Happy Sunshine Land 2 (Now w/ Teaser)
Last updated: August 25, 2012
I don't want to release too much information at this point, but I will update this post when I feel it is safe to do so.
What I will say:
Happy Sunshine Land 2 IS in production, and won't just be another four screen D-Mod. It will be a large Quest - Epic, and will have many new features (some already implemented) and a large story. I will be working on my mapping skills a lot more, as mapping was my biggest regret from The Quest for not Quite as Lame.
Example: pretty stuff as opposed to tqfnqal's big grey square.
<Note:> The first screenshot actually is in the game, it's not just a demonstration screen or something >_>
I actually have done quite a bit of work on it, with the introduction area being done and the next area about halfway done. I waited to make a thread due to e v e rything I hype dying. However, the GOOD ideas from all those projects will find a place in Happy Sunshine Land 2.
<Note2:> Wow. Looking back at those threads, I was a newb.
So, in a nutshell: Spend the next year or so preparing for a thrill ride of wonder and joy. And no matter how long it takes, this IS going to be released, whether you guys like it or not.
YouTube Teaser
New Spell
Pretty waterfall. (Also above)
Winter Wonderland
NEW:Example of my tweaks to IPD's armor system.
NEW:Dink's first trip to the main city's barracks
New Features
*Already implemented achievements.
*New spells and items.
*Side quests (to put it in perspective how much fun I have making side quests, you get one from a savebot).
*Developer Commentary. Pressing a button will toggle the ability to see chests that, when hit, show some (possibly) neat facts about the area/whatever.
*Modified Escape menu with more options, like changing your companion's text color and toggling MIDI loop.
*More will be listed when I am sure I won't ditch them.
*NEW: Making changes to IPD's Armor Demonstration. Dink isn't gonna be naked no mo'.
*NEW: Perks: Every other level up, you may choose a perk from a large pool divided into four categories: Offense, Defense, Companion, and Misc. A few examples include "Leech: Slaying a foe restores 10% of your life", "Scout: Enemies display healthbars above their heads", and "Spell Caster - You have a 25% chance to retain your magic charge after casting a spell".
Fun Facts
Current number of scripts: 273, including Start, Main, etc.
Current number of screens: Approximately 231, fully detailed plus a few mostly detailed screens that just need a bit more work.
Amount of time spent developing while consuming dairy products: 3.28%
Number of scripts attached to keyboard keys: 4
Current number of Perks: 17
I don't want to release too much information at this point, but I will update this post when I feel it is safe to do so.
What I will say:
Happy Sunshine Land 2 IS in production, and won't just be another four screen D-Mod. It will be a large Quest - Epic, and will have many new features (some already implemented) and a large story. I will be working on my mapping skills a lot more, as mapping was my biggest regret from The Quest for not Quite as Lame.
Example: pretty stuff as opposed to tqfnqal's big grey square.
<Note:> The first screenshot actually is in the game, it's not just a demonstration screen or something >_>
I actually have done quite a bit of work on it, with the introduction area being done and the next area about halfway done. I waited to make a thread due to e v e rything I hype dying. However, the GOOD ideas from all those projects will find a place in Happy Sunshine Land 2.
<Note2:> Wow. Looking back at those threads, I was a newb.
So, in a nutshell: Spend the next year or so preparing for a thrill ride of wonder and joy. And no matter how long it takes, this IS going to be released, whether you guys like it or not.
YouTube Teaser
New Spell
Pretty waterfall. (Also above)
Winter Wonderland
NEW:Example of my tweaks to IPD's armor system.
NEW:Dink's first trip to the main city's barracks
New Features
*Already implemented achievements.
*New spells and items.
*Side quests (to put it in perspective how much fun I have making side quests, you get one from a savebot).
*Developer Commentary. Pressing a button will toggle the ability to see chests that, when hit, show some (possibly) neat facts about the area/whatever.
*Modified Escape menu with more options, like changing your companion's text color and toggling MIDI loop.
*More will be listed when I am sure I won't ditch them.
*NEW: Making changes to IPD's Armor Demonstration. Dink isn't gonna be naked no mo'.
*NEW: Perks: Every other level up, you may choose a perk from a large pool divided into four categories: Offense, Defense, Companion, and Misc. A few examples include "Leech: Slaying a foe restores 10% of your life", "Scout: Enemies display healthbars above their heads", and "Spell Caster - You have a 25% chance to retain your magic charge after casting a spell".
Fun Facts
Current number of scripts: 273, including Start, Main, etc.
Current number of screens: Approximately 231, fully detailed plus a few mostly detailed screens that just need a bit more work.
Amount of time spent developing while consuming dairy products: 3.28%
Number of scripts attached to keyboard keys: 4
Current number of Perks: 17
I love you pillbug.
On second thoughts, its lost the character and innocence of the original game.
I love you pillbug.
On second thoughts, its lost the character and innocence of the original game.
You keep mentioning that, but I don't really see
1) exactly what you're saying
2) how not being HS1 is a bad thing
1) exactly what you're saying
2) how not being HS1 is a bad thing
The HS1 was cute and cheerful, and this one looks like just any other dmod.
And if it ought to be a sequel, it ought have the character of the original, aint it?
And if it ought to be a sequel, it ought have the character of the original, aint it?
Agreed. Totally. The first one was a happy D-Mod and this looks like another one of those D-Mods with long, pointless stories.
For the love of...
Please ignore DD and Godley. The new screenshot is very good.
Please ignore DD and Godley. The new screenshot is very good.
For the love of...
Please ignore Sabre and Trout. The new screenshot is very characterless.
Please ignore Sabre and Trout. The new screenshot is very characterless.
No wonder this community is in bad shape, what with people like Godley discouraging developers from actually improving their work.
The mind boggles. BOGGLES.
The mind boggles. BOGGLES.
Who is discouraging him to release his D-Mod.
All I say is dont use the name Happy Sunshine Land for something very un-Happy Sunshine Land like.
All I say is dont use the name Happy Sunshine Land for something very un-Happy Sunshine Land like.
You were really rude in the chat today, you know?
This community is messed up.
And I also meant about the un-Happy Sunshininess.
The mind clears. CLEARS.
Why are 90% of the people here so annoying?
This community is messed up.
And I also meant about the un-Happy Sunshininess.
The mind clears. CLEARS.
Why are 90% of the people here so annoying?
Why are 90% of the people here so annoying?
Thats because the remaining 10% dont write.
Thats because the remaining 10% dont write.
Some of them are OK, even the ones I diddn't like at the start and might even fought with *wink*.
By the way, you DO know what a tag line is.
By the way, you DO know what a tag line is.
Dear me, you two make up 90 % of the networks comments!
HSL1 had a unique look, which Godley and DD take to be a graphic style that has its own merits, whereas pillbug and SabreTrout take it to be a sign of immaturity, something to be improved. I somewhat agree with Godley and DD. Even if you made the game that way because at the time you couldn't do any better, pillbug, it worked, and maybe it's a style worth using on purpose, maybe for a future game. Godley suggested not making this one a sequel if it's going to look so different. I wouldn't dismiss that idea out of hand, but you know the game and your intentions best.
I disagree with Godley and DD that the screenshot looks characterless and like the game will have a long, pointless story. I like the screenshot--it's colorful--and you can't tell what the whole story's going to be like from one image.
I disagree with Godley and DD that the screenshot looks characterless and like the game will have a long, pointless story. I like the screenshot--it's colorful--and you can't tell what the whole story's going to be like from one image.
Dear me, you two make up 90 % of the networks comments!
Thank you
Thank you
Dinkulum is right, if it's nothing like the first game, why make it a sequel? But then again there is no way for us to know that, maybe characters or story is shared?
Screenshot looks awesome anyways, keep up the good work! I'd like to see this released!'
Screenshot looks awesome anyways, keep up the good work! I'd like to see this released!'
No, you said it was pointless. But you are right, dmods with long and pointless stories are bad. They all should be more likeYOUR mods, right?
"Don't criticize what you can't understand." - which in your case would be dmodding.
"Don't criticize what you can't understand." - which in your case would be dmodding.
Yeah, maybe, but I'm sick of him spamming, and when he criticize an innocent guys game based on one screenshot, when his own maps are 100 times worse (HAve you seen them? So sloppy... ugly... and just plain worthless).. that's just too much to take.
I'm not really sure how to support my argument without giving away too much of the story, but it is a direct continuation of the story. Happy Sunshine Land (the place, not the game), while not being the prominent area, DOES play a large role in the story. Is it going to have the same dialogue from HSL1? Of course not. Why would you want it to?
Hey pilly, why are you hell bent on using the HSL name.
Find some other name.
Find some other name.
The story is a continuation. The area plays a large role in the game. One of the characters is coming back.
The story is a continuation. The area plays a large role in the game. One of the characters is coming back.
Dude, you killed dink in HSL.
Now if you revive him, that would genuinely lame.
Now if you revive him, that would genuinely lame.
It's his creative property, let him run rampant.
Now if you revive him, that would genuinely lame.
Depends on how he does it.
Depends on how he does it.
Pillbug. You must do what you want - The reason people release crappy DMODs is largely because they are too "mechanical".
Video games are an art, and the best art tends to be somewhat spontaneous. There is no greater acheivement then personal satisfaction - all the money and kudos in the world could not buy you this.
Video games are an art, and the best art tends to be somewhat spontaneous. There is no greater acheivement then personal satisfaction - all the money and kudos in the world could not buy you this.
Before you call my mapping sloppy(it is, I won't deny) take a look at the slabs in FallDink.
Well, the reason those maps are hardly detailed is because...it's a remake of an old arcade game. What is there to add?
I've ran the idea by Skorn, and I think I have a pretty good plan for how to continue the story considering the ending to the first game.
Don't tell anyone, Skorn
Don't tell anyone, Skorn

I think you sould release a new version or a patch rather than a HSL2. I think it would just be plain silly to make a direct continuation to HSL1.

"Before you call my mapping sloppy(it is, I won't deny) take a look at the slabs in FallDink."
FallDink doesn't even have "mapping"!
But if you'd take a look at any of my "real" D-Mods, even the bomb (which has some seriously bad mapping) is better than your mods..
FallDink doesn't even have "mapping"!
But if you'd take a look at any of my "real" D-Mods, even the bomb (which has some seriously bad mapping) is better than your mods..
Who turned this into a contest about who has better mods? Mine are bad and I don't deny, so no need to start screaming.
His point was that you don't have the right to criticize unless you're doing better work yourself, or maybe at least about as good.
I'm placing you under citizens arrest for violating my rights!
Give him constructive criticism. That way, you won't end up getting your ass kicked in every thread and we will be spared from your afterward whining. Everyone will be happy.
You don't have to be a trained chef to tell someone else that they're terrible at cooking.
You don't have to be a trained chef to tell someone else that they're terrible at cooking.
I agree. But let's say someone likes to cook, and they routinely put bad food in front of their guests. It might suggest they don't know what good food is supposed to be like. So when they criticize other cooks' food, people are more likely to dismiss their opinion.
But in DD's defense, at least he knows his D-Mods are bad.
I agree. But let's say someone likes to cook, and they routinely put bad food in front of their guests. It might suggest they don't know what good food is supposed to be like. So when they criticize other cooks' food, people are more likely to dismiss their opinion.
But in DD's defense, at least he knows his D-Mods are bad.
First area is done and shiny. Might go back later to help the transition between area 1 and 2, but it's good at the moment. A few sidequests are already in progress, and the new features are fully functional. New spell added. School will slow progress, but it will not be stopped. If this year is anything like last, it may motivate more, due to DinkC scripts counting as my weekly English writing assignments.
EDIT: If you *really* want to see screenshots, but can't due to photobucket, tell me and I will send them to you. Either through an alternative image sharing website, or e-mail, depending on what you would rather have.
EDIT2: Original post updated.
EDIT: If you *really* want to see screenshots, but can't due to photobucket, tell me and I will send them to you. Either through an alternative image sharing website, or e-mail, depending on what you would rather have.
EDIT2: Original post updated.
I love that you changed from photbucket to imageshack so that I also would be able to view the screenshots.
It looks really good!

Thank you!
Yeah, I've had three people tell me that they can't view Photobucket pictures, so all of the screenies will be on Imageshack from now on.

Yeah, I've had three people tell me that they can't view Photobucket pictures, so all of the screenies will be on Imageshack from now on.
due to DinkC scripts counting as my weekly English writing assignments
How did you manage that? o.O
How did you manage that? o.O
"Hey, Mrs. English teacher, I typed this story up, but it's in a programming language. Is that cool with you?"
btw im asuming all you guys found the secret switch in HSL 1? you know that one that enables you to defeat the demon and continue on with the whole 5 hours of remaining gameplay? man getting through gorgon castle was HARD! and that zombie rabbit you have to defeat? HSL is the best game ever made. you DID find the switch right?
I actually buckled down today and did some heavy mapping. The first village is now looking a lot better. I'm going back through the individual screens and making them all look shiny. I have to say though, I think my work is paying off.
I'm going to sleep proud of myself.
Note: That'll be all the screenshots for a while.
I'm going to sleep proud of myself.
Note: That'll be all the screenshots for a while.
Nice Pilly! You are right tho - the grass doesn't do it for me either in that much snow... *scratches chinny chin chin...*
Overall this looks great. I'm looking forward to this.
Though I do think that Happy Sunshine Land doesn't sound as if it should be placed in the snow.

Though I do think that Happy Sunshine Land doesn't sound as if it should be placed in the snow.

Hey, the sun can shine if there's snow on the ground.
In fact, it makes the ground shine too.

August 5th 2011, 06:57 AM


The new screenshot is very characterless.
When somebody says this, he gets 10K replies saying that it is "the makers choice, let him do what he wants"
Though I do think that Happy Sunshine Land doesn't sound as if it should be placed in the snow.
And when somebody says this, he isnt even corrected.
When somebody says this, he gets 10K replies saying that it is "the makers choice, let him do what he wants"
Though I do think that Happy Sunshine Land doesn't sound as if it should be placed in the snow.
And when somebody says this, he isnt even corrected.
Hey, the sun can shine if there's snow on the ground.
In fact, it makes the ground shine too.
Yes, I'd know all about that.

Yes, I'd know all about that.

Quick question:
1) How do you guys feel about a Quest Log? I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure if I want to implement one. It would be nice to have, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort.
1) How do you guys feel about a Quest Log? I've been thinking about it, but I'm not sure if I want to implement one. It would be nice to have, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the effort.
Maybe not a Quest Log but I think you should add plenty of clues, where to go next and what to do in certain situations. Wandering around aimlessly and searching for something to do often makes the player restless and the player will therefore be much less likely to complete the mod. Remember to keep a balance though. It is not a good idea to always be telling the player which direction he/she must go, it takes away certain elements of the game.
Just my thought.
Just my thought.

Don't listen to Marpro. What D-Mods need is an in-game walkthrough and auto-fight!
I'll just leave in the console button, and tell players what all the variables are

Implemented a new feature (Developer Commentary, see original post for details), and am now expanding on the first area to make it less linear.
Sounds cool keep it up are you going to wright a review for it or can some one else.
How does the story begin?
I don't want to say much about how it begins, since a lot is brought up. I will say it starts four years after Happy Sunshine Land 1, and continues and expands the story.
Wow, that requires a lot of work and talent!

btw im asuming all you guys found the secret switch in HSL 1? you know that one that enables you to defeat the demon and continue on with the whole 5 hours of remaining gameplay? man getting through gorgon castle was HARD! and that zombie rabbit you have to defeat? HSL is the best game ever made. you DID find the switch right?
Was I SUPOSSED to find it?
Anyways, I didnt.
And HSL1 is fabulous.
Was I SUPOSSED to find it?
Anyways, I didnt.
And HSL1 is fabulous.
As I imagined, school has slowed it down. I want to assure everyone, however, that I'm still working on it, and it has two more walrus references than before.
Now THIS is one dmod I am looking forward to - pilly stop doing homework and having a life - this is now your main priority ok !
void life(void)
if(&priorities < &straight)
if(&school == &priority1)
&dmodding = &priority1;
goto dmodding;
if(&priorities < &straight)
if(&school == &priority1)
&dmodding = &priority1;
goto dmodding;
close but threre is a slight error in that script there
<corrects> school =prority1 and dmodding ==maJorprority1 ok
<corrects> school =prority1 and dmodding ==maJorprority1 ok

for me it's:
void day(void)
&dmod = 1 //1screen

void night(void)
if(&sleepiness == 1)
sleep(&DinkDoodler, 1);
getup(&DinkDoodler, 1);
&sleepyness = 0;
if(&sleepiness == 0)
play_video_games(&DinkDoodler, 1);
turn_off_console(&DinkDoodler, 1);
&sleepiness = 1;
&sleep(&DinkDoodler, 1);

A screen a day, gets the Dmod made.
A screen a day keeps the bad scores at bay
Well, not a screen, but most of it

Well, not a screen, but most of it

While the (basically tutorial) first area is completed, with me going back every now and then to add more rooms/choices (hitting exploration hard), the next area is going to focus more on non-combat quests. While there will be fighting, it will be light. Also, it contains three (3) walrus references.
As a side project to keep me motivated, I've been creating a video showcasing a few of the new features and some of the gameplay. Not sure when it will be done, but it'll be something to keep you interested (hopefully). I doubt I'll release a demo, but I'll continue updating this thread with new information to keep you updated.
Getting quite excited about this one

I, finally, just played the first happy sunshine land and I about fell over laughing. It's simplicity was it's beauty. I see what everyone is talking about now.
Glad to see you appreciate my artistic genius
I made it when I was 11, and I'm hoping this one will turn out a bit better

Added a quick little feature where frost pillbugs in the first area take extra damage from fire damage. I doubt the game will focus much on elemental damage, but I'm just trying to optimize fun.
If anyone is interested, I made a quick walkthrough of the first few areas of the game. Enjoy!
My eyes! MY EYES!! You've defiled me!

Just timed one of my bug tests. The first area is worth about 30 minutes of gameplay
One of the things that's really given me a boost to my motivation is that I'm actually having a lot of fun playing my game. Sure I enjoyed Quest for not Quite as Lame, but I'm actually looking forward to completing more of the game, just so I can play it.

One of the things that's really given me a boost to my motivation is that I'm actually having a lot of fun playing my game. Sure I enjoyed Quest for not Quite as Lame, but I'm actually looking forward to completing more of the game, just so I can play it.
Great! No point in making a game you wouldn't enjoy yourself... I think this is going to be good

Left this alone for a couple months, but I'm putting most of my free time into working on it. I've finished a side quest, added the start to another, and fixed all the bugs I left behind for myself since a few days ago when I started working on it.
First hellfire I've seen in a while. A long while.
I've made a lot of progress on the main story so far. I've strayed from some of my original ideas to make the world a bit more interesting. I've also added a duck.
"I've also added a duck."
How can you torture us like this... Such tantalising wonders await... release it already!!

How can you torture us like this... Such tantalising wonders await... release it already!!
Talking duck? Firebreathing duck? Magical duck? Thanksgiving duck???
I really like the ideas youve implemented in your dmod so far pill!
Mainly cuz i thought of doing em myself before.
Great minds eh?
Mainly cuz i thought of doing em myself before.
Great minds eh?

I've pretty much finished the first town except for some scenery in one of the houses, and I'm currently editing IPD's Armor Demonstration for use in HSL2. I've deleted the "Pants" category (due to lack of graphics), and added "Ring" and "Amulet" categories. I've also changed the full body preview (again due to lack of graphics) to inventory slots over the full body silhouette. I'm also switching around a few graphics. Hopefully IPD won't mind me breaking everything

I've pretty much finished the first town except for some scenery in one of the houses, and I'm currently editing IPD's Armor Demonstration for use in HSL2. I've deleted the "Pants" category (due to lack of graphics), and added "Ring" and "Amulet" categories. I've also changed the full body preview (again due to lack of graphics) to inventory slots over the full body silhouette. I'm also switching around a few graphics. Hopefully IPD won't mind me breaking everything

No offence to ipd, but that actually looks alot better.
Man i CANNOT wait till you release this pill!
Man i CANNOT wait till you release this pill!

Thank you, but there's no way I would have gotten that far without IPD's system. I've just been tweaking it to my liking. Although armor will be implemented, it won't be available in shops and such, it will be more of a reward as the story progresses.
I've started working on the main city of the game. This is gonna take a while.
New Screenshot: Dink's first trip to the main city's barracks
Never played Happy Sunshine Land 1, so I don't know what to expect.
HSL2 is a continuation of what happened in HSL1, but don't let the style of the first influence your expectations of the second

Just played HSL 1.
I laughed at the ending.
Better than what I could do if i had a couple of months to work on it, honestly.
I laughed at the ending.
Better than what I could do if i had a couple of months to work on it, honestly.
It was also from 2007, and my 11 year old Dink abilities were limited

February 21st 2012, 02:22 AM


Wow! There was also one more dmod that had town surrounded with walls, houses close to each other and with stone road instead of dirt and grass. Think it was back from the grave. It was a really realistic touch for a town design in a dmod. See this one has it too. Can't wait.
I can't either. I'm actually planning on playing this one.
If I recall, BftG used the gold walls, which I can't make look cool (see the "big grey square screenshot from the first post
), so I decided to use the castle walls, which I can make cool. I have plans for this to be a very large city, large enough that the choice has been made to divide it into five districts (Market, the Apex and Warrens districts, which are the wealthy and poor residential districts, respectively, the [censored for story] district, and the [censored because I feel like it and I'm a terrible person who censors things] district). The mapping will be fairly unique, in that I've never seen anything designed like it. Four districts will surround the main district, and will be divided by portcullises (courtesy of Sir Schnappsalot).

February 22nd 2012, 12:48 PM


No wait! It wasn't back from the grave. I forgot the name of the dmod, but Dink starts in a small village and saves girl in the cave from a stone giant. That's all I can remember about it, I've played it long time ago. Anyway, in that dmod, intro cutscene shows a part of town that looks like a town, and not a big village. If you can remember, check it, maybe it will give you some inspiration. I would really like to see a proper town in a dmod.
Hmm...that doesn't sound familiar. Any idea how long ago it came out, what size it was, etc?
Oh yea, I played that. It had a really good city. I think there was a hardness error somewhere and I skipped a whole section because I walked through some screens I wasn't supposed to.
February 23rd 2012, 09:56 AM


By the way, can anyone post a link for downloading .dll files for dfarc 3?
I've made a lot of progress with the main city, and I've polished a lot of other things. The feature I'm having the most fun with so far is Perks. Every other level up, you may choose a perk from a large pool divided into four categories: Offense, Defense, Companion, and Misc. A few examples include "Leech: Slaying a foe restores 10% of your life", "Scout: Enemies display healthbars above their heads", and "Spell Caster - You have a 25% chance to retain your magic charge after casting a spell". More perks become available later, and some you can get from quests. Lots of fun.
Sounds great I hope this and HH will get me back in the game.
Nice to see you found my armor-system useful!
Nice to see you found my armor-system useful!

Yes, quite. Would you like a cup of... TEA... with that?
It looks great! Very epic and exciting. All your work is paying off. I like the teaser music too.
Glad you guys like it!
@Quiztis: Achievement Achieved! Enlisted - Sign up to play HSL2

@Quiztis: Achievement Achieved! Enlisted - Sign up to play HSL2
Making some good progress, but I can't really give any estimates on a full release. I say full release because I've been giving a lot of thought lately to releasing a demo. What do you guys think? Things to consider:
1. Even if I do release a demo, I will continue to work hard on completing the game. I say this because of the demo curse that haunts this site.
2. I had been adamant about not releasing a demo at first, but with every new feature I add I'm afraid it's going to be one thing too many and people won't like it. So I figure if I release a demo that includes all the shiny things without giving too much of the story, there would be a large enough test group for me to know what people like and what they don't.
Tell me what you think: Demo or no?
My next point is related to IPD's armor. I'm still going to use it, but I'm going to severely tone it down. Instead of a full armor system, I think I'll go with only a ring (maybe two) and an amulet. This isn't because adding all the armor seems overwhelming, it's because I've already altered many of the basic aspects of the game, and adding something this different feels like it may be a bit too much. A ring and amulet would be nice additions, but I feel that a full armor system on top of all the other stuff would just be uncomfortable to work with, from a development of view.
Making some good progress, but I can't really give any estimates on a full release. I say full release because I've been giving a lot of thought lately to releasing a demo. What do you guys think? Things to consider:
1. Even if I do release a demo, I will continue to work hard on completing the game. I say this because of the demo curse that haunts this site.
2. I had been adamant about not releasing a demo at first, but with every new feature I add I'm afraid it's going to be one thing too many and people won't like it. So I figure if I release a demo that includes all the shiny things without giving too much of the story, there would be a large enough test group for me to know what people like and what they don't.
Tell me what you think: Demo or no?
My next point is related to IPD's armor. I'm still going to use it, but I'm going to severely tone it down. Instead of a full armor system, I think I'll go with only a ring (maybe two) and an amulet. This isn't because adding all the armor seems overwhelming, it's because I've already altered many of the basic aspects of the game, and adding something this different feels like it may be a bit too much. A ring and amulet would be nice additions, but I feel that a full armor system on top of all the other stuff would just be uncomfortable to work with, from a development of view.
My thoughts are no to the demo - if you release a demo you have fulfilled your artistic desire and those that play the demo are less likely to replay the full version - now u lot can argue with me I dun care - thats how I see it.
yep, i agree with msdink on this one dude

Any chance this dmod is going to be revived and finished?
I'm still interested if this has any progress. I liked the trailer back in the day.
sadly it is not
Now accepting preorders for the finished product, please send $59.99 to my Paypal/Venmo/Cashapp if interested. Or $79.99 for limited edition which comes with a printed and signed portrait of myself.
According to some earlier posts made on this subject that you made, this dmod is "the sequel to my(your) first D-Mod" and it "isn't a joke". Plus you claimed that you were "putting all of my(your) effort into it." and that "I(You) will update the thread when I(you) deem it necessary."
Apparently your most recent update on this dmod is a joke.
Apparently your most recent update on this dmod is a joke.
Unfortunately yes. I was 14 when I began working on it which leads quickly into finals, and then college, and then a fulltime job. I feel like I came up with a lot of features that were fairly innovative, like perks and custom choices menus, but ran out of time for such an ambitious project. I'm now working from home with more time on my hands and would love to pick things back up, but I fear that the design choices I made ten years ago would make me gag and I'd want to restart the whole thing. I'll download WinDinkEdit and try to get it set back up to see how things look.
I'm pleased to learn that you are seriously working in the sequel now. I look forward to playing it!
But don't give up all your innovative ideas. What seems like something that might make you gag could be something fun and/or unique that we might all enjoy.
But don't give up all your innovative ideas. What seems like something that might make you gag could be something fun and/or unique that we might all enjoy.