The Dink Network

Xanthos's Profile

Peasant He/Him
I'm 18 and live in Southern California. Been in the Dink community since the beginning... yes, yes, the beginning, bought a disc on the second burn. Been loving coming around every few months for a month to see how its going, getting bored but always coming back (you know how it is). I'm working on a dmod just like everyone and hopefully it'll get released one day.

Private Message
YIM zenxao

2007-11-12 22:24:21
Peasant He/Him
Obviously DinkDude95 lacks the mental prowess required by someone who can talk about the person above them, instead of insulting the basis of the application in which he is already participating.

Xanthos has released 1 file

Saga (The): Episode 1D-Mod, RompFair 5.4March 26th, 2000

Xanthos has written 12 reviews

Summary: OutlanderNormalGood 7.0October 13th, 2006
Very Enjoyable Quest Once in a LifetimeNormalGood 8.8October 3rd, 2005
I Would Say Better Than Legend of the Pillbug Impossible ScenariosNormalGood 7.0February 12th, 2005
Dismal 6 Screens Goblin CastleNormalHorrible 0.1February 12th, 2005
I'll Give it a 7 Ants (The)NormalGood 7.0August 11th, 2004
There is Nothing That Makes This Frontend Extremely Bad Or Extremely Good Ultra Sleek FrontendNormalGood 8.0August 11th, 2004
Jarvis the Knight has To Free the Land From Peril Knight's Tale (A)NormalExceptional 9.0August 8th, 2003
Story And Plot: Jarvis is Called Upon Again To Save a Beautiful Princess in the Ancient Ea... Knight's Tale 2 (A)NormalExceptional 9.5August 8th, 2003
Story And Plot: Non-Existant FighterzNormalGood 7.5August 8th, 2003
My First Review: Dink BlackwoodNormalGood 8.5August 4th, 2003
Plot And Storyline: the Black Knight (You) Mus Tput Down a Revolt That Rebels Started MayhemNormalExceptional 9.5August 4th, 2003
Plot And Storyline: Dink Goes on a Quest To Attract Girls By Eating a Mushroom Search for the Green Mushroom (The)NormalFair 6.5August 4th, 2003