The Dink Network

Bugs in the game

The Black Skull

November 2nd 2016, 07:24 PM
Peasant He/Him Poland
Every time I examine the sign near Dink's pub or talk to the wizard for the first time the game stops responding; the animation is still going, but I cannot do anything else than force-shut the program. I tried to play on DFArc 2 and 3 with the same result. Operating system: Windows 8.1. Since the talk with the wizard is needed, I cannot proceed with the game.
November 3rd 2016, 02:16 AM
Ahh, the freeze bug, the most classic bug. =)

Does it always happen with the wizard, or only in certain conversation options? I think I got further in the game than that, although it's possible I used the console to do it. (In FreeDink, you can hit Alt+C to open the command console, then type unfreeze(1) to give control back to Dink)
November 3rd 2016, 04:03 AM
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
what the hell, you can do that?

that's one thing freedink does right.
November 3rd 2016, 07:37 AM
Peasant He/Him Poland
So far I encountered this problem 2 times: when examining the sign near Dink's pub and while talking to wizard for the first time, happens every time. Yesterday I downloaded a package from this site:, there was the DFarc3 program there, but alt+C is not working in it. Is there any other FreeDink program?
November 4th 2016, 01:04 PM
This is the latest version I could find, although I think the console shortcut's been a feature in Freedink for a while.

Make sure you're actually launching Dink with Freedink, ie. in DFArc, go to Edit->Options and check that the 'game program name' field says freedink.exe instead of dink.exe.

Pressing LeftAlt+C in the game should make a number with a white background appear in the bottom-left corner, after which you can type in DinkC commands (like unfreeze(1)).

that's one thing freedink does right.

One of many, am I right?

Place your trust in Fred, be satisfactured!
November 4th 2016, 10:07 PM
Peasant He/Him Poland
I am currently using the 1.08.4 version of Freedink, I couldn't make that file that you wrote me about work, not sure if it isn't the Windows 8.1 issue... When I was here last time and I was playing lots of dmods on my previous computer with XP everything was always all right...

The left alt + c is not working for me, I can only open the debug mode by using alt + d, but it doesn't help.