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Skurn's Profile

Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
hi i'm spook and i'm a total piece of shit.

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YIM your imbecile, mandark
AIM ample interrogation mannerisms
MSN mortified snake necromancer

2015-12-06 17:45:34
Peasant He/Him Equatorial Guinea duck bloop
can't flim flam the glim glam 
Bernie because he's a good man, and he doesn't accept money from big companies. In fact, recently a pharmaceutical company paid him the maximum allowed amount (which is low, because he doesn't have a super PAC) and asked for a meeting with him. Bernie refused the meeting and donated the money to a good cause. It's not that they don't want to buy him off. It's that he doesn't accept the money.

I hope to duck he appeared on camera and said exactly what company tried to buy him. That's the kind of leaders we need - ones who aren't afraid expose shitty entities such as pharmaceutical ones. Especially pharma. Seriously, duck them all.

Trump is so rich he doesn't need the money. I think he's accepting money from some people, but they know and he knows that he doesn't need them. So he can just do whatever he wants anyway. Now if he wants good things, that may be very good. But nobody knows what he really thinks, and I wouldn't take the risk.

What I've learned from politicians and corporations is that they can never have enough money. Maybe Trump isn't like that, but I dunno.

In short: you must fix the source of the problem (legalized corruption in politics) before worrying about everything caused by it (homelessness, endless wars, income inequality, obesity, climate change, health care costs, ...)

Yes, the very same will do everything they can to undo such things, but fixing absolute corporatism and greed that we have over here is way out of my league. Not enough people are aware of it and I'm a horrible leader. I can't even convince someone that Comcast is trying to ruin the internet and that we should probably downgrade. It's always been like that - I say something, nobody believes me, then after all the damage has been done, suddenly "Oh, you were right. Sorry." So duck that, you can believe donations. I'll just help people directly while someone else fixes the country.

Skurn has released 12 files

A DmodD-Mod, RompTolerable 3.1March 6th, 2021
Dink Hotel (The)D-Mod, RompGood 7.1April 2nd, 2019
Jesus IslandD-Mod, UnfinishedTolerable 3.0July 1st, 2018
Triple TroubleD-Mod, UnfinishedN/AMarch 12th, 2018
Fishy dot dmodD-Mod, MiscellaneousFair 6.5May 14th, 2016
Sour Gummy WormsD-Mod, RompFair 5.3July 17th, 2015
Dinkallina SmallballerinaFan WorkN/AJune 15th, 2015
Lord Grapron and Dank Smellgore's Final FightFan WorkN/AJune 4th, 2015
Long DMOD NameD-Mod, UnfinishedFair 6.0March 31st, 2015
Dink and the ChinsD-Mod, RompFair 6.7January 26th, 2015
Pokemon: Bible VersionD-Mod, RompHorrible 0.7January 24th, 2015
Dink PictureFan WorkN/ANovember 11th, 2014

Skurn has written 2 reviews

Overrated as heeeeellll Historical HeroNormalTolerable 3.0March 19th, 2015
At first, I thought this was worse than number 1 Historical Hero II: ArmageddonNormalFair 6.0March 19th, 2015