The Dink Network

kindanue's Profile

I just graduated with a degree in Music Composition from SMSU.  I will be relocating to Colorado to attend graduate school in the same field.  I discovered Dink over Christmas break (2001-2002) while searching for a free game to play.

Private Message

2002-09-23 18:28:12
: : : I've been working on this model for the past few days.  Take a look at these test renders and let me know what you think.

: : : [url][/url]

: : You;ll have to copy and paste the url I guess.

: :

: Good job.

: One request: would it be possible to convert your Dink model to a Quake 2-formatted Model (md2 file, I think)?  A few clarifications:

: * Yes I have my reasons for wanting a Dink model for Quake 2.

: * No, not any time in the near future.

: * No, I don't own and/or play Quake 2 at all.

: * No, I am not crazy.

: * Yes, you will understand someday (if the fates are willing).

: I just want to know if it is possible, if so...

Well, I can't say for sure, but my guess is someone has written an app to convert various 3d formats into md2. If you can find one, anim8or can export as .3ds, .obj, and .vtx However, see my previous post, "Thanks" , about polygon counts.

kindanue has released 2 files

Midi TutorialDevelopment, TutorialGood 8.4January 31st, 2002
Lantern FlickeringDevelopmentGood 8.5January 27th, 2002

kindanue has written 13 reviews

This Utility Allows the User To Convert a Mass Amount of Images To a 256 Color Palette in ... DinkersPalNormalGood 7.5October 6th, 2002
Wow Sprite ReplacerFeaturedExceptional 9.9July 2nd, 2002
Ultimate Midi Pack Volume 2 is a Collection of 7 Original Midi Files Created By the Author UltimateMidiCollection - The Second VolumeFeaturedFair 6.6June 30th, 2002
This Faq Sound FAQNormalGood 8.0February 13th, 2002
This Tutorial is a Good Source For Information on Hardness Editing Hardness HelpNormalGood 8.9February 13th, 2002
This Annotated Version of Dinkc is Largely a Work in Progress DinkC ReferenceNormalGood 7.0February 12th, 2002
This Tutorial Covers Three Topics of Dink D-Mod Dink.ini EditingNormalGood 8.0February 12th, 2002
I Don't Think This File Was Ever Finished Making of Mystery Island (The)NormalTolerable 3.9February 12th, 2002
This Tutorial Could Be Considered Chapter One To Dan Walma's "Dink Advanced Graphics TutorialNormalFair 5.2February 12th, 2002
Hey INIcleanNormalExceptional 9.9February 12th, 2002
Yes FIAT v0.99i SourceNormalExceptional 9.9January 21st, 2002
This is a Really Good File For Giving a Few More Options To Your Baddies (Other Than Just ... Basic Enemy ShootNormalExceptional 9.5January 20th, 2002
Another Great Redink1 File Scrolling BackgroundNormalExceptional 9.5January 20th, 2002