The Dink Network

Who else hates trolling thru sticky's? VOTING open LOL

September 14th 2009, 02:30 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
Those danged sticky gooey bits that stay at the top of the page could make new people think nothing new ever happens here cause to get to the recent stuff you have to scroll half way down the page....
I vote sticky gets its own tab so we don't have to see it every time we log in... thoughts/votes??
September 14th 2009, 03:39 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Unless you're mostly blind you'll probably notice the prefix "Sticky:" next to stuck posts. That's how a message board works. They stay at the top.
Also, if you have to scroll halfway down the page, you might want to change your resolution from 640X480 to something a bit larger.
September 14th 2009, 03:58 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Let me heat that up for you... 
LOL you have to scroll halfway down the page to see other threads? And I thought 1280x1024 was close to average...
September 14th 2009, 04:34 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
I don't actually have to scroll down at all to see the first "non-sticky" thread.
September 14th 2009, 04:38 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
My screen has a resolution of 1024 x 768, which is the maximum for my screen. And I have to scroll down to see if there are any new threads, I can't see that without scrolling. A minor annoyance if you just want to check if there are any new posts.

So, I'd really like to see less stickeys, there are just to many of them.
September 14th 2009, 06:55 AM
Peasant He/Him United States
The site's resident Therian (Dire Wolf, Dragon) 
The stickies don't bother me, but thy're not all that pretty to look at all together, I say we get rid of the irrelevant stuff!
September 14th 2009, 07:06 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
<-- mostly blind!! LoL
September 14th 2009, 09:53 AM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
I agree that there are too many stickies. I think the following threads can lose their sticky status and no-one would care much:

- bugs introduced by v1.08 and some stuff that probably should be in the help file: it's a good thread, but I see no reason it should be sticky.

- Dink Smallwood v1.08 - D-Mod Compatibility (Part 2): What Yeoldetoast said.

- The Dink Network IRC Chatroom: Everybody is using the "Chat" tab at the top of the site anyway.

- G9 Wishlist (again): Redink1 isn't going to change the site much anymore. There are some good suggestions in the thread, but they will never be implemented.

That's 4 down. The rest is still relevant I think. Alas, I don't have the power to sticky or unsticky threads. I hope a board moderator checks out this thread.
September 14th 2009, 09:53 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
IN that case, I think we should get rid of, "The upcoming Dmod list" as most of them aren't going to be released ever anyway due to authors being lazy or forgetting.

The "Compat issues with 1.08" list, as it doesn't really help anyone rectify those problems listed. 1.08 has been out long enough, and if they need to, they can use FreeDink in 1.07 mode meaning that such a thread is meaningless as long as people are advised to use FreeDink if they encounter issues in older dmods.

The "IRC chatroom guide". If you need to read it, then you should probably be using the Java applet on the chat tab up the top. Most people who would like to use IRC already know how to, and they should seek such knowledge elsewhere if they don't, as it doesn't relate to Dink. It's also heavily geared to Windows users, and largely excludes any other operating system's user making it unhelpful. If it included ChatZilla for Firefox (the easiest option) and maybe command line clients in OS X and Linux it would be better.

The rest are fine, and very useful. Redink probably won't implement any of those changes in the wish list, but if you wish upon a star...

I can understand someone wanting PSP Dink unstuck, but it's an excellent portable Dink to play on the go. If someone was to make a new thread entitled "Playing Dink on other Operating Systems and Game Consoles" with a link to and other downloads, that would kill 2 birds and mean another sticky thread gone.
September 14th 2009, 09:54 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
Lol hivemind!
September 14th 2009, 10:00 AM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
I agree with you that the 1.08 incompatibility thread is also pretty useless now.

But hey, I'm updating the Upcoming D-Mods list almost daily, and almost every D-Mod released this year was on that list. It's also a nice tool for people to check out which D-Mods are coming and when.

While it's true that many "TBA" D-Mods probably won't be released, I keep removing D-Mods those that I'm pretty sure of will never be released.
September 14th 2009, 10:33 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
I agree with Christiaan's list. I also agree with yeoldetoast that I would like to see the PSP and linux threads combined. And probably see a mention of freedink on the download page for the main game as well, so we don't underestimate the importance of freedink.

Furthermore the 'where do dinkers come from' thread can be unstickeyed. I don't think it's relevant enough to warrant a sticky, especially with the little flag symbols we now have.

Maybe we can have an 'interesting links' thread stickied for people feeling sentimental about these threads.
September 14th 2009, 10:57 AM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
The "interesting links" idea is pretty good!

We can put the:
- Bugs introduced by 1.08
- 1.08 incompatibilty
- IRC Chat
- G9 Wishlist
- Where do dinkers come from

all in one nice thread.
September 14th 2009, 11:05 AM
Peasant He/Him Norway
GlennGlenn doesn't want a custom title. 
That idea was stolen from me. I came up with that in a long time ago, I has proof and logs Even Tal can verify it, no one does this to me grrrrrr
September 14th 2009, 11:10 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
Ha, good luck on stopping Christiaan and Metatarasal. The only two Dinkers who have had "the operation"...
September 14th 2009, 11:29 AM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
We'll try to include a nifty "Glenn is awesome" somewhere in there, then.
September 14th 2009, 11:42 AM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
no one does this to me grrrrrr

I am no one?

September 15th 2009, 04:59 AM
Peasant He/Him Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
Let us save our effort and just lie down and die. 
Hmm. I just blur out from the stickies and everything else until BAM!! I see the word "new!"
September 15th 2009, 05:03 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Let me heat that up for you... 
I focus on the topics that have blue links, indicating to me that I havn't read them
September 15th 2009, 07:38 AM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
Focusing on topics with Blue links is all well and good, but you do have to admit there's too many Sticky threads.
September 15th 2009, 08:32 AM
Bard They/Them Netherlands
Lazy bum 
Who here has board moderating capabilities? Tal, Redink1, Striker, SabreTrout and Sparrowhawk? I'd like to make that "Interesting links" thread happen, but I need a board moderator to close the thread and make it sticky
September 15th 2009, 01:07 PM
Peasant He/Him Austria
"Hmm. I just blur out from the stickies and everything else until BAM!! I see the word "new!""

Totally, same here. Though I'd have to agree we have too many stickies, and some of them don't seem to be much needed. For example, the IRC chat one, when we already have a big "Chat" button up there? As well as the "Where do Dinkers come from?" thread.

I don't think the PSP Dink thread should be merged with the Linux one, though. I would never imagine that someone would be able to port Dink to a PSP, so it's good that it's something that is clearly shown.
September 15th 2009, 04:30 PM
Bard He/Him Netherlands
I object 
You don't need to close the thread with the interesting links. I would like to see Dinkers add new ones. (Though it might grow a bit to large...)
September 15th 2009, 08:10 PM
"Who here has board moderating capabilities?"
Also Scratcher according to this.

Anyway, make that thread and I'll gladly destickify everything, and we can vote again on whether it should be closed or not
September 15th 2009, 10:05 PM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
YAY someone is gunna kill some sticky bits!! Ohhhhhhh the power of suggestion is alive and working well Tee hee hee (or was that Tree hee hee LOL)
September 15th 2009, 10:43 PM
Peasant They/Them Australia
...I would never imagine that someone would be able to port Dink to a PSP...

FAIL. It's already been done.
September 15th 2009, 11:56 PM
Peasant He/Him Austria
Yeah, but that was my point. It should remain as it is, the PSP thread should be kept clearly visible.
September 16th 2009, 06:42 AM
Peasant He/Him New Zealand rumble
"Skinny Legend" 
Focus - The idea of boxing all Sticky threads into a new area has its merrits. It's like how the News topics have their own News section, but also appear on the Forum board itself.

Now, there's an idea...
September 16th 2009, 07:48 AM
Peasant They/Them Australia
The point of stuck threads is that they will get read and be noticed. Putting important posts like that in a new area is like putting an arcade machine in the basement. Nobody but you will know where it is, and only you will get to play it.
September 16th 2009, 07:55 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
But what is important to some is not to others... stickies need their own tab - then we get to decide if we wanna read em or not - day after day after day after day after dayyyyyyyyyyyy

sticking (lol) to my point - tis painful to troll thru them every time I log on so I personally find them beep annoying cause if I want info I will go look for it
September 16th 2009, 08:02 AM
Peasant He/Him Australia
Let me heat that up for you... 
I think that getting rid of some is a good idea but they don't bother me too much.
September 16th 2009, 08:22 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
Ohhh JOY sumbodies wiped the sticky stuff off - its only 1/2 a screen now instead of many scrolls Ohh joy oh Joy
Curtsies and grins wildly in appreciation )
September 16th 2009, 08:35 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
I think the only thing we need to do to stickies is to remove some of them.
September 16th 2009, 09:17 AM
"like putting an arcade machine in the basement. Nobody but you will know where it is, and only you will get to play it."

Sounds good to me.
September 16th 2009, 09:20 AM
I agree, I talked about this with Glenn on IRC a while ago and I really don't like the whole "Informative Threads" idea. If it's not important enough to be on the front page, might as well remove it altogether.

bugs introduced by v1.08 and some stuff that probably should be in the help file

Dink Smallwood v1.08 - D-Mod Compatibility (Part 2)

G9 Wishlist (again)

Where Do Dinkers Come From? ULTIMATE EDITION

are all threads that should just be scrapped outright. How To Start Creating D-Mods isn't terribly helpful either, and mostly seems to get neglected. The IRC Chatroom thread is one of the more useful stickies in my opinion, though. I would go into more detail why I think so but I'm already spending too long writing this post when I SHOULD be doing something else.

I'm not sure it's really necessary to keep any of the stickies locked as several of them are now, either. Irrelevant messages are simple to just delete.
September 16th 2009, 09:27 AM
Agree with most of that but I think the "bugs introduced etc etc" is pretty useful.
Also the how to start creating D-Mods one, if people ask in the forum they only get told the same stuff and I'm sure there are some people who've looked there first
September 16th 2009, 09:32 AM
Peasant He/Him Finland bloop
A Disembodied Sod 
And we can always give them the link to the "How to start creating D-Mods" site, instead of explaining it ourself... lazy lazy.
September 17th 2009, 12:12 AM
Peasant She/Her New Zealand
Tag - Umm.. tag, you're it? 
You two are LEGEND
Awesome idea