those were there on the iPad.
May 27th, 10:36 PM
Peasant He/Him United States 
Not sure how I managed to break the game. Maybe it doesn't like my start script. Hopefully in the next version will be okay? Was packaged with Martridge

I didn't mess with the shadows for simplicity sake. It's easy enough to add in though.
May 28th, 06:03 AM
Nah, I actually still use DFArc. It's entirely possible that that's the reason it's not working, but it's continued to work for all the other releases that have come out recently.
May 29th, 12:20 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
It extracted and ran fine for me and I even tried out the sack of feed. Only problem I had was that I somehow was able to walk onto the lake at one point. That is all.
May 29th, 04:47 AM
It seems to having issues installing for me. It just hangs as soon as I click install. Anyone else have this issue?

Happened to me too using DFArc v2, because I seem to still have that associated with .dmod files rather than the newer DFArc v3. (Which extracts it correctly. Opening the archive with 7-zip and manually extracting it works too.) Funkily enough, it seems to hang because it starts creating an infinitely large Dink.dat. I let the installer do its thing for a while and got one up to 1GB.
May 29th, 02:18 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Use Martridge
May 30th, 10:39 PM
Thanks. Manually extracting did the trick.

I like it. Getting used to the power shot timing had a short learning curve, but now I can do it pretty consistently. I'd probably change the spark to be the yellow twinkle, but beyond that I think this is a solid revamp of the bow.
June 4th, 02:28 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Apologies for off-topic, as this is more about missiles in general, but in this screenshot blue/red are dink.ini box/dot, and orange rectangles are expanded missile hitboxes. The arrow above the flattened barrel near the mouse cursor was newly in flight when this was taken, and as may be seen, it did not have a box/dot except for on its shadow below the barrel. The shot ended up hitting the bug despite visually passing above it suggesting that missile collision is determined by shadow box intersecting with sprite hitbox rather than the box of the missile itself doing it.

Have I been lied to my entire life about missile collision?
June 4th, 02:53 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
I think the depth dot of arrows and various other missile throwing sprites is beneath the bounds of the original graphic, but maybe you've already accounted for this.

Arrow from SOB in Q edit mode This was based on the original arrow ini lines, I shifted them to another graphics slot in SOB, when making the more arrow like shadows instead of using the generic circle.
June 4th, 12:02 PM
Peasant He/Him United States bloop rumble
2nd generation. No easy way to be free. 
@ SimonK:
I did not think it was necessary for people to log into google drive in order to view/download a file made visible/available to all. Did this change recently?

I thought that when I made things available on my google drive to fellow dinkers, all they had to do was click on the link. Was I wrong?
June 4th, 07:59 PM
Peasant He/Him Australia
My bad, I thought I had reset permissions to available to everyone, should work now.
June 9th, 10:55 PM
Peasant He/Him United States
Takes an idiot to make an idiot 
I hate how much I LOVE this concept and would love to have used it before I had to wipe my entire drive to save it ;-;
June 14th, 06:05 PM
Jester He/Him Australia
You feed the madness, and it feeds on you. 
Version 1.01 is now available!